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■ trauma update

Scapulothoracic Dissociation
William F. Lavelle, MD; Richard Uhl, MD

ment critical to the orthopedic series, car accidents accounted

A scapulothoracic dissociation is often associated with surgeon staffing a level I trau- for almost as many scapulotho-
severe neurological and vascular injuries, which may ma center. racic dissociations as motorcy-
be unrecognized at the time of presentation and may be cle accidents.11 Together these 2
potentially life threatening. COMMON MECHANISMS OF injury mechanisms account for
INJURY nearly 80% of scapulothoracic
Although various injury ac- dissociations.5,11,12 Falling from

S tability of the scapula

comes from the scapulo-
thoracic articulation aided by
Two factors may account for
what seems to be an increased
prevalence of these injuries in
counts have been described,
a massive traction force ap-
plied to the upper extrem-
a height uses a similar mecha-
nism of injury when during the
fall the patient attempts to catch
support from the clavicle strut. the modern trauma setting. The ity is the common cause of himself by grabbing onto an
In the case of a simple clavicle first factor is the ever-increas- scapulothoracic dissociation. object.
fracture or acromioclavicu- ing popularity of motorcycles It has been reported elsewhere Many patients with scapu-
lar joint separation, an intact and recreational activities that that approximately half of the lothoracic dissociation have a
scapulothoracic articulation place patients at risk for such scapulothoracic dissociations multitude of associated inju-
alone is sufficient to support a devastating injury.2 The sec- described in the literature in- ries, including a high incidence
the scapula. Disruption of the ond is the technical improve- volve a motorcyclist.4 One of head injuries, that make an
clavicle strut and the scapulo- ments in our trauma system, particular series found that exact injury mechanism diffi-
thoracic articulation leads to which have allowed patients 60% of patients with scapu- cult to obtain.
scapular instability. with such devastating injuries lothoracic dissociation were
Complete scapulothoracic to survive.3 motorcycle drivers.5 The most INJURY PATTERNS AND
dissociation with vascular dis- Despite the apparent in- logical mechanism involves a CLASSIFICATION
ruption and brachial plexus crease, scapulothoracic disso- motorcycle driver attempting to All types of scapulotho-
injury is an infrequent but ciation remains a rare injury. hold onto the handlebars while racic dissociations involve a
devastating injury. Oreck et al1 The potentially life-threaten- being forcibly thrown.5-8 Inju- complete loss of the integrity
first described this injury with ing nature of the injury makes ries to all-terrain vehicle riders of the scapulothoracic articu-
a 3-patient case series in 1984. proper identification and treat- would likely occur in a similar lation. An additional musculo-
manner and may become more skeletal injury to the shoulder
Dr Lavelle is from the Department of Orthopedics, SUNY Upstate Medi-
cal University, East Syracuse, and Dr Uhl is from the Division of Orthopedic commonly encountered due to is nearly requisite for scapulo-
Surgery, Albany Medical College, Albany, New York. their increasing popularity.2,9,10 thoracic dissociation. An an-
Drs Lavelle and Uhl have no relevant financial relationships to disclose. Other mechanisms have been teriorly based shoulder injury
Correspondence should be addressed to: Richard Uhl, MD, Division of
described, including automobile such as an acromioclavicular
Orthopedic Surgery, Albany Medical College, 1367 Washington Ave, Ste 200,
Albany, NY 12206 ( accidents and pedestrian versus joint separation, sternoclavic-
doi: 10.3928/01477447-20100429-23 automobile accidents. In one ular joint separation, or most

JUNE 2010 | Volume 33 • Number 6 417

■ trauma update

commonly a clavicle fracture based on the presence or ab- threatening, the patient’s neu- complete preganglionic neuro-
is seen (Figures 1, 2). In fact, sence of either a vascular or rological injury was the most logical injury in the upper ex-
a clavicle fracture accompa- neurological injury. A type life altering as determined by tremity.12,13,18
nied 80% of the 25 injuries 1 injury involves an isolated long-term SF-36 scores. The
reviewed by Zelle et al.12 musculoskeletal injury (Figure authors proposed adding a Vascular Findings
The violent forces that 1A), a type 2 injury involves a fourth type of scapulothoracic On physical examination,
disrupt the scapulothoracic musculoskeletal injury with ei- injury to include all patients the injured limb should be
articulation often disrupt the ther a vascular injury or a neu- with a complete brachial plex- compared to the contralateral
neurovascular structures. With rological injury (Figure 2A), us avulsion.12 extremity. The peripheral va-
the rare exception of children, and a type 3 injury includes a soconstriction caused by hypo-
whose tissue elasticity may patient with a musculoskeletal PHYSICAL EXAMINATION volemia and shock may make a
protect them from a severe injury and both a vascular and FINDINGS reliable examination difficult.
neurological or vascular inju- a neurological injury.11 De- Neurological Findings The arm should be inspected
ry,13,14 scapular displacement spite the fact that type 2 and 3 Based on the combination for mottling and examined for
is normally accompanied by injuries would intuitively rep- of motor and sensory deficits, a temperature difference be-
a significant soft tissue injury. resent more devastating and a general location of the injury tween the contralateral, and
Complete or partial avulsions disabling injuries, functional may be determined as either at presumably uninjured, extrem-
of the brachial plexus that outcome data do not to corre- the spinal roots, within the bra- ity. Pulses should be palpated
leave the patient severely de- late with Damschen’s classi- chial plexus, or in a peripheral at the wrist (radial and ulnar),
bilitated may be seen. In the fication system.12 Zelle et al12 nerve. A Horner’s syndrome or elbow (antecubital), and upper
acute setting, vascular injuries found that the completeness of paralysis of the serratus ante- arm (brachial and axillary).
maintain precedence, as these the brachial plexus injury was rior, rhomboids, supraspinatus Perhaps the most common mis-
are the components of the in- most predictive of patient’s or diaphragm are suggestive take is to attribute a pulseless
jury that are life threatening. functional outcome. The au- of a preganglionic lesion.15-17 extremity from scapulothoracic
Damschen et al11 proposed thors found that although a Some authors recommend early dissociation to a more distal
a simple classification system vascular injury was more life amputation for patients with a musculoskeletal injury as these
patients often have concomitant
upper extremity trauma.13

Chest Radiograph
On chest radiographs, the
presence of a large soft tissue
1A 1B 1C

2A 2B 2C 2D
Figure 1: A 48-year-old woman was injured when thrown from a motorcycle. She was neurovascularly intact (Type 1 scapulothoracic dissociation). Upright chest radio-
graph showing a clavicle fracture, glenoid fracture, and multiple rib fractures (A). Upright chest radiograph taken 3 days after Figure 1A showing further collapse of the
thoracic cage and inferior displacement of the scapula. The patient began having brachial plexus symptoms (pain, numbness) as the collapse progressed (B). The patient
underwent plating of the clavicle, which helped support the scapula. Four months after the injury, the patient returned to work (C). Figure 2: A 23-year-old man involved in
a motorcycle accident sustained a Type 2 scapulothoracic dissociation with post-ganglionic injury to the brachial plexus. Right shoulder radiograph showing a complete AC
separation. The scapula is completely dissociated from the thoracic cage (A). The distance from the medial border of the scapula to the spinous process is measured. The
larger value either A or B is divided by the smaller value. This patient’s ratio was calculated to be 1.6, which is abnormally wide (B). The scapula and acromioclavicular joint
were reduced and a tibial plateau locking plate was contoured to fit the clavicle and acromion to hold the reduction. The plate was left in place for 3 months, at which time
the patient underwent brachial plexus exploration and plate removal (C). Following plate removal, the position of the acromioclavicular joint and the scapula are maintained.
Note the surgical clips following brachial plexus exploration and repair. The patient ultimately gained some incomplete return of upper extremity function (D).


■ trauma update

density along the border of the paraspinous hematoma may be patient’s treating physicians. is based primarily on litera-
scapula may represent a hema- identified. An excessively large Surgeons should be mindful ture that evaluated threatened
toma and should raise suspicion hematoma may be suggestive of the risks of preserving an lower extremities.18
for a scapulothoracic dissocia- of a serious vascular injury.19 injured arm that has been isch-
tion and an associated vascular Separation of the scapula from emic in light of the functional Shoulder Stabilizing
injury. The radiograph may the chest wall may be identi- disability imposed by the loss Procedures
demonstrate lateral displace- fied on axial images. of an upper extremity. Debate exists in the litera-
ment of the scapula along with In the post-injury setting, An urgent surgical explora- ture as to the indications for
any of the other accompanying CT may be even more valu- tion is mandatory for patients shoulder stabilizing proce-
musculoskeletal injury patterns able. A cervical myelography with an active hemorrhage, an dures. As is often discussed
such as an acromioclavicular may show the appearance of expanding hematoma, or se- with “floating shoulder” type
joint separation, sternoclavicu- a pseudomeningocele, which vere hand ischemia. If vascular injuries, the shoulder is com-
lar joint separation, or clavicle is indicative of a spinal root exploration is warranted, the prised of a complex combina-
fracture (Figure 2A).1 avulsion. The presence of ⭓3 trunks of the brachial plexus tion of articulations known as
Specific radiographic crite- pseudomeningoceles is felt to should be inspected. If a com- the superior shoulder suspen-
ria for the diagnosis of a scapu- be diagnostic of an irreparable plete disruption is found, a sory complex. The superior
lothoracic dissociation have neurological injury. In the primary amputation should be shoulder suspensory complex
been described by Kelbel et al.8 case of an incomplete brachial considered, as the possibility may be thought of as a ring
On a nonrotated chest radio- plexus injury, magnetic reso- of a useful limb is so small that consisting of the middle and
graph of 50 uninjured patients, nance imaging (MRI) may of- it may not merit subjecting the distal clavicle, coracoclavicu-
the authors measured the dis- fer more detailed information patient to the risks of main- lar and acromioclavicular liga-
tance from the medial borders regarding the injury.20 taining an extremity that has ments, acromion, coracoid pro-
of both scapulas to the spinous been ischemic for an extended cess, and glenoid.22,23 Injuries
process (Figure 2B). These 2 IMMEDIATE POST-INJURY or unknown period of time. that disrupt 2 components of
distances were then divided to TREATMENT These risks are substantial and the ring are defined as unstable
obtain their ratio, which aver- When a patient with include myoglobinuria, hyper- potentially requiring stabili-
aged 1.07. Kelbel et al8 recom- scapulothoracic dissocia- kalemia, vascular thrombosis, zation.22,23 With the scapula
mended this method and value tion presents to the emer- infection, and sepsis. In addi- dissociated from the chest, an
as a reproducible measurement gency department, standard tion, many patients and their associated musculoskeletal
to establish the presence of an Advanced Trauma Life Sup- families refuse secondary am- injury such as an acromiocla-
injury as shown in Figure 2B. port protocols should be fol- putation despite possessing a vicular joint separation, ster-
For the patient with a scapulo- lowed, including a thorough numb and nonfunctional upper noclavicular joint separation,
thoracic dissociation, Zelle et and organized primary and extremity.12,18,21 or a clavicle fracture would
al12 reported an average scapula secondary survey. After the Patients with a partial bra- make for an unstable shoulder.
index of 1.29. establishment of 2 large bore chial plexus injury have been In light of this fact, some
Chest radiographs were also intravenous lines, the patient found to have some potential authors recommend that for a
found to be a valuable tool in should be adequately resus- for a functional recovery.12 patient with an arterial injury,
assessing scapular stability. Se- citated with crystalloid and Direct repair of nerve inju- the orthopedic injury should
rial upright chest radiographs blood as needed. Observance ries may be considered in this be stabilized before a vascular
obtained to assess for scapu- of proper Advanced Trauma instance provided the patient repair is attempted. Similar to
lar droop have been found to Life Support protocol may be is stable. In such cases, ur- lower extremity trauma, a sta-
be a significant problem for paramount to patient survival. gent revascularization of the ble limb is required so as not to
patients, which is not always ischemic upper extremity is disrupt a vascular repair once it
identified on an initial imaging Immediate Surgical Treatment recommended. Some authors has been completed. Addition-
series (Figures 1A, 1B).18 The decision of whether to have recommended follow- ally, the shoulder should be sta-
revascularize the upper extrem- ing the patient’s fluid balance bilized to determine the appro-
Computed Tomography/ ity or to perform an immediate carefully and considering an priate length of an interposition
Magnetic Resonance Imaging above-elbow amputation is amputation if the fluid bal- graft.18 In this situation, open
On the computed tomogra- often difficult and should in- ance is ⬎3 L positive, al- reduction and internal fixation
phy (CT) scan, a chest wall or volve the collaboration of the though this recommendation of the clavicle, acromioclavicu-

JUNE 2010 | Volume 33 • Number 6 419

■ trauma update

lar, or sternoclavicular joints is occurred and the EMG of the to the upper cervical roots as may be life threatening. Prior-
recommended. affected area will demonstrate more extensive injuries leave ity should be placed on resus-
In the extremity that does evidence of denervation. A patients without substantial citative measures, as these pa-
not require a vascular repair, a combination of limb EMG and donor nerves.25 tients have sustained significant
conservative approach has been paraspinal EMG is necessary Muscle and tendon trans- trauma. As threatening isch-
advocated by some authors as this will allow a pregangli- fers represent another avenue emia is rare, careful observa-
such as Damschen et al who onic injury to be differentiated for reconstruction. Unfortu- tion is recommended for the
recommends external bracing from a postganglionic injury.15 nately unlike peripheral nerve nonthreatened limb. For the
and shoulder support.11,13 As Patients with a complete neuro- injuries, common donor mus- ischemic limb, inspection of
these patients often have an logical injury by EMG should cles are often left injured mak- the neurological injury is rec-
extensive amount of soft tissue be followed clinically as it is ing transfer options limited. ommended as complete plexus
injury, a stabilization proce- our experience that some pa- Although muscle transfers for injuries bear a poor functional
dure performed through a zone tients may develop some func- birth palsies have been well prognosis. In these instances,
of injury bears a significant tional recovery. described, no similar series amputation should be consid-
measure of risk to the patient. If nerve reconstruction is exists in the literature for trau- ered. Late reconstruction of
Stabilization procedures may to be attempted, it should be matic brachial plexus injuries neurological injuries may be
be considered for significant performed no later than 3 to in the adult.13 complex, with extensive injury
scapular droop or as a part of 6 months from injury to avoid Shoulder stability may be limiting options of nerve re-
a definitive reconstructive pro- muscle atrophy and fibrosis an issue for these patients, pair, nerve transfer, and tendon
cedure once the zone of injury (Figure 2D). Once the muscle therefore arthrodesis remains transfer.
has improved as a part of the has atrophied and become fi- a viable option. Patients may
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■ trauma update

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Section Editors: David J. Hak, MD, MBA & Philip F. Stahel, MD

JUNE 2010 | Volume 33 • Number 6 421

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