Social Distancing

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04 The People’s Chronicle | www.thepeopleschronicle.

Imphal, Monday, May 25, 2020

Regd. No. MANENG/2012/45461 Vol VIII, Issue 245

‘Fir Muskurayega India’ - India will Smile Again
Why different rules for REV. FR. HANS IGNESS SDB Rediscover your Smile you get one back in return from all that makes all the difference. I do that she doesn't wish to live her
There is a saying, ‘If life gives you those you come across. Hence smile not know when life will, if ever, remaining life in gloom and sadness

train, flight returnees? W

e all watch the news and 100 reasons to cry, show life that you is a beautiful gift, best medicine and become normal again. Presently, as it is not going to help her in any
see the dark side of Covid have 1000 reasons to smile’. It’s im- a sharp tool of changing and healing it’s about the lockdown, but such way, but being cheerful despite the

-19, which includes dev- portant to find reasons to smile and the world. and maybe even more devastating serious health problem will give her
N view of the ceaseless inflow of stranded natives astating numbers of positive cas- laugh during dark times. Keep your Put Things into Correct Perspective catastrophes can take place often or strength to live her life. Because of
es and deaths, financial struggles, morale up, and the morale of your We often hear a common reme- more frequently. So, we must draw this spirit, she survived for 11 years.
in special trains, preceded by MLAs funding buses disturbing scenes of migrants and family, colleagues and employees. dy for alleviating our anxiety and a line somewhere to be balanced and Thus, I learnt from Sweta that
to bring in people of their respective assembly con- more. This is a strange and even scary When you open your eyes and ears pain that is putting things into to put correct perspectives in the we can defeat problems rather than
stituencies, it seems that the government of Manipur time that we are living with. Let’s to see and hear good, you’ll start right perspective. We can think of order of daily importance. letting the problems to overpower
face it. Life can be brutal at times to notice even the smallest random events that happened yesterday, Regroup and Turn your Tears into us. This learning has helped me to
has a lot of making up to do to ensure continuation of and get you down but you can’t be acts of kindness happening around a week ago, a decade ago, and so Smiles again deal with problems in life objectively.
the evacuation operations in the smoothest possible on a life journey without getting you. That alone is a good reason to on. Likewise, we can imagine a Problems and challenges are part And, I am sure you too will adapt
way and at the same time minimise pressure on the through some tough times. In the smile. Many people, in general, are future of tomorrow, next month, and parcel of our life. It is a known this attitude successfully and live
year 2019, Assam suffered a major finding ways to give back joy and or twenty years from now. Imag- truth of life. But, that does not mean a blissful life.
healthcare service providers. Regardless of the tangible flood situation, wherein, around 80 kindness, often at their own personal ine yourself and your life a year that we should completely focus on Conclusion
apprehension among the general populace, particularly people lost their lives, and more than sacrifice. So, there is surely quite a from now. You might not know the problems and forget to smile. As India and the world fight this
the resident citizens, who see the returnee natives as 5 lakh people were affected during bit of “good” happening around us. exactly what this will look like, In other words, if we remain sad or virus I want to encourage the read-
the flood. It was in the month of It’s hard to rediscover your smile but do your best to envision what grumpy due to the problems, we are ers and citizens to use this time to
possible virus carriers, it would grossly inhumane to August, Halicharan Narzary, the when you are hurt inside. But we you might be doing, how you’ll be letting the problems to control how enjoy the little joys, things, good
ignore yearning of own blood brothers to return home 25-year old Assam lad, one of the need to move on and learn to forgive. behaving, who you’ll be interacting we feel. Based on my experience I can deeds, relationships, smiles, posi-
from cities and towns they had been staying with the most prolific midfielders (Football) Stop fretting, let go, and move on. with, etc. The key to shifting your tell you that if you adapt this attitude tive attitudes and so on and never
hope of a better life but has been turning into unlive- of the present day, said during an You can’t change the past, but you perspective is to remember what you will be able to deal with your take them for granted again. Let us
interview, “I want to make Assam most assuredly can change your you're aiming for. For example: A problems objectively and effectively, turn our tears into smiles; uphold
able places subsequent to severity of the coronavirus smile again. Assam has suffered a lot future. Cheer up! Believe in yourself job where you perform habitual tasks and able to solve most of them. In and help each other to renew and
pandemic. Extricating the citizens from such hostile from the recent floods. But it’s time and never ever give up from con- is going to continue being ordinary, fact, I owe this valuable learning relive the forgotten moral values,
regions and reuniting them with their loved ones are to make it (Assam) smile again.” Bol-
lywood's hope anthem 'Muskurayega
tinuing to be the best you can be!
Recently, Indian skipper Virat Kohli
if you see it as "just a job." But a job
where you perform routine tasks
of life from one of my colleague,
Sweta who passed away in 2013 due
and discover joy amidst sadness as
rightful citizens with responsibility
the primary reasons for Manipur becoming one of the India', aims to send out the message while spending quality time with that could be seen as a way to learn to cancer. She was diagnosed having and duties. Then only we can say
first states in the northeast region to launch the evac- that the country will smile again if his actress wife Anushka said in a skills, is no longer "just a job." It's cancer in 2002. Initially she was 'Fir Muskurayega India' - India will
uation exercise. With the unfolding humanitarian crisis the country supports each other in message (social media account), that an opportunity to learn. So in the devastated but over a period of time Smile Again.
the current crisis situation. Dear their smiles might be fake at times above paragraph, nothing physically she came to terms with this reality. (The writer is a Catholic
getting grimmer in India, where the disease infection friends, in this article, I will give you of distress, but they are not. Yes, it’s changed. You didn't move offices. She remained cheerful most of the Priest belonging to the Sale-
rate has been showing no restraint notwithstanding an idea about you how to rediscover simply not worth being sad! A smile You didn't get a raise. You didn't time till she lived. When asked, how sians of Don Bosco and current-
its comparatively low fatalities, coupled with tales of your smile, put things into correct is very cheap, beautiful and conta- work with people that are "more she managed to remain happy de- ly is the Principal of Don Bosco
perspective, regroup and turn your gious and spreads joy and happiness. fun." The only thing that changed spite having such life threatening Hr. Sec. School, Chingmeirong
the migrant workers’ harrowing sufferings hitting the tears into smiles again. And when you give a smile away, was your perspective/attitude. And health problem, she used to respond – Imphal, Manipur).
headlines of national dailies and news channels, it is
but natural that the government of Manipur had to act
compassionately to address plight of the state’s natives.
With the stranded natives posting emotional appeals
Social distancing or Social discrimination
to rescue them apart from civil societies raising a hue
and cry, buses were arranged to bring back home the Looking ahead to the days post Covid-19 through the lens of Science and Spirituality
migrants in the initial stages of the evacuation exercise ROBINDRO ARIBAM a greater good which is most thunam ca samanyam etat underlying fabric that makes us bigger cause of concern in the “The humble sages, by vir-
before the Centre allowed operation of special trains. important for any community pasubhir naranam dharmo hi uniquely social as humans and coming days and in days post tue of true knowledge, see with

In the national context, the main reason for migrant e are living through a to thrive. Such attitude then tesam adhiko viseso dharmena which differentiates us from Covid19 whether or not we are equal vision a learned and gentle
time where Covid-19 acts as a catalyst in the meta- hinam pasubhih samanah other social animals and insects able to contain the effects of the brahmana, a cow, an elephant, a
workers abandoning their jobs and opting to take the pandemic is set to or morphosis of social distancing [Hitopadesa 25] is ‘dharma’; being aware, being virus and the virus itself. How dog and an outcaste.” (Bhagavad
arduous journey of walking or cycling to their home already has changed the course to social discrimination. Why “Both animals and men share sensible and sensitive to the ser- much are we, as individuals, Gita 5.18)
states is apathy of governments of their adopted states of human history on this planet.
The question is when this pan-
such a metamorphosis takes
place? Because people do not
the activities of eating (ahara),
sleeping (nidra), mating (mai-
vice we can give to others. World
Health Organization (WHO) is
prepared to minimize such an
outcome? Because once we
Marie Curie, Nobel Laureate
in Chemistry, echoed a similar
whereas in case of Manipuris the problems include loss demic subsides, nobody knows understand what life is, what thuna) and defending (bhaya). taking up the same principle lose our instinctive social na- concern.
of jobs, racial discrimination and absence of compas- when, either by natural caus- is the meaning and purpose of But the special property of the as educative measures to fight ture based on the principles of “We cannot hope to build a
sion of the landlords. es or by human intervention, the human form of life. humans is that they are able the Covid19 (Learn more to be dharma, we are no longer social better world without improving
whether what is left of us are The first aphorism in Vedanta to engage in dharma, spiritu- Ready for #Covid19: www.who. animals. Remove the world so- the individual. Toward this end,
There have been reports that even if states make only names framed in time or we Sutra says ‘athato brahma jijna- al life. Therefore, without the int/COVID19). cial from “Man is a social ani- each of us must work toward his
provisions for migrants’ access to benefits and support, live to share some good lessons sa’ (Vedanta Sutra 1.1.1) which practice of dharma or spiritual Be KIND to address fear, stig- mal” and you get, “Man is a (an) highest development, accepting
worth passing on to the future means ‘Now, one should inquire life, humans are on the level of ma during #coronavirus animal”. We cannot avoid ‘Social at the same time his share of
no measures are put in place to make migrants aware generations? into the nature of the Absolute animals”. Show empathy, solidarity Distancing’ in our fight against responsibility for all humanity.”
of the relevant schemes and policies or to facilitate this We have been taught all truth or God.’ Further inqui- The word dharma has been with those affected Learn about Covid19 but the stigma of ‘Social Eve Curie, Madame Curie – A
access. Migrants have little or no state-level support throughout our school days ries stem up from here: Who misinterpreted or wrongly the disease to assess the risk Discrimination’ will only slow Biography by Eve Curie, Galli-
and even during and after the am I? What is my relationship defined as religion. Dharma is Adopt practical measures to down the efforts. How would mard Press, 1938, p.53
and are often scapegoated by local law enforcement university years that ‘Man… with the cosmos and all the liv- that which gives an identity or stay safe. you heal the scars of a person Whether we survive to tell
and politicians for any trouble. They are underpaid, which means us humans… is a ing entities? Madhvacharya, a existence to the object; it is the We need to question our- who was physically, mentally, our side of the story or perish at
underserved and unable to be fully productive. As their social animal.’ great teacher in the Vedic tra- occupational duty of a person. selves, “Are we supposed to be emotionally traumatized by the nature’s will, we can still leave a
Merriam Webster’s dictionary ditions, proclaimed that only Religion refers to a kind of faith afraid of the virus or the person public just because there were legacy of goodwill to tell our sto-
plights multiplied with the outbreak of coronavirus, it is defines ‘Social’ as when a man asks such mean- and hence people change from infected or whom we presume or could have been chances ries so that generations to come
obvious that the migrant workers wouldn’t care about Relating to or involving activ- ingful questions and embarks one faith to another. Dharma, to be infected by the virus?” of his or her being exposed to will find inspiration from their
words of caution by global health experts that migrant ities in which people spend time on the scientific quest to find on the other hand, is fixed and Survival of the fittest may still the virus? We have seen just ancestors who faced a global
workers returning home could become vectors carrying talking to each other or doing
enjoyable things with each other
their answers, has he become
a human being; otherwise he is
unchangeable. For instance, the
dharma of sugar is to be sweet,
be at work. Nature may elim-
inate the weak but it is good
numerous cases where none
other than the frontline Covid
pandemic called Covid19, just
as we were inspired when our
the coronavirus to unaffected states and villages. Amid Of or relating to human only a two-legged animal. It is sweetness is the defining char- to keep in mind that nature or workers who are our first and grandparents told us stories of
the grim prospect of stranded people likely to bring society, the interaction of the interesting to note that Erwin acteristic of sugar. If sweetness the virus will not discriminate most effective shield against the those amazing lands from the
home the deadly contagion, it is worrisome that there individual and the group, or
the welfare of human beings
Schrodinger, the founding fa-
ther of Quantum Physics asked
is taken away from sugar, it is
no longer sugar. Fire must give
between the privileged and the
less fortunate. Anybody can be
virus, namely the doctors, nurs-
es, hospital staff, police and law
bygone ages. Everyone loves a
good story. “Social distancing
was no health screening of over 1500 stranded persons as members of society the same fundamental question heat and light; if heat and light affected. We used to hear of a enforcers are harassed, physi- without Social discrimination”,
hailing from Manipur who boarded Indian Railways’ The meaning of ‘being social’ in his monograph ‘What is Life?’ is not there in fire, it is not fire. time when leprosy was consid- cally assaulted, called names. definitely not a bad idea for a
first special train from Mumbai on May 20. The train may never be the same anymore. which was published in 1944. A Chemically, every element has ered incurable and lepers were These are wounds that will take storyline.
Social distancing is supposed synthesis of Science and Spiri- its distinctive solubility, con- shunned by the society. We have a long time to heal. (The writer, Robindro Arib-
boarders exempted; to put it decorously, from the to mean ‘socializing at a safe tuality, is therefore, necessary ductivity, bonding and reactive come a long way from those Chanakya Niti says, ‘… atma- am (Ramanuja Das) holds a
mandated health guidelines, suggests that some of distance’ and not to be become to pave the way into days to properties, atomic structure, days and in 2020 if we are still vat sarva bhutesu, yah pasyati Masters’ Degree in Botany and
the virus-ravaged states are more than happy to see ‘distant socially’. come post Covid19 so that our etc. which defines its dharma. shackled by the same mentality sa panditah’ (he is learned who trained in Science and Spiri-
The ability to ‘discriminate existence on this planet proves What, then, is the dharma of a of shunning the sick instead of treats others as he would expect tuality by Dr TD Singh (H.H.
the departure of non-locals. Nevertheless, it is not the the good from that which is not’ meaningful. human being? To render service. helping them recover then will himself to be treated by others). Bhaktisvarupa Damodara
time to vilify either the Mumbai authorities or the native is certainly a gift that helps one For human beings, socializing The father serves the family, this mentality not be considered Bhagavad Gita gives the basis of Swami), who was the inter-
returnees. Rather, the government of Manipur should take humane decisions. Very goes beyond mere gathering of the mother serves the children, primitive? Will it not be worth- being social as a human being national director of Bhaktive-
often than not, discrimination the pack to determine who is children serves the parents and while to introspect what values which is to see everyone with danta Institute, a center for
follow the basic rules for containing Covid-19 such as takes up a completely differ- the alpha, grooming to show elders, people serve the society, of life have we gained from our equal vision because the learned advanced studies in Vedanta
mandatory health check-up of the state natives and ent definition: the practice of allegiance, maintaining terri- citizens serve the nation, the so-called modern education person, a pandita, sees the spirit and Science. He has delivered
putting them in institutional or community quarantine unfairly treating a person or torial boundaries, fighting off king serves his subjects, the and advancement in science within and not just the external lectures on science and spiritu-
group of people differently from intruders or leading the group to prime minister or president too and technology? body. ality in numerous educational
centres till they are medically confirmed to leave for other people or groups of peo- a waterhole or better pasturing serves the citizens. If somebody WHO fears that depression vidya vinaya sampanne brah- institutions and government
home quarantining. It is also desirable that the gov- ple. This generates a conscience grounds. Or it is supposedly so? has no one in life, he or she keeps among those who are in quar- mane gavi hastini establishments in India as well
ernment reviews its latest order issued in connection that lacks empathy, servitude The Vedic scriptures point a dog or a cat and render them antine centers, isolation wards suni caiva svapake ca as overseas. He may be reached
with resumption of domestic flight services wherein and the spirit to sacrifice for out, ahara-nidra-bhaya-mai- service as pets. Therefore, the or being hospitalized will be the panditah sama darsinah at
family members would be allowed to pick up the re-
turnees from the airport, thereby signifying that the
latter wouldn’t be put in quarantine centres like other COVID -19 Pandemic and a subtle social contract
returnees. It must be noted that the coronavirus spread VIRJEET NINGTHOUJAM living previously to question why now in point is that of PM CARES (Prime selves have the capacity to test their Making of a new normal
in India after the same was imported with the return of and not then. Another set of argument Minister’s Citizen Assistance and Relief own people as recommended. With The pandemic has effectively halt-
Indians from abroad. As such, there is no guarantee the
ovel Coronavirus or COVID-19 is that they are facing enough hardship in Emergency Situations) fund. With their own set of priorities to contain ed private enterprises and state is
pandemic has set in motion an in the form of social discrimination minimum contributable amount of the pandemic and a rapidly crumbling looked upon as the sole redeemer
state natives returning to Manipur in the flight from unprecedented amount of dis- apart from the inadequate access to 10 INR and no restriction on upper health care system, their attention is from disruptions. Opinion makers
other states, including many virus hotspot regions, location in human lives in terms both essential items in other states which limit, people from diverse economic as expected on the other side. Add to are advocating complete obedience
wouldn’t be carriers of the deadly disease. social and economic. From reducing warrants their constant appeal for a background have made regular con- it the deliberate inability to identify to state regulations which are often
an already weakened economy to near passage home. After all they are our tribution to it. Interestingly, there is people with a whole set of different ambiguous if not contradictory. What
standstill to chilling news report of own, ‘one of us’. The pandemic has a provision of income tax exemption social and physical attributes as their we are forgetting is the fact that quar-
Aatmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan & economic exhausted people trying to return transformed this concept of ‘one of for those contributing to PM CARES. fellow countrymen, their approach is antine centers are in a mess, their
assistance package to kickstart the economy home being run over by speeding train,
COVID-19 has all the elements that are
us’ into a liability effectively unrav-
elling the rhetoric produced around
While states have their respective CM
CARES fund, people have a tendency
predictable. This is precisely where the
idea of nation needs to be reassessed. A
functioning a big disappointment.
Anything going wrong and we blame
OINAM NABAKISHORE SINGH, IAS RETD 45 days of announcement on nothing less novel. The pandemic laid the construction of ‘us’ and ‘them’ in contributing to PM CARES given nation according to Benedict Ander- people both returnees and residents.
13th May, 2020 will infuse bare old fault lines noticeably while binary. Our own daughters and sons the provision of income tax exemp- son is an imagined community living If anything is expected it is out of peo-

he Government also pro- the much-needed liquidity new fault lines are drawn. The idealized of the soil intimately attached to the tion. Already under serious financial in a territorialized space. But Partha ple. If any credit should be extended it
poses to spend a sum of to the MSMEs. Promotion of notion of cooperative federalism and social psyche have overnight become strain with GST implementation and Chatterjee’s question of whose imag- is the ruling dispensation. It must be
Rs.1000 crore to create e-marketplace for MSMEs is understandings on the question of nothing less than an enemy. If we could the pandemic forcing economic ac- ined community resonates remarkably remembered that power once accu-
a corpus and leverage it to a good step if implemented ‘nationality’ need a complete reas- only shift our gaze from victim blaming tivities to a grinding halt, states are well in our case. In imagining a com- mulated, it tends to hold up. Instead
raise Rs.40,000 crores from with handholding and guid- sessment in light of persisting racial to critiquing the appalling state of our effectively left to the mercy of the munity and defining a nation-state, of asking why there is a complete lack
investors to have a total sum ance. Many MSMEs may not and xenophobic approach exhibited health infrastructure, we could have centre in financial matters. The irony our imaginations are hardly figured of planning on part of the government
of Rs.50,000 as Fund of Fund have the wherewithal of using by different communities based on made some difference. What we are however is the fact that health and its in while it is the ‘mainland’ with all in bringing back stranded Manipuris,
to infuse equity capital in MS- e-marketplace to compete in physical attributes. witnessing is a situation where respon- associated matters are items on the its paraphernalia that went into this we are questioning their intention
MEs. These proposals, if im- tenders for procurement by Homecoming of the “intimate en- sibility is demanded not from those in state list. This point to an overt top process of imagining. Nobody with and timing of coming home. Such
plemented, will give a boost to the government and its un- emy” powers but from the helpless while down approach with states left with a sound knowledge of transmission line of thinking is symptomatic of
the capital structure of MSMEs dertakings. Restricting global Answering to distress calls from pitting ourselves against one another. little room for autonomy in decision of the pandemic would want to risk a larger social malice that absolves
and make them more credit tenders upto Rs.200 crores marooned Manipuris living in different Cooperative federalism revisited making. Even more alarming is that their health travelling several hundred leaders from accountability while
worthy for additional credit. announced by the government part of the country, the Chief Minister The idea of India is conceptualized such concentration of power in fewer kilometres. Circumstances forced their fixing responsibility to commoners.
Merging of services and shall help in promoting local has allowed their return into the state as a union of states not as a federation hands in the centre is replicated in return and unusual their circumstances About time intellectuals pose uncom-
manufacturing in the defi- procurement. subject to compulsory fourteen days with power balance hugely in favour the state where we are experiencing are. While migrant workers across the fortable questions on a self-serving
nition of MSME is a desirable The above-mentioned mea- quarantine as arranged by the gov- of the union. Yet, constitution makers often ambiguous impositions being country are leaving workplaces for their and self-perpetuating system while
step. Raising the limit of in- sures and assistance are to ernment. As anticipated, few of the espoused for some federalism in mat- made intermittently. Such ambiguity homes out of economic hardships, confronting the new normal. High
vestment and turnover in the help the MSMEs to resume returnees turned out to be carriers of ters of centre-state relations in part is exploited by law enforcing agencies stranded Manipuris had to deal eco- time leaders take a moral stand and
new definition of MSMEs will their businesses as soon as re- the fearful COVID-19 virus after their 11 and 12 of the Indian constitution against the already incapacitated mass. nomic difficulty and social ostracism abdicate entrenched convention of
help them in enjoying the in- laxations are available during nasopharyngeal swab test samples indicating certain autonomy for the Problem of difference simultaneously. While arguing that “private enterprise at public risk”
centives of MSME better. Pro- the lockdown. However, there were reported positive. Netizens of states. More strikingly, Prime Minister The point that these returnees should they could have returned earlier since with emphasis on improving public
posal to release the receivables remains many questions all ilks had their say. Opinions range Narendra Modi has been expressing have been scrutinized at departure there was enough time for them to healthcare and allied sectors.
of MSMEs from the Central which are to be answered to from why cause a spike in number of desirability of cooperative federalism points prior to their journey home is do so, we are glossing over people’s (The writer is PhD student
Government and Central Pub- achieve the envisaged goals. active cases with their arrival instead for some time now. However, evidence valid. But this point overlooks the fact means of livelihood and sidelining NEHU, Shillong. Mobile num-
lic Sector Undertakings within TO BE CONTD... of staying put to wherever they were points to a complete incongruity. A case that the states they left do not them- the exclusion they were subjected to. ber 9015108612).

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