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DATE: APRIL 2ND, 2020 
OCCUPANTS:Norm and Kollett are a middle aged couple who were 
just recently remarried to one another. They are starting this 
new chapter of their lives but want to change their extra 
room/game room into a movie room. Both of them work in aerospace 
and like a sleek but comfy home. They want a place where they 
can relax and where their guests can relax too. 
SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: They have 4 daughters who enjoy inviting 
people over. 
LIFESTYLE: Norm and Kollett have a very busy lifestyle, between 
work and their daughters they are always out doing something.But 
just like their daughters they really enjoy having people over 
and entertaining people. 
HOBBIES: They like to be active, but also enjoy unwinding with 
their girls. They enjoy swimming, working out, watching movies, 
drinking wine, etc.. 
SPACE TO BE DESIGNED: Family game room/movie room 
ENTERTAINING: They have a large group of friends that they like 
having over, and also like making new friends by inviting them 
to their house. They like having superbowl parties, wine nights, 
movie nights, and just social gatherings with their friends and 
their friends' kids. They entertain people very frequently. 
DAILY ACTIVITIES FOR SPACE: Watching T.V., workout space, 
hangout room. 
FAVORITE COLORS: They like neutral colors, nothing too 
overwhelming. They like to use light colors to feel comfortable 
within a space. 
ROOM IMPRESSIONS: Comfortable and fun 
FAVORITE WOODS: They like light grey toned woods, they like 
reclaimed wood. 
DESIRED STYLE: They want a modern look to a movie room/game 
room. They want this space to feel open and spacious. But they 
also want this to be a comfortable space for their family and 
their guests. They want it to look and feel clean. 
ITEMS TO KEEP: Sofa, loveseat. 
SCHEDULE: They would like this to be completed by the end of 
PROBLEM STATEMENT: The main issue in this space is the fireplace 
on the side wall. This fireplace is very beautiful but it takes 
up a lot of space making it difficult to work with. There also 
no restroom in this space for their family to use or their 
guests. This is something that they would like to add if 
possible to the space. I think the biggest issue is using the 
space wisely.They also need help in creating a comfortable space 
with lots of sitting and lounging room. They want everything in 
the room to last throughout each of their girls lives in the 
home. So this needs to be a space for ages ranging from 12-40s 
or 50s. Something that also might be very good to have within 
the space is adjustable furniture so that when they’re not 
having gatherings they can use the space for things they enjoy 
such as working out.  

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