Pre-Test Oral Comm

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United Church of Christ in the Philippines

Nasugbu Christian Faith Academy, Inc.

San Roque St., Nasugbu, Batangas

Pre- Test in Oral Communication

Grade 11

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. The systematic process through which individuals interact through symbols to create and
interpret meaning.
A. Communication C. Verbal Communication
B. Interview D. Writing
2. One who transmits the words, actions, or expressions.
A. Texter C. Sender
B. Receiver D. Writer
3. The origin of the message which contains the idea or action.
A. Source Code C. Input
B. Output D. Source
4. The response made by the receiver which tells the sender if the intended message is
understood or decoded properly.
A. Feedback C. Reply
B. Output D. Channel
5. This model of communication is referred to as the Transmission or Standard View Model and
has three main parts.
A. Schramm’s Model of Communication C. Shannon-Weaver’s Model
B. Berlo’s SMCR Model of Communication D. Aristotle’s Model of Communication
6. The form of communication through oral expression of the idea or message.
A. Verbal Communication C. Non Verbal Communication
B. Charade Communication D. Linear Communication
7. Which among the following has the correct arrangement of the elements in communication?
A. sender, decode, encode, receiver, feedback, channel
B. sender, encode, receiver, decode, channel, feedback
C. receiver, encode, decode, sender, feedback, channel
D. encode, decode, sender, receiver, channel, feedback
8. This is an integral part of the process of communication and is a process in itself. It is not
simple or passive, but it is complex and active.
A. Listening C. Speaking
B. Writing D. Singing
9. The source who encodes and the recipient who decodes are one and within the same
A. Interpersonal Communication C. Intrapersonal Communication
B. Spatial Communication D. Special Communication
10. This form of communication involve a person that shares his/her thoughts, ideas, and
aspirations with another person or group of persons.
A. Intrapersonal Communication C. Spatial Communication
B. Verbal Communication D. Interpersonal Communication
11. Below the following is an example of Intrapersonal Communication EXCEPT:
A. interpreting signs C. making gestures while thinking
B. face to face communication D. writing journals or reflections
12. This communication involves two persons.
A. Dyad C. Small group
B. triad D. public speaking
13. This is talking or addressing to a considerable number of persons or a crowd.
A. Public Communication C. Verbal Communication
B. Non Verbal Communication D. None of the above.
14. It pertains to how people communicate to oneself and one another.
A. Techniques in Communicating
B. Strategies in Communicating
C. Style in Communication
D. Principles in Communication

15. This communication style is used to address self-questions or self-talk, exclamations,
sudden realizations, showing of surprise, and of expression of interest.
A. Casual C. Formal
B. Intimate D. Therapeutic
16. This style is used in formal interview, meetings, in the church, bank, job interviews, etc.
A. Casual C. Formal
B. Intimate D. Therapeutic
17. This style is present when one exhibits interest in conferring with other people on a topic,
project or program, activity or letting other people participate in decision-making.
A. Casual C. Intimate
B. Consultative D. Formal
18. When one uses contractions, slang, simplified grammar, and dropping “that” in statements
and etc., the person uses ________ communication style.
A. Casual C. Therapeutic
B. Consultative D. Frozen
19. This style is used when one shows hesitation, disinterest or prejudice during a dialogue,
conversation or conference.
A. Casual C. Therapeutic
B. Consultative D. Frozen
20. He espoused the Speech Act Theory.
A. Jane Austin C. John Austin
B. Jake Austin D. None is the correct answer.
21. Determine what communication style is used in this phrase/sentence, “Meeting ajourn.”
A. Formal Style C. Casual Style
B. Consultative D. Intimate
22. Determine what communication style is used in this phrase/sentence, “I am lovin’ it.”
A. Formal Style C. Casual Style
B. Consultative D. Intimate
23. Determine what communication style is used in this phrase/sentence, “will study! (how to do
A. Formal Style C. Casual Style
B. Consultative D. Intimate
24. Determine what communication style is used in this phrase/sentence, “That is fantastic!”
A. Formal Style C. Casual Style
B. Consultative D. Intimate
25. Determine what communication style is used in this phrase, “Let the council handle it.”
A. Formal Style C. Casual Style
B. Consultative D. Intimate
26. In a communication, it is the utterance itself.
A. Locomotor C. Locution
B. Locomotion D. Locator
27. It is the actual response of listener to the utterance.
A. Locutor C. Locution
B. Perlocution D. Illocution
28. It involves suggesting or agreeing on a topic.
A. Nomination C. Agreement
B. Cancellation D. Restriction
29. In a communication or conversation, this is what we call winding up and ending a
A. termination C. approval
B. nomination D. cancellation
30. This is a communication skill that serves three functions in a society, regulation/control,
social interaction and the like.
A. Listening C. Speaking
B. Writing D. Reading
31. Below is the part of speeches EXCEPT one:
A. resolution C. introduction
B. body D. conclusion
32. Duration of delivery of an effective speech does not usually exceed twenty minutes.
A. False C. Sometimes True
B. Maybe D. True
33. This refers to any of the body organs that is used for speech production.

A. Articulators C. Encoder
B. Decoder D. Larynx
34. This refers to changing the tone, pitch and volume of a person’s voice.
A. Articulation C. Modulation
B. Pronunciation D. Motivation
35. This type of speech explains, describes and clarifies an object, a process and an idea.
A. Expository Speech C. Persuasive Speech
B. Informative Speech D. Entertainment Speech
36. In this type of speech, the three important characteristics to establish a convincing speech
are logical reasoning, emotional appeal to the audience, and the credibility of the speaker.
A. Expository Speech C. Persuasive Speech
B. Informative Speech D. Entertainment Speech
37. This speech type imparts a lighter mood to the audience while a lesson or point is taught.
A. Expository Speech C. Persuasive Speech
B. Informative Speech D. Entertainment Speech
38. This type of speech is where the speaker has no preparation at all.
A. Extemporaneous Speech C. Impromptu Speech
B. Memorized Speech D. Manuscript Speech
39. This is an oral group interpretation that involves memorization of a selected manuscript and
delivered in harmony.
A. Oral Recitation C. Drama recital
B. Speech Choir D. Dynamic Presentation
40. This is a structured discussion, which tackles an issue from two sides: the pros and the
A. Debate C. Oral Presentation
B. Dynamic Duo D. Drama
41. This order of organizing an informative speech, ideas are organized according to the time
they occurred.
A. Chronological order C. Climactic order
B. Topical order D. Spatial order
42. Ideas are organized from the physical structure or location of the subjects; it is usually used
for descriptions.
A. Chronological order C. Climactic order
B. Topical order D. Spatial order
43. Information is arranged according to each point’s importance.
A. Chronological order C. Climactic order
B. Topical order D. Spatial order
44. Details are presented from points to subpoints or topics to subtopics.
A. Chronological order C. Climactic order
B. Topical order D. Spatial order
45. In this order, two details are presented which highlight one ideas as more beneficial than the
A. Problem Solution Order C. Comparative Advantage method
B. Statement of reasons method D. Comparable method
46. Ideas are organized with a thesis statement followed by the supporting reasons.
A. Problem Solution Order C. Comparative Advantage method
B. Statement of reasons method D. Comparable method

Identify the general purpose of the following speech excerpts.

47. “I have always regarded myself, in the first place, as an African patriot. After all, I was born
in Umtata, forty-six years ago. My guardian was my cousin, who was the acting paramount chief
of Thembuland, and I am related both to Sabata Dalindyebo, the present paramount chief.”
- an excerpt from “An Ideal I Am Prepared to Die For” Nelson Mandela
A. to inform C. To persuade
B. to entertain D. to sympathize
48. “This truth works with everything else, including money. You have to learn the secrets of
true happiness before money comes, so that when it does come, you’ll know how to handle it
and become even happier. You need to learn to be happy without lots of money.”
- an excerpt from “Are You Happy Without Money?” Bo Sanchez
A. to inform C. To persuade
B. to entertain D. to sympathize

49. “I think Dr. Gates said it best. You can receive a lot of awards in your life, but there is
nothing better… There is nothing better than to be honoured by your own. Thank you. Thank
you. I’ll be calling myself Dr. Winfrey on Monday morning.”
- an excerpt from Commencement speech, Oprah Winfrey
A. to inform C. To persuade
B. to entertain D. to sympathize
50. “Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, I say to you today, my friends. And so even
though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply
rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out
the true meaning of its creed: ‘We hold these truths to self-evident, that all men are created
- an excerpt from “I have a Dream” Martin Luther King, Jr.
A. to inform C. To persuade
B. to entertain D. to sympathize


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