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The Futtsu Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) - based Thermal Power Station located in
Futtsu in Japan’s Chiba prefecture – 30km east of Tokyo. Is currently the world’s
seventh biggest Thermal Power Plant. Owned and operated by Tokyo Electric Power
Company (TEPCO), it consists of four combined cycle power plants commissioned
between 1985 and 2010.

The first two plants, with 1,000MW installed capacity each, were commissioned in 1986
and 1988. They comprise of 14 combined cycle units based on GE’s 9E gas turbines.
The third plant, Futtsu-3 comprising four 380MW GE 109FA+e combined cycle systems
with 55.3% design thermal efficiency, was commissioned in 2003. The 1,520MW Futtsu-
4 was commissioned between 2008 and 2010, and consists of three GE 109H
combined cycle systems with 58.6% design thermal efficiency. It has a power
generation capacity of 5,040 MW supplied by liquid natural gas (LNG) fuel from a
nearby underwater pipeline running to the Futtsu LNG terminal.

In September 2016, TEPCO and GE Power, a subsidiary of US electrical firm General

Electric, signed a memorandum of understanding agreement to introduce industrial IoT
solutions throughout the utility’s thermal power plant fleet.

Types of Natural Gas

2.1 Natural Gas

Natural Gas is the main feedstock for city gas. It has a reputation of being a clean
energy because its controlled combustion releases lower levels of substances that
cause global warming or air pollution. Natural gas is a mixture of gases which are rich in
hydrocarbons. Natural gas reserves are deep inside the earth near other solid & liquid
hydrocarbons beds like coal and crude oil. Natural gas is not used in its pure form; it is
processed and converted into cleaner fuel for consumption. Many by-products are
extracted while processing of natural gas like propane, ethane, butane, carbon dioxide,
nitrogen etc, which can be further used.

Natural Gas can be classified into two types, compressed natural gas (CNG) and
liquefied natural gas (LNG).

2.1.1 Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)

Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) is natural gas fuel that has been compressed to less
than 1% of its volume (at standard atmospheric pressure), making naturally odorless,
colorless and gaseous. CNG is inexpensive to produce and store making it ideal for
numerous fleet sizes: refuse trucks, buses, shuttles, taxis and heavy-duty trucks.

The use of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) as a transport fuel is a mature technology
and widely used in parts of the world. Although compressed natural gas is a fossil fuel, it
is the cleanest burning fuel at the moment in terms of NOx and soot (PM) emissions.
2.1.2 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is natural gas that has been cooled to a liquid state, at
about -260° Fahrenheit. The volume of natural gas in its liquid state is about 600 times
smaller than its volume in its gaseous state. This process, which was developed in the
19th century, makes it possible to transport natural gas to places pipelines do not reach
and to use natural gas as a transportation fuel.

2.2 Difference of CNG and LNG

CNG is methane that, through a multi-stage process, has been compressed to less than
one percent of the volume it occupies at standard atmospheric pressure. LNG, while still
composed of methane, undergoes a much more complex cryogenic process in which it
is cooled to a temperature of around -162 degrees Celsius, bringing it to a liquid state at
which it occupies 1/600th of its gaseous state volume at standard atmospheric

The differing states of these two natural gas products make each more appropriate for
certain applications. Because it is easier to produce, CNG can be created at individual
fueling stations to be easily dispensed to fleet vehicles that can use either modified
gasoline or diesel engines or CNG-specific engines. The growth in popularity of CNG as
a vehicle fuel has also resulted in a decrease in the cost of the tanks required to store it.

While LNG is an excellent way to transport large volumes of natural gas over great
distances where pipelines don’t exist (over land via tanker trucks and by sea using
specially modified ships, for example), it must be housed in special cryogenic storage
facilities and tanks, resulting in higher production costs and making it less desirable for
fleet fueling.
2.3 Properties of Natural Gas

The table below shows the typical values for natural gas characteristics that can be
used in power production.
Table 2.1 Properties of Natural Gas
Properties Values
Relative Molar Mass 17-20
Carbon content,Weight % 73.3
Hydrogen content, Weight % 23.9
Oxygen Content, Weight % 0.4
Hydrogen/carbon atomic ratio 3-4
Relative density, 15°C 0.72-0.81
Boiling point, °C -162
Autoignition temperature, °C 540-560
Octane number 120-130
Methane number 69-99
Stoichiometric air/fuel ratio,weight 17.2
Vapour flammability limits, volume % 5-15
Flammability limits 0.7-2.1
Lower heating/calorific value Mj/kg 38-50
Stoichiometric lower heating value, Mj/kg 2.75
Methane concentration, volume% 80-99
Ethane concentration, volume% 2.7-4.6
Nitrogen concentration, volume% 0.1-15
Carbon dioxide concentration, volume% 1-5
Sulfur Concentration, weight % ppm <5
Specific carbon dioxide formation, g/Mj 38-50
2.4 Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO)

TEPCO Fuel & Power is a member of the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO)
Group, handling the fuel and thermal power business. The company procures LNG
(Liquefied Natural Gas), coal and oil from around the world for use at 15 thermal power
stations including Futtsu Thermal Power Station for generating electricity. It taps into the
technologies and experiences that have supported electricity demand in the Kanto
region over many years and is actively involved in the construction and operation of
power stations abroad.

Natural Gas Handling and Storage

Natural gas, which is produced overseas, is transported by LNG tanker to the city gas
manufacturing plants of Tokyo Gas. After conversion into city gas through adjustment of
its calorific value, it is delivered to the customers by pipelines. This chapter presents an
environmental view of the entire process, from receipt of the feedstock to its use as a
city gas.

3.1 Handling Process

3.1.1 Fuel Procurement

LNG import has expanded steadily

considering its environmental advantages and
supply stability. Currently, TEPCO imports
LNG from 9 LNG projects located in Alaska,
Brunei, Das Island (the United Arab
Emirates), Malaysia, Indonesia, North West
Shelf (Australia), Qatar, Darwin (Australia),
and Oman under long-term contracts
3.1.2 Fuel Transportation

Where natural gas pipelines are not feasible or do not exist, liquefying natural gas is a
way to move natural gas from producing regions to markets, such as to and from the
United States and countries in Asia or Europe. Asian countries combined account for
the largest share of global LNG imports.

LNG is shipped in special ocean-going ships (tankers) between export terminals, where
natural gas is liquefied, and import terminals, where LNG is returned to its gaseous
state or regasified. From an import terminal, regasified LNG is transported by natural
gas pipelines to gas-fired power plants, industrial facilities, and residential and
commercial customers.

Most LNG is transported by large ships/tankers called LNG carriers in onboard, super-
cooled (cryogenic) tanks. LNG is also transported in relatively small volumes on ships
using International Organization for Standardization (ISO)-compliant containers and on
trucks. At import facilities, LNG is typically stored onsite in special cryogenic storage
tanks before regasification and input into pipelines that transport regasified LNG to
3.1.3 LNG Receiving and Storage Terminals

LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) terminal is a reception facility for unloading of cargo from
LNG tankers. This purpose built ports are specially used for export and import of LNG.
A variety of facilities for unloading, regasification, tanking, metering etc. of LNG are
provided at these terminals.

Natural gas is transported in liquified state using LNG gas tankers. At LNG terminals,
the liquified natural gas is turned back into gaseous state (regasified) after unloading
from ships and then distributed across the network. The activity at LNG terminal can be
divided into four main stages.
3.2. Storage Tank

Futtsu Thermal Power Station uses underground storage tank.

3.2.1 Storage Tank Cpacity

There are 1.11 million kL LNG Tank Capacity within 10 LNG receiving Terminals in
Futtsu LNG Terminals.

V T =V Tank∗No . of Tanks
1.11 Million kL=V Tank ∗10
V Tank =111,000 kL
Volume preTank=111,000 kL
System Design

4.1 Combined Cycle Power Plant

With today’s concerns about energy and environmental impact, the natural gas
combined cycle power plant (CCPP) plays a leading role in the power complexes of the
world. CCPPs are the most efficient power plants operating on the power grids
throughout the world with an efficiency ranging between 45% and 57%.

4.2 Gas Turbine Specification

The H-100 series gas turbine was designed as the world's largest heavy duty two-axis
gas turbine based on the proportional expansion of the H-25 series gas turbine, which
has seen global deliveries of more than 170 units. There are two types in the H-100
series, 60 Hz and 50 Hz, and their basic specifications are shown in Table 1. Figure 1
shows a sectional view of the H-100 series gas turbine and a photograph showing the
upper half casing opened. The air compressor air volume and the combustion
temperature of the H-100 (50 Hz) were increased in comparison with the H-100 (60 Hz).
The air compressor was a 17-stage axial flow compressor corresponding to the
pressure ratio of 20 in response to the increase in air volume, and was adapted to
variable speed operation. The combustor is a multi-can type that has ten cans. It
realizes, based on a dry low NOx combustor that has been proven in H-25 series gas
turbines, etc., even greater NOx reduction by improving the mixing characteristics of the
fuel gas and air. The turbine is an axial flow type and has a two-shaft, four-stage
structure (two high-pressure stages and two low-pressure stages). To improve the
efficiency, the high-pressure turbine adopts the structure of the H-100 (60 Hz), while the
low-pressure turbine has design-optimized turbine blades. The output is 118 MW, and
the standalone efficiency of the gas turbine is 38.3% (LHV: Lower Heating Value). This
is top-in-class efficiency among heavy duty type gas turbines of the same class.
4.3 Plant Layout

Due to its high

efficiency being
the H- 100 series
gas turbine has
been adopted by
other Gas
Turbine Plants who
are aiming at

improvement in the efficiency of existing power plants to replace existing, older types of
gas turbines. The H-100 (50 Hz) was adopted as the replacement for the Futtsu
Thermal Power Station of TEPCO Fuel & Power, Inc. This replacement also contributes
to improvement in the plant efficiency of the power generation plant and a reduction in
CO2 emissions.
4.3.1 Gas Turbine and Steam Turbine

4.3.2 Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG)

The HRSG is a key component of a combined cycle power plant. Its role is to convert as
much of the heat as possible from the exhaust gas of the gas turbine into steam for a
steam turbine. The temperature of the exhaust gases from the steam turbine will be
between 400°C and perhaps 650°C, low compared to the gases exiting the boiler of a
coal-fired power plant. The heat in this gas is captured by water and steam that flows
through tubes placed in the path of the hot gases. These tubes will have fins welded to
them to increase their surface area so that they can absorb more heat from the hot
gases. These tubes are arranged in modules, sometimes called racks, with each
module serving a slightly different function.



proposed plant has a capacity of 5,040 megawatts and Gas-fired power plants use
natural gas as fuel to generate electricity. This chapter discusses the natural gas-fired
Combined Cycle Power Plant (CCPP) gas-side system. This chapter discusses the
combustion and flue-gas exhaust system of Futtsu Power Station.

The exhaust system of a natural gas power plant is composed of the various processes
that deals about fuel combustion as well as its by-product’s. It typically combustion
analysis and ways to reduce the emissions impact in the environment. The gas loop
also includes computations for the plant’s exhaust system. Figure below shows the
schematic diagram of the flue gas exhaust system in a natural gas power plant.
5.1 Futtsu Natural Gas Analysis
5.1.1Computing the required O2
For proper combustion, air required must be computed. In this case, we are ought to
compute the required oxygen for every mole of fuel. Since Natural Gas is composed of
several hydrocarbons, we create combustion analysis for each. Table below shows the
combustion analysis of each hydrocarbon.

Table 5.2 Combustion Analysis

Hydrocarbon Analysis
Methane CH4
CH4 + 2O2 = CO2 + 2H2O
Ethane C2H6
2C2H6 + 7O2 = 4CO2 + 6H2O
Propane C3H8
C3H8 + 5O2 = 3CO2 + 4H2O
Butane C4H10
2C4H10 + 13O2 = 8CO2 + 10

Using the combustion analyses, the volume of theoretical air needed is

computed. Table below shows the computation for the theoretical air.
Table 5.3: Volume of Theoretical Air - V t

2(CH 4) 3 .5(C 2 H 6) 5(C 3 H 8)

Vt = + + +
0 . 21 0. 21 0 .21
6 .5 (C 4 H 10)
0 . 21
2(CH 4) 3 .5(C 2 H 6) 5(C 3 H 8)
Vt = + + +
0 . 21 0. 21 0 .21
6 .5 (C 4 H 10)
0 . 21
2(0 . 9864) 3 .5( 0 .0 0 593) 5(0 . 0 0 065)
V t= + + +
0 . 21 0 . 21 0 . 21
6 .5 (0 .0 0 0115 )
0 .21
m3 dry air
V t = 9.4968
m 3 gas
For the required excess air, the gas turbine manufacturer suggests 254% excess air.
V af = V t (1+excess air)
= 9.4968(1+2.54)
m3 dry air
= 33.61879
m 3 gas
5.1.2Computing the Product of Combustion

Elements of the fuel combine with oxygen creating by-products such as carbon dioxide,
water etc. These by-products are carefully determined as they may cause certain
impacts to the environment. Table below shows the computations for each by-product.
Table 5.4 Byproduct Computation
H2O = 2(CH4) + 3(C2H6) + 4(C3H8) + 5(C4H10)
= 2(0.9864) + 3(0.0593) + 4(0.0065) + 5(0.00115)
= 2.18245
CO 2 = CH4 + 2(C2H6) + 3(C3H8) + 4(C4H10) + CO2 fuel
= 0.9864 + 2(0.00593)+ 3(0.00065) + 4(0.000115) + 0.00055
= 1.00122
N2 = Nfuel+ Nair
= 0.00428 + 33.62(0.79)
= 26.56408
O2 = Oair excess
= 0.21 x 2.54 x 9.4968
= 5.0656
V fg = H2O + CO2 + N2 + O2
m3 dry air
= 2.18245 + 1.00122 + 26.56408 + 5.0656 = 34.81335
m3 gas


A stack is a structure through which combustion product gases called flue gases are
exhausted to the outside air. Flue gases are produced when coal, oil, natural gas, wood
or any other fuel is combusted in an industrial furnace, a power plant's steam-
generating boiler, or other large combustion device. Flue gas is usually composed of
carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor as well as nitrogen and excess oxygen remaining
from the intake combustion air. It also contains a small percentage of pollutants such as
particulate matter, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and sulphur oxides. The flue gas
stacks are often quite tall to disperse the exhaust pollutants over a greater area and
thereby reduce the concentration of the pollutants to the levels required by
governmental environmental policy and environmental regulation.

5.2.1Calculating Stack Height

For calculating the stack height, determine the draft for every 30m of stack height. Using
the formula from PPE by Morse (pp.494);


D30 = k (da - dg) – 0.007578 da
√ Qg
D - available draft per 30 m. of chimney
k - 2.7 for brick of chimney and 2.4 for steel stack
da -density of air kg/m3
dg -density of flue gas kg/m3
V - gas velocity in the chimney m/s
Qg- gas flow in m3/s
D1 -0.004 V2 dg
The formula for computation for available draft per 30m of the stack is shown
below (Morse, 1953):

D30=k ( d a−d g )−0.007578 d a
√ Q fg


D = available draft per 30 m. of chimney, cm of water;

k = 2.4 for steel stack;

da = density of air kg/m3, 1.1 kg/m3;

dfg= density of flue gas is 0.765 kg/m3 , from Fig. 12-44 (Morse, 1953);

v = gas velocity at stack, range from 6.1 m/s to 15.24 m/s (Morse, 1953); and

Qg= gas flow in m3/s, 964.706 m3/s

Chimney draft is the sum of all friction losses external to it, plus the velocity head
loss of gas discharging from the chimney, less the effective draft furnished by fans
(Morse, 1953).

Chimey draft =0.004 V 2 d fg +2

The following are the computation for the stack height for velocities that ranges
from 6.1 m/s to 15.24 m/s.
Stack Height when V = 6.1 m/s;

kg kg kg 6.15
( m m )
D 30=2.4 1.1 3 – 0.765 3 −0.007578(1.1 3 )
m 964.706 √
D30=0.779 cm water

(.004 ) ( 6.1 )2 ( 0.765 ) +2

H chimney = × 30

H chimney =81.41 m

Stack Height when V = 7.1 m/s;

kg kg kg 7.15
( m m )
D 30=2.4 1.1 3 – 0.765 3 −0.007578(1.1 3 )
m 964.706 √
D30=0.768 cm water

(.004 ) ( 6.1 )2 ( 0.39 ) +2

H chimney = × 30

H chimney =84.15 m
Stack Height when V = 8.1 m/s;

kg kg kg 8.15
( m m )
D 30=2.4 1.1 3 – 0.765 3 −0.007578(1.1 3 )
m 964.706 √
D30=0.754 cmwater

(.004 ) ( 8.1 )2 ( 0.39 ) +2

H chimney = × 30

H chimney =87.56 m

Stack Height when V = 9.1 m/s;

kg kg kg 9.15
( m m )
D 30=2.4 1.1 3 – 0.765 3 −0.007578(1.1 3 )
m 964.706 √
D30=0.737 cmwater

(.004 ) ( 6.1 )2 ( 0.39 ) +2

H chimney = × 30

H chimney =91.73 m
Stack Height when V = 10.1 m/s;

kg kg kg 10.15
( m m )
D 30=2.4 1.1 3 – 0.765 3 −0.007578(1.1 3 )
m 964.706 √
D30=0.717 cmwater

(.004 ) (10.1 )2 ( 0.39 ) +2

H chimney = × 30

H chimney =96.74 m

Stack Height when V = 11.1 m/s;

kg kg kg 11.15
( m m )
D 30=2.4 1.1 3 – 0.765 3 −0.007578(1.1 3 )
m 964.706 √
D30=0.694 cmwater

(.004 ) ( 6.1 )2 ( 0.39 ) +2

H chimney = × 30

H chimney =102.75 m
Stack Height when V = 12.1 m/s;

kg kg kg 12.15
( m m )
D 30=2.4 1.1 3 – 0.765 3 −0.007578(1.1 3 )
m 964.706 √
D30=0.667 cmwater

(.004 ) (12.1 )2 ( 0.39 ) +2

H chimney = × 30

H chimney =110.11m

Stack Height when V = 13.1 m/s;

kg kg kg 13.15
( m m )
D 30=2.4 1.1 3 – 0.765 3 −0.007578(1.1 3 )
m 964.706 √
D30=0.637 cmwater

(.004 ) ( 6.1 )2 ( 0.39 ) +2

H chimney = × 30

H chimney =115.29 m
Stack Height when V = 14.1 m/s;

kg kg kg 14.15
( m m )
D 30=2.4 1.1 3 – 0.765 3 −0.007578(1.1 3 )
m 964.706 √
D30=0.604 cmwater

(.004 ) (14.1 )2 ( 0.39 ) +2

H chimney = × 30

H chimney =129.55 m

Stack Height when V = 15.24 m/s;

kg kg kg 15.24 5
D30=2.4 1.1
– 0.765
m3 )
−0.007578(1.1 )
m3 964.706 √
D 30=0.561 cm water

(.004 ) (15.24 )2 ( 0.39 )+ 2

H chimney = ×30

H chimney =144.96 m

5.2.2 Stack Diameter Computation

The formula to get the Inside diameter of the stack is shown below (Morse,

¿=1.13 (√ )


IDstack – inside diameter of the stack;

Qg – volumetric flow of flue gas; and

V – flue gas velocity.

The following are the computation for the stack diameter for velocities that ranges
from 6.1 m/s to 15.24 m/s

 Stack Diameter for V=6.1 m/s;


√ 964.706


 Stack Diameter for V=7.1 m/s;


√ 964.706


 Stack Diameter for V=8.1 m/s


√ 964.706


 Stack Diameter for V=9.1 m/s;




 Stack Diameter for V=10.1 m/s


√ 964.706


 Stack Diameter for V=11.1 m/s;


√ 964.706

 Stack Diameter for V=12.1 m/s


ID=11.61 m
√ 964.706


 Stack Diameter for V=13.1 m/s;


ID=11.16 m
√ 964.706


 Stack Diameter for V=14.1 m/s


ID=10.75 m
√ 964.706


 Stack Diameter for V=15.24 m/s


ID=10.34 m
√ 964.706


Table 5.5: Summary of Stack Design Calculations

Velocity (m/s) Height of Stack Diameter (m) Product (m2)

6.1 81.41 16.35 457.66
7.1 84.15 15.15 431.11
8.1 87.56 14.19 413.34
9.1 91.73 13.39 397.04
10.1 96.74 12.71 386.73
11.1 102.75 12.12 379.67
12.1 110.11 11.61 375.75
13.1 115.29 11.16 374.577
14.1 129.55 10.75 375.40
15.24 144.96 10.34 378.39

Power plant principle states that the most economical stack has the least product of
height and inside diameter of the stack. The resulting values which the most economical
is the stack at 9.1 m/s, the height is 91.73 m and the inside diameter 13.39m.

Table 5.6:Summary of stack design

Stack design
Height (m) 91.73
Diameter (m) 13.39

For Air-Fuel Ratio:

Maf =V af / Gas Gravity of fuel = 33.61879 / (0.639)
kg of air
Maf = 52.61
kg of fuel
For Gas-Fuel Ratio:
Mfg = V fg / Gas Gravity of fuel = 34.81335 / (0.639)
kg of flue gas
Mfg = 54.48
kg of fuel

The computed air-fuel ratio and gas-fuel ratio will determine the amount of air needed
for the power production, and how much flue gas will be exhaust out of the combustion
chamber respectively.
Flue Gas:

kg gas
M g =54.48
kg fuel
kg fuel
M f =13.41

the density of gas is:

d g=0.765
So, for computing the volume of the flue gas,

mfg 54.48 x 13.41 m3

Q g= = =955.002
dg 0.765 sec

5.3 Fans and Blowers

Fans and Blowers are mechanical device that moves a volume of fluid such as air, gas,
vapor, through a pressure driven flow. Large capacity fan and blower units typically
consists of a bladed impeller enclosed in a stationary casing. The rotor system causes
the motion of air or gas and the casing directs the path of the flow. The rotor is powered
through a driver such as motor, turbine-driver, fluid-driver etc.
The term “Fans” and” Blowers” are commonly used interchangeably but they actually
have different meaning. Fan is a machine used to apply power to a gas to increase its
energy content thereby causing it to flow or move, while the blower is a fan used to
force air under pressure, that is, the resistance to gas flow imposed primarily upon the
discharge. Additionally, an exhauster is a fan used to withdraw air under suction, that is,
the resistance to gas flow imposed primarily upon the inlet.

The fans and blowers are mainly used in the power plant to supply the air required and
to discharge the products of combustion. It is also used to circulate the gases inside the
system for better heat transfer.

5.3.1 Types of Fans

Fans are classified by the direction of its flow through the bladed passages of the
impeller. The two types are Centrifugal Fan and Axial Fan. Centrifugal Fan

Centrifugal fans have an intake at the center and force the air radially outward,
perpendicular to the axis of rotation. They are used to generate higher pressures at
lower airflow rates. Centrifugal fans are further classified on the basis of impeller design
geometry: backward curved, airfoil, radial, and forward curved. The backward curved
and the airfoil fans have the highest efficiencies among centrifugal fans.

It consists of a fan rotor or wheel within a scroll type of housing and including driving
mechanism supports either for belt drive or direct connection. Axial Flow Fan

Axial fans move the air parallel to the axis of rotation. Axial fans are used to generate
lower pressures (less than 12-in. w.g.) while handling large airflow rates. When space is
a concern, axial fans are often preferred. Axial fans are further classified as vane axial,
tube axial, and propeller.

Water Loop

Water cooling of gas turbine blades is of considerable interest in the field of advance
power generation systems. The considerable cooling capacity of water compared to that
of air could permit substantial increases in gas temperature simultaneously with
decreases in metal temperature compared to present-day gas turbines, with resulting
improvements in reliability, performance, and the ability to accommodate contaminated
fuels. However, the successful development of a water-cooled gas turbine is a major
challenge, requiring a radical departure from many current turbine design and
manufacturing practices. Water cooling of gas turbine nozzles is straightforward,
conceptually at least, in that the water can be circulated in a closed circuit with the
enthalpy removed from the water via a heat exchanger after the water leaves the
nozzle. The lost enthalpy can be used beneficially in the steam side of a combined
6.1 Feed Water System

A feedwater
system of a combined
cycle power plant
including: a gas turbine
plant, a heat recovery
steam generator
which generates
steam by using heat of
exhaust of the gas turbine
plant; and a steam
turbine plant which is
driven by the steam
generated by the heat recovery steam generator, the feedwater system comprising: a
feed pump which supplies feedwater to the heat recovery steam generator; a first pipe
which extracts part of the feedwater from a flow path in mid-course of pressurization of
the feed pump; a first boiler which is in the heat recovery steam generator and supplied
with the feedwater led into the first pipe and subjected to first water treatment; a second
pipe where the feedwater discharged from an outlet of the feed pump flows; a second
boiler which is in the heat recovery steam generator and supplied with the feedwater led
into the second pipe and subjected to second water treatment at a position more
downstream than the flow path in mid-course of the pressurization of the feed pump;
and a water-treating substance supply device which supplies a water-treating substance
for the second water treatment to the flow path of the feedwater in the feed pump, at a
position of the feed pump more downstream than a position where the first pipe is
connected and more upstream than a position where the second pipe is connected.

6.2 Feed Water Source

The geographic location of power plants has a huge impact on cooling technology
options, water availability, type of water used for cooling, and environmental impacts.
Although many power plants use freshwater for cooling, waste water and salt water are
other possibilities with advantages and disadvantages. Salt water is an obvious and
abundant option for coastal power plants, for example, but such plants face similar
challenges as inland plants with regard to damaging the local aquatic ecosystems
through excessive withdrawals or thermal pollution (from discharges of hot cooling
6.3 Feed Water Treatment
Even though natural gas plants use less water, they still need to treat water, because
there’s a direct correlation between the quality of the water and the efficiency of the
plant. The quality and the turbidity of a plant’s incoming water can vary significantly,
depending on storms or other man-made interactions. A number of pretreatment
activities must be performed, such as removing sludge & sedimentation; dissolving
suspended organic material; adjusting pH levels; and disinfecting water by killing
disease-causing micro-organisms. These applications are administered by injecting
chemicals with metering pumps.
6.3.1 Disinfection

It is accomplished by dosing specific quantities of high-concentration sodium

hypochlorite (bleach). When sodium hypochlorite comes in contact with bacteria, it
oxidizes molecules in the cells of the germs and kills them. Even though this simple but
harsh chemical has been used for more than a hundred years, it is prone to causing
problems for pumps by “offgassing.” To solve this issue, the pumps used to deliver it
must be able to pass the gas bubbles through without locking or clogging the pump.

6.3.2 PH Adjustment

power plants operate best when the pH of the water is as close to neutral (7) as
possible. Specific volumes of acids are administered to alkaline feedwater (pH higher
than 7) to adjust the pH, while similar volumes of caustics are dosed to acidic feed-
water (pH lower than 7) to raise its alkalinity. Boiler feed-water must be treated to avoid
scale and corrosion that could damage or impede the boiler’s performance. Boilers and
other plant equipment are protected by metering pumps that dose precise volumes of
polymers and corrosion inhibitors. At the end of a plant cycle, the process water must
be treated prior to disposal. Many plants use flocculation basins, where additional
chemicals are dosed via metering pumps to aggregate precipitated particles, making
them easier to filter out. Additional rounds of disinfection and pH adjustment are
typically rendered by the plant’s wastewater plant before water is discharged into the
6.3.3 Deaeration

In steam and other vapor cycles, it is important to remove the noncondensable gases
that otherwise accumulate in the system. The noncondensables are mostly air that
leaks from the atmosphere into those portions of the cycle that operate below
atmospheric pressure, such as condenser, but also include other gases caused by the
decomposition of water into oxygen and hydrogen by thermal or radiolytic ( under the
influence of nuclear radiation ) action and by chemical reactions between water and
materials of construction. The presence of noncondensable gases in large quantities
has undesirable effects on equipment operation for several reasons.

6.4 Cooling Water System

The cooling system for gas turbine engine that includes at least a first compressor, a
second compressor, and a turbine, said cooling system comprising: an intercooler
coupled downstream from the first compressor such that compressed air discharged
from the first compressor is routed there through and channeled to an inlet of the
second compressor, said intercooler having a working fluid flowing there through; an
injection system coupled in flow communication with said intercooler; and an annular
manifold extending circumferentially around one of the first compressor or the second
compressor and comprising a plurality of nozzles, said injection system configured to
channel condensate formed in said intercooler into said annular manifold to facilitate
supplying a flow of condensate to said plurality of nozzles, said plurality of nozzles
configured to eject condensate into one of the first compressor or second compressor to
facilitate reducing an operating temperature of the gas turbine engine.
6.5 Cooling Water Pump

Cooling water pumps (CWP) provide the fresh water to cool the exhaust steam in the
condenser and pump it back to the wet cooling tower or the outlet of open cooling
system. The major characteristic of the CWP is their high flow. In medium to large size
gas-fired combined-cycle power plants, the CWP are vertical column type. In small
power plants, the CWP could also be horizontal axially split type.

6.5.1 Reliable Pump Operation

Plant operators need a durable pump technology that is able to dose a precise volume
of water treatment chemical, while maintaining a high level of operational reliability. This
is one reason why hydraulic diaphragm metering pumps are preferred for a majority of
water treatment applications in power plants. The pump’s ability to survive system upset
conditions helps keep the overall plant infrastructure operating reliably, all while dosing
the exact amount of chemical needed to keep operations running efficiently. Space in
any plant is valuable, so operators prefer pumps with small footprints. Today, trends
continue to shift away from horizontally

6.5.2 Cooling Water Source

Futtsu Thermal Plant is located near the shore of Futtsu, Chiba. Since it located near
the sea, It is ideal to use sea water as the Cooling Water Source.
6.5.3 Seawater Quality

Identifying the composition of cooling water to be used, seawater specifically, will play
an important role for efficient operation of plants cooling system. By means of identifying
the composition of seawater to be used, appropriate treatment will be aplied to avoid
technical problems and to ensure high cooling capacity.
6.5.4 Cooling Water Treatment

Since cooling water to be used by Futtsu Thermal Plant is sea water, it comprises
impurities that can soon damage the cooling system if not treated well. Also Cooling
Water Treatment improves the quality of circulating water inside the system, thus
ensuring minimal trouble and efficient flow of operation.

6.5.5 Condenser

The condenser used in the power plant is a shell steam over the tubes. the
condenser has 24,000 tubes with no special arrangement for maintaining vacuum.
during condensation of steam, the large difference in the volume of steam and
water causes vacuum inside the condenser. the design of the condenser used in
thermal power plant is very complex for modeling and therefore an equivalent
condenser serving the same load conditions is considered for the analysis. Model
used for analysis is a counter flow shell length. the actual dimensions of the
condenser used in the power plant are very large for the numerical analysis. so, the
condenser dimensions are analysis to reduce the computational load

Heat in the Condenser, Q

Q=turbine exhaust +low− pressure drain+ SJAE drain

¿ 2 ×106 × x hfg +240 000 ( h112℉ −hf ) +1250 ( h440 ℉−hf )

¿ 3 ×106 ×0.9 ×1036.1+360 000 ( 79.98−69.7 )

¿ 2.798 ×109 +3.701 ×106 +0.656 × 106
Q=2.802×10 9 Btu/h
Average temperature difference

∆ T i=t sat −75

¿ 101.74−70
∆ T i=31.74 ℉
∆ T o=6℉

∆ T m=
ln ⁡¿ ¿
∆ T m=15.45 ℉

Coefficient of Heat Transfer, U

U =263× 1.00 ×0.58 ×0.85 √ 7

U =343.0 Btu /h∙ ft 2 ∙ ° F
2.802 ×109
Total area=
343.0 × 15.45
Total Area=528 675 ft 2
6.6 Cooling tower

A cooling tower is a heat rejection device, which extracts waste heat to the atmosphere
though the cooling of a water stream to a lower temperature. The type of heat rejection
in a cooling tower is termed "evaporative" in that it allows a small portion of the water
being cooled to evaporate into a moving air stream to provide significant cooling to the
rest of that water stream. The heat from the water stream transferred to the air stream
raises the air's temperature and its relative humidity to 100%, and this air is discharged
to the atmosphere. Evaporative heat rejection devices such as cooling towers are
commonly used to provide significantly lower water temperatures than achievable with
"air cooled" or "dry" heat rejection devices, like the radiator in a car, thereby achieving
more cost-effective and energy efficient operation of systems in need of cooling. Think
of the times you've seen something hot be rapidly cooled by putting water on it, which
evaporates, cooling rapidly, such as an overheated car radiator. The cooling potential of
a wet surface is much better than a dry one.
Cooling tower designs that employ fans to move air through the tower are called
"mechanical draft" designs (as opposed to “natural draft” designs that rely on a tall stack
and warm air buoyancy for air movement). Mechanical draft cooling towers that feature
a rectangular profile or plan area are “recti-linear” designs (as opposed to “circular”

6.6.1 Cooling Tower Specifications

1.0996× 108 ×0.01605

V water =

¿ 29 414 ft 3 /min

¿ 29 414 × 7.481

V water =220 043 gal/min



7.1 Air Intake System

Air Intake System provides clean air into the compressor. During continuous operation
the impurities and dust in the air deposits on the compressor blades. This reduces the
efficiency and output of the plant . The Air Filter in the Air Intake system prevents this.

A blade cleaning system comprising of a high pressure pump provides on line cleaning
facility for the compressor blades. The flow of the large amount of air into the
compressor creates high noise levels. A Silencer in the intake duct reduces the noise to
acceptable levels.

7.2 Exhaust System

Exhaust system discharges the hot gases to a level which is safe for the people and the
environment. The exhaust gas that leaves the turbine is around 550 °C. This includes
an outlet stack high enough for the safe discharge of the gases.

Silencer in the outlet stack reduces the noise to acceptable levels. In Combined Cycle
power plants the exhaust system has a ‘diverter damper’ to change the flow of gases to
the Heat Recovery Boilers instead of the outlet stack.

7.3 Starting System

Starting system provides the initial momentum for the Gas Turbine to reach the
operating speed. This is similar to the starter motor of your car. The gas turbine in a
power plant runs at 3000 RPM (for the 50 Hz grid – 3600 RPM for the 60 Hz grid).
During starting the speed has to reach at least 60 % for the turbine to work on its on
inertia. The simple method is to have a starter motor with a torque converter to bring the
heavy mass of the turbine to the required speed. For large turbines this means a big
capacity motor. The latest trend is to use the generator itself as the starter motor with
suitable electrics. In situations where there is no other start up power available, like a
ship or an off-shore platform or a remote location, a small diesel or gas engine is used.

7.4 Fuel System

The Fuel system prepares a clean fuel for burning in the combustor. Gas Turbines
normally burn Natural gas but can also fire diesel or distillate fuels. Many Gas Turbines
have dual firing capabilities.

A burner system and ignition system with the necessary safety interlocks are the most
important items. A control valve regulates the amount of fuel burned . A filter prevents
entry of any particles that may clog the burners. Natural gas directly from the wells is
scrubbed and cleaned prior to admission into the turbine. External heaters heat the gas
for better combustion.
Reference :
brochure-en_FIX.pdf (Ikg of lng = 55,000 kj of heat)

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