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New Social Cultures amidst the Spread of Covid-19: A Review of Global


James Bernard Noel Kamara

Department of Sociology FBC

The emergence of Covid-19 is a serious threat to human existence amidst the

scores of death registered worldwide. Most nations all over the world are in a
state of consternation owning to the fact that the virus spreads like wild fire
and that a cure is yet to be made available.

In the wake of Covid-19, nations have experienced new social cultures partly
as a measure to minimize the spread of the virus and partly as a way to wipe
out Covid-19 from the face of the earth. Nations all over the world believe
these new social cultures can be the most powerful weapon to contain Covid-
19 at present, since a curative substance is yet to be made available. Some of
these social cultures even holds true for the remaining centuries on how to
maintain hygienic and healthy lifestyle that will give the human race an edge
in combating the emergence of any virus that might surface itself in the near

Emerging social cultures points to the introduction of new social norms,

rules, products, organizations and institutions overtime as a result of Covid-
19 and it lethal impact to the world. Yet, there are lessons which we can learn
from these new social cultures that will help the human race especially in
boosting our life expectancy span.

From an institutional and national standpoint, a new social culture of having

and maintaining strong state is vital for countries worldwide. Many countries
are now pushing for a state of war and draconian measures to fight covid-19.
This new social culture of having strong state is important especially for
countries still predisposed to the harsh realities of poverty, poor educational
system, poor health care and lack of structural programmes and policies.

This is a good lesson especially for Sierra Leone and other African countries
to build strong states and institutions to help them be on their guard and win
battles against world occurrences that might threaten the existence of its
people. Rwanda is a pace setter in this direction; other African countries need
to emulate their developmental strides. This is clarion call to African
countries; build strong states and institutions that are free from political
intimidation, but govern by principles of meritocracy, service to humanity and

Normatively, social distancing, cough etiquette and regularly hand washing

are new norms emerging in the world today. Before now, people engage in
human interaction by shaking hands, hugging each other and other forms of
close human interaction. Also, prior this ugly occurrence, people use to
cough on a handkerchief or on their bare hands without instilling fear in
people; now it is a recipe for medical attention. Interestingly, the culture of
regular hand washing was not too engrossed in human culture overtime, but
now it is gradually becoming a new and frequent “habitus” in the world.

The practice of social distancing is a new norm which people will continue to
practice especially to prevent them from contacting Covid-19 as at present
and any sort of transmittable virus. The new cough etiquette by using the
elbow is also a new hygienic norm which will help people to prevent the
spread of Covid-19 any kinds of flu from reaching others. This is so because;
the elbow is not subject to frequent human contact or touch especially in
human interaction.

Regular and frequent hand washing is also a lesson which nations of the
world should inculcate into their social systems in order to cultivate into the
people a hygienic practice and a sense of decency which will give nations an
edge over viruses. This can be a good practice for underdeveloped nations
with poor health care systems.

To nations all over the world let remain resilient by praying and adhering to
scientific instructions. With lessons from these emerging new social cultures,
we can defeat Covid-19 and remain powerful for any virus that might
confront the world in the near future. We need to build strong states and
institutions whilst at the same practice new social cultures of social
distancing, frequent hand washing and coughing using the elbow. Together
we can win this battle and make the world a safer place for human existence.

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