ENGG112 Tutorial 7

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KATHMANDU School of Engineering

UNIVERSITY Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

To be submitted till 15th July 2015
Reference: R. L. Boylestad, Introductory Circuit Analysis, Prentice Hall Inc, Tenth edition

1. For the series circuit of figure-1 (a) find the value of XL for resonance, (b) determine the
magnitude of the current I at resonance, (c) find the voltages VL, VR, VC at resonance,
and compare their magnitudes, (d) determine the quality factor of the circuit, (e) If the
resonant frequency is 5 kHz, determine the value of L and C, (f) find the bandwidth of
the response if the resonant frequency is 5 kHz and (g) find the low and high cutoff
frequencies. [ans: 40, 10mA, 20mV, 400mV, 400mV, 20, 1.27mH, 0.796F, 250Hz, 5.125kHz,
4.875kHz ]

2. Find the bandwidth of a series resonant circuit having a resonant frequency of 6000 Hz
and a Q of 15. Also the cutoff frequencies. If the resistance of the circuit at resonance is
3 what are the values of XL and XC in ohms? What is the power dissipated at the half-
power frequencies if the maximum current flowing through the circuit is 0.5 A? [ans:
400Hz, 6200Hz, 5800Hz, 45, 45, 375mW ]

3. Design a series resonant circuit with an input voltage of 5 V0° to have the following
specifications: (a) A peak current of 500 mA at resonance, (b) A bandwidth of 120 Hz,
(c) A resonant frequency of 8400 Hz. Find the value of L and C and the cutoff
frequencies.[ans: 13.26mH, 27.07nF, 8460Hz, 8340Hz ]

4. A balanced Y load having a 10  resistance in each leg is connected to a three-phase,

four-wire, Y-connected generator having a line voltage of 208 V. Calculate the
magnitude of (a) the phase voltage of the generator, (b) the phase voltage of the load, (c)
the phase current of the load, and (d) the line current. [ans: 120.1V, 120.1V, 12.01A, 12.01A]

5. A balanced, three-phase, Y-connected load has a line voltage of 208 and a total power
consumption of 1200 W at a leading power factor of 0.6. Find the impedance of each
phase in rectangular coordinates. [ans: Z = (12.98-j17.31)]

6. For the system of figure-2, find the magnitude of the unknown voltages and currents. [ans:
V = 127V, I = 8.98A, IL = 8.98A ]
7. For the Y-Y system of figure-3: (a) Find the magnitude and angle associated with the
voltages EAN, EBN, and ECN. (b) Determine the magnitude and angle associated with each
phase current of the load: Ian, Ibn, and Icn. (c) Find the magnitude and phase angle of each
line current: IAa, IBb, and ICc. (d) Determine the magnitude and phase angle of the voltage
across each phase of the load: Van, Vbn and Vcn. [ans: 12.7kV-30, 12.7kV-150, 12.7kV90,
11.285A-97.54, 11.285A-217.54, 11.285A22.46, IL = I , 12154.28V-29.34, 12154.28V-
149.34, 12154.28V90.66]

8. For the -connected load of figure-4: (a) Find the magnitude and angle of each phase
current Iab, Ibc, and Ica. (b) Calculate the magnitude and angle of each line current IAa, IBb,
and ICc (c) Determine the magnitude and angle of the voltages EAB, EBC, and ECA. [ans:
15.325A-73.30 , 15.325A-193.30 , 15.325A46.7, 26.54A-103.31, 26.54A136.68 ,
26.54A16.69, 17013.6V-0.59, 17013.77V-120.59, 17013.87V119.41 ]

9. The Y-Y system of figure-5 has a balanced load and a line impedance Zline = 4+j20. If
the line voltage at the generator is 16,000 V and the total power delivered to the load is
1200 kW at 80 A, determine each of the following: (a) the magnitude of each phase
voltage of the generator (b) the magnitude of the line currents (c) the total power
delivered by the source (d). the power factor angle of the entire load “seen” by the source
(e) the magnitude and angle of the current IAa if EAN = EAN 0 (f) the magnitude and
angle of the phase voltage Van, (g) the impedance of the load of each phase in rectangular
coordinates (h) The difference between the power factor of the load and the power factor
of the entire system (including Zline) and (i) the efficiency of the system. [ans: 9237.6V, 80A,
1276.8kW, 0.576 lagging, 80A-54.83, 7773.45V-4.87, (62.52+j74.38), 0.576 lagging, 0.643
lagging, 93.98% ]


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