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Signs of Psychic Energy

Psychic energy is not psychic ability, but it is a start. Sadly, the people with the greatest
stores of psychic energy have no idea how to channel and utilize it. Instead they allow it
to build up and causes serious mind, body and spirit problems that they cannot explain or
resolve on their own. The first thing to do if you suspect you may have an excess of
psychic energy is to rule out factors like medical, psychological and dietary (don't forget
this one) concerns that may be causing the problems rather than resulting from some
psychic source. Once you have ruled out or at least dealt with medical and psychological
issues first, then you are ready to move on to grounding and channeling techniques to
make use of your energy and prevent further problems from resulting. This energy can be
used. You just have to know how to use it.

 Anxiety that arises without cause. Seems to be more prevalent when surrounded
by large numbers of people, especially in cities, hospitals and aging buildings.
May seem to resolve when you are outside in nature.
 A keen awareness of ocular after-images resulting in aura-like flame images
surrounding people and objects.

 High empathy with the feelings and troubles of others. Inability to separate from
the pain of others. A feeling that is it your problem as much as it is theirs.

 Ability to be easily hypnotized.

 Sudden and medically unexplained changes in energy level.

 Being present for many unexplained electrical disturbances such as machines

suddenly that won't work or function differently because when you are present.

 Vibrational and earthquake-like shaking sensations. Also feelings--when standing

suddenly--like sand falling over your skin.

 Cold or warm sensations in the feet and hands.

 Being present for many arguments that you have not instigated and have no
involvement in.

 Incidents of precognition.

 Headaches.

 Unexplained physical illness, especially auto-immune diseases.

 Out-of-Body and Astral Projection experiences. Seeing the body clearly as though
from a distance or as though floating above it with clarity beyond what is
expected of the dream state.
 Roaring noises in the ears or inability to tolerate the "loudness" of absolute
silence--also referred to as Brownian Movement.

 Highly vivid or unusually lucid dreams.

 Tendency towards addictive behaviors and the need to escape something


Witchcraft, Magick & Psychic Abilities

What is the connection between psychic ability and magick?

Does being psychic automatically make you a witch or magician?

Can you be a witch or magician if you have no psychic talents?

These are topics, which are rarely broached among the occult community. While
investigations into magick and psychic ability are often classified under the same
heading, they are not identical and should not be viewed as such. Differences do exist
between them.

Both witchcraft and magick are practices that involve the manipulation of natural
energies through premeditated rituals or spells. These practices can also be associated
with religion whereas psychic ability usually is associated more with science and the
expanding biological resources of the human body.

A deep investigation of the forces that facilitate psychic ability may one day uncover
patterns similar to those, which make witchcraft and magick possible. Until then, psychic
ability and magick are considered separate by the simple distinction that science only has
proof that one exists. Magick, which has no scientific evidence to support it is still
considered by most researchers to belong solely to the realm of myth and legend. As we
pass over into the new millennium, we will no doubt see a radical change in the scientific
community's view of magick as new research provides additional evidence to support it
(attitudes concerning psychic ability changed for the same reason).

Another difference between psychic ability and magick is that psychic ability almost
always involves immediate results. Examples include, picking the correct card from
many laid out in front of you or moving a tea cup a few inches across a table by the sheer
force of your will. Examples of delayed results exist as well, but for the most part,
psychic abilities yield faster, results than magick or witchcraft. The results are objective,
not subjective as with witchcraft or magick.

Witchcraft and magick, on the other hand, usually involve an individual "mailing" his or
her intent into the universe/void/unconscious/etc. through the use of spells and rituals. If
the action is successful, the result manifests itself in reality sometime later. Only rarely
are spells expected to yield immediate results.

Furthermore, psychic ability through clairvoyance, clairaudience, telekinesis, telepathy,

and mental dominance, is rarely thought to be associated (at least by scientists) with
spiritual influences. The ability instead is thought to originate within the individual.
Conversely, one third of the magickal and witchcraft practices do involve spiritual
assistance, through a practice known as Spirit Magick (the other two branches being Will
or Mental Magick and Natural Magick).

People involved in the occult often see psychic ability as the purest form of magickal
practice because it involves no preparation. Individuals simply will things to manifest or
become apparent to them and somehow (whether consciously or unconsciously) they do.

This might seem to indicate that all psychics are just really good magicians or witches.
However, this is not entirely true.

Being psychic does not necessarily mean an individual is in tune with natural energies or
their own destiny (one way or another, this is the goal of the accomplished magician or
witch). Without focusing too deeply on religion, we have to consider that the slow and
often unrewarding process of learning and waiting for spells/rituals to manifest, allows us
to learn about ourselves and our destinies. Our destiny may be nothing more than to enjoy
life. That is fine. As long as we learn our place in the world and how our interests can
benefit us and others, we are on the right track.

Of course it certainly helps to be psychic! In fact being born psychic in a family of

witches might gain you that title of "natural witch". The practice of magick or witchcraft
may come easier to you. You may seem born for it. However, you don't have to be
psychic in order to be a witch or magician. No inherent talent is necessary to take up the
study of magick witchcraft and likewise hereditary witchcraft does not ensure that you
will be psychic.

Being psychic is like being good at basketball. You might come out of the womb
dribbling or you may require lessons, but eventually you will figure it out. Some theories
extend to the idea that our psychic abilities help to indicate how far up on the
evolutionary ladder we have risen or how many lives we have gone through before
reaching our present incarnation (life). Again, these are just theories. There is no proof a
highly psychic person has lived many lives before their present life anymore than there is
proof that a poorly psychic person in only on their first or second incarnation.
One point that is clear is that improving one's abilities as a witch or magician can have a
definite impact on the degree of psychic ability he or she possesses. Indeed, your own
attunement with the forces of nature will undoubtedly increase your psychic abilities
beyond any you could have accomplished through traditional scientific methods alone.

Furthermore, the branch or branches of magick you choose to pursue (Mental, Spiritual,
Natural Magick or all three) will not affect how quickly or strongly your abilities will
grow. Harmony with nature comes just as quickly with all the branches (though you will
probably see greater improvements after you have experimented with all three).
Likewise, no magickal tradition or style of practice is superior to any other in improving
your psychic abilities. You have only to choose the path that appeals to you most.

While a wide gulf may exist between magick/witchcraft and psychic abilities in the eyes
of science, we shall no doubt see a narrowing of the waters as researchers learn what
occultists have been saying for thousands of years.

The whole of the universe is identically reflected in the smallest fraction of matter, as the
microsm (the smallest part of the universe from a single human being to a single electron)
is identical to the macrosm (the universe as a whole).

As above, so below.

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