Reproductive Biology of A Deep-Sea Brittle Star (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea)

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Marine Biology (2001) 138: 113±123 Ó Springer-Verlag 2001

G. Hendler á L. U. Tran

Reproductive biology of a deep-sea brittle star Amphiura carchara

(Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea)

Received: 14 February 2000 / Accepted: 3 July 2000

Abstract New information on the brooding reproduc-

tion of Amphiura carchara, and previous studies of sev-
eral deep-sea congeners, contradict the prevailing notion
Ophiuroids contribute a signi®cant portion of biomass
that direct development is exceptional among deep-sea
in many marine environments, and in the deep sea can
echinoderms. Over 500 specimens of A. carchara from
far outnumber other components of the benthic me-
2,850 to 4,100-m depths o€ the coast of California,
gafauna and macrofauna (Sanders and Hessler 1969;
USA, were studied. The species was found to be go-
Gage and Tyler 1991). They constitute the most diverse
nochoric, although most brooding species of ophiuroids
class of living echinoderms; approximately 2,000 species
are hermaphroditic. Females each brooded up to 72
are recognized (Hendler et al. 1995). It has been sug-
embryos at a time, with up to 10 in a single bursa. The
gested that there are relatively few species of ophiuroids
embryos of individual adults were often at di€erent
in deep-sea habitats (Sanders and Hessler 1969). How-
stages of development, but those brooded in a single
ever, the conclusion was based on a restricted sampling
bursa tended to be at the same stage. Thus, the species
program in a region with relatively low ophiuroid
has characteristics that breach the distinctions between
diversity. Worldwide, a large proportion of ophiuroid
sequential and simultaneous brooding exhibited by
species are bathyal and abyssal forms. We estimate that
shallow-water ophiuroids. The embryos developed from
37% are shallow-water species restricted to depths less
yolky eggs that are large for an ophiuroid, with the mean
than 100 m, 39% occur between 100 and 1,000 m, and
largest oocytes 0.45 mm, and ranging to 1.28 mm in
24% live at depths exceeding 1,000 m (based on bathy-
diameter. Almost all late-stage embryos were positioned
metric records for 1,512 species in key monographic
with their mouth and arms pressed against the wall of
references: Clark 1915; Mortensen 1936; Clark and
the bursa, possibly to facilitate the uptake of nutrients
Rowe 1971; Clark and Courtman-Stock 1976; Paterson
from the parent. Thus, A. carchara may be matro-
1985; Maluf 1988; Hendler et al. 1995).
trophic. The largest embryos examined had a rudimen-
Despite their prevalence, abundance, and diversity,
tary disk skeleton, and arms with four joints and a ter-
the mode of larval development has been documented
minal plate. Emerging juveniles probably di€er in disk
for only 4% of all ophiuroid species, and documentation
diameter. The species appears to brood year round, al-
of development in the many deep-sea species is partic-
though di€erences in gonad size, the incidence of
ularly scanty (Hendler 1975; Gage and Tyler 1991). In
brooding, and the relative numbers of early develop-
most cases, the mode of reproduction of deep-sea
mental stages in summer and winter samples indicated
ophiuroids has been inferred from the approximate re-
that there are seasonal trends in reproduction.
lationship between egg size and type of development
(Schoener 1972; Hendler 1975, 1991; Gage and Tyler
1991). Generally, ophiuroids with small eggs have
Communicated by M. H. Horn, Fullerton planktotrophic larvae, those with moderate-sized eggs
have lecithotrophic larvae, and those with large eggs
G. Hendler (&) á L. U. Tran
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, brood embryos and release crawl-away young. Unfor-
900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, tunately, the sizes of eggs in the three developmental
California 90007, USA groupings constitute a continuum that confounds accu-
Fax: +1-213-7462999 rate predictions of reproductive mode solely based on
e-mail: egg diameter (Hendler 1991; Sewell and Young 1997).

The reproductive behavior of deep-sea ophiuroids Museum of Los Angeles County (LACM). In the results below,
has not been observed in situ. Although the planktonic each of the three collections studied (see Table 1) is referred to by
the month it was collected.
ophioplutei of a few eurybathic polar species and deep-
sea species have been described, they have not been
reared to metamorphosis in the laboratory (Thorson Treatment of specimens
1934, 1946; Ursin 1960; Tyler and Gage 1982; Tyler and Specimens were sexed by opening the dorsal body wall to expose
Fenaux 1994). Even so it is claimed, based on their the gonads for microscopic examination. Severely damaged indi-
``probable'' developmental modes, that most deep-sea viduals, and those parasitized by ascothoracicans and myzostomes,
ophiuroid species release pelagic larvae (Pearse 1994; were set aside. The oral frame diameter (OFD) of the other spec-
imens was measured using a Wild M-5 stereomicroscope equipped
Pearse and Bosch 1994). with an ocular micrometer. Measurements were precise to 0.1 mm.
Therefore, we used a rare opportunity to investigate The OFD was used as an index of body size, instead of disk di-
the reproductive biology of a deep-sea ophiuroid that ameter (dd), because the disks of many specimens were deformed or
was a€orded by recently collected specimens of Amphi- damaged during sampling and preservation. OFD equals the dis-
tance from the distal edge of the madreporite across the mouth to
ura carchara H.L. Clark. The species is known from the proximal edge of the ®rst ventral arm plate. The regression of
Baja California, Mexico, to Alaska, across the Bering OFD on the dd of intact specimens was expressed in the equation
Sea, and from Sagami Bay and Suruga Gulf, Japan OFD ˆ 0.89 + 0.304(dd) (n ˆ 84, r2 ˆ 0.608).
(Clark 1911, 1913; Djakonov 1954; Baranova 1957; Twenty-seven individuals from the June sample were inspected
Fujita et al. 1997). It has been found at bathyal-abyssal histologically to evaluate whether their sex had been determined
accurately by visual inspection. Their disks were decalci®ed in
depths and previously reported from 1,123 to 3,608 m, Bouin's ®xative and embedded in paran, and sections were cut at
except at the northern limit of its range in Alaska, where 5 lm thickness and stained with hematoxylin and eosin.
it may occur at depths as shallow as 110 m (Clark 1911; All the individuals in the June sample were dissected (Table 2).
Madsen 1951). In northern California, A. carchara is For each one, the numbers of gonads were counted, the length of
each gonad was recorded, and the largest oocyte in each ovary was
one of the most abundant megafaunal species between measured. The arrangement of the gonads and bursae in each
2,000 and 3,000 m depth (Nybakken et al. 1998). The brooding female was drawn using a camera lucida, and the num-
reason for its restricted bathymetric distribution is not bers of embryos per bursa were counted. The stage of development
known, and its biology has not previously been exam- of every advanced embryo was assessed in terms of the number of
its arm joints and terminal arm plate (e.g. in stage 3 + t embryos,
ined (Summers and Nybakken 2000). the arms bear a terminal plate and 3 joints), and its disk diameter.
In this study we recognized that A. carchara is a The greatest length and width of less developed, stage 0 embryos,
direct-developing species because we found embryos in which lack disk and arm rudiments, were measured along and
the bursae (brood sacs) of adult individuals. With adult perpendicular to the body axis.
specimens of A. carchara at our disposal from several The size and sex of all the specimens in the July and February
samples were ascertained. The specimens were then sorted by eye
large collections, we studied its reproductive system, into subjectively determined groups of large, medium, and small
gametes, embryos, and body size to describe its mode of individuals. Ten specimens were selected arbitrarily from each
reproduction in more detail than has been possible for group and dissected (Table 2). The number and length of their
most deep-sea ophiuroids (references in Gage and Tyler gonads were determined, and the stage and size of embryos in the
brooding females were recorded. The position of embryos was
1991). We analyzed data on the incidence of brooding, examined in the June, July and February samples. Counts were
and the number and development of embryos and made of the number of embryos in each dissected female. It was
gonads in individuals from several samples, to appraise noted whether the mouth of each embryo touched the bursal wall,
potential di€erences in reproductive biology within and or faced inward toward the bursal lumen.
Preservation can a€ect the dimensions of soft tissue structures
between populations. We also made observations on that were measured, such as gonads and gametes. Some published
embryonic ontogenesis, incidence of embryos of di€er- descriptions of ophiuroid oocyte sizes have been based on fresh
ent developmental stages, and appearance and position tissue and others, particularly involving deep-sea species, on pre-
of embryos in brooders to shed light on the maturity and served material (see references in Hendler 1991). In a population of
size of emergent juveniles, transfer of nutrient from the ophiuroid Amphioplus abditus (Verrill), the mean diameters of
freshly spawned oocytes and preserved oocytes were similar
parent to embryos, and reproductive periodicity. (Hendler 1973). The eggs of 3 of 13 echinoid species studied ap-
preciably expanded or contracted during preservation, but it was
deemed unlikely that such variation biased intraspeci®c temporal
and spatial comparisons of egg size (Lessios 1987).
Materials and methods
Source of specimens Table 1 Station data for three collections of Amphiura carchara
used in the present study
Specimens of A. carchara were collected from an abyssal site west
of Point Conception, California, by Scripps Institution of Ocean- Site Location Depth (m) Date of
ography (see Lauerman et al. 1996 and references therein). Addi- collection
tional material was collected by the Moss Landing Marine
Laboratory from the continental slope o€ the Farallon Islands, Pt. Conception 34°49¢N, 123°07¢W 4,100 25 Jun 1989
west-southwest of San Francisco, California (see Nybakken et al. Farallon Is. 37°37.50¢N, 2,900±3,000 30 Jul 1991
1998; Summers and Nybakken 2000; and references in both). 123°29.98¢W
Ophiuroids separated from trawl catch were preserved in 10% Farallon Is. 37°39.47¢N, 2,850±2,990 27 Feb 1992
bu€ered formalin and transferred to 70% ethanol. They were 123°30.19¢W
deposited in the echinoderm collection of the Natural History

Table 2 Sexual characteristics of Amphiura carchara individuals from the three collections used in the present study: sex ratio, incidence of
brooding, and fecundity. M Male, B brooding female, NB non-brooding female

Date and locality Sex ratio Number, sex, and Percentage of females brooding Mean number
of collection (male:female) of brooding condition embryos (n = number of of embryos per
specimens examined of dissected specimens females examined) brooding female

25 Jun 1989 Pt. Conception 0.61:1 (n = 77) 25M 23B 17NB 58% (n = 40) 8.1 (SD = 8.5, n = 23)
30 Jul 1991 Farallon Is. 0.37:1 (n = 210) 6M 11B 12NB 52% (n = 153) 15.9 (SD = 15.1, n = 11)
27 Feb 1992 Farallon Is. 0.77:1 (n = 239) 15M 14B 1NB 74% (n = 135) 22.1 (SD = 19.4, n = 14)

Specimens of A. carchara in the collection of the National mens examined were identi®able as male or female on
Museum of Natural History (USNM) were studied by examining the basis of gonadal morphology (Table 2, Fig. 1A, C).
their open bursal slits, without dissection, for evidence of embryos.
The estimated incidence of brooding based on USNM specimens is The number of females exceeded that of the males in the
conservative, because in many cases the contents of the bursae were three samples, and for February and July samples the
not visible. hypothesis that the sex ratio was 1:1 could be rejected
(chi-square test, P < 0.05, df ˆ 1: June v2 ˆ 1.877, July
Statistical analysis v2 ˆ 43.886, February v2 ˆ 4.021). The hermaphrodite
was from the June sample. It was 9.1 mm dd, had sep-
The signi®cance of the di€erences between samples was tested with arate ovaries with yolky oocytes and testes with sper-
a single-factor ANOVA (Zar 1984), followed by a Games and matozoa, and was brooding one embryo.
Howell multiple comparison of means (StatView 1998). Normality
and the homogeneity of variances of samples were examined using
The slight di€erence between the mean OFD of males
Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Bartlett's tests, respectively (Zar 1984). (x ˆ 3:03 mm, SD ˆ 0.64, n ˆ 46) and females
Data were treated using logarithmic or square-root transformation, (x ˆ 3:10 mm, SD ˆ 0.36, n ˆ 78) for the three samples
as appropriate, if the assumptions of normality and homogeneity of combined, was not statistically signi®cant (Mann±
variances were not met, and ANOVA tests were carried out when Whitney, Zc ˆ )1.291, P ˆ 0.1969), and the size-fre-
normality and equal variances resulted. Non-transformed data are
presented in the text. In cases where data transformation did not quency distributions of the males and females were alike
correct for heteroscedasticity, a non-parametric Mann±Whitney (Fig. 2). Similarly, the OFD of the brooding females
test or Kruskal-Wallis one-way ANOVA by ranks was used to (x ˆ 3:08 mm, SD ˆ 0.36, n ˆ 48) and the non-brood-
evaluate di€erences among samples, followed by a non-parametric ing females (x ˆ 3:12 mm, SD ˆ 0.36, n ˆ 30) were not
analogue to the Tukey's multiple comparison test appropriate for
unequal sample sizes (Zar 1984). Deviations from expected fre- signi®cantly di€erent (ANOVA, F ˆ 0.208, df ˆ 1,76,
quencies in the sex ratio and in the orientation of embryos in the P ˆ 0.6495), and their size-frequency distributions co-
bursae were tested by calculating chi-square goodness of ®t (Zar incided (Fig. 2). The OFD of the females did not di€er
1984). A two-tailed Student's t test was used to test for a linear signi®cantly among the three samples (ANOVA,
relationship between the dependent and independent variables in
simple linear regressions, and to test the hypothesis that the pop-
F ˆ 1.515, df ˆ 2,75, P ˆ 0.2265), although there were
ulation correlation coecient equals zero. The signi®cance level signi®cant di€erences in the body sizes of the males
used in all tests was P ˆ 0.05. (Kruskal-Wallis test, Hc ˆ 18.368, P < 0.0001) with the
OFD values for June > February > July (Tukey type
test, P ˆ 0.05).

Geographic and bathymetric distribution Characteristics of the gonads, gametes, and bursae

Previous records of the species in the eastern Paci®c were The testes and ovaries were ``sausage-shaped'' gonadal
limited to Alaska, Washington and Mexico (Clark 1911, tubules (Fig. 1A, C). They were not branched although
1913). The specimens used in the present study included the distal tips of some testes were slightly bifurcated.
the ®rst A. carchara studied from California waters, and There were typically one or more gonads attached to the
those collected o€ Pt. Conception, California, at genital plate, which lay atop the portion of the arm
4,100 m, represented a new depth record for the species enclosed within the disk, and one or more gonads at-
(Table 1). tached to the genital scales, which lay within the inter-
radius. Each of the ten bursae within the disk opened
into a bursal slit at the base of an arm (Fig. 1A, C).
Body size and sex Some bursae swelled dorsally and covered the gonads,
and expanded into the disk interradius, depending on
The individuals studied ranged from 2.0 to 4.6 mm OFD the number and size of the embryos that they contained
(=4.3 to 9.6 mm dd), which is somewhat larger than the (Fig. 1F).
maximum size (8 mm dd) previously recorded for the In preserved specimens the testes were uniformly
species (Clark 1911). With the exception of a single whitish (Fig. 1A, B). The ovaries contained large, yolky,
teratological hermaphroditic individual, the 526 speci- pale yellow or orange-brown oocytes and smaller, more

translucent oocytes (Fig. 1C±E). In histological prepa- of the cells. The females in all three samples had ovaries
rations the oocytes were generally eosinophilic; very few containing oocytes of mixed sizes. The mean maximum
of the smallest were basophilic. They were typically as- diameter, based on the largest oocyte measured in every
sociated with small follicle or somatic cells, and eosin- ovary, was 0.45 mm (SD ˆ 0.15, n ˆ 1,744). Fourteen
ophilic haemal ¯uid ®lled the gaps between the oocytes. percent of the largest oocytes were 0.5 mm or more in
Larger oocytes had a meshlike vesicular ooplasm, and diameter, and the largest measured was 1.28 mm.
smaller oocytes had a denser ooplasm. The intensity of The numbers of ovaries in the brooding (x ˆ 22:7/
stain in the sectioned oocytes was not related to the size ind, SD ˆ 7.9, n ˆ 48) and the non-brooding females
b were each based on the combined data for the three
Fig. 1A±G Amphiura carchara. A, C, E, F show dissected individuals samples, match the trends in separate statistical tests for
with the wall of the disk and the stomach removed. A Disk of male, the February, June, and July samples. The gonadal tu-
dorsal view; TE testis. B Histological section of testes; BU bursa, SL
spermatogenic layer, SP spermatozoa in lumen of testis. C Disk of bules in males were more numerous than in females in
non-brooding female, dorsal view; BU bursa, OV ovary. D the February (ANOVA, F ˆ 5.557, df ˆ 1,28, P ˆ
Histological section of ovary; SC somatic cell, HF haemal ¯uid, LO 0.0256) and June samples (ANOVA, F ˆ 43.240,
large yolky oocyte with meshlike vesicular ooplasm, NU nucleus, SO df ˆ 1,63, P<0.0001); however, the di€erence in gonad
smaller yolky oocyte with dense ooplasm. E Ovaries within dissected
disk, containing a mixture of opaque (arrowhead) and translucent
number between the sexes in the July sample was not
(double arrowhead) oocytes. F Disk of brooding female, dorsal view, statistically signi®cant (ANOVA, F ˆ 0.097, df ˆ 1,27,
showing bursae packed with late-stage embryos. Mouths of embryos P ˆ 0.7574) (see descriptive statistics of gonad length in
(arrows) are pressed against walls of bursae. G Embryos removed Table 3).
from bursae; 1 stage 0, 2 stage t, 3 stage t + 1, 4 stage t + 4. Scale There was not a signi®cant linear relationship be-
bars: A, C, F ˆ 2 mm; B, D ˆ 100 lm; E ˆ 1 mm; G ˆ 0.5 mm
tween body size (OFD) and the number of gonads in
females or males, as determined using the combined data
(x ˆ 21:9/ind, SD ˆ 14.1, n ˆ 30) were not signi®cantly from the three samples (Student's t-test: females,
di€erent (ANOVA, F ˆ 0.082, df ˆ 1,76, P ˆ 0.7757), t ˆ 0.670, P ˆ 0.5048; males, t ˆ 0.535, P ˆ 0.5955).
although the ovaries of brooders (x ˆ 0:80 mm, The gonads, however, were signi®cantly larger with in-
SD ˆ 0.29, n ˆ 1,086) were signi®cantly longer than creasing body size in females (Student's t-test, t ˆ 9.866,
those of non-brooders (x ˆ 0:71 mm, SD ˆ 0.33, P ˆ 0.0001) and males (Student's t-test, t ˆ 11.538,
n ˆ 658) (Mann±Whitney test, Zc ˆ )7.021, P < P ˆ 0.0001). These trends were consistent with an in-
0.0001). The mean length of the ovaries (x ˆ 0:77 mm, crease in gonad length but not in gonad number as in-
SD ˆ 0.30, n ˆ 1,744) exceeded that of the testes dividuals grow.
(x ˆ 0:49 mm, SD ˆ 0.20, n ˆ 1,585) (Mann±Whitney The mean numbers and mean lengths of the gonads
test, Zc ˆ )27.918, P < 0.0001). The trends in gonad di€ered signi®cantly among individuals in the three
numbers and length shown in the preceding tests, which samples (Table 3). The ovaries and testes were signi®-
cantly longer in February than in July samples, and
longer in June than in July samples. However, the
greater testis length in June and February in comparison
to July may have been a function of the signi®cantly
smaller body size of the individuals in the July sample.
The ovaries were signi®cantly longer and individuals had
more testes and ovaries in February than in June. There
were more testes per individual in February than in July,
and more ovaries per individual in July than in June

Brooding: incidence and ¯uctuations

The percentage of females that were brooding embryos

varied among the summer and winter samples (Table 2).
There were embryos in 1±10 bursae (x ˆ 5:1, SD ˆ 3.2,
n ˆ 48) within each brooding individual. The number of
bursae occupied by embryos in each brooder di€ered
signi®cantly among samples (ANOVA, F ˆ 5.770, df ˆ
2,45, P ˆ 0.0059). There was a signi®cantly lower
number of gravid bursae in June than in February
(Games and Howell test, P ˆ 0.05).
The numbers of embryos per bursa ranged from 1 to
10 (x ˆ 2:6, SD ˆ 1.9, n ˆ 241), and the number of
embryos per brooding female ranged from 1 to 72
(x ˆ 14:0, SD ˆ 15.0, n ˆ 48). There was not a signi®-
cant linear relationship between the size of the brooding
females and the number of embryos that they brooded,
considering the data combined from all three samples
Fig. 2 Amphiura carchara. Size-frequency distributions. Above Males (Student's t-test, t ˆ 1.297, P ˆ 0.2010). There were,
(n ˆ 46) and females (n ˆ 78) in the combined June 1989 (Pt.
Conception), July 1991 and February 1992 (Farallon Islands) samples. however, signi®cant di€erences in the numbers of em-
Below Females brooding embryos (n ˆ 48) and those lacking embryos bryos per brooder among the three samples (see Table 2;
(n ˆ 30) in the three samples ANOVA, F ˆ 5.003, df ˆ 2,45, P ˆ 0.0109), among

Table 3 The mean gonad length and mean number of gonads per Brackets signify that the signi®cantly smaller body size of males
individual of Amphiura carchara, compared among samples from may be the cause of the signi®cantly smaller testis length in the July
o€ Pt. Conception (1989) and the Farallon Islands (1991, 1992). sample. Di€erences in the numbers of testes per individual were
Values for mean ‹ SD (number) are shown in the upper rows. The tested with a Games and Howell test; other comparisons were
lower rows summarize the results of single-factor ANOVA and tested with a non-parametric Tukey type test. Comparisons that
Kruskall-Wallis tests of gonad numbers and size in the three were statistically signi®cant at P = 0.05 are denoted with an
samples, and multiple comparison tests between pairs of samples. asterisk

Testis length (mm) No. of testes Ovary length (mm) No. of ovaries

Jun 1989 0.506 ‹ 0.206 (733) 29.320 ‹ 11.632 (25) 0.765 ‹ 0.276 (614) 15.375 ‹ 5.052 (40)
Jul 1991 0.373 ‹ 0.124 (170) 28.333 ‹ 7.581 (6) 0.704 ‹ 0.299 (702) 30.522 ‹ 12.116 (23)
Feb 1992 0.496 ‹ 0.197 (682) 45.467 ‹ 18.894 (15) 0.867 ‹ 0.327 (428) 28.533 ‹ 5.604 (15)
ANOVA P = 0.0032
F = 6.596, df = 2,43
Kruskal-Wallis P < 0.0001 P = 0.0001 P = 0.0001
Hc = 74.487 Hc = 71.309 Hc = 44.365
Feb vs Jun * * *
Feb vs Jul [*] * *
Jun vs Jul [*] * *

which only the ®gures for February and June were sig- arm plates, and lacked adult features such as oral pa-
ni®cantly di€erent (Games and Howell test, P ˆ 0.05). pillae on the jaws and ventral interradial disk plates.
Brooding specimens of A. carchara were detected at Almost all of the 655 embryos examined had ®ve
seven of the nine stations represented among specimens arms. There was a low incidence of abnormal embryos,
in the National Museum of Natural History (USNM). but no evidence of normal embryos ingesting small or
They occurred in collections from Sagami Bay, Japan abnormal siblings. One two-armed, stage t embryo was
(USNM catalog number 25993; October 1906; from found in one female, two three-armed, stage 1 + t and
1,123 m depth), Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands (USNM four, four-armed stage 1 + t embryos in another fe-
26213; May 1906; 3,230 m), Shumagin Islands, Alaska male, and one six-armed, stage t + 3 embryo in a third
(USNM 26053; May 1906; 3,609 m), Kodiak Island, individual. In every case the brooding female was ®ve-
Alaska (USNM 26115 and 27017; August 1890; armed, and the other late-stage embryos in the brood
1,271 m. USNM 33639; August 1890; 1,261 m), Wash- had ®ve arms.
ington, USA (USNM 26114; June 1889; 1,390 m), The length of the stage 0 embryos and the disk di-
northern Baja California, Mexico (USNM 39297; Jan- ameter of the more advanced embryos ranged from 0.3
uary 1889; 1,800 m. USNM 32377; March 1911; to 1.3 mm (x ˆ 0:80, SD ˆ 0.12, n ˆ 655) (Fig. 3). The
1,994 m). correlation between the length and width of the stage 0
embryos di€ered signi®cantly from zero (Student's

Characteristics of embryonic developmental stages

In the earliest (``stage 0'') embryos, rudimentary arms

had not yet developed (Fig. 1G). The smallest embryos
were polygonal, touching each other or nearly so, and
were anchored in position in the bursa by microscopic
®laments. Larger embryos were irregular in form and
closely packed within the bursa. Their shape appeared to
be molded by the embryos against which they pressed as
they grew. The presumptive dorsal ossicles of the adult
disk were the most obvious skeletal elements that
formed over the central yolk mass. They corresponded
to the ®ve primary plates that develop in planktotrophic
larvae, but were not typically of uniform size or precisely
®ve in number. The presumptive ossicles of the jaws and
terminal arm plates arose before the arms developed.
Older embryos developed a thick, blunt terminal Fig. 3 Amphiura carchara. Box plots comparing the body size of
plate at the arm tip and up to four arm joints (Fig. 1F, embryos at each developmental stage. Size (mm) is presented in terms
G). The 1 + t and 2 + t embryos had an opaque, yolky of body length for stage 0 embryos, and as disk diameter for more
mass in the disk, presumably localized in the digestive advanced stages. Horizontal lines denote the 10th, 25th, 50th
(median), 75th, and 90th percentiles for body size, and values above
tract. The 3 + t and 4 + t embryos were translucent, the 90th percentile and below the 10th percentile are plotted
and had major skeletal ossicles of the disk and arms. separately. The numbers of embryos at each stage are: 0, 149; t, 24;
They, however, had only rudimentary dorsal and ventral 1 + t, 91; 2 + t, 209; 3 + t, 131; 4 + t, 51

t-test, t ˆ 1.978, P ˆ 0.05). However, it is so weak

(r ˆ 0.176), presumably because of the irregular shapes
of the embryos, that the size of stage 0 embryos should
not be compared with the disk diameter of later devel-
opmental stages.
The ®ve advanced developmental stages fell into three
groups of di€erent body sizes (t <1 + t ˆ 2 + t <3
+ t ˆ 4 + t) (Tukey type test, P ˆ 0.05). The mean
disk diameters of the embryos (excluding stage 0 speci-
mens) varied slightly but signi®cantly among the three
samples (June, x ˆ 0:86, SD ˆ 0.11, n ˆ 169; July,
x ˆ 0:81, SD ˆ 0.09, n ˆ 70; February, x ˆ 0:82,
SD ˆ 0.11, n ˆ 267) (ANOVA, F ˆ 8.455, df ˆ 2,503,
P ˆ 0.0002). Notably, the percentage of embryos at
various stages of development contrasted markedly
among samples. The embryos in the July sample con-
sisted predominantly of early stages, and those in the
June and February samples consisted largely of later
stages (Fig. 4).
Individuals brooded from one to four di€erent de-
velopmental stages although most contained embryos at
only 1 stage of development (Fig. 5). The number of
stages in any given bursa of an individual was even more
uniform, with one stage clearly predominant (Fig. 5).
In each sample most embryos at stages t to 4 + t
were oriented with their mouth and the ventral surface
of the arms pressed against the wall of the bursa. Even in
the most advanced embryos the arms were extended to
their full length, and not coiled dorsal to the disk. A
total of 410 embryos were oriented facing outward in the
three samples combined, and only 26 had their ventral
surface directed toward the lumen of the bursa. The
hypothesis that the ratio of outward- and inward-facing
embryos was 1:1 could be rejected (chi-square test,
P < 0.001, df ˆ 1, v2 ˆ 338).

E€ects of parasites on reproduction

Internal parasites were found in only 6 of the 124 dis-

sected specimens. Two female and one male A. carchara
in the June sample were parasitized by individuals of
Ascothorax sp., an ascothoracican ``barnacle'', one of
which was hyperparasitized by a cryptoniscid isopod.
Two female and one male A. carchara in the February
sample were parasitized by individuals of Protomyzo-
stomum sp., a myzostome annelid. The females harboring
myzostomes were brooding embryos, but those parasi- Fig. 4 Amphiura carchara. Histograms showing the relative abun-
tized by ascothoracican crustaceans lacked embryos. dance of six developmental stages in June 1989, o€ Pt. Conception,
and in July 1991, and February 1992, o€ the Farallon Islands. The
numbers of embryos examined are: June, 172; July, 174; February,

Relationship of brooding to bathymetric (Gage and Tyler 1991: 311), and of the recent proposal
distribution and body size that ``pelagic development prevails in polar and deep-sea
echinoderms'' Pearse (1994: 33). However, the conclu-
The brooding reproduction in A. carchara is of special sions of those authors do not represent accurately the
interest in light of the perception that there are ``very few information that has been published on ophiuroid re-
observations of brooding in deep-sea echinoderms'' production. In the cosmopolitan genus Amphiura alone,

A. carchara adults are only 4±5 times greater in length

than its disk diameter. The species is small in compari-
son to confamilials that have disk:arm ratios of 1:10 and
more, and can burrow deeply in soft sediments (Hendler
et al. 1995). The short arms of A. carchara adults suggest
that they live at or near the surface of the sediment.
Two groups of brooding ophiuroids have been
characterized, some producing discrete, sequential
clutches of embryos (``sequential brooders'') and others
brooding more than one cohort simultaneously (``si-
multaneous brooders'') (Hendler 1991). A. carchara in-
dividuals brooded up to four di€erent developmental
stages, which is indicative of simultaneous brooding.
Most of them, however, brood embryos of only one
developmental stage at a time, and the range of devel-
opmental stages within a single bursa was even narrower
than that within an individual, a situation suggesting
sequential brooding. Apparently, individuals stagger the
production of groups of embryos, although the devel-
opmental stage of the cohorts may overlap to a degree.
Thus, the regulation of reproduction shown by
A. carchara is intermediate between the pure ``sequen-
tial'' and ``simultaneous'' patterns.

Size of eggs, embryos, and juveniles

The largest oocytes in the ovaries of A. carchara, with a

mean diameter of 0.45 mm and which ranged up to
1.24 mm in diameter, are large in comparison with other
ophiuroid eggs, which are generally from 0.1 to ap-
Fig. 5 Amphiura carchara. Histograms showing the number of proximately 1.0 mm in diameter (Hendler 1991). Previ-
developmental stages occurring in single bursae (above), compared ously, only two ophiuroid species were known to have
to the number of stages occurring in individual brooding females
(below). The plots represent 243 bursae from 48 brooding individuals,
eggs with a maximum diameter 1.0 mm: Astrothorax
combining data for samples from o€ Pt. Conception (1989) and the waitei (Benham), an exceptionally large brooding form
Farallon Islands (1991, 1992). Bursae without embryos were not with 0.5 to 1.0-mm oocytes, and Astrospartus mediter-
tallied raneus (Risso), a basket star, which has an unknown
mode of development and 1.5-mm oocytes reported
17 brooding species can now be recognized (Hendler (references in Hendler 1991).
1991; present report). Five of them occur at depths Recent research suggests that much of the nutrient
>200 m, and four others, including A. carchara, at and mass of lecithotrophic echinoderm eggs are not used
depths >1000 m. Six of the nine deep-sea species live in during larval development, and might serve to enhance
polar waters. The only two Amphiura species known to the survival of postlarvae (Emlet and Hoegh-Guldberg
have planktonic larvae are restricted to the continental 1997; Hoegh-Guldberg and Emlet 1997; Bosch and
shelf in boreal-warm temperate waters (see refs. in Slattery 1999). In addition, large body size may be ad-
Hendler 1991). Thus, it seems premature to conclude vantageous for the juveniles released by brooding
that, at least among the ophiuroids, brooding behavior ophiuroids (Hendler 1975). For echinoids, larger young
is exceptional in deep-sea and polar environments. The have been shown to grow more rapidly and have higher
incidence of brooding reproduction has not yet been survivorship than smaller siblings (Miller and Emlet
fully or adequately assessed, either among shallow-water 1999). Therefore, one does not expect the size range of
or deep-sea ophiuroids (Hendler 1975, 1991). As noted the later embryonic stages of A. carchara (Fig. 3) to
in the introduction, the mode of reproduction has been suggest that young leaving the parent are of di€erent
documented for only 4% of all ophiuroid species, nearly sizes or that they may di€er in their reserves of nutrients.
one-half of which are relatively little known, deep-sea In the brooding antarctic species, Ophiacantha vivi-
forms. para Ljungman, which has 0.6-mm diameter eggs, ju-
The body size of A. carchara was comparable to that veniles as small as 1.5 mm dd cling to adult individuals,
of most brooding ophiuroids, which usually have a disk yet embryos as large as 2.5 mm dd occur within their
diameter of 10 mm or less and are typically smaller than bursae. On that basis, Ludwig (1899) concluded that the
broadcast spawners (Hendler 1975: Fig. 1). The arms of young do not emerge from the parent's bursa at a ®xed

size. Unfortunately, comparable data are not available tions of some species. The occurrence of a single tera-
for other brooding ophiuroids with large eggs (Hendler tological hermaphrodite among the 526 specimens of
1991). A. carchara that were examined, an incidence of <1%,
In a viviparous ophiuroid species that has small eggs, is consistent with the low incidence of abnormal her-
Amphipholis squamata (Delle Chiaje), the correlation maphroditism among other ophiuroid species (Hendler
between the stage of development and embryonic body 1991). Over 40 ophiuroid species, however, are known to
size changes much as in A. carchara. Early stages have a have stable hermaphroditism. At least 37 of the her-
wider range of disk diameters than later stages. It is not maphroditic species are brooders (Hendler 1991).
yet known whether the largest embryos of A. carchara, Among the approximately 70 species of brooding
with four arm joints, could develop still further before ophiuroids only 13 species, including A. carchara, are
leaving the parent. They have fewer arm joints than the known to be gonochoric (Hendler 1991; present report).
embryos of several other brooding Amphiura species The seemingly strong association between brooding and
(Hendler 1991). However, it is not known whether the hermaphroditism among ophiuroids, ®rst noted by
brooded juveniles leave the parents at a range of stages Mortensen (1920), remains an enigma (Hendler 1975,
and sizes (Hendler 1975). Notably, in the asteroid 1991). Perhaps information regarding the sexuality of
Patiriella vivipara (Dartnall), which has small eggs and additional brooding species will invalidate the ostensible
intraovarian development, juveniles are born at a wide trend, or point to a phylogenetic or ecological explana-
range of sizes, from 1.4 to 5.0-mm diameter (Byrne 1996; tion.
Prestedge 1998). In another brooding asteroid with large The mean number of gonads in A. carchara falls
eggs, Neosmilaster georgianus (Sladen), there is less within the range (10±500) reported for other brooding
variability in the size of early embryos than in juveniles and broadcast-spawning Amphiuridae (Hendler 1991).
just prior to emergence (Bosch and Slattery 1999). Both It is not known whether the greater number of testes
asteroid species exhibit adelphophagy (brood cannibal- than ovaries in individuals of A. carchara is typical,
ism), which may account to some extent for the variable because the relative numbers of gonads in male and fe-
size of advanced embryos. male ophiuroids have not been documented in other
The transparency of the bodies of the late-stage species. The ®gures for the numbers of gonads per in-
embryos of A. carchara suggests that yolk reserves in the dividual suggest that male A. carchara produce more
gut are greatly diminished or fully exhausted before gonadal tissue than females. That disparity, however, is
the young are released. The position of embryos within presumably contravened to a degree by the signi®cantly
the bursae is of interest in that regard, because it sug- greater length of the ovaries than the testes. The sex
gests that the developing embryos could take up nutri- ratio of A. carchara departs from unity in favor of fe-
ents secreted by the bursal wall through their mouth and males, and the di€erence was statistically signi®cant for
tube feet. In support of that idea are observations that the Farallon Island population; a similar situation ob-
the brooded embryos of Amphipholis squamata and tains in a number of ophiuroid species (Hendler 1991).
Ophiolepis paucispina (Say) apply their mouth and par- The two other deep-sea ophiuroids that have been ex-
tially everted stomach to sinuses in the bursal wall that amined, which are broadcast-spawners, have equal
contain PAS-positive contents (Walker and Lesser 1989; numbers of males and females (Tyler 1986). The signif-
Byrne 1994). Embryos of other brooding ophiuroids, for icance of the unequal sex ratio in A. carchara is not
example Ophionereis olivacea H.L. Clark, maintain the known, and additional data are needed to determine
same position in relation to the bursal wall (Byrne 1991). whether it is typical for brooding species.
There is still no proof that the PAS-positive material is
of nutritional value to the embryos. Identical associa-
tions between embryos and the bursal wall in several Brooding season
species, however, suggest that the relationship is a
physiological necessity and that the possibility of It is not known whether brooding ophiuroids have an
matrotrophy (sensu Frick 1998) in brooding ophiuroids extended period of gamete release compared to broad-
merits further study. cast spawners. Some, however, may have an extended
brooding season, and several months can elapse between
their spawning and the release of young (Hendler 1991).
Relationships between brooding and sex The presence of embryos in a majority of female
A. carchara in the June, July, and February samples
The preponderance of separate male and female indi- indicates that brooding occurs in the summer and in the
viduals, veri®ed by histological examination, indicates winter in waters o€ California. The possibility that the
that A. carchara is gonochoric. Hermaphroditism is ru- species broods year round is supported by the presence
led out by the equivalent size-frequency distribution of of embryos in A. carchara in January, March, May,
males and females, and by the absence of transitional June, August and October in specimens from USNM
hermaphroditic individuals. collections.
Most ophiuroid species are gonochoric although Data in the present report, based on only three
teratological hermaphrodites are found among popula- samples collected in three di€erent years at two sites, are

insucient to characterize reproductive seasonality Clark AM, Courtman-Stock J (1976) The echinoderms of Southern
fully. Considering only samples from o€ the Farallons, it Africa. British Museum (Natural History), London
Clark AM, Rowe FEW (1971) Monograph of shallow-water Indo-
seems noteworthy that the testes and ovary length West Paci®c echinoderms. British Museum (Natural History),
measurements in July are signi®cantly smaller than in London
February. The numbers of testes are also signi®cantly Clark HL (1911) North Paci®c ophiurans in the collection of the
lower in July than in February. In addition, the number United States National Museum. Bull US Natl Mus 75:
xvi + 302
of early developmental stages is higher in July than in Clark HL (1913) Echinoderms from Lower California, with de-
February, and the percentage of brooding females is scriptions of new species. Bull Am Mus Nat Hist 32: 185±236,
higher in February than in July. The numbers of pls. 44±46
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change if reproduction were seasonal. Embryo numbers, collections of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Mem Mus
Comp Zool Harv 25: 165±376, pl. 1±20
however, are similar among the three samples, and only Djakonov AM (1954) Ophiuroids of the USSR Seas (in Russian).
the February and June data di€er signi®cantly in that Opredel. po Faune USSR, publ. Akad Nauk USSR No. 55
regard. (translation, 1967, Israel Program for scienti®c translations,
Thus, the trends suggest elevated reproductive activ- Jerusalem, 123 pp)
Emlet RB, Hoegh-Guldberg O (1997) E€ects of egg size on post-
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show a clear, consistent seasonal pattern when the Hendler G (1973) Northwest Atlantic amphiurid brittlestars, Am-
results for the two localities are considered together. phioplus abditus (Verrill), Amphioplus macilentus (Verrill), and
Additional data are needed to determine whether this Amphioplus sepultus n.sp. (Ophiuroidea: Echinodermata): syst-
situation re¯ects sampling error, non-seasonal repro- ematics, zoogeography, annual periodicities, and larval adap-
tations. PhD Dissertation, University of Connecticut
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latitudes and depths. ophiuroid development. Am Zool 15: 691±715
Hendler G (1991) Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea. In: Giese AC,
Acknowledgements We are indebted to individuals who collected Pearse JS, Pearse VB (eds) Reproduction of marine inverte-
and provided the ophiuroids used in this project including K. Smith brates, vol VI. Echinoderms and lophophorates. Boxwood
(Scripps Institution of Oceanography), A. Summers and J. Ny- Press, Paci®c Grove, Calif., pp 351±511
bakken (Moss Landing Marine Laboratory), and their colleagues. Hendler G, Miller JE, Pawson DL, Kier PM (1995) Sea stars, sea
It is also a pleasure to thank L. Cooper (Southern California urchins, and allies: echinoderms of Florida and the Caribbean.
Coastal Water Research Project) for assistance with histology, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC
K. Friedmann for translation of German text, P. Gordon for Hoegh-Guldberg O, Emlet RB (1997) Energy use during the de-
translation of Russian text, M. Grygier (Lake Biwa Museum) for velopment of a lecithotrophic and a planktotrophic echinoid.
identi®cation of parasites, D. Pawson and C. Ahearn (National Biol Bull Mar Biol Lab (Woods Hole) 192: 27±40
Museum of Natural History) for access to specimens in their care, Lauerman LML, Kaufmann RS, Smith KL Jr (1996) Distribution
and J. Dearborn (University of Maine), J. Pechenik (Tufts Uni- and abundance of epibenthic megafauna at a long time-series
versity), F. Nishida (LACM), and two anonymous reviewers for station in the abyssal northeast Paci®c. Deep-Sea Res I 43:
comments on the manuscript. 1075±1103
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