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Session 2

Force and Pressure

Types of forces
❖ Types of forces
●Contact force
The force that comes into play when objects are in contact with each

●Non contact force

The force that comes into play without the objects being in contact with
each other.
Contact forces
❑ Muscular force
The force resulting due to the action of muscles.
❑ Frictional force
The force responsible for slowing down the motion of an object
or stopping its motion is called frictional force.
Non-Contact forces

1.Magnetic force
The force exerted by a magnet on other magnets and metals
like iron.
Non-Contact forces
2.Electrostatic force

The force exerted by a charged body on another charged or

uncharged body
Non-Contact forces

2.Force of Gravity
The force that attracts all objects towards the Earth.

Gravity is not the property of the Earth alone.

Every object in the universe, whether small or large exerts a

force on every other object which is known as gravitational

❖ Contact forces
• Muscular force
• Frictional force

❖ Non-contact forces
• Magnetic force
• Electrostatic force
• Gravitational force

1. Muscular force is an example of a __________ force.

2. ___________ force comes into play when bits of paper gets attracted by
a plastic scale.
3. Force of attraction between all objects in the universe is called
4. Magnets can attract objects made of __________.
5. __________ force is responsible for stopping the motion of a moving
ball by itself.
1. contact force
2. electrostatic
3. Gravitational force
4. iron
5. Frictional
a) Name the forces acting on a plastic bucket containing water held above
ground level in our hand. Discuss why the forces acting on the bucket do
not bring a change in its state of motion?
b)Write 2 similarities between electrostatic force and magnetic force.
c) What is the difference between contact and non contact force? Explain
with an example each.

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