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Session 4

Force and pressure

Fluid Pressure
Fluid Pressure
Liquids and gases are called fluids.
Liquids exert pressure on the walls of the container in which
they are kept.
When an object is immersed in a liquid, the liquid exerts a net
upward force on the object.
Pressure exerted by gases
Gases too exert pressure on the walls of their container.
The pressure of gases helps to
▪ Inflate tyres
▪ bounce an inflated basketball.
▪ inflate and deflate lungs.
Factors affecting pressure exerted by liquids
❖ The depth (h): The depth at which the pressure of the liquid is
acting on the body.
❖ The density of liquid(d):Higher the density, higher would be
the pressure of liquid acting on the body.
❖ Acceleration due to gravity(g) at that place.

Pressure exerted by liquids
❖ Pressure exerted by a liquid at the bottom of the container
depends on the height of its column.
❖ The wall of a dam is made thicker at the bottom since the
pressure exerted by a liquid increases with its depth.
Pressure exerted by liquids
❖ Liquids exert equal pressure at the same depth.
Will the tissue paper stay dry in water?
▪• The tissue stays dry because of the air that is inside the glass.
• When the glass is lowered into the water the air trapped inside
cannot escape.
• The air pushes away the water as the glass is lowered.
• When the air pushes the water away it keeps the water from
touching the tissue.
• That is why the tissue paper stays dry.
Application of liquid pressure

❑ Deep sea divers need special protective suit to wear because in

deep sea, the total pressure exerted on the diver's body is
much more than his blood pressure.
❑ For intravenous transfusion (IV), the bottle is hung at an
elevated position to ensure that the liquid in the IV bottle gains
sufficient pressure to flow into the vein of the patient.
❑ The water tower is built at high place so that the
water has sufficient pressure to flow to consumer’s
Application of pressure exerted by gases.

❑ When air is pumped into a bicycle tube using a pump, the

bicycle tube gets inflated due to the pressure exerted by air
which makes the bicycle tyres feel hard.
❑ It is possible to play musical wind instruments like flute due to
pressure exerted by air.
❑ Blowing a balloon is also possible because of pressure exerted
by the gases present in air.

► Fluids(gases and liquids) exert pressure.

► They exert pressure on the walls of the container in which
they are kept.
► Pressure exerted by a liquid at the bottom of the container
depends on the height of its column.
► Liquids exert equal pressure at the same depth.
► Application of pressure exerted by liquids and gases.

1.Liquids and gases together are called _________.

2. The wall of a dam is made __________ at the
3. Liquid pressure __________ with depth .
4. In liquids,______ pressure is exerted at the same
5.A bicycle tyre feels hard due to pressure exerted by
_________ .
a) Why does the rubber bulb shown in the picture above bulge more in the
third tube containing water?
b)Why is it difficult to push an inverted glass bottle into a bucket of water
but we are able to push it easily when we tilt it a bit?
c) How does air pressure help us in breathing?

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