2 ASSIGNMENT 2 Basic Formulas and Charts

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Assignment 2

Basic formulas + charts

1. Create a FORMULA to find the average of these numbers.
2. Create an automatic FUNCTION (fx) to find the average of these numbers.

Select the cell where you want to display your result.

Then for creating average formula use symbol (=) to start creating a formula.
Add all the values and divide it by no. of observation.
Use the average function in the cell by writing =average (….).

3. Create a comment in cell G14 which is readable only when you roll over the cell and Find and Replace
F14 cell with your name.

Press ctrl + H shortcut to open find and replace dialogue box and then find the word you want to
replace with.

In order to add a comment right click on the cell the go to “insert a comment” option to add or insert
a comment to that particular cell.

4. Weight the following scores. Let the quizzes equal 30% of the final grade, and let the tests equal 70%
of the final grade.
Double click on the cell on which you want to display your result then use the formulae - = (30% *
G18) + (70% * H18).

5. Create and format a pie chart.

a. Using the data below, create a pie chart.
b. Add and format data labels in the pie chart to make the chart more informative.

Select the data which you want to put in the Graph then go to insert TAB click on Charts menu.
Click on Pie chart and a dialogue box will appear showing you the desired result.
For add info and modifying the chart go to design and format tab as shown above.
Also,you can change the style and colour of the pie chart.
6. Create a column/bar chart to graph Test 1 and Test 2 ONLY:

Select the desired data which you want to get displayed into the charts.
Then go to insert tab and select column charts from the charts section.
After selecting the column chart option an image will appear showing the chosen data in the form
of column charts.
7. Correct the y-axis in the chart below so that the chart is scaled from 0 to 120.

For changing the range from 100 to 120, select the y axis or vertical axis by clicking on it then select
format from chart tools menu and then choose format selection. A side dialogue box will appear
where you can change the maximum value to 120.

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