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Chapter 1

Now we need to calculate the moments at the centroid of the critical section:

M ux = −44.3(12) + 26.0 ⋅ (0 + 6.48) = −363.1kip − in

M uy = −56.7(12) − 26.0 ⋅ (0 − 6.48) = −511.9kip − in
We need to calculate the gamma factor for moments about each axis. The gamma factors in Concept are always calculated
about the principal axes of each section. First, we need to find the orientation of the principal axes:

2 I xy
tan 2θ =
I yy − I xx
tan 2θ =
22,275 − 5,478
θ = 0.3275rad
This angle defines a local set of axes x' and y' rotated about the centroid of the critical section. About this set of axes, from
the geometry of the problem the x' maximum section width is 30.64 inch and the y' maximum section width is 14.38 inch.

Figure 1-2 Rotated axes according to principal axes calculation

γ vx ' = 1 − = 0.3135
2 14.38
3 30.64
γ vy ' = 1 − = 0.4932
2 30.64
3 14.38

These gamma factors are calculated and need to be applied about the principal axes of the section. However, it is more
convenient to calculate the stresses based upon the section properties we have already calculated about the global x and y
axes. In order to accomplish both requirements, we will transform the global axis forces to the critical section principal axes,
apply the gamma factors, then transform them back to the global x and y axes:

M ux ' = M ux cos θ + M uy sin θ

M uy ' = − M ux sin θ + M uy cos θ

M ux ' = −363.1 cos(0.3275) − 511.9 sin(0.3275) = −508.5kip − in

M uy ' = 363.1sin(0.3275) − 511.9 cos(0.3275) = −367.9kip − in

RAM Concept 3

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