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Drugs used in the management of

respiratory diseases
Philip Padrid and David B Church

INTRODUCTION There are two important clinical messages:

1. decreased airway diameter results in increased
The term ‘respiratory disease’ includes any disorder of airflow velocity. This, in turn, causes a drop in
the pulmonary tree, including infectious and noninfec- airway pressure
tious disease(s) of the nasal cavity and sinuses, posterior 2. small changes in airway diameter result in
oropharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lung parenchyma enormous changes in the amount of air that can
and pleural cavity. This chapter will concentrate pri- pass through that airway.
marily on the drugs used to treat respiratory disease in
dogs and cats in which the primary cause is not due to Many respiratory diseases cause airway narrowing from
infectious or parasitic agents. The reader is referred to edema, mucus formation or cellular infiltration. Normal
other chapters of this book for specific methods of treat- volumes of air may not be able to flow easily on a
ing viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic infections of the breath-by-breath basis and the airways may be prone to
respiratory tract. Additionally, respiratory dysfunction collapse. This phenomenon is one of the causes of noisy
due to pulmonary congestion and edema as a result of breathing, tachypnea, sneeze, cough, lethargy and exer-
primary or secondary heart failure will also be covered cise intolerance. Therefore, drug therapy that results in
in other appropriate chapters. an increase in airway diameter may minimize or even
abolish these clinical signs.
Airway diameter is also determined by physiological
bronchial tone mediated through nervous airway smooth
CLINICAL SIGNS OF muscle innervation. In dogs and cats the primary effer-
RESPIRATORY DISEASE ent system is parasympathetic and the major neurotrans-
mitter is acetylcholine.
Regardless of the cause, inflammation and/or obstruc- The mechanisms involved in cholinergic bronchocon-
tion of the respiratory tract results in a relatively small striction are complex and incompletely understood.
number of clinical signs. These include sneezing, reverse Intracellular effects depend in part on modifications of
sneezing, coughing, gagging, nasal discharge, noisy intracellular levels of cyclic adenosine monophosphate
breathing, increased (rarely decreased) rate of breath- (cAMP) and cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP).
ing, increased or decreased depth of breathing, lethargy The effects of these two second messengers are recipro-
and exercise intolerance. Most respiratory disorders will cal; hence increased concentrations of one are
cause some combination of these signs to occur simul- associated with decreased concentrations of the other.
taneously. In order to make rational choices for the Cyclic AMP is increased by β2-receptor stimulation and
treatment of both the signs and the underlying cause(s) decreased by activation of α-receptors. In contrast, acti-
of these signs, it is helpful to briefly review the relevant vation of H1-receptors, muscarinic effects of acetylcho-
pathophysiology. line and a variety of different inflammatory mediators
and increased intracellular Ca2+ concentrations all
increase cGMP levels.
Pathophysiological regulation of Acetylcholine’s actions are mediated via a number
airway size of mechanisms, which are not all cAMP or cGMP
The diameter of an airway has a profound effect on the dependent. These include increasing intracellular con-
amount of air that can travel through that airway as centrations of inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (ITP) and dia-
well as the speed with which that air travels. cylglycerol (DAG) as well as promoting calcium influx


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through L-type calcium channels. The ITP effects are mentioned, there is minimal bronchomotor tone in
thought to be responsible for the initial phase of bron- healthy dogs at rest. In contrast, cats have a greater
chial smooth muscle contraction, mediated via a tran- degree of bronchomotor tone at rest that can be reversed
sient increase in intracellular calcium concentration with vagolytic agents.
released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. While this In general, bronchoconstriction is not an important
process appears to be cAMP dependent, it has been pos- cause of clinical signs in dogs with bronchopulmonary
tulated that a cholinergically mediated decrease in cAMP disease. For example, less than 15% of dogs with
is the cause of the increased intracellular ITP concentra- chronic bronchitis have increased airway resistance (a
tion. However, while this first phase may be cAMP measure of increased bronchomotor tone) that can be
independent, the maintenance of bronchoconstriction reversed with bronchodilator agents. In contrast, cats
appears to involve both ITP- and DAG-modifying cAMP develop naturally occurring and clinically significant
levels through unknown mechanisms. bronchoconstriction which in severe cases of allergic
Acetylcholine-mediated basal airway tone is minimal inflammation can be life-threatening.
in dogs and results in only mild bronchoconstriction in Bronchodilator drugs can be classified as β-receptor
resting feline airways. However, unlike the dog, there agonists, methylxanthine derivatives and anticholiner-
are at least five receptor types in feline airways that gics. As mentioned above, adrenergic stimulation can
respond to parasympathetic input. One receptor type, result in α1-adrenoreceptor mediated bronchial constric-
the irritant receptor, is located beneath the respiratory tion, α2-adrenoreceptor mediated bronchodilation,
epithelium and has been found in cat airways as probably through inhibition of cholinergic broncho-
far distally as the alveoli. The increased types and constriction, or bronchodilation through activation of
distribution of ACh-responsive receptors are likely to β2-adrenoreceptors. The bronchodilatory effects of
at least partly explain the severity of clinical signs β2-adrenoreceptors are mediated not only through
associated with feline bronchitis compared with canine increasing cAMP concentrations but also, perhaps more
bronchitis. importantly, through a cAMP-independent pathway
Although resting airway tone in dogs is minimal, that involves activation of a large-conductance calcium-
canine airways are more responsive than feline airways activated potassium channel. Activating this channel
to acetylcholine. However, canine airways (in relation allows an extracellular potassium efflux, increase in
to their body surface area) are enormous compared with transmembrane potential and hence a reduction in
feline airways and changes in bronchomotor tone in calcium influx through the voltage-dependent L-type
dogs result in relatively trivial clinical changes com- calcium channels, thus resulting in bronchodilation.
pared with the cat.
The sympathetic system also mediates airway caliber
and tone. These actions are mediated via β1- and β2-
adrenergic bronchodilation and α1-adrenergic broncho-
constriction, as well as possibly α2-adrenergic reduction
All adrenergic agonists have variable α- and β-receptor
of parasympathetic bronchoconstriction. Variations in
affinity. In view of the distribution of α- and β-receptors,
the density of β1- and β2-receptors within cat airways
nonselective β-receptor agonists such as isoprenaline
contribute to the increased responsiveness of cat airways
(isoproterenol) or mixed α- and β-receptor agonists
to naturally occurring and drug-induced changes in
such as adrenaline (epinephrine) are more likely to
bronchomotor tone compared with the dog.
produce cardiovascular side effects than similarly
A third nervous system, the nonadrenergic, noncho-
administered selective β-agonists. Consequently, drugs
linergic (NANC) system, further mediates bronchomo-
with preferential affinity for β2-receptors are likely to
tor tone through various neurotransmitters, such as
provide more effective bronchodilation with fewer side
vasoactive intestinal peptide.

Aerosol delivery
BRONCHODILATOR DRUGS Even when selective β2-agonists are used, the preferen-
tial activation of pulmonary β2-receptors may be
The use of bronchodilators in various disease states is enhanced by inhalation of small doses of the drug in
based on the assumption that clinically significant bron- aerosol form. This approach typically leads to rapid and
choconstriction exists. The degree of resting broncho- effective pulmonary β2-receptor activation with low sys-
motor tone and the reactivity of airway smooth muscle temic drug concentrations.
in response to different disease states and airborne Aerosol administration relies upon the delivery of
agents are species specific. For example, as previously drug to distal airways, which in turn depends on the


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size of the aerosol particles and various respiratory unlikely. However, terbutaline should always be
parameters such as tidal volume and inspiratory flow used with care in patients who may have increased
rate. Even in such co-operative patients as humans, only sensitivity to adrenergic agents – in particular,
approximately 10% of the inhaled dose enters the lungs. patients with pre-existing cardiac disease, diabetes
Recent studies in cats have demonstrated that passive mellitus, hyperthyroidism, hypertension and seizure
inhalation through a mask and spacer combination disorders.
(Aerokat®) is an effective method of delivering suffi- ● All β2-agonists may lower plasma potassium; hence,
cient medication to be clinically effective. Preliminary in at-risk patients receiving long-term terbutaline
studies and anecdotal evidence suggest that dogs may therapy, it may be prudent to monitor plasma potas-
be treated equally effectively using a similar system. sium levels. In clinical practice and experimentally, it
The two principal β2-agonists currently marketed in is rare to find β2-agonist associated hypokalemia in
preparations that can be readily and regularly used in dogs and cats.
small animals are terbutaline sulfate and salbutamol
(albuterol) sulfate. Known drug interactions
● Terbutaline used with other sympathomimetics
Terbutaline sulfate increases the risk of adverse cardiovascular effects,
as does its concurrent use with digoxin, tricyclic
Mechanism of action
antidepressants and monoamine oxidase inhibitors.
Terbutaline is a selective β2-receptor agonist that pro-
These potential effects are more likely in patients
duces relaxation of smooth muscle found principally in
with pre-existing cardiac disease, especially hyper-
bronchial, vascular and uterine tissues. The exact mech-
trophic cardiomyopathy.
anism by which activation of β2-receptors results in
● Use with various inhalation anesthetics may predis-
smooth muscle relaxation is poorly understood although
pose the patient to ventricular arrhythmias.
it seems certain to involve changes brought about by
increased intracellular cAMP. It has been postulated that
the elevated cAMP levels inactivate the enzyme respon-
Salbutamol (albuterol) sulfate
sible for activating myosin. Since the inactive myosin is Mechanism of action
unable to interact with actin, smooth muscle contrac- Salbutamol (albuterol) is a selective β2-receptor agonist
tion cannot occur. with pharmacological properties similar to terbutaline.

Formulations and dose rates Formulations and dose rates

Terbutaline is available as a tablet, an elixir and an injectable prepara- Salbutamol is available as a tablet, syrup, as well as various inhalants.
tion suitable for subcutaneous or intramuscular use. The dose rate The oral dose rate in the dog is 0.02 mg/kg/12 h. This dose should
has been reported from as low as 0.01 mg/kg given subcutaneously be maintained for 5 days and if there has been no improvement and
or intramuscularly up to 0.1–0.2 mg/kg/8 h for the dog and cat given no adverse effects, the dose may be increased to 0.5 mg/kg/8–12 h.
orally. In animals that respond at this higher dose, the dose should be
reduced progressively until the lowest effective dose has been deter-
mined. However, because the inhaled form of salbutamol is now
available for use in veterinary practice, there is little advantage to
using the oral preparation.
Pharmacokinetics The inhaled form of salbutamol comes as a single strength 17 g
The pharmacokinetics of terbutaline in dogs and cats metered dose inhaler and delivers 90 µg per actuation of the device.
have not been described. In humans, around 45% of an Additionally, salbutamol can be included in discus or dry powder
oral dose is absorbed; peak bronchial effects occur forms with other inhaled medications, including fluticasone hydro-
within 2–3 h and last approximately 8 h. When admin- chloride (Advair®). Currently, however, there is no practical method
istered subcutaneously, there is a more rapid onset of to deliver the discus or powder form of the drug(s) to dogs and
activity (15 min) with a peak effect after 30–60 min and cats.
duration of 4 h. Approximately 60% of administered
terbutaline is excreted unchanged in the urine, while the
remainder undergoes hepatic conjugation to inactive Pharmacokinetics
metabolites. The pharmacokinetics of salbutamol in dogs and cats
have not been studied. In humans, when administered
Adverse effects by inhalation, salbutamol produces significant broncho-
● At usual doses, terbutaline has little effect on β1- dilation within 15 min that lasts for 3–4 h. It is also
receptors so direct cardiostimulatory effects are generally well absorbed orally and may have broncho-


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dilatory effects for up to 8 h. Anecdotal experience with has also been credited with producing centrally medi-
this drug in clinical practice suggests a similar pharma- ated increased respiratory effort at any given alveolar
cokinetic profile in cats. Salbutamol undergoes exten- PCO2, improved diaphragmatic contractility and
sive hepatic metabolism. After oral administration reduced diaphragmatic fatigue, mild increases in myo-
approximately 58–78% of the dose is excreted in the cardial contractility and heart rate, increased central
urine over 24 h, with 60% of the drug in an inactive nervous system (CNS) activity, increased gastric acid
form. secretion and mild diuresis. These effects have not been
demonstrated in dogs or cats and must be recognized as
Adverse effects an extrapolation from other species.
● Occasional but not common adverse effects include A number of mechanisms have been proposed to
skeletal muscle tremors and restlessness, which gen- explain these various effects. These have included inhi-
erally subside after 2–3 days. bition of phosphodiesterases with a resultant increase in
● As with terbutaline, care should be exercised when intracellular cAMP, direct and indirect effects on intra-
administering salbutamol to patients with pre- cellular calcium concentration, uncoupling of intra-
existing cardiac disease, diabetes mellitus, hyperthy- cellular calcium concentration and muscle contractile
roidism, hypertension and seizure disorders. elements and competitive inhibition of adenosine
Interestingly, at therapeutic concentrations of theoph-
Known drug interactions ylline, only adenosine receptor blockade has been
Salbutamol’s potential interactions are similar to those reliably demonstrated. Consequently many investiga-
of terbutaline. tors suggest that this is the most likely explanation for
theophylline’s varied effects. However, it should be
noted that, at present, the exact mechanism by which
METHYLXANTHINES theophylline causes bronchodilation is far from
The methylxanthines share several pharmacological
actions of therapeutic interest. They relax smooth Formulations and dose rates
muscle, particularly bronchial smooth muscle, stimulate
the central nervous system and are weakly positive chro- Because of theophylline’s relatively low therapeutic index and phar-
notropes and inotropes, as well as mild diuretics. macokinetic characteristics, dose rates should be based on lean body
mass. The dose rate of theophylline varies depending on the prepara-
However, in small animal practice the methylxanthines
tion used. In standard preparations the recommended dose rate in
have been used primarily as bronchodilators. dogs is 10 mg/kg/6–8 h PO and cats 4 mg/kg/8–12 h PO. When using
sustained-release preparations, a dose of 20 mg/kg/12 h for dogs and
Theophylline and aminophylline 25 mg/kg/24 h for cats should be considered. Although there have
been reports of varied bioavailability with different proprietary forms
Chemical structure of sustained-release preparations, Theo-Dur® and Diffumal® have
Caffeine, theophylline and theobromine are three both reliably been shown to have bioavailability greater than 95% in
naturally occurring methylxanthines. While all three dogs.
alkaloids are relatively insoluble, the solubility can be • The dose rate of aminophylline is 11 mg/kg/8 h in dogs PO and
enhanced by the formation of complexes with a wide 5–6 mg/kg/12 h PO in cats
variety of compounds. The best known of these com-
plexes is aminophylline, which is the ethylenediamine Pharmacokinetics
complex of theophylline with differing quantities of The pharmacokinetics of theophylline have been exten-
water of hydration. Each 100 mg of hydrous and anhy- sively studied in a number of species. Because theophyl-
drous aminophylline contains 79 mg and 86 mg of line is not water soluble it can only be given orally. After
theophylline respectively. Conversely, 100 mg of theo- oral administration peak plasma rates occur within
phylline is equivalent to 116 mg of anhydrous amino- 1.5 h; rate of absorption is limited principally by disso-
phylline and 127 mg of hydrous aminophylline. When lution of the dosage form in the gut. Bioavailability in
dissolved in water, aminophylline readily dissociates to both cats and dogs is generally >90% when nonsus-
its parent compounds. tained-release preparations are used. However, sus-
tained-release preparations may have a more variable
Mechanism of action bioavailability. One study in dogs suggested that
Although theophylline produces bronchial smooth four different sustained-release preparations had bio-
muscle relaxation, importantly it is considered a less availability varying from 30% to 76%; however, other
potent bronchodilator than the β-agonists. Theophylline investigators found bioavailability to be greater than


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95% in studies using two of these four products. In Additionally, there is cholinergic innervation of the
general, the anhydrous theophylline tablet is preferred. lung and this is mediated through three muscarinic
Theophylline is only weakly protein bound (7–14%), receptors (M1, M2, M3). Interestingly, the M2 receptor
with a relatively low volume of distribution (0.82 L/kg is antagonistic in that stimulation of M2 receptors
in dogs, 0.46 L/kg in cats). Because of this low volume causes inhibition of further acetylcholine release. Atro-
of distribution and theophylline’s poor lipid solubility, pine is the classic anticholinergic compound and blocks
it is recommended that obese animals be dosed on a lean muscarinic receptors nonselectively. Since concurrent
body mass basis. Additionally, a chronopharmacoki- blockage of M2 and M3 receptors is likely to have
netic study in cats showed that evening administration antagonistic effects on acetylcholine secretion, drugs
is associated with better bioavailability and fewer fluc- that selectively block activation of M3 receptors (tiotro-
tuations in plasma drug levels. prium bromide) have been developed. Interestingly,
In humans, theophylline is mainly metabolized in the while in humans drugs that block cholinergic pathways
liver. Reported elimination half-lives are 5.7 h in the are effective in the treatment of COPD, this class of drug
dog and 7.8 h in the cat. Renal clearance of parent has not demonstrated similar efficacy in treating dogs
compound contributes only about 10% of total plasma or cats with bronchial disease.
clearance. In humans there are marked variations in In the authors’ experience, the primary indication for
plasma half-life between individuals and it seems likely anticholinergic drug therapy in veterinary respiratory
that similar variation exists in dogs and cats, although medicine is to pretreat cats with existing bronchial
to date this has not been investigated. disease prior to anesthesia to decrease excessive mucoid
secretions that would otherwise result from tracheal
Adverse effects intubation. It may also be helpful as an adjunctive bron-
● Although theophylline can produce CNS stimulation chodilator for patients with pre-existing asthma for
and gastrointestinal disturbances, usually these which bronchoscopy is planned.
effects are associated with excessive dosing and
resolve with a dose adjustment.
● Seizures or cardiac arrhythmias may occur in severe
Known drug interactions
● Theophylline’s effects may be diminished by phenyt- Oral and parenteral corticosteroids are commonly
oin or phenobarbital and enhanced by cimetidine, used by veterinarians to treat a number of pulmonary
allopurinol, clindamycin and lincomycin. disorders in dogs and cats, including allergic rhinitis,
● The effects of theophylline and β-adrenergic blockers bronchitis, asthma and eosinophilic pneumonia (PIE
may be antagonized if they are administered syndrome). This class of drugs is effective for this
concurrently. purpose but the list of side effects is long and
● Theophylline increases the likelihood of arrhythmias ranges from annoying (increased urination) to life-
induced by adrenergic agonists and halothane. threatening (pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus). Inhaled
● Theophylline increases the likelihood of seizures steroid medications have the advantage of significant
with ketamine. clinical efficacy without the systemic side effects of the
oral or parenterally administered medications. The most
commonly used inhaled corticosteroid is fluticasone
Mechanism of action
Fluticasone proprionate
There are cholinergic nerve fibers within the brainstem at Fluticasone proprionate is a synthetic corticosteroid
the level of the nucleus ambiguous, as well as within the that has 18-fold greater affinity for the corticosteroid
vagus nerve via the dorsal motor nucleus. Nervous receptor compared with dexamethasone, the reference
impulses traverse through parasympathetic ganglia standard for corticosteroid potency. Similarly to oral
within the airway wall; postganglionic nerve fibers inner- and parenteral corticosteroids, fluticasone activates the
vate the submucosal glands and airway smooth muscle. glucocorticosteroid receptor present on virtually all cells
When activated, the endings of these nerve fibers release within mammalian systems. Binding of the steroid to
acetylcholine and can result in mucus secretion and this receptor results in a new molecular complex that
smooth muscle contraction (bronchoconstriction). itself binds to promoter-enhancer regions of target


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genes, resulting in up- or downregulation of the gene

actuation of the MDI. As previously mentioned, it may take 1–2 weeks
and its product. Fluticasone, like other corticosteroids, to reach maximal clinical efficacy due to the large size of the molecule
acts to inhibit mast cells, eosinophils, lymphocytes, neu- and slow penetration into airway mucosa.
trophils and macrophages involved in the generation
and exacerbation of allergic airway inflammation by
transcriptional regulation of these target genes. Pre-
formed and newly secreted mediators including hista- ANTITUSSIVES
mine, eicosanoids, leukotrienes and multiple cytokines
are inhibited as well. Relevant pathophysiology
Fluticasone is a large molecule and acts topically The cough reflex is complex, involving the central and
within the airway mucosa. Because there is poor absorp- peripheral nervous systems as well as the smooth muscle
tion across gut epithelium there is minimal oral systemic of the bronchial tree. Chemical or mechanical irritation
bioavailability, thus plasma levels do not predict thera- of the epithelium within bronchial mucosa causes bron-
peutic effects. This explains the lack of systemic side choconstriction, which in turn stimulates cough recep-
effects but it also suggests that clinically effective absorp- tors located within the tracheobronchial tree. Afferent
tion into the airway mucosa is delayed. Optimal clinical conduction from these receptors occurs via the vagus
effects therefore may not occur for 1–2 weeks. nerve to centers within the medulla that are distinct
Fluticasone has been used to treat cats with bronchial from the actual respiratory center.
asthma since at least 1993. The first systematic pub- The drugs that can affect this complex mechanism are
lished report of the use of this drug for this purpose was quite diverse. For example, coughing as a result of bron-
in the year 2000. Since then, a number of manuscripts choconstriction may be relieved by bronchodilators
have demonstrated the clinical effectiveness of flutica- acting simply to dilate airways, while other antitussive
sone to treat dogs and cats with allergic rhinitis, agents act primarily on the peripheral or central nervous
bronchitis and asthma (naturally occurring and experi- system components of the cough reflex. Generally,
mentally induced). There have been no controlled pub- however, the most effective antitussives elevate the
lished studies to determine the optimal dose or interval threshold for coughing by poorly understood centrally
for use of fluticasone in dogs or cats. However, there mediated mechanisms.
are anecdotal reports (by one of the authors) that refer-
ence more than 500 small animal patients treated with
fluticasone over a period covering 1995–2006. Dosage
Clinical applications
recommendations are therefore based on these anec-
dotal reports and are supported by more recent pub- Almost any respiratory tract disorder involving any
lished studies. level of the large and small airways can result in cough-
ing. This should normally be viewed as a protective
Formulations and dose rates physiological process resulting in clearance of thick and
tenacious secretions produced by chronic airway inflam-
Inhaled corticosteroids come in multiple forms. However, only the mation. Thus, cough suppression as a single therapeutic
metered dose inhalers (MDI) combined with a spacer and mask appro- agent is relatively contraindicated when cough is associ-
priate for the size of the patient’s muzzle are currently suitable for ated with mucus production. In investigating any animal
use in small animal patients. Fluticasone comes in three strengths: with suspected respiratory disease, it is important
44/110 and 220 µg per actuation. The authors have found that 44 µg to establish if the animal gags, chokes or swallows
dosing twice daily does not consistently result in acceptable clinical after coughing. If the answer to any of these questions
responses in either dogs or cats of any size. For cats and dogs less is yes, it is likely mucus is being produced and brought
than 12 kg, 110 µg given twice daily frequently results in clinical
to the caudal pharynx. In these cases, cough suppression
responses equivalent to that achieved by administration of oral doses
of prednisone 5 mg PO BID. Dogs larger than 12 kg may need twice
as a single treatment modality is likely to be
this dose, or 220 µg inhaled BID. contraindicated.
The choice of spacer is clinically significant because the efficacy However, once mucus production is diminished or
of a spacer as a delivery device affects the amount of drug available resolved, cough suppression may be desirable. Chronic
to the patient. Most mammalian species including dogs and cats have coughing tends to increase airway inflammation,
a tidal volume of 10–20 mL inspired air/kg of bodyweight. Currently, increasing the risk of a vicious cycle in which the cough
only the Aerokat® and Aerodawg® brand (Trudell Medical Inc, Ontario) causes mucosal irritation. This can result in further
spacers have been designed specifically based on the tidal volume coughing. Consequently, cough suppression may be
characteristics of small animals. Using these spacer devices, dogs particularly helpful for selected patients, including
and cats will inhale the majority of drug propelled into the spacer by
dogs with tracheobronchial collapse or dogs recovering
breathing 7–10 times through the spacer– mask combination after
from the acute phase of the kennel-cough complex.


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Additionally, there are cases when the cough is so frus- OPIOID ANTITUSSIVES
trating for owners that euthanasia of the pet is being
considered. Cough suppression may be life saving in this Codeine phosphate
instance. Mechanism of action
Typically, drugs used to suppress coughing are cate- Codeine has extremely low affinity for standard CNS µ,
gorized as narcotic (opioid) or nonnarcotic (nonopioid). κ and δ opioid receptors. Its antitussive activity proba-
Unfortunately, although many nonopioid antitussives bly involves distinct codeine-specific receptors. Ligation
can be effective in experimental situations, these same of these receptors reduces the sensitivity of the cough
drugs are not predictably effective in naturally occurring center to afferent impulses.
clinical situations. Consequently, in the authors’ opinion,
generally narcotic antitussives are needed to achieve
effective cough suppression.
Formulations and dose rates
NONOPIOID ANTITUSSIVES Codeine phosphate is available as 30 mg and 60 mg tablets as well
as being present in many mixed analgesic preparations. Codeine
Dextromethorphan hydrobromide phosphate is a schedule II drug and is subject to the Controlled Sub-
stance Act of 1970 (USA). The starting antitussive dose has been as
Mechanism of action
low as 0.1–0.3 mg/kg/8–12 h and as high as 1–2 mg/kg/6–12 h.
Dextromethorphan hydrobromide is a semisynthetic
Whatever the starting point, the dose may need to be increased to
derivative of opium that acts centrally to elevate the achieve a satisfactory effect.
cough threshold. It does not have addictive, analgesic
or sedative action and in usual doses does not produce
respiratory depression or inhibit ciliary activity.
Although dextromethorphan is the D isomer of the Pharmacokinetics
codeine analog, and thus levorphanol, it binds to central Because of its reduced first-pass hepatic metabolism in
binding sites that appear to be distinct from standard comparison to other opioids, codeine has a high bio-
opioid receptors. The nonopioid nature of these sites availability. Oral administration of codeine provides
is reinforced by the inability of naloxone to reverse around 60% of its parenteral efficacy. Once absorbed,
dextromethorphan’s effects. codeine is metabolized by the liver, with the largely
inactive metabolites excreted predominantly in the
In humans, approximately 10% of administered
Formulations and dose rates codeine is demethylated to form morphine and both free
and conjugated forms of morphine can be found in the
Dextromethorphan is generally marketed in over-the-counter formula- urine of patients receiving therapeutic doses of codeine.
tions (usually syrups or lozenges) combined with various antihista-
In humans, codeine’s plasma half-life is around 2–4 h.
mines, bronchodilators and mucolytics. A dose of approximately
2 mg/kg PO has been suggested, although, as with most of the anti-
tussive agents, higher doses are often required. Antitussive effects Adverse effects
may persist for up to 5 h. In the authors’ experience, the effectiveness ● Codeine is generally well tolerated, although
of dextromethorphan is significantly less than that of the various adverse effects are possible especially at higher dose
opioid antitussives. Its main advantage is its ease of availability and rates.
lack of accountability to federal agencies for its use, although gener- ● Sedation is the most common side effect in the dog.
ally this is more than offset by its lack of clinical efficacy! ● CNS stimulation may be seen in cats.
● Constipation is common when codeine is given for
more than a few weeks.

Hydrocodone tartrate
There appears to be no information available on the Mechanism of action
pharmacokinetics of dextromethorphan in cats and Hydrocodone has increased antitussive properties com-
dogs. In humans, onset of action is 30 min. pared to codeine. In humans, it has been suggested that
hydrocodone may have twice the antitussive potency
Adverse effects of morphine. The mechanism of this effect seems to
Adverse effects of dextromethorphan are confined to be direct suppression of the cough center within the
CNS depression and this has only been reported at medulla. Hydrocodone may also reduce respiratory
extremely high doses. mucosal secretions through undetermined mechanisms.


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Formulations and dose rates Butorphanol

Mechanism of action
The starting dose rate in dogs is 0.22 mg/kg/6–12 h PO. For dogs Butorphanol is a very effective antitussive as well as an
with intractable cough (tracheal collapse, left mainstem bronchial
analgesic. In dogs it is 100 times more potent as a cough
collapse due to enlarged left atrium) the dose of hydrocodone often
needs to be increased to 0.45–0.9 mg/kg/6–12 h. Hydrocodone is
suppressant than codeine and four times more potent
marketed in combination with homatropine as both an elixir and tablet than morphine. It has been shown to elevate the CNS
formulations. The addition of homatropine may be intended to dis- respiratory center threshold to carbon dioxide but,
suade inappropriate use of the drug for pleasure and usually does not unlike other opioid agonists, it does not suppress respi-
cause significant untoward side effects in dogs or cats. In the authors’ ratory center sensitivity. In the authors’ experience
experience this is the most effective and safe cough suppressant butorphanol is most helpful as an antitussive given
available for use in the canine species. parenterally to treat acute intractable cough.

Pharmacokinetics Formulations and dose rates

In humans, hydrocodone is well absorbed orally, with a
serum half-life of 3.8 h. In dogs the antitussive effect The antitussive dose of butorphanol in dogs is 0.55–1.1 mg/kg/6–
12 h orally or 0.055–0.11 mg/kg/6–12 h subcutaneously.
generally lasts between 6 and 12 h. Owners may be
instructed to note the duration of action in their pet.
Dosing intervals are then based on these observations.
Adverse effects
Butorphanol is well absorbed orally but a significant
Adverse effects include:
first-pass effect results in less than 20% appearing in the
● sedation
systemic circulation. Peak serum levels are attained at
● constipation
1 h in dogs when the drug is given subcutaneously. The
● other gastrointestinal side effects including
half-life is less than 2 h and duration of action is
borborygmus and diarrhea.
approximately 4 h in the canine species. It is well dis-
tributed and in humans approximately 80% protein
Dihydrocodeine tartrate
bound. Butorphanol is extensively metabolized in the
Mechanism of action liver and predominantly excreted in the urine.
Dihydrocodeine also acts centrally to raise the cough
threshold. Its other CNS activities seem to be markedly Adverse effects
less than those of codeine. Adverse effects include:
● sedation
● anorexia
Formulations and dose rates ● occasionally diarrhea.

Dihydrocodeine is marketed as an elixir, which is relatively palatable

and well absorbed. A starting dose rate of 2 mg/kg/8–12 h PO is
recommended, although higher doses may be required for satisfactory MUCOLYTICS
therapeutic effect.
Relevant pathophysiology
Mucus is a normal protective coating of the respiratory
Pharmacokinetics system from the nasal cavity through to the larger bron-
In humans, dihydrocodeine is well absorbed after oral chioles. It acts as a barrier to infectious and irritating
administration. It has a serum half-life of about 3.8 h particles. It also provides airway humidification and
and its antitussive effects last for 4–6 h. The antitussive participates in maintaining an ideal environment for
action appears to persist for 6–12 h. Unfortunately there ciliary movement. Mucus is produced by submucosal
is no information available on the pharmacokinetics of glands and goblet cells within the surface epithelium of
dihydrocodeine in dogs. airways. Although submucosal glands produce a far
greater volume of mucus compared to the goblet cells,
Adverse effects both of these mucus-secreting tissues respond to direct
Although constipation has been reported in humans, it contact with a variety of substances such as smoke,
is an unusual occurrence and adverse effects are gener- sulfur dioxide and ammonia. Direct innervation is pre-
ally extremely uncommon. dominantly cholinergic.


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The viscosity of pulmonary mucus secretions depends bromhexine results in a significant increase in immuno-
on the concentration of mucoproteins and DNA. Mucus globulin concentrations and a decline in albumin and
chains are cross-linked by disulfide bonds and it is this β-globulin concentrations in respiratory secretions. The
chemical bond that is affected by some mucolytic agents increased immunoglobulins are IgA and IgG; IgM levels
(see N-acetylcysteine below). The feline species is some- remain unchanged. It has been hypothesized that because
what unique in forming sialic acid residues within the of these effects concurrent administration of brom-
mucus strands and this imparts a particularly viscous hexine and an antimicrobial agent will facilitate treat-
nature to feline mucus. While mucoprotein is the main ment of infectious tracheobronchitis.
determinant of viscosity in normal mucus, in purulent
inflammation the mucus concentration of DNA increases Formulations and dose rates
(because of increased cellular debris) and so does its
contribution to viscosity. Importantly, although water is The mucolytic dose of bromhexine hydrochloride in dogs and cats is
incorporated into the mucus gel matrix during mucus 2 mg/kg/12 h PO for 7–10 d, then 1 mg/kg/12 h for a further
formation, topically applied water is not absorbed into 7–10 d.
the already formed mucus plug.

Clinical applications Pharmacokinetics

Following oral administration, bromhexine is rapidly
Dogs and cats with lower airway inflammatory diseases absorbed, with peak plasma levels being reached within
will produce large amounts of relatively viscous inflam- 1 h. As it is lipophilic, it is rapidly redistributed, under-
matory exudate and mucus which is firmly attached to goes extensive hepatic metabolism and is excreted via
the lining of bronchioles and bronchi. By effectively the urine and bile.
increasing bronchial wall thickness, this thick adherent
mucus can exacerbate the ‘lumen-narrowing’ effects of Adverse effects
bronchial constriction, enhance the overall inflammatory Adverse effects to bromhexine are extremely
process and potentiate persistent coughing. In this situa- uncommon.
tion, mucolytic therapy has theoretical value in facilitat-
ing resolution of the inflammatory airway disease. Acetylcysteine
In general, mucolytic drugs act by altering mucus
structure through changes in pH, direct proteolysis and/ Acetylcysteine is the N-acetyl derivative of the naturally
or disruption of disulfide bond linkages. The two most occurring amino acid L-cysteine.
frequently prescribed mucolytic drugs in veterinary
practice are described below. It is also worth remember- Mechanism of action
ing that normal saline, directly administered to the When administered directly into airways, acetylcysteine
airways by nebulization, is an effective mucolytic and reduces viscosity of both purulent and nonpurulent
expectorant. secretions. This effect is thought to be a result of the
free sulfhydryl group on acetylcysteine reducing the
Bromhexine hydrochloride disulfide linkages in mucoproteins, which are thought
to be at least partly responsible for the particularly
Bromhexine hydrochloride is a synthetic derivative of viscoid nature of respiratory mucus. The mucolytic
the alkaloid vasicine. activity of acetylcysteine is unaltered by the presence of
DNA and increases with increasing pH.
Mechanism of action
Bromhexine decreases mucus viscosity by increasing Formulations and dose rates
lysosomal activity. This increased lysosomal activity
enhances hydrolysis of acid mucopolysaccharide poly- Mucolytic
mers, which significantly contribute to normal mucus For effective mucolytic activity, an acetylcysteine solution should be
viscosity. It should be remembered that, in purulent nebulized and administered directly to the respiratory mucosa as an
bronchial inflammation, bronchial mucus viscosity is aerosol. The dose rate in dogs and cats is 5–10 mg/kg for 30 min
more dependent upon the large amount of DNA present. every 12 h. Additionally, there is at least one report of improved gas
exchange in dogs with experimentally induced bronchoconstriction
As bromhexine does not affect the DNA content, its
treated with oral acetylcysteine.
mucolytic action is limited in these situations.
Acetylcysteine is available as 10% and 20% solutions of the sodium
It has also been suggested that bromhexine increases salt in various sized vials. This solution can be readily used in a nebu-
the permeability of the alveolar–capillary barrier, result- lizer undiluted, although dilution with sterile saline will reduce the risk
ing in increased concentrations of certain antibiotics of reactive bronchospasm.
in luminal secretions. Furthermore, over time (2–3 d),


Ch018-S2858.indd 466 11/19/2007 2:28:15 PM


Pharmacokinetics humans with COPD the effect of guaifenisin is likely

When given orally, acetylcysteine is well absorbed; when equivalent to placebo.
given by nebulization directly into the respiratory tract,
most acetylcysteine is involved in the sulfhydryl-
disulfide reaction and the remainder is absorbed. The ANTILEUKOTRIENES
absorbed drug is metabolized via deacetylation to cys-
teine in the liver. Clinical applications
Leukotrienes belong to a family of inflammatory media-
Adverse effects tors that are derived from arachidonic acid and are
Unfortunately, acetylcysteine appears to irritate respira- known collectively as eicosanoids. Arachidonic acid is
tory tract epithelium and many dogs and cats develop metabolized to various prostaglandins and thrombox-
cough and/or bronchoconstriction when acetylcysteine anes through the action of cyclo-oxygenase as well as
is administered directly into the respiratory tract. Con- various leukotrienes through the action of the lipoxy-
sequently, its use in animals with bronchoconstrictive genase system.
airway disease must be carefully monitored. The 5-lipoxygenase enzyme catalyzes the conversion
of arachidonic acid to 5-hydroperoxy-eicosatetraenoic
Known drug interactions acid (5-HPETE) and then to leukotriene A4 (LTA4).
Solutions of acetylcysteine are incompatible with: LTA4 is then converted to LTB4 or conjugated to LTC4.
● amphotericin B LTC4 is converted to LTD4 and this is metabolized to
● ampicillin sodium LTE4. The leukotrienes LTC4, LTD4 and LTE4 are col-
● erythromycin lactobionate lectively known as the cysteinyl leukotrienes and play
● tetracycline and oxytetracycline an important role in airway inflammation. They produce
● hydrogen peroxide. mucus hypersecretion, increased vascular permeability
and mucosal edema, induce potent bronchoconstriction
and act as chemoattractants to inflammatory cells, par-
EXPECTORANTS ticularly eosinophils and neutrophils.
The cysteinyl leukotrienes act via two types of cell
Expectorants are drugs used to produce an increased surface receptor: cys-LT1 and cys-LT2. While the cys-LT2
volume of respiratory secretions that can theoretically receptor is mainly responsible for the effects of cysteinyl
be coughed out more easily. Although drugs in this class leukotrienes on pulmonary blood vessels, cys-LT1 recep-
are used in an enormous number of over-the-counter tors mediate most of the effects of cysteinyl leukotrienes
medications, a Food and Drug Administration advisory on airways.
review panel found no well-controlled studies that doc-
umented the effectiveness of expectorants in managing Zafirlukast, montelukast, zileuton
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in man.
Likewise, there are no current data available to suggest Mechanism of action
that expectorants are effective adjunctive treatments for All three products are competitive, highly selective and
dogs and cats with disorders of the respiratory tract. potent oral inhibitors of production or function of
However, because this class of drug is used with such LTC4, LTD4 and LTE4. Specifically, zileuton blocks leu-
regularity, a brief discussion is appropriate. kotriene biosynthesis by inhibiting production of the
5-lipoxygenase enzyme while both montelukast and zaf-
irlukast block adhesion of leukotrienes to their common
leukotriene receptor (cys-LT1).
The most commonly prescribed expectorant is guaifeni- In man, leukotrienes inhibit asthmatic responses to
sin. An older name for this drug is glycerol guaiacolate; allergen, aspirin, exercise and cold dry air. Additionally.
it was isolated from guaiac resin in 1826. When given leukotriene blockade has been shown in many clinical
in large amounts, guaifenisin acts as an emetic; it is trials to decrease the amount and frequency of admin-
likely that it stimulates a gastropulmonary vagal reflex. istration of corticosteroids in steroid-dependent human
It may also be absorbed into bronchial mucosal glands asthmatics.
and exert a direct mucotropic effect. Few studies have investigated the role of leukotrienes
The dose required to stimulate production of mucus in canine or feline airway disease. Because dogs do not
and respiratory tract secretions is probably equivalent develop naturally occurring asthma as do cats, the few
to the dose needed to produce emesis; this is far higher studies that have been done have focused on feline
than the 400–1600 mg/d range of dosing most com- airways. LTE4 is found in increased concentrations in
monly prescribed. Thus, at doses recommended to treat urine of asthmatic humans and is a commonly used


Ch018-S2858.indd 467 11/19/2007 2:28:16 PM


marker for increased production of LTC4 and LTD4 in absorbed orally, although the presence of food can
people with asthma. No such increase in urinary LTE4 reduce absorption by up to 60%. They are highly
was found in 20 cats with signs of bronchial disease or protein bound, extensively metabolized by the liver and
cats with experimentally induced asthma. More recently, undergo predominantly biliary excretion.
in another experimental model of feline asthma, no
increase in cysteinyl leukotrienes was found in either Adverse effects
urine or bronchoalveolar lavage fluid after challenge ● As only limited experience of these drugs in dogs and
exposure to sensitizing antigen. Additionally, zafirlukast cats is available, the prevalence, type and severity of
did not inhibit airway inflammation or airway hyperre- adverse reactions associated with their administra-
activity in this feline asthma model. There is no current tion cannot be documented.
evidence that drugs that affect leukotriene synthesis or ● In humans, leukotriene receptor antagonists have
receptor ligation will play a significant role in the treat- occasionally been associated with elevated hepatic
ment of feline or canine respiratory disease. enzyme levels, although active hepatic disease is
uncommon. Human case reports have also suggested
a rare association between the leukotriene receptor
Formulations and dose rates antagonists and Churg–Strauss syndrome. This is a
rare condition involving vasculitis-associated asthma,
Drugs that block leukotrienes are available in pill form. There is at
eosinophilia and pulmonary infiltrates. The cause
least one author who claims efficacy in treating feline asthma with
and effect association remains controversial, as most
zafirlukast (1–2 mg/kg BID) and montelukast (0.5–1.0 mg/kg SID).
of the affected patients were receiving steroids prior
to starting leukotriene receptor antagonist therapy.
Consequently, it seems plausible that most of the
Pharmacokinetics cases were actually Churg–Strauss syndrome sup-
The pharmacokinetics of these drugs in dogs and cats pressed by the oral steroids, which became unmasked
have not been reported. In humans, they are well when the steroids were withdrawn.


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