Divine Word College of Calapan Senior High School: No. Items Weighted Mean Rank Verbal Interpretation

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Divine Word College of Calapan Senior High School

Table 1: Reading Comprehension

Weighted Verbal
No. Items Rank
Mean Interpretation
. I grasp the main idea
1 of the material while 2.89 1 Agree
reading English.
I am not bothered with
2 the grammatical 2.69 3 Agree
structure of sentences
while reading in English.
I predict the main idea
3 of the whole passage 2.71 2 Agree
from its title or subtitles.
I guess the meaning of
4 new words by analysing 2.63 4 Agree
their roots or prefixes or
. When I read English
5 articles, I skip the words 2.34 5 Disagree
that are new to me.
  Composite Mean 2.652   Agree

The Table 1 shows the weighted mean of the statements, their ranks and
verbal interpretation concerning the Reading Comprehension of STEM Students
in Divine Word College of Calapan. This table has a overall composite mean of
2.652 and verbally interpreted as agree.

From 35 respondents, the highest accumulated data is the statement “I

grasp the main idea of the material while reading English”, where it has a
weighted mean of 2.89 and verbally interpreted as Agree. The second to the
highest is the statement, “I predict the main idea of the whole passage from its
title or subtitles. It has a weighted mean of 2.71 and verbally interpreted as Agree.
Next one is the statement,“I am not bothered with the grammatical structure of
sentences while reading in English”, which it has a weighted mean of 2.69 and
verbally interpreted as Agree. Followed by the statement, “I guess the meaning of
new words by analysing their roots or prefixes or suffixes that has 2.63 weighted
mean and verbally interpreted as Agree also. The lowest accumulated statement
with a weighted mean of 2.34 is the statement, “When I read English articles, I
Divine Word College of Calapan Senior High School
skip the words that are new to me. Unlike other statements, this statement is
verbally interpreted as Disagree.

These are the findings of our worked survey questionnaire; though most of
the respondents; the STEM Students of DWCC disagreed with the statement no.
5, the researchers found out that to be able to understand the whole statements
of every material they encounter, they are much eager to learn new words that are
unfamiliar to them. Aside from that, we found out that they are seems in control of
every details and idea of English materials and clearly apprehend every English
terminologies. In addition, not by arriving in an uncertain conclusion, they tend to
perceive directly the true definition of unrecognizable words.

Moreover, as the researchers relate to the information stated by Rutzler

(2020), without proper comprehension skills, students lack the ability to
understand what they read. So that’s why being a Senior High School and STEM
(Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Students, they tend on
pursuing a more-fluent-English-reading and understanding for the course they
took and to be suitable for they age. The point of reading isn’t make sounds in
your brain or out loud, but rather, to understand important lessons, stories and

Table 2: Reading Materials

No Weighted Verbal
Items Rank
. Mean Interpretation
Reading academic
1 materials improves my 2.94 1 Agree
learning ability.
I find it easier to learn
by heart and not to try
2 to understand the whole 2.54 4 Agree
issue whenever I use
reading materials.
There are many
advantages while using
3 academic materials in 2.86 2 Agree
improving my reading
In my leisure time, I
4 look for further 2.51 5 Agree
information in reference
Divine Word College of Calapan Senior High School
I think it is enough to
5 have minimal basic 2.71 3 Agree
understandings in the
  Composite Mean 2.712   Agree

Table 2: Reading Errors

No Weighted Verbal
Items Rank
. Mean Interpretation
I have difficulties in
1 pronouncing new 2.6 1.5 Agree
I have difficulties in
2 pronouncing words that 2.31 5 Disagree
I already know.
I find it hard to continue
reading a text If I don’t
3 understand it due to 2.6 1.5 Agree
some unfamiliar words
in it.
4 It is hard to pronounce 2.42 3 Agree
some English sounds.
I find it hard to
understand what I have
5 2.37 4 Disagree
read when reading
  Composite Mean 2.46   Disagree

The Table 3 shows the weighted mean of the statements, their ranks and
verbal interpretation concerning the Reading Errors of STEM Students in Divine
Word College of Calapan. This table has a overall composite mean of 2.46 and
verbally interpreted as disagree.

From 35 respondents, there were tied statements that have highest

accumulated data for the weighted mean of 2.6; the statement “I have difficulties
in pronouncing new words” and the statement “I find it hard to continue reading a
Divine Word College of Calapan Senior High School
text if I don’t understand it due to some unfamiliar words in it’’. These statements
are verbally interpreted as agree. Followed by the statement “It is hard to
pronounce some English sounds” with the weighted mean of 2.42 and verbally
interpreted as agree also. Next is the statement “I find it hard to understand what I
have read when reading aloud” with weighted mean of 2.37 and verbally
interpreted as disagree. The lowest accumulated data is the statement, “I have
difficulties in pronouncing words that I already know” with a weighted mean of
2.31 and verbally interpreted as Disagree.

From the accumulated data on conducting surveys regarding in reading

errors of STEM students, the researchers found out that most of the STEM
Students have difficulties on pronouncing new words and hard to continue reading
text that contained deepen unfamiliar words.. Most of the respondents’ also hard
to pronounce English sounds that seems to have desire on coming up with rather
Native American, British accents or just to speak with natural English fluency.
However, It is not so hard for them to pronounce the words that they already knew
and they are not distracted on understanding an English material when reading it

According to Cicerchia and Freeman (2019), sometimes there may be an

undiagnosed learning difficulty to blame. Not every student acquires reading skills
at the same rate. Reading begins with mastering pre-literacy skills, including
learning the alphabet and enhancing phonemic awareness. In understanding and
Assessing Fluency, according to Solomon (2010), by using valid and reliable
assessment to establish the English as Additional Language learner’s current
proficiency in English language, alongside other background information, schools
can provide individually tailored targets and support strategies for teaching and
learning , ultimately allowing learners to develop their language skills and fully
access the curriculum as well as achieve an inclusive school.

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