Positive Mental Attitude Training

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Positive Mental Attitude Training - Two Day Course Overview

Day One - Morning

 How to create and sustain a positive mental attitude (PMA)

 Setting goals is the foundation of all positive attitudes
 You need to know what you want; and what others want
 How to set specific worthwhile and ambitious goals
 Focus on the CAN-DO portion of the job
 Avoid negative commands: Give only positive commands
 Create “positive pictures in the mind”

Day One - Afternoon

 Handle negative people (and people thinking negatively) in a positive way

 Positive self-image psychology
 Identify wrong actions
 Agree on positive corrective actions
 Gain commitment to improving performance
 The proper use of praise and appreciation

Day Two - Morning

 Mind over mood

 Operate according to your plan
 Self-discipline must override procrastination
 Prioritise your tasks according to value, not by their pleasure quotient
 Improve email management to help your mind
 How to make positive decisions
 How to solve problems

Day Two - Afternoon

 How your self-talk affects how you feel

 Control your own conversation (positive thinking)
 Control the conversation of others
 Apply the success formula to yourself and others
 Help others by teaching them your new skills
 Lead by example
 Don’t just tell people what you can do, show what you can do!
 Personal performance planning

Available Dates and Locations

15 - 16 May

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