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Biodiversity :The Nature Based Solution for Pendamics and Human Wellbeing

Different types of life are evolving on earth that help humans in his existence and also fulfill his
needs.There are many types of plants and animals in nature that grow and propagate according to
the ecosystem and their life goes on in a pleasant manner till it becomes environmentally
friendly.The ecosystem starts to wander as soon as the environment gets distorted.Plants and
animals are threatened.This is why many species are extinct and many are rare.

This is the reason that today the world is aware of biodiversity and many world
organizations and governments keep striving for its conservation.This is necessary because in an
ecosystem,plants and animals not only develop by consistency and balance,but provide protection
to entire environment.

If this cycle is interrupted or some creatures become extinct,the entire ecosystem is

disturbed which is responsible for imbalance in the environment and is a threat to the entire world
including humans.Biodiversity is currently the most problematic,and thousands of species are going
to extinct every year.That is why it is necessary to have knowledge about different parts of
biodiversity for its conservation.

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