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Thesis No: 070/MSCM/318

Factors Causing Delay in Road Upgrading Projects (A case study of

SNRTP Eastern Cluster Road Projects)

Submitted By:
Suraj Bhandari (2070 MSCM 318)




December 2017


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The undersigned certify that they have read, and recommended to the Institute
of Engineering for acceptance, a thesis entitled “Factors Causing Delay in
SNRTP Eastern Cluster Road Upgrading Projects" submitted by Suraj
Bhandari in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in
Construction Management.

Prof. Dr. Rabindra Nath Shrestha
Department of Civil Engineering
Pulchowk Campus

External Examiner,
Mr. Vishwa Nath Khanal

Program Coordinator,
Prof. Dr. Rabindra Nath Shrestha


Construction Delays are common Phenomenon in construction industry in Nepal including
SNRTP road upgrading projects which result in cost and time overrun of projects. Therefore,
this research was carried out to explore important factors contributing to delays in SNRTP
programme districts of eastern cluster road upgrading projects. Questionnaire surveys
together with desk study were carried out to collect data on time overrun. Out of 59 road
upgrading projects on programme districts, 7 projects were completed within estimated
completion time and 5 were completed with time overrun of ranges from 33.33% to 63.63%.
And on 47 ongoing projects, on 29 projects time elapsed ranges from 101.24% to 178.23%.
98 questionnaire were distributed to client, contractor and consultant involved in SNRTP
eastern cluster road upgrading projects and 37 questionnaire were received. Relative
Importance Index was calculated and according to analysis most contributing causes to time
overrun identified were poor site management, low bid, lack of proper division of
responsibility by contractors in Joint Venture, ineffective planning and scheduling of
projects, incompetence or inadequate number of technical staff, shortage of skilled labor,
inadequate modern equipment, incompetent design team, adhoc contract duration adopted
and insufficient data collection & survey before design. Spearman correlation coefficient test
were calculated for client & contractor, client & consultant and contractor & consultant. Test
result revealed good correlation among the attitudes of respondents in all three groups.
Some recommendations were proposed in order to control & minimize delays in SNRTP
programmed districts of eastern cluster road upgrading projects. These findings can be
helpful for project manager to mitigare road upgrading delays.
Key Words: Cost Overrun, Delay, Relative Importance Index, Time Overrun, SNRTP,
Spearman Correlation Coefficient, Upgrading roads

LIST OF FIGURE...............................................................................................................................vii
LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................................................ix
LIST OF ANNEX..................................................................................................................................x
ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS..............................................................................................xi
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................1
1.1 Background..................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Situation and Problems................................................................................................................1
1.3 Research Question.......................................................................................................................2
1.4 Research Objective......................................................................................................................2
1.5 Significance of study...................................................................................................................2
1.6 Scope and Limitation...................................................................................................................2
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW..............................................................................................3
2.1 Introduction to SNRTP................................................................................................................3
2.2 Institutional Arrangement of SNRTP...........................................................................................4
2.3 Delay...........................................................................................................................................5
2.4 Types of Delays...........................................................................................................................6
2.4.1Excusable or non-excusable delay.........................................................................................7
2.4.2 Concurrent or non-concurrent delays...................................................................................7
2.4.3 Compensable or non-compensable delays...........................................................................8
2.5 Causes of Delay...........................................................................................................................8
2.6 Effect of Delay...........................................................................................................................11
2.7 Measures to Control Delay........................................................................................................12
2.7.1 Project Time Management.................................................................................................12
2.7.2 Techniques used in managing project time........................................................................13
2.8 Time Overrun in Construction Project in Nepal.........................................................................13
2.9 Summary of Literature Review..................................................................................................14
CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..................................................................................15
3.1 Introduction...............................................................................................................................15
3.2 Study Area.................................................................................................................................16

3.3 Study Population & Sample size................................................................................................16
3.4 Sources of Data..........................................................................................................................16
3.4.1 Primary Data collection.......................................................................................................17
3.4.2 Secondary Data Collection..................................................................................................17
3.5 Data Collection Methods...........................................................................................................17
3.6 Respondent Information............................................................................................................17
3.7 Questionnaire Survey.................................................................................................................18
3.8 Questionnaire Design.................................................................................................................18
3.9 Method of Data Analysis...........................................................................................................18
3.9.1Relative Importance Index...................................................................................................18
3.9.2 Spearman Correlation Coefficient.......................................................................................19
CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION..................................................................................20
4.1 Status of SNRTP Upgrading Roads.............................................................................................20
4.2 Output of questionnaire Survey.................................................................................................23
4.2.1. Top 10 causes of schedule overrun from point of view of employer.................................24
4.2.2 Top 10 causes of schedule overrun from point of view of Contractor................................26
4.2.3 Top 10 causes of schedule overrun from point of view of Consultant................................27
4.2.4 Top 10 causes of schedule overrun from point of average weighted view of Contractor,
Consultant and Employer............................................................................................................29
4.2.5Causes of delay categorized into different Group from point of average weighted view of
Contractor, Consultant and Employer.........................................................................................30
4.3 Test for agreements on causes of Time overrun among Client, Contractor and Consultant.......39
Chapter 5:- Conclusion and Recommendation.....................................................................................41
5.1. Conclusion................................................................................................................................41
5.2 Recommendation.......................................................................................................................42
5.3 Recommendations for Further Study.........................................................................................43

Figure 2.1………… SNRTP Projects in Nepal
Figure 2.2………… Institutional framework of SNRTP
Figure 2.3………… Delay and Time overrun Difference
Figure 2.4………… Delay and Time overrun Difference
Figure 3.1………….Methodological Framework of Research
Figure3.2…………..Source of Data
Figure 3.3……….....Percentile of Questionnaire Respondent
Figure 4.0……….....Number of upgrading road projects in SNRTP Eastern Cluster Districts.
Figure 4.1………….Time period extended in upgrading road projects
Figure 4.2………….Total Project Scenario of SNRTP Eastern Cluster Upgrading Roads\
Figure 4.3…...……. Top 10 cause of schedule overrun from point view of employer
Figure 4.4………….Top 10 cause of schedule overrun from point view of Contractor.
Figure 4.5………… Top 10 cause of schedule overrun from point view of Consultant
Figure 4.6……….....Top 10 cause of schedule overrun from overall average weighted of
point view of employer, contractor and consultant.
Figure 4.7….……... Project & Contract related factors causing delay
Figure 4.8…… ……Client, Contractor & Consultant View on Low Bid (the most governing
factor on project & contract related factors.)
Figure 4.9………… Client related factors causing delay
Figure: 4.10………. Client, Contractor & Consultant View on Variation and additional works
(the most governing factor on Client related factors.)
Figure 4.11………...Contractor related factors causing delay
Figure 4.12……..… Client, Contractor & Consultant View on Poor site management (the
most governing factor on Contractor related factors.)
Figure 4.13…….…..Material related factors causing delay
Figure 4.14…….…. Client, Contractor & Consultant View on Absence of material stock at
site (the most governing factor on materials related factors.)
Figure 4.15……….. Equipment related factors causing delay
Figure: 4.16………..Client, Contractor & Consultant View on inadequate modern equipment
(the most governing factor on equipment related factors.)
Figure 4.17………... Labor related factors causing delay
Figure: 4.18……..….Client, Contractor & Consultant View on Shortage of skilled labor (the
most governing factor on equipment related factors.)
Figure 4.19…….….. Consultant and Designer related factors causing delay
Figure: 4.20………...Client, Contractor & Consultant View on Incompetent design team (the
most governing factor on equipment related factors.)
Figure 4.21………... Other Authority/Stakeholder related factors causing delay
Figure: 4.22….……..Client, Contractor & Consultant View on IEE/EIA approval (the most
governing factor on equipment related factors.)
Figure 4.23……...….External related factors causing delay
Figure: 4.24……...... Client, Contractor & Consultant View on Effect of social and cultural
factor (the most governing factor on equipment related factors.)

Table 1....................SNRTP Funding Source, Amount and Percentage.
Table 2....................SNRTP Projects Running Districts
Table 3....................List of Important Delay Causes in Different Nation from Literature
Table 4....................Targeted Population and Sample in Study.
Table 5...................Questionnaire Distributed Vs Responded
Table 6...................Present Status of Upgrading Roads in SNRTP Eastern Cluster.
Table 7....................Factors influencing time overrun from point view of employer,
contractor, consultant and weighted average of them.
Table 8....................Top 10 cause of delay from point view of client categorized into different
Table 9....................Top 10 cause of delay from point view of contractor categorized into
different group
Table 10..................Top 10 cause of delay from point view of consultant categorized into
different group
Table 11..................Top 10 cause of delay from point view from overall average weighted of
point view of employer, contractor and consultant.
Table12...................Spearman Correlation Coefficient among Client, Consultant and


ANNEX 1………........Questionnaire Survey Form

ANNEX 2………........RII Calculation Sheet of Consultant Point of View
ANNEX 3………........RII Calculation Sheet of Contractors Point of View
ANNEX 4………........RII Calculation Sheet of Client Point of View
ANNEX 5………........RII Calculation Sheet of Average Weighted of Client
Contractor and Consultant Point of View
ANNEX6……….........Spearman Correlation Coefficient of Client and Contractor
ANNEX 7………........Spearman Correlation Coefficient of Client and Consultant
ANNEX 8………........Spearman Correlation Coefficient of Contractor and Consultant
ANNEX 9………........Spearman Correlation Coefficient for level of Significance
ANNEX 10………… List of Respondents

ADB…………………Asian Development Bank
CPCU ……………… Centre Project Coordination Unit
DDC........................... District Development Committee
DOLIDAR…………. Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agriculture Road
DoR………………….Department of Roads
DTMP………………. District Transport Master Plan
DTO………………….District Technical Office
FCAN……………….. Federation of Contractor Association Nepal
GDP………………… Gross Domestic Product
GoN…………………. Government of Nepal
IDA…………………. International Development Association
LRN…………………. Local Road Network
MOFALD…………… Ministry of Federal Affairs Local Development
MYRMP………….......Multi Year Routine Maintenance Plan
PAC……………..........Project Advisory Committee
PMBOK………………Project Management Body of Knowledge
PMU............................. Project Monitoring Unit
PPA……………...……Public Procurement Act
PPR……………..…….Public Procurement Regulation
RII………………...…. Relative Importance Index
SNRTP………………..Strengthening National Rural Transport Programme
SRN…………………..Strategic Road Network
UK……………………United Kingdom
USA…………………. United States of America
WB…………………... World Bank

1.1 Background
Standard Industrial Classification, 2007 define construction industry as complete general
construction and allied construction activities for building and civil engineering works.
Construction industry is backbone of development so has great impacts in overall national
economy. According to FCAN, Nepalese construction industry contributes around 10 to 11%
of GDP and its uses around 35% of government budget and is providing employment
opportunities to about one million people which is large employment next to agriculture.
Road sector construction project involves large amount of capital so contributing to total
economy growth through job creation and in a ripple effect to other business activities.
(Mustefa, 2015). In Nepal, national road network comprises of national highway, feeder
road, urban road, district road and rural roads. National highway together with feeder roads
comprises the strategic road network which is the backbone of national road network.
District roads together with village roads comprise district road networks. Local road network
comprises of district roads, those urban roads not included in SRN, village roads, agricultural
roads, mule trials and tracks. There are two government agencies formed for road and bridge
construction in Nepal. SRN are undertaken by DOR and LRN are undertaken by DoLIDAR.
There are 15 national highway and 51 feeder road totaling 8000km in strategic road
networks. (Sitaula,2015).
Project for Strenghtening National Rural Transport Program Project operation manual, 2014
mentioned that Two-thirds of rural roads are earthen and so remain inaccessible during the
rainy season. Also Blacktopped and gravelled roads are poorly maintained and further
affecting access. So to enhance the rural connectivity for more than 14.6 million people in 36
districts of Nepal, the Strengthening the National Rural Transport Program (SNRTP)
Program is implemented. SNRTP program implementation period start from 23 December
2014 and end on 14 July 2019. There are two components under SNRTP. Component A and
Component B. Component A is being funding for institutional strengthening, beneficiary
monitoring of physical works support for updating District Transport Master Plans (DTMPs)
and Multi-Year Road Maintenance Plans (MYRMP). Component B is being supporting
districts to implement physical works needed for upgrading or rehabilitating rural transport
infrastructure; and maintaining rural transport infrastructure. With these support program is is
expecting to enhance the availability and reliability of transport connectivity for rural
communities in the programme districts.

1.2 Situation and Problems

Completion of project in time is consider most important factors for successful of project
which help to decrease problems for all parties and give chance to construct other related
projects. (Mustefa,2015). In Nepal implementation delays in public sector investments seem
to be common features. ( Suwal and Shrestha, 2016).Some of the news headlines found in
different newspaper about road construction delay are as follows.
 Himalayan times Nov 09 2016 Delay in road expansion causing inconvenience to
 Republica June 26 2017 Surkhet Karnali highway monitoring committee has found
only 60% of construction works been completed by the end of contract deadline.

 Nepali Headlines Fuel shortage halts construction of mid hill puspha lal highway.
 Republica, July 9 2017, No progress on road project financed by Indian soft loan.
 Nepali Headlines, March 20 2015, Construction works on six lane highway in
Pokhara has commenced after delay of almost 15 yrs.
51 Annual Report of the Auditor General 2070 published that out of the 2937 contracts made,
56% contract were time extended, out of which time extensions up to 50% was made for 535
contracts, 51-100% time extension was given to 516 contracts, and time extension by more
than 100% was given to 581 contract cases was seen.
Delays adversely impact on project stakeholders including owners, design professionals,
construction professionals, purchaser and others. Many road constructions in Nepal seem to
be suffered by schedule overrun which cause cost overrun in project. Due to delay in road
construction people are travelling with discomfort and are vulnerable to traffic accident.

1.3 Research Question

1. What extent of time overrun exists in upgrading road projects in SNRTP Eastern
2. What are the major causes of schedule overrun in SNRTP Eastern Cluster upgrading
road projects?
3. How upgrading roads construction can be effectively improved for minimizing and
controlling time overrun?

1.4 Research Objective

This thesis has the following main objectives.
1. To identify whether time overrun exist or not in upgrading road projects of
SNRTP Eastern Cluster and if time overrun exist, to evaluate to what extent of
time delay exist.
2. To identify and rank factor influencing time overrun in Upgrading road project
under SNRTP in Eastern cluster.
3. To formulate recommendation base on result obtained

1.5 Significance of study

The result of this study will be useful for SNRTP roads project for minimizing and controlling
time overrun. It also helps to recommend the conclusion of the study to employer, contractor and
consultant for improvement of project by minimizing and controlling delay.
Though the most important factors for delay vary from one region to another this research
output can be employed as tools for managing time overrun/delay in overall SNRTP
programme districts.

1.6 Scope and Limitation

Because of limitation of time and fund for thesis purpose:-
1. Data collection and analysis will include data from SNRTP, Eastern Cluster
upgrading roads only.
2. There are various factors which result time overrun but only construction
management related factor will be included in study.
3. Delay and time overrun are considered same.
4. Information will be collected through questionnaire survey only.


This chapter was mainly focused on the review of theoretical concepts, review of related
studies. The related topics were on concepts of time overrun, their scenario in different
country in construction industry. Different books, journal, and research paper were collected
to develop understanding about an overview of time overrun. Internet researches were
conducted to get relevant information.

2.1 Introduction to SNRTP

Project Operation Manual of SNRTP (2016) stated that Strengthening National Rural
Transport Program (SNRTP) is the continuation follow one of the RAIDP. Government of
Nepal with support of the World Bank is implementing the SNRTP project to strengthen the
District Core Road Network.
SNRTP program implementation period start from 23 December 2014 and end on14 July
2019. There are two components under SNRTP. Component A is being funding for
institutional strengthening, beneficiary monitoring of physical works support for updating
District Transport Master Plans (DTMPs) and Multi-Year Road Maintenance Plans
(MYRMP. And Component B is supporting for maintenance, upgrading and rehabilitation of
rural roads as well as the construction of new river crossing structures to bring the roads to an
all-weather maintainable standard. The project covers 36 districts with a total population of
more than 14.6 million people.(PMO,2016)
The Project Development Objective (PDO) for this project is to enhance the availability and
reliability of transport connectivity for rural communities in the participating districts. Project
outcomes include (i) increased access to all weather transport connectivity for communities in
participating districts; and (ii) improved reliability of rural transport infrastructure in
participating districts. This project is divided into two components as follows component A
Institutional Strenghtening and Technical assistance Component B maintenance, upgrading
and rehabilitation.
Component B is further divided into two components which are:
1. Window1 Routine and periodic maintenance
2. Window 2 Upgrading rehabilitation of roads and new construction of crossing
The SNRTP project is being financed through a combination of GON funding, International
Development Association (IDA) credit, IDA grant and donor grant.

Table: 1- SNRTP Funding Source, Amount and Percentage.

Funding Source Amount (USD million) Percentage
World Bank IDA Grant $72.00 41.0%
World Bank IDA Credit $28.00 16.0%
GON funding $75.40 43.0%
Total $175.40 100.0%
Source: - SNRTP POM (2016)

Table:2- SNRTP Projects Running Districts

Eastern Cluster Western Cluster
Sankhuwasabha Sarlahi Tanahun Surkhet
Bhojpur Rautahat Nawalparasi Banke
Terathum Bara Rupandehi Kailali
Saptari Parsa Kapilvastu Kanchanpur

Udayapur Makwanpur Dang Palpa
Siraha Nuwakot Salyan Syangja
Dhanusha Rasuwa Pyuthan Kaski
Mahottari Dhading Arghakhanchi Bardiya
Sindhupalchowk Lamjung, Gulmi Gorkha
Source: - SNRTP POM (2016)

Figure 2.2: SNRTP Projects in Nepal

Source: SNRTP POM (2016)

2.2 Institutional Arrangement of SNRTP

DoLIDAR is the executing agency and it has established as a Central Project Coordination
Unit (CPCU) in Lalitpur that has overall responsibility for managing SNRTP, as well as two
regional Project Management Units (PMUs) based in Hetauda and Butwal to provide close
technical support and supervision to project districts. District Technical Offices (DTOs) leads
the implementation of individual works packages. A Project Advisory Committee (PAC) will
facilitate inter-ministerial coordination and provide advice to DoLIDAR/SNRTP.

Figure 2.2: Institutional framework of SNRTP
Source: - SNRTP POM (2016)

2.3 Delay
The delay is the most common, costly, complex and risky problem encountered in
construction projects and there are different definitions of construction delays. (Aziz &,
Hakam, 2016). Assaf and Al-Hejji (2006) define delay is the time overrun either beyond
completion date specified in a contract,or beyond the date that the parties agreed upon for
delivery ofa project, Similary, Stumpf (2000) defined delay as an act or event that extends the
time required to perform the tasks under a contract which shows up as additional days of
work or as a delayed start of an activity. Stumpf stated in his article that construction delays
became an integral part of the project’s construction life and even with today’s advanced
technology, and management understanding of project management techniques, construction
projects continue to suffer delays and project completion dates still get pushed back.
Construction delays are considered as time lag in completion of activities from its specified
time as per contract or can be defined as late completion of activities to the baseline schedule.
As a result, there will be extensions of time required which will further result in fine,
increased cost due to inflation, termination of contract, court cases etc. or combinations of
above stated factors, resulting in delay damages. The social and economic costs of delay can
be amazingly high and to a certain extent cannot be absorbed by the industry. When a delay
can no longer be absorbed by the client, it will result in the project being abandoned. Thus, it
is important to predict and identify problems in the early stages of construction and diagnose
the main causes and implement the most appropriate and economical solutions to prevent
further negative impacts of delay.

Figure 2.3: Delay and Time overrun Difference
Source: (Hoseini 2014)

2.4 Types of Delays

In terms of the cause, delays can be divided into two groups: justified or unjustified. Justified
delays are usually through the fault of the investor and may be subject to compensation. Such
delays can be interference with the modification of the design documentation that occur
during the execution of works, interference with and modification of the design
documentation often occurs. There can also be delays which are justified but are not subject
to compensation, since none of the parties are responsible for their occurrence. Such delays
include weather conditions, changes in legislation and other random events. Random cases
include theft, failures and technical problems in the construction equipment used, occurrence
of archaeological excavations, explosives found etc. An entirely different group includes
unjustified delays, the responsibility for which usually rests with the contractor. In this case,
however, the contractor is not authorized either to extend the deadline for the project or to
receive a salary. ( Głuszak & Lesniak 2015 )
Williams (2003) stated that there are four basic ways to classify delays: Excusable or non
excusable delay, Concurrent or non concurrent delay, and Compensable or non compensable
delay and these have internal or external sources on project process.
Internal causes of delay include causes that come from the owner, designers, contractors, and
consultants. External causes of delays are originated from outside of construction projects
such as utility companies, government, subcontractors, suppliers, labor unions, nature, etc.

Type of Delay

Non Excusable Delay Excusable Delay Concurrent Delay

Non Compensable Delay
Compensable Delay

Fig 2.4:-Delay and Time overrun Difference

Based on (Stumpf 2000)

2.4.1Excusable or non-excusable delay

Delays can be either excusable or non-excusable. An excusable delay is a delay that is due to
an unforeseeable event beyond the contractor’s or the subcontractor’s control. If the delay is
considered compensable, then the contractor is entitled to additional financial compensation
as well as extra project time. Under certain circumstances where non-compensated excusable
delays occur, the contractor receives extra time but not extra money for the additional
completed work.
Excusable delays are known as “force majeure” delays, and commonly called “acts of God”
because they are not the responsibility or fault of any particular party. Most contracts allow
for the contractor to obtain an extension of time for excusable delays, but not additional
money. Delays resulting from: general labor strikes, fires, floods, acts of God, differing site
conditions, severe weather, Intervention by outside agencies are referred as excusable delays.
Where, non-excusable delays are events that are within the contractor’s control or that are
foreseeable. They can be late performance of sub contractors, untimely performance by
suppliers, faulty workmanship by contractor, project specific labor strike caused by either the
contractors unwillingness to meet with labor representative, (Mustafa, 2015).

2.4.2 Concurrent or non-concurrent delays

If only one factor is delaying construction then it is non concurrent delays and it will be easy
to calculate both the time and cost resulting from that single issue. But more complicated and
also more typical situation is one in which more than one factor delays the project at the same
time or in overlapping periods of time which are called concurrent delays. Concurrent delays
arise when one event causes a delay simultaneously with another event. (Alaghbari et al
Concurrent delays example can be owner denies access to a project site for two weeks, and a
severe storm prevents a contractor from working on the project for one of two weeks as well,
there will be a concurrent delay of one week. The contractor will be able to recover for delay
damages for one week, as a severe storm is not a cause of delay that is compensable and
would have prevented the contractor from performing even if the owner did not deny access
to the site.
2.4.3 Compensable or non-compensable delays

A compensable delay is a delay where the contractor is entitled to a time extension and to
additional financial compensation. Relating to the excusable and non-excusable delays, only
excusable delays can be compensable. Non-compensable delays mean that although an
excusable delay may have occurred, the contractor is not entitled to any added compensation
resulting from the excusable delay. A non-excusable delay cause neither additional
compensation nor a time extension. Whether or not a delay is compensable depends primarily
on the terms of the contract. In most cases, a contract specifically notes the kinds of delays
that are non-compensable, for which the contractor does not receive any additional money but
may be allowed a time extension, (Mustafa A, 2015).

2.5 Causes of Delay

There has been made many studies in different countries for identifying the factors leading
time overrun in construction projects. Kaliba et al. (2009) conducted study on major causes of
delay in road construction projects in Zambia and found out that major cause were delayed
payments, financial deficiencies on the part of the client or contractor, contract modification,
economic problems, material procurement, changes in design drawings, staffing problems,
equipment unavailability, poor supervision, construction mistakes, poor coordination on site,
changes in specifications, labor disputes, and strikes.
Similarly, Asnaashari et al. (2009) concluded from his study that most of construction project
in Iran subjected to delay were due to cash constraints, shortage of resources, high inflation
rate, delay in payments, and disputes in the supply chain are the top causes of delay in the
Iranian construction industry.
Mahamid (2011) conducted study in West Bank in Palestine from the owner perspective to
study the cause of time overrun in road construction projects and found that the most severe
factors affecting are poor communication between construction parties, poor resource
management, and delay in commencement, insufficient inspectors, and rework.
Ahmed et al (2003) and (Theodore, 2009) identified factors and categorized the factors in
following four categories.
1) Contractor’s responsibility
The factors that are related to contractor's responsibility are;
 Poor qualification of the contractor's technical staff
 Shortage of materials on site
 Construction mistakes and defective work
 Poor skills and experience of labor
 Shortage of site labor
 Low productivity of labor
 Financial problems
 Coordination problems with others
 Conflicts in sub-contractors schedule in execution of project
 Lack of site contractor’s staff
 Poor site management
 Delays in site mobilization.
2) Consultant’s responsibility
The factors that are related to consultant's responsibility are;
 absence of consultant’s site staff
 lack of experience on the part of the consultant
 Inadequate experience of consultant
 Delay in approving major changes in the scope of work
 Mistakes and discrepancies in design documents

3) Owner’s responsibility
The factors that are related to owner's responsibility are;
 Delay to furnish and deliver the site
 Lack of working knowledge
 Slowness in making decisions
 Lack of coordination with contractors
 Change orders by owner during construction
 Financial problems
 Slowness in decision making process
 Poor communication and coordination.
4) External factors:
The factors that are related to external factors are;
 Delay in obtaining permits from municipality
 Lack of materials on the market
 Lack of equipment and tools on the market
 Poor weather conditions; poor site conditions (location, ground, etc.)
 Poor economic conditions (currency, inflation rate, etc.)
 Changes in laws and regulations; transportation delays
 External work due to public agencies (utilities and public services); and
 Delay in providing services from utilities (such as water, electricity)
Similarly, Alwi et al (2002) identified factors and categorized the factors in following three
categories as of owner, contractor and consultant.
Factors that influence time overruns category factors (Alwi et al, 2002)
1) Owner
 Finance and payments of completed work.
 Owner interference.
 Slow decision-making by owners.
 Change orders.
 Unrealistic imposed contract duration.
2) Contractor
 Subcontractors.
 Site management.
 Construction methods.
 Improper planning.
 Mistakes during construction.
 Inadequate contractor experience.
 Quality of material.
 Shortage in material.
 Labor supply.
 Labor productivity.
 Equipment availability and failure.
3) Consultant
 Contract management.
 Preparation and approval of drawings.
 Quality assurance/control.
 Mistakes and discrepancies in contract documents.
 Waiting time for approval of tests and inspections.

Elawi G, Algahtany M & Kashiwagi D (2016) in their study of owner perspective on project
delay on road and bridge projects in Saudi Arabia identified the most severe cause of delay
was found to be the land acquisition factor which highlights the critical land ownership and
acquisition issues that are prevailing in the city. Additionally, other identified factors that
contribute to delay were contractors’ lack of expertise, re-designing, and haphazard
underground line services.
Odeh A M and Battaineh H T (2002) in their study identified 28 delays which affect
construction projects with traditional type of contracts in Jordan. Questionnaires were made
and were distributed to a random sample of contractors and consultants working on large
projects in Jordan. Then the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient was then used to test
association between the contractors and consultants ranking. The study revealed that Owner
interference, inadequate contractor experience, financing and payments, labor productivity,
slow decision making, improper planning, and subcontractors are among the ten most
important factors, according to contractors and labor productivity was the most important
delay factor. Inadequate contractor experience was the most important delay factor to
Soliman E M (2010) on his study on delay causes in Kuwait construction project identified
29 delays and categorized them into six groups then subjected to a questionnaire survey. Data
collected were analyzed by importance index and then the Spearman’s rank correlation
coefficient method was used to show the degree of agreement between the rankings of any
two parties. The study revealed that the financial and design related causes of delays are the
most important and frequent causes. The top five delay causes that were resulted from
contractors category were: delay of document submission from consultant, delaying of
payments from owner, conflict between contractor and consultant, in-appropriate owner
representative’s management style and owner financial problems, While the five top delay
causes from consultants category are: owner financial problems, contractor financial
problems, inefficient management capability of contractor staff, conflict between contractor
and consultant, and no planning before project start.

Comparative chart of research conducted for delay in different study region are listed as
below. The following table shows the five most important delay causes mentioned in

Table 3: List of Important Delay Causes in Different Nation from Literature Review.

Author Study
SN Main Delay Cause
/Year Region/Country
Change order Changed site
(Yang et
Delayed construction conditions
1 al., 2013) Taiwan
site handover Changed scope of the
Shortages of materials work
Financial difficulties  Late supervision and
(Alaghbari and economic decision making
2 et al., 2007) problems  Construction mistakes
Lack of materials and defective work
Poor site management
3 (Abd El- Eygpt Financial difficulties  Changes of design
Razek et al., of the contractor  not application of
2008) Delay in progress construction/contractu
payments by al management

client method
Late delivery
Poor site management  Poor planning and
(Pourrostam Delay in progress scheduling by
and Ismail, payments by client contractor
4 Iran Change orders by  Financial difficulties
client of contractor

Design and material  Cash flow problems

(Kazaz et changes  Financial difficulties
5 al., 2012) Turkey Delay of payments of the contractor
Poor labor
Unrealistic project duration  Many Provisional
Sub-Contractors and Sums and Prime
(Ren et al.,
Suppliers selection by Cost
6 2008) Dubai
the client  Delay in progress
Incomplete drawings due to payments by
time pressure client
Client’s specified  Form of construction
sequence of  Client’s and
completion designer’s priority on
7 1995) UK
Contractor’s construction time
programming of the  Complexity of
construction work project
Delay in approval of  Frequent change of
(Doloi et al., completed work by subcontractor
2012) client  Change in the scope
8 India
Rework due to errors in of the work
execution  Poor coordination
among parties
Lack of  Lack of contractor’s
standardization in experience and
(Toor and
design control over project
9 Thailand Inadequate  Lack of competent
experience of staff subcontractors/suppl
Unrealistic project iers

2.6 Effect of Delay

Aibinu and Jagboro (2002) studied the effects of construction delays on project in Nigerian
construction industry and found the following five effects.
1. Cost overrun
2. Dispute
3. Arbitration
4. Total abandonment; and
5. Litigation.

Cost overrun and time overrun effects are not only confined to construction industry but also
they are reflected in the overall economy of a country. They prevent the planned increase in
property and service production from taking place, and this phenomenon will affects in a
negative way of the rate of national growth.[Arditi,et al, 1985].

2.7 Measures to Control Delay

2.7.1 Project Time Management

Project time is duration of the project on the date stated in the contract, or also can be defined
as the duration that is needed to complete the work starting from site handover until finished.
Estimating of the duration of tasks is the most important. This is like trying to predict the
future. It is only a guess, but there are better ways to guess than others. It can be concluded
that project time is the duration or time schedule that needed to complete all the project work
PMBOK (1996) define project time management as process is made up of 7 processes. The
project time management processes are:
1. Plan schedule management
2. Define activities
3. Sequence activities
4. Estimate activity resources
5. Estimate activity durations
6. Develop schedule
7. Control schedule.

Plan Schedule Management Process

In this process one has to establish all the policies, procedures and documentation required
for managing ones project schedule from first plan, ongoing development, execution and then
controlling the schedule.
Define Activities
In this process all the project tasks are identified.
Estimate Activity Resources Process
In this process work out what human resources, equipment and supplies needed, plus the
quantity needed of each task is estimated.
Estimate Activity Durations Process
In this process there are many estimation mechanisms so project should select an
appropriate one. Different methods are WBS based estimating, Function Points based
estimates. Once the activity estimates are completed, critical path of the project should be
identified in order to determine the total project duration.
Sequence Activities Process
In this process all the tasks are put in the right order according to relationships between
project tasks.

Develop Schedule Process

In this process finally schedule is prepared base on activity sequence, duration of each
activity and the resource allocation for each activity. There are many software packages, such
as Microsoft Project which can be used to develop project schedule.

Control Schedule Process

In this process one need to monitor and update project schedule keep controlling of the
timings of project.

2.7.2 Techniques used in managing project time
Different techniques usually used in managing project time period are as follows. Critical Path Methods (CPM)
The critical path method (CPM), or critical path analysis (CPA), is an algorithm for
scheduling a set of project activities. In this method, critical activities of a program or a
project are identified which have a direct impact on the completion date of the project. It
offers a visual representation of the project activities and presents the time to complete the
tasks and overall project and help to track of critical activities. The focus of CPM is on
calculating float in order to determine which activities have the least scheduling flexibility. Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)

PERT is similar to critical path method in that they are both used to visualize the timeline
and the work that must be done for a project. However with PERT, three different times
estimates, pessimistic time, optimistic time and most likely time for the project. PERT is
calculated backward from a fixed end date since contractor deadlines typically cannot be
moved. Bar Chart Method

It is the simplest project management technique for scheduling, planning and controlling. It
illustrates the start and finish dates of the terminal events and summary events of a project.
Terminal events and summary events comprise the work breakdown structure of the project.

2.8 Time Overrun in Construction Project in Nepal

Suwal & Shrestha (2016) on their study on cause of delay of motor-able bridge construction
under postal highway project identify the main causes of delay are unusual low bid by
contractors, lack of planned pre-execution of the project, delay in receiving clearances from
various government authorities, poor site management and supervision by contractors due to
large number of work in hand.
Manavazhi & Adhikari (2002) study Material and equipment procurement delays in
highway projects in Nepal by conducting research involving on 22 highway projects and
concluded that main causes of material and equipment procurement delay were found to be
organizational weaknesses, suppliers' defaults, governmental regulations and transportation
delays. However, the actual impact of these delays on project costs was found to be on
average, only about 0.5% of the total budgeted cost of the projects. Among materials, delays
in the supply of aggregates were found to occur most frequently while delays associated with
pavers occurred most frequently among equipment.
Kuikel (2014) on study on cause of delay in local road bridge construction in Nepal
identified top ten causes of delay as deficiencies in planning, shortage of power supply,
political interference, improper scheduling , strikes riots &wheel locks, resettlement problem,
politically motivated decision of employer, frequent changes of government, long time to get
permit and selection of improper site.
Shah et al (2016) on their study on Causes and Effects of Delays in Constrution Projects
identified top ten most important factors that contributed to the causes of delays includes:
insufficient numbers of equipment; inaccurate time estimate; monthly payment difficulties;
changes orders; inaccurate cost estimate; poor site management and supervision; inadequate
modern equipment; shortage of construction materials; incompetent project team; improper
project planning and scheduling; and contractor’s financial difficulties

2.9 Summary of Literature Review
The literature review was done through book studies, internet, engineering journals. By
referring to the previous literature, the information about time delay, its type’s causes,
effects and rectification method were observed which would be used to develop the
questionnaire survey in order to collect data from the targeted respondent.

There is a wide range of views for the causes of time delays for engineering and construction
projects. It can therefore be concluded that the most important factors vary from one region to
another. There are many factors that contribute to causes of delays in construction projects.
They can range from factors inherent in the management, to those resulting from the physical,
social, and financial environment. It is essential to define the actual causes of delay in order
to minimize and avoid the delays in any construction project.

3.1 Introduction
Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It is a science
of studying how research is done scientifically. In it, we study the various steps that are
generally adopted by a researcher in studying his research problem along with the logic
behind them.
This research has begun with the literature review of published and unpublished materials
like books, reports, management journals, electronic journals, published papers and articles.
The research has been further carried out by collecting primary and secondary data which
were analyzed and interpreted, thereafter conclusions and recommendations were drawn from

Research Area Identification

. Problem Identification Research Objective Research Scope

Literature Review

Research Design

Data Collection

Primary Data Secondary Data

Data Compilation

Data Analysis and


Finding and Recommendation

Figure 3.1: Methodological Framework of Research

3.2 Study Area
Study area is generally the geographical area for which data is analyzed. For this thesis, study
area was Programmed district of SNRTP Eastern Cluster. They are Rasuwa, Dhading ,
Nuwakot, Sindhupalchowk, Makwanpur, Rahutahat, Saralahi, Mohatari, Dhanusa, Siraha,
Udaypur, Parsa, Saptari, Bara, Terathum, Sankhuwasaba & Bhojpur districts.

3.3 Study Population & Sample size

The unit of analysis for this thesis was road. So the targeted populations we want to draw
conclusion from were employers, contractor and consultant engineers.

Table 4:- Targeted Population and Sample in Study.

No. of Targeted Sample

SN Description Remarks
unit Population in Study
1 Employers
2 respondent population per
a DTO 16 59 32
b CPCU 1 1 1
c PMU, Hetauda 1 1 1
Total 61 34
2 respondent population per
2 Contractor 59 59 32
Total 59 32
2 respondent population per
3 Consultant 59 59 32
Total 59 32

3.4 Sources of Data

In any research, it is necessary to collect accurate data to achieve useful results. Data may be
obtained from several sources. In general, the sources have been classified as – primary
sources & secondary sources.
Prior to any kind of data collection, extensive review has been made on the available
literatures from national as well as international authors, research papers, books, journals,
publications, internet search engines.

Primary Data Secondary Data

Questionnaire Published/ Unpublished

Survey Documents

Contractor Consultant Employer

16 Figure.3.2:- Source of Data
3.4.1 Primary Data collection
Primary data was collected by questionnaire survey from sample population. Draft
Questionnaires was prepared with the help of literature review and with the support of the
Supervisor. Then Questionnaires was tested with one employer representative, one contractor
representative and one consultant Representative, so that the prepared questionnaires would
be simple and not biased.

3.4.2 Secondary Data Collection

Secondary data was collected through the review of the secondary data available from the
Journal, document obtain from SNRTP office, District Technical Office and through the
literature review. This data was used as supporting documents for fulfillment of objective of
the study.

3.5 Data Collection Methods

There are several methods of data collection. The door-to-door, phone contact and email were
used to collect primary data. Secondary data was collected from CPCU lalitpur, and district
technical offices.

3.6 Respondent Information

For primary data collection, questionnaires were distributed to sample population of the
targeted population. Questionnaires were distributed to 34 respondents of Employer, 32
respondents of the Contractor and, 32 respondents of consultant.
Among them, 16 respondents of Employer, 8 respondents of Contractor and 13 respondents
of Consultant made responses on the questionnaire survey.

Table 5:- Questionnaire Distributed Vs Responded

Questionnaire Questionnaire
Respondents Response Rate
Distributed Returned
Client 34 16 47.05%
Contractor 32 8 25%
Consultant 32 13 40.62%

Total Respondents %





Figure 3.3:- Percentile of Questionnaire Respondent

3.7 Questionnaire Survey
Existing literatures of causes of delay on onstruction projects in different countries were
reviewed and draft Questionnaires was prepared. With the support of the Supervisor thirty
eight causes of delay were identify and categorized on six major groups.
A questionnaire was organized in the form of an importance scale. Respondents were asked
to indicate by ticking a column the relative importance of each of the causes of construction

3.8 Questionnaire Design

Primary data were gathered through questionnaires. Draft Questionnaires was prepared with
the help of literature review and with the support of the Supervisor. Then Questionnaires was
tested with one employer representative, one contractor representative and one consultant
Representative. So, that the prepared questionnaires have been tried to make simple and not
biased. Questionnaires were prepared for respondents of employer, contractor and consultant
separately to obtain views.
The questionnaires were distributed to representative of employer, contractor and consultant
of projects. Each participant were asked the importance degree in causing delay in the project
duration according to five scale importance index (5 to 1 point scale: E.S = Extremely
Significant (5), V.S. = Very Significant (4), M.S. = Moderately Significant (3), S.S. =
Slightly Significant (2), N.S. = Not Significant (1)).

3.9 Method of Data Analysis

Microsoft Excel was mainly used to analyze data to Relative importance index along with
ranking of various causes. Bar Charts, Pie charts and line graph were used to show the
interrelations between various sample and parameter. Following Statistical methods were
done in analysis of data.
a) Relative Importance Index
b) Spearman correlation rank

3.9.1Relative Importance Index

(Kometa, 1994), used the Relative Importance Index method to determine the relative
importance of the various causes and effects of delays. The same method have been adopted
in this study.
In questions, the respondents were asked to provide their opinions on mentioned parameters/
factors, by scoring from 1 to 5 where ‘1’ represents the least important and ‘5’ the most
important. The five-point scales ranged from 1 (not important) to 5 (extremely important)
were adopted, and have been transformed to relative importance indices (RII) for each factor
as follows:
RII = W/ (AN)
W is the weight age given to each factor by the respondents, ranging from 1 to 5,
A is the highest weight (i.e. 5 in the study)
And N is the total number of samples.
Based on the given equation, the relative importance index (RII) has been calculated
ranging from 0 to1.

3.9.2 Spearman Correlation Coefficient

Spearman correlation coefficient was used to investigate whether there was agreement or not
on the response of employer, contractor and consultant respondent towards the causes of time
overrun on roads upgrading projects in SNRTP Eastern Cluster. Respondents’ response was
tested for correlation using Spearman rank correlation coefficients, to see if there was
difference in ranking between two groups of respondents; these were Clients versus
Contractors; Contractors versus Consultants; and Clients versus Consultants.
The Spearman (rho) rank correlation coefficient is used for measuring the differences in
ranking between two groups of respondents scoring for various factors. The Spearman (rho)
rank correlation coefficient for any two groups of ranking is given by the following formula.
Rho (ρcal) = 1 –6 x (Σdi) ^2
N x (N2– 1)
Rho (ρcal) – Spearman rank correlation coefficient
di– The difference in ranking between each pair of factors
N– Number of factors (variables)

This chapter describes the findings and discussion of results of desk study and of
questionnaire survey. Questionnaire survey was done to find major factors causing delay in
upgrading road projects of SNRTP Eastern Cluster from contractors, consultant and
employers viewpoints. To meet the research objectives, the necessary data were collected
from desk study and from questionnaire survey. Questionnaires were distributed to the
employers, contractors, consultants who are directly/indirectly involved in SNRTP upgrading
roads. The tables used for analysis are attached to the appendix. The data were analyzed and
results are obtained as below which has been presented in figure, chart with explanation.

4.1 Status of SNRTP Upgrading Roads

Present statuses of SNRTP Upgrading Roads in Eastern Cluster are presented below in table

Table 6:- Present Status of Upgrading Roads in SNRTP Eastern Cluster.
Contract Original Final
Name of Total Estimated Extended Physical % Time
SN Districts
Name of Contracts
Name of Contractors Signing Completion
Time Time
Progress Ellapsed
Date Date Date
M/S Aashish-Suryachandra JV,
12.58 21-Jan-16 20-May-17 16 months 4 months 21-Sep-17 40.00 110.51
1 Dhading Dhapasi, Kathmandu, Nepal
Goganpani Section)
Dhadingbesi-Sangkosh- M/S Lama/Mahalaxmi JV,
25.03 8-Sep-16 18-Dec-17 16 months 18-Dec-17 25.00 94.85
Tipling Road Balaju, Kathmandu
M/S Tamang Construction 18months
Khadgabhanjyang- 10.88 30-May-14 2-Dec-15 18 months 12-Jun-17 93.00 114.88
Pvt.Ltd. Sitapaila, Kathmandu (4 times)
Grosyang-Dhasing Road
M/S Nagarjun Construction
12.60 Company Pvt.Ltd., 27-Oct-16 24-Jan-18 15 months 24-Jan-18 20.00 86.56
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu
Kaphalpani Road
2 Nuwakot M/S Trishuli/BM JV Biddur,
Kimtang-Thambu Khola 13.00 10-Nov-15 8-May-16 6 months 8 months 1-Jan-17 50.00 178.23
Nuwakot Nepal
Trisuli-Deurali-Meghang- M/S Shrinkhala Nirman Sewa
Kimtang-Thambu Khola 9.00 Pvt.Ltd, 26-Oct-16 26-Oct-17 12 months 26-Oct-17 65.00 107.95
Road Bidur-4, Batar, Nuwakot
M/S Srinkhala Nirman Sewa
Bageshwari-Urleni Road 10.00 Pvt.Ltd, Bidur-4, Batar, 26-Oct-16 26-Oct-17 12 months 26-Oct-17 67.00 107.95
M/S Koshi and Newoane
Bogatitar_Simle_Bhorle_Pa Nirman Sewa Pvt. Ltd.,
3 Rasuwa 6.25 19-Nov-15 12-Feb-17 15 months 5 months 6-Jul-17 52.00 123.70
rchayang Baneshwar-10, Kathmandu,
M/S Kumar and Amar
Kulekhani-Phakel- 6 months
15.40 Construction JV , Kalimati, 18-Nov-15 18-Feb-17 15 months 14-Aug-17 82.00 116.06
Humanebhnjyang (2 times)
Kathmandu Nepal
4 Makwanpur
M/S. Mahalaxmi-Sigha &
Daman-Dandabas Rd: 11.34 Brothers JV , Kathmandu-14, 2-Mar-16 2-Jun-17 15 months 2-Jun-17 50.00 138.29
Kalanki, Nepal

M/S. United Builders and
Engineers Pvt.Ltd. ,Marpha
Rampurkhap-Bankul- 30.02 12-May-16 12-May-18 24 months 12-May-18 40.00 76.85
House, Anamnagar,
5 Rautahat Gaur-Banjarha-Auriya-
M/S Rasuwa- Ashraya-Shah
Dumariya-Bishanpatti- 25.62 17-May-16 17-May-18 24 months 17-May-18 40 76.16
JV, Basundhara-03, Kathmandu
Sauratha-Badaharwa- MS Pappu- Shivshankar jv,
17.51 11-Jan-17 11-Jan-18 12 months 11-Jan-18 3.00 86.85
Bankul-Aruwa Khola Road Garuda, Rauthat.

M/S. Pappu Construction , 24.5

Kaudena- Janakinagar Road 22.28 5-May-16 20-May-18 20-May-18 25 76.24
Tinkunne, Kathmandu, Nepal months
M/S. YP-Kamal JV , Pulchowk, 18.5
( Ch.00+000 km to Ch. 20 + 20.23 2-May-16 17-Nov-17 17-Nov-17 40 101.24
Lalitpur,Nepal months
6 Sarlahi 231km )
M/S. Prithivi Engineers and
Atrauli-Saspur Road 6.00 Builders Batisputali , 8-Nov-15 9-Jul-16 8 months 9-Jul-16 100.00
Kathmandu ,Nepal
Bhakatipur-Chandranagar- M/S D.S./ Prithivi JV Under
18.80 8-Nov-15 9-Jul-16 8 months 9-Jul-16 100
Brahampuri Road Pulchowk Lalitpur DLP
M/S Dhukuchhu Construction
10.00 Private Limited, Buddhanagar- 28-Oct-16 28-Jan-18 15 months 28-Jan-18 10 85.78
Bigahi River Road
10, Kathmandu
M/S Ashis-Roshan JV,
Pashupatinagar-Kisangar- 25.03 23-May-17 21-Aug-18 15 months 21-Aug-18 0 40.66
Bardibas Road
M/S.Bamti Bhandar Nirman
Mushpatti-Suga-Simardahi- 12.5
7 Mahottari 8.30 Sewa Pvt. Ltd, Anamnagar-32, 20-Dec-15 3-Jan-17 4 months 10-May-17 35.00 139.05
Pigauna-Parkauli Road months
Kathmandu, Nepal
M/S Kankai/Ram Janaki J.V.,
Chakwa-Nainhi-Bhittamod 8.74 9-Dec-16 8-Dec-17 12 months 8-Dec-17 0 96.15
Janakapur-10 Dhanusha
Tikuliya-Banauta-Leuri M/S Roshan Construction
11.50 27-Sep-16 27-Sep-17 12 months 27-Sep-17 10 115.89
Madhpura Road Pvt.Ltd., Janakpur
Mahruwahi-Halkhori- M/S Kamal/Shree Narsing J.V.,
8.20 9-Dec-16 8-Dec-17 12 months 8-Dec-17 0 96.15
Ekdara-Sadha Road Janakpur-9, Dhanusha

Devpura-Ghodghas- M/S. Raman/Kamal JV 12 months
13.70 18-Jun-15 17-Sep-16 15 months 24-Sep-17 72.35 107.36
Fulgama-Tulsiyahi Road Janakpur-09, Dhanusha (2 times)
Mahuwa-Dhaubauli- M/S. Lohani & Brothers and
12 months
Yadukhowa-Balabakhar 16.50 Shiva Shankar JV, Gauruda, 17-Jun-15 16-Sep-16 15 months 23-Sep-17 89.34 107.48
(2 times)
Road Rauthat
M/S. Lohani & Brothers and
Janakpur-Manharpur- 12 months
16.20 Shiva Shankar JV, Gauruda, 17-Jun-15 16-Sep-16 15 months 23-Sep-17 68.71 107.48
Khariyani Road (2 times)
M/S Raman-Kamal J.V
Yadukhowa-Balabakhar 12.85 11-Dec-16 24-Dec-17 12 months 24-Dec-17 23.69 92.06
Janakpur-Manharpur- M/S Raman-Kamal J.V
11.65 16-Sep-16 29-Dec-17 15 months 29-Dec-17 23.76 92.54
Khariyani Road Janakpur-9,Dhanusha
Dhanushadham- M/S. Shivshanakr 7.5
8 Dhanusha Raghunathpur-Kiratpur 9.00 Construction-Pipariya, Dostiya- 15-Jul-15 15-Jun-16 11 months months 31-Dec-16 100.00
Road 9, Rauthat , Nepal (2times)
Janaki Medical Colege- 7.5
M/S. Kamal/Sagun  JV, Under
Ramdaiya-Sabaila- 12.20 15-Jul-15 15-Jun-16 11 months months 31-Dec-16 100.00
Janakpur-9, Nepal DLP
Patewrwa  Road (2times)
Kurtha-Shantipur- M/S. Kamal Nirman Sewa Under
10.00 15-Jul-15 15-Jun-16 11 months months 31-Dec-16 100.00
Jamunibas Pvt.Ltd., Janakpur-9,Nepal DLP
Janaki Medical-Sabela-
M/S Y.P. Construction Pvt.
Paterwa Sadak (From 11.60 20-Sep-16 19-Sep-17 12 months 19-Sep-17 25 118.13
Ltd. Tansen, Palpa
Inarwa to Kamala)
Pushpalpur-Ichhapur- M/S Roshan –Laxman Rekha
16.14 19-Apr-17 19-Apr-18 12 months 19-Apr-18 35 60
Tarapatti Road J.V., Janakpur-4, Dhanusha
M/S. Dhukuchhu Construction
11.51 Company Pvt.Ltd.Budhanagar- 15-Jan-17 16-Jan-18 12 months 16-Jan-18 20 85.52
10 Kathmandu
M/S AMR-Pappu construction
Siraha-Sukhipur Road 18.96 Jv Pvt. Ltd., Tinkune, 19-Oct-15 19-Jan-17 15 months 4 months 28-Apr-17 14.00 137.70
Kathmandu Nepal
9 Siraha
Jamdaha-Lagadi-Gadiyani M/S Yakthunhang & BP JV,
17.00 13-Apr-17 13-Apr-18 12 months 13-Apr-18 0.00 61.64
Road Lahan-7

Kataniya Bridge 0.03 SAI Builders 9-Jun-15 9-Oct-15 4 months 9-Oct-15 100.00
M/S Rautaha Construction
Gaighat-Phattepur Road 9.83 14-Jul-15 13-Sep-16 14 months months (2 29-Mar-17 95.00 138.46
Pvt.Ltd.Triyuga-2 Udayapur

M/S Gajurmukhi –Pabitra JV,

Gaighat-Phattepur Road 18.55 30-Aug-16 30-Nov-17 15 months 30-Nov-17 55 98.69
10 Udayapur Gaighat

Tapeshwori- Bhagalpur-
Rampur Road ( Ch 00+ 000 Under
22.00 M/S Gaura -Pabitra JV. 30-Aug-16 30-Aug-17 12 months 30-Aug-17 100.00
Km to 22+ 000 Km) with DLP
PM of crossing structures
M/S. Pappu Construction ,
Janta Sadak 17.50 Pokhariya VDC-7, Parsa , 2-Mar-16 1-May-17 14 months 7 months 1-Dec-17 54.00 149.70
M/S. Gauri Parbati Nirman
Aatmaram Path 13.01 Sewa Pvt.Ltd,Kalanki-14, 6-Apr-16 6-Jul-17 15 months 6-Jul-17 33 130.92
Kathmandu , Nepal
11 Parsa
Dhore-Pakaha-Bankatawa- M/S. Roshan/Rajan Jv, Under
28.50 11-Feb-16 11-Nov-17 21 months 7 months 11-Feb-18 100.00
Sonbarsa Road Janakpur, Dhanusha ,Nepal DLP
Prasauni-Mahuwan M/S. Roshan/Rajan Jv, Under
14.25 11-Feb-16 11-Nov-17 21 months 11-Nov-17 100
Ramnagari Padam Road Janakpur, Dhanusha ,Nepal DLP
M/S. Ank-Lumbini JV,
Jandaul-Kusha Belhi 24.55 26-Apr-16 25-Jul-17 15 months 25-Jul-17 60 126.81
M/S. Pappu -Mrit Sanjivini JV
12 Saptari Kushaha-Belhi 16.23 26-Apr-16 25-Jul-17 15 months 25-Jul-17 65 126.81
Kalanki , Kathmandu, Nepal
9.28 M/S Apex Uday J/V. 1-Mar-17 1-Mar-18 12 months 1-Mar-18 16.05 73.42
Hanumannagar Road
M/S. Sapna-Shivshakti-Merina
Kabigoth-Bariyarpur 7.94 5-May-16 29-Jul-17 15 months 5 months 24-Dec-17 70.00 128.65
Jv, Hetauda, Makwanpur
13 Bara
Kalaiya -Gunjbhawanipur- M/S Sapana-Shivashakti,
16.08 5-Feb-17 30-Apr-18 15 months 30-Apr-18 5 65.03
Malahi Road Hetauda, Makawanpur

M/S Dev & Sayar/Binod Sah
Kalaiya -Jaitapur Road 10.50 18-Sep-16 18-Sep-17 12 months 18-Sep-17 75 118.36
JV, Kathmandu.
Piparpati- Bairiya-Kotbali M/S. Sapna-Shivshakti-Merina Under
8.55 5-May-16 5-May-17 12 months 5-May-17 100.00
Road Jv, Hetauda, Makwanpur DLP
Sukrabare-Fakchamara- M/S Jagriti Nirwan Sewa , New
14 Terathum 17.11 31-Jan-16 30-Jan-17 12 months 30-Jan-17 45 181.64
Hakparaghat Road: Baneshwar, Kathmandu ,Nepal
M/S Oasis-Shree Jayanti JV,
Chainpur-Barhabise Road 16.00 8-May-16 7-Oct-17 17 months 7-Oct-17 5 109.28
Sankhuwasa Lazimpat
15 bha RamMandir – Okharbote – M/S Apex-Joshi JV, 2.5
18.55 5-Aug-16 5-Aug-17 12 months 24-Oct-17 35.00 106.97
Mawadin – Nundhaki Road Bijulibazar, Kathmandu, Nepal months
M/S PS/ Kirateshwar-Om
Bhojpur Mane Bhanjyang
12.50 Jamviyoung JV , Dillibazar, 1-Jan-16 30-Jun-17 18 months 5 months 28-Nov-17 31.00 127.78
-Rani bas- Ghodetar
Kathmandu ,Nepal
Upgrading works along with SBA-Marseli JV,Kapan- Under
8 25-Mar-16 14-Jun-16 3 months 14-Jun-16 100.00
8 RCC causeway in 4 Roads 1,Kathmandu DLP
Taksar-Gumba-Dalgaun- M/S SBA-Marseli J.V Kapan-1, Under
16 Bhojpur 15.00 14-Jul-15 18-Oct-16 15 months 7 months 14-May-17 70.00
Bhulke-Dhodhlekhani Road Kathmandu DLP
M/S SBA-Marseli J.V Kapan-1,
Bastim-Thulodumma- 15.10 14-Jul-16 29-Apr-17 9.5 months 8 months 25-Dec-17 79.00 173.68
Sanodumma Road
Bhojpur -Dingla - Mulpani - M/S Thodung-Waiba & Lama 15.5
13.36 1-Jan-16 15-Apr-17 months 6-Jan-18 30.00 148.38
Keureni pani Rd: JV , Kathmandu Nepal months
Source:- SNRTP Progress Report, June 2017

From the above table we can see that 59 roads had been identified for upgrading road
projects. Among them 12 projects have been completed out of which 7 were completed
within estimated completion time and 5 were completed with range of time overrun of
33.33% to 63.63%. Further, Out of remaining 47 ongoing projects 29 have already incurred
time overrun and 18 projects are likely to be delayed. On 29 ongoing projects percentage of
time elapsed ranges from 101.24% to 178.23%. Though there may be various reasons for
such divergence, nonconformity to plans is observed from the above table no.6.

Upgrading Road Projects in SNRTP Eastern Cluster

Sindhupalchowk 0
Sankhuwa 2
D Bara 4
i 3
s Parsa 4
t Shiraha 3
r 11
i Mahottari 6
c 4
Rauthat 3
t 2
s Rasuwa 1
Dhading 2
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
No. of Projects

Figure: - 4.0 Number of upgrading road projects in SNRTP Eastern Cluster Districts.

Figure no 4 reflects the total number of road projects in each programmed district of SNRTP
Eastern Cluster. There are 17 districts in SNRTP Eastern Cluster among which only in 16
district upgrading road projects are running. Dhanusha has maximum 11 numbers of road
projects and Sindhupalchowk has no road project.

Time Period Extended
2 No. of projects

Figure: - 4.1 Time period extended in upgrading road projects

The above figure no. 4.1 shows the time period extended compare with number of upgrading
road projects. 8 project’s completion time period has been extended up to 6 months, 13
project’s completions time period has been extended within 6 month to 1 year and 1 project
completion time period has been extended within 1 year to 2 years.

Total Project's Scenario

Likely to be delayed



Figure 4.2. Total Project Scenario of SNRTP Eastern Cluster Upgrading Roads

Figure 4.2 illustrates that 20% i.e. 12 project out of 59 projects have been completed.
Similarly, 49% i.e. 29 projects are delayed from estimated completion date and 31% i.e. 18
projects are likely to be delayed from estimated completion time.

4.2 Output of questionnaire Survey
Questionnaires were collected from concerned engineers of employers, consultants and
contractors. Collected questionnaire were analyzed and then ranked using relative importance
index. Views of employer, consultants and contractors were calculated and ranked using
relative importance index. And also overall ranking was calculated based on relative
importance index.

Table:-7 Factors influencing time overrun from point view of employer, contractor,
consultant and average weighted of them.
Factors Causing Time Employer Contractor Consultant
RII Rank RII Rank RII Rank RII Rank
Low Bid 0.825 3 0.675 4 0.754 3 0.768 2
legal dispute between various
0.45 27 0.375 28 0.446 28 0.432 28
Problem in land acquisition,
0.525 16 0.5 14 0.631 7 0.557 14
utility relocation
Adhoc Contract Duration
0.6375 9 0.6 6 0.585 9 0.611 9
Minimum/Ineffective delay
0.525 16 0.4 27 0.569 12 0.514 16
Incomplete design and drawing 0.475 25 0.45 22 0.462 25 0.465 23
Delay in delivery the site 0.4875 23 0.45 22 0.415 30 0.454 24
Poor communication and
0.4125 33 0.425 24 0.508 20 0.449 26
Late in revising and approving
0.4875 23 0.55 10 0.462 25 0.492 19
design & documents
Variations and additional works 0.6 13 0.6 6 0.508 20 0.568 12
Delay in payment of completed
0.4125 33 0.475 17 0.492 22 0.454 24
Poor site management 0.8875 1 0.525 11 0.846 1 0.795 1
Inadequate capability 0.6125 10 0.5 14 0.569 12 0.573 11
Incompetence or inadequate
0.85 2 0.575 8 0.708 5 0.741 5
number of technical staff
Absence of lead contractor in
0.6125 10 0.375 28 0.538 15 0.535 15
case of JV
Lack of proper division of
responsibility by contractors in 0.775 5 0.725 2 0.754 3 0.757 3
Ineffective planning and
0.8 4 0.575 8 0.785 2 0.746 4
scheduling of project
Rework due to errors during
0.5 21 0.475 17 0.538 15 0.508 17
Cash flow problem 0.5875 15 0.475 17 0.585 9 0.562 13
Claims 0.375 35 0.35 32 0.523 18 0.422 32
Shortage of materials 0.35 37 0.525 11 0.462 25 0.427 31
Absence of material stock at
0.525 16 0.375 28 0.523 18 0.492 19
Shortage of spare part 0.375 35 0.35 32 0.369 33 0.373 36
Frequent breakdown 0.425 32 0.3 37 0.338 36 0.368 38
Inadequate modern equipment 0.6125 10 0.7 3 0.615 8 0.632 7
Shortage of skilled labor 0.7375 6 0.8 1 0.662 6 0.724 6
Poor workmanship 0.6 13 0.525 11 0.385 32 0.508 17

Strike 0.525 16 0.425 24 0.323 37 0.432 28
Complexity of project design 0.3375 38 0.325 34 0.446 28 0.373 36
Insufficient data collection and
0.6625 8 0.425 24 0.585 9 0.584 10
survey before design
Incompetent design team 0.675 7 0.625 5 0.569 12 0.627 8
Delay in producing, finalizing
0.4375 29 0.3 37 0.369 33 0.384 35
or updating design documents
Delay in performing inspection
0.4375 29 0.325 34 0.4 31 0.4 33
and testing
Local objection and
0.45 27 0.325 34 0.477 24 0.432 28
IEE and EIA approvals 0.5125 20 0.375 28 0.538 15 0.492 19
Natural Disasters (Flood,
0.5 21 0.475 17 0.354 35 0.443 27
landslide, earthquakes.)
Political factors like strikes,
0.4375 29 0.475 17 0.308 38 0.4 33
Effect of social and cultural
0.4625 26 0.5 14 0.492 22 0.481 22

Table no. 7 depicts the relative importance index and respective ranking from view point of
contractor, consultant and client individually and also their weighted average on factors
relating to cause time overrun. Annex B, C, D &E Shows the relative importance indices and
the relative ranking by contractor, consultant and client individually and on weighted average
of the 38 lists of factors that are considered to be cause of delay in SNRTP Eastern Cluster
Upgrading Roads.

4.2.1. Top 10 causes of schedule overrun from point of view of employer

   Inadequate modern equipment 0.61

Inadequate capability 0.61

Absence of lead contractor in case of JV 0.61

Incompetent design team 0.68

Shortage of skilled labor 0.74

Lack of proper division of responsibility by contractors in JV 0.78

Ineffective planning and scheduling of project 0.8

Low Bid 0.83

Incompetence or inadequate number of technical staff 0.85

Poor site management 0.89

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Figure 4.3. Top 10 cause of schedule overrun from point view of employer

Above figure shows the client representative respondent's view on causes of delay in
upgrading road projects of SNRTP Eastern Cluster. According to employer responses, Poor
Site Management (RII =0.8875) of contractor related factor is being ranked first causes of
delay, incompetent or inadequate number of technical staff of contractor (RII=0.85) of
contractor related factor is ranked second, low bid of contract(RII=0.825) of contract/project

related factor is ranked third, ineffective planning & scheduling project(RII=0.8) of
contractor related factor is ranked fourth, lack of proper division of responsibility by
contractor in JV(RII=0.775) of contractor related factor is ranked fifth, shortage of skilled
labor(RII=0.7375) of labor related factor is ranked sixth, incompetent design team
(RII=0.675) of consultant/designer related factor is ranked seventh. Similarly, absence of lead
contractor in case of JV of contractor related factor, inadequate capability of contractor
related factor and inadequate modern equipment of equipment related factor(RII=0.6125) are
equally ranked to eight.

The percentile frequencies of the Client/Employer respondents response on top ten cause of
schedule overrun is shown in table below.

Table 8:- Top 10 cause of delay from point view of client categorized into different group

Extreme Moderate
Cause of Delay Very Slightly Not
S Ran ly ly
categorized under Significa Significa Signific
N k Significa Significan RII
different groups nt nt ant
nt t
1 1 Poor site management 50% 43.75% 6.25% 0 0 0.8875
Incompetence or
2 2 inadequate number of 25% 75% 0 0 0 0.85
technical staff
3 3 Low Bid 43.75% 25% 31.25% 0 0 0.825
Ineffective planning and
4 4 18.75% 68.75% 6.25% 6.25% 0 0.8
scheduling of project
Lack of proper division of
5 5 responsibility by 25% 37.5% 37.5% 0 0 0.775
contractors in JV
6 6 Shortage of skilled labor 18.75% 31.25% 50% 0 0 0.7375
7 7 Incompetent design team 18.75% 18.75% 43.75% 18.75% 0 0.675
Absence of lead contractor
8 8 18.75% 25% 12.5% 31.25% 0 0.6125
in case of JV
9 9 Inadequate capability 6.25% 31.25% 37.5% 12.5% 0 0.6125
Inadequate modern
10 10 6.25% 31.25% 31.25% 25% 0 0.6125

4.2.2 Top 10 causes of schedule overrun from point of view of Contractor











0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

Figure 4.4 Top 10 cause of schedule overrun from point view of Contractor.

The figure 4.4 shows the contractor representative respondent's view on causes of delay in
upgrading road projects of SNRTP Eastern Cluster. According to contractor representative
responses, shortage of skilled labor (RII =0.80) of labor related factor is being ranked the
first causes of delay, lack of proper division of responsibility by contractors in JV
(RII=0.725) of contractor related factor is ranked second, inadequate modern equipment
(RII=0.675) of equipment related factor is ranked third, low bidding of contract(RII=0.675)
of contract/project related factor is ranked fourth, incompetent design team (RII=0.625) of
consultant/designer related factor is ranked fifth, adhoc contract duration &variations and
additional works adopted of client related factors (RII=0.6) are ranked sixth, incompetence or
inadequate number of technical staffs and ineffective planning and scheduling of project
(RII=0.575) of contractor related factors are equally rated and ranked eight. Similarly, late in
revising and approving design & documents (RII=0.55) of client related factor is ranked as
The percentile frequencies of the Contractor respondents response on top ten cause of
schedule overrun is shown in table below

Table 9:- Top 10 cause of delay from point view of contractor categorized into different

Cause of Delay Very Moderatel Slightly Not

Ran Extremely
Sn categorized under Significa y Significa Significan
k Significant RII
different groups nt Significant nt t
1 1 Shortage of skilled labor 25% 50% 25% 0 0 0.8
Lack of proper division
2 2 of responsibility by 12.5% 50% 25% 12.5% 0 0.725
contractors in JV
Inadequate modern
3 3 12.5% 37.5% 37.5% 12.5% 0 0.7
4 4 Low Bid 12.5% 25% 50% 12.5% 0 0.675
5 5 Incompetent design team 12.5% 37.5% 25% 0 0 0.625
6 6 Adhoc Contract 0 50% 12.5% 25% 0 0.6

Duration adopted.
Variations and
7 7 0 25% 50% 25% 0 0.6
additional works
Incompetence or
8 8 inadequate number of 0 25% 37.5% 37.5% 0 0.575
technical staff
Ineffective planning and
9 9 0 25% 37.5% 37.5% 0 0.575
scheduling of project
Late in revising and
10 10 approving design & 0 37.5% 25% 12.5% 0 0.55

4.2.3 Top 10 causes of schedule overrun from point of view of Consultant











0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Figure 4.5 Top 10 cause of schedule overrun from point view of Consultant

The figure 4.5 shows the consultant representative respondent's view on causes of delay in
upgrading road projects of SNRTP Eastern Cluster. According to consultant representative
responses, poor site management (RII =0.846) of contractor related factor is being ranked
the first causes of delay, ineffective planning and scheduling of project (RII=0.785) of
contractor related factor is ranked second, low biding of contract of project/contract related
factor & lack of proper division of responsibility by contractors in JV of contractor related
factor (RII=0.754) are equally ranked as third, incompetence or inadequate number of
technical staff(RII=0.708) of contractor related factor is ranked fifth, shortage of skilled labor
(RII=0.631) of labor related factor is ranked sixth, problem in land acquisition, utility
relocation (RII=0.631) of client related factor is ranked seventh, inadequate modern
equipment (RII=0.569) of equipment related factor is ranked eight , similarly, insufficient
data collection and survey before design of consultant/designer related factor and cash flow
problem of contractor related factor (RII=0.585) are equally ranked as ninth.

The percentile frequencies of the Consultant respondents response on top ten cause of
schedule overrun is shown in table below

Table 10:- Top 10 cause of delay from point view of consultant categorized into different

Extremel Moderate
Cause of Delay Very Slightly Not
Ran y ly RII
Sn categorized under Significa Significa Significa
k Significan Significan
different groups nt nt nt
t t

1 1 Poor site management 46.15% 30.76% 23.07% 0 0 0.846154

Ineffective planning and
2 2 scheduling of project 23.07% 46.15% 30.76% 0 0 0.784615

3 3 Low Bid 30.76% 46.15% 0 15.38% 0 0.753846

Lack of proper division
of responsibility by
4 4 contractors in JV 30.76% 23.07% 38.46% 7.69% 0 0.753846
Incompetence or
inadequate number of
5 5 technical staff 23.07% 23.07% 38.46% 15.38% 0 0.707692
a)   Shortage of skilled
6 6 labor 7.69% 30.76% 53.84% 0 0 0.661538
Problem in land
acquisition, utility
7 7 relocation 23.07% 23.07% 23.07% 7.69% 0 0.630769
c)   Inadequate modern
8 8 equipment 0 38.46% 38.46% 15.38% 0 0.569231
Insufficient data
collection and survey
9 9 before design 7.69% 23.07% 30.76% 30.76% 0 0.584615
10 10 Cash flow problem 15.38% 15.38% 30.76% 23.07% 0 0.584615

4.2.4 Top 10 causes of schedule overrun from point of average weighted
view of Contractor, Consultant and Employer


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Figure 4.6. Top 10 cause of schedule overrun from overall average weighted of point view of
employer, contractor and consultant.

The figure 4.6 shows the overall average weighted of point of views of client, contractor and
consultant representatives respondent's view on causes of delay in upgrading road projects of
SNRTP Eastern Cluster. According to their responses, poor site management (RII =0.795)
of contractor related factor is being ranked the first causes of delay, low bid of contract
(RII=0.768) of project/contract related factor is ranked second, lack of proper division of
responsibility by contractors in JV (RII=0.757) of contractor related factors is ranked as third,
ineffective planning and scheduling of project(RII=0.746) of contractor related factors is
ranked fourth, incompetence or inadequate number of technical staff (RII=0.741)of contractor
related factor is ranked fifth, shortage of skilled labor (RII=0.724) of labor related factor is
ranked sixth, inadequate modern equipment (RII=0.632) of equipment related factors is
ranked seventh , incompetent design team (RII=0.627) of consultant/designer related factors
is ranked eight, adhoc contract duration adopted(RII=0.611) of project/contract related factor
is ranked ninth. Similarly, insufficient data collection and survey before design (RII=0.584)
of consultant/designer related factor is ranked tenth.

The percentile frequencies of the average weighted of Client, Contractor and Consultant
respondents response on top ten cause of schedule overrun is shown in table below:

Table 11:- Top 10 cause of delay from point view from overall average weighted of point
view of employer, contractor and consultant.

Cause of Delay Very Moderatel Slightly Not
Ran y RII
Sn categorized under Significa y Signific Significa
k Significan
different groups nt Significant ant nt

1 1 Poor site management 37.83% 35.13% 18.91% 2.70% 5.40% 0.795

2 2 Low Bid 32.43% 32.43% 24.32% 8.10% 2.70% 0.768

Lack of proper division
of responsibility by
3 3 contractors in JV 24.32% 35.13% 35.13% 5.40% 0 0.757
Ineffective planning and
4 4 scheduling of project 16.21% 51.35% 21.62% 10.81% 0 0.746
Incompetence or
inadequate number of
5 5 technical staff 18.91% 45.94% 21.62% 13.51% 0 0.741
6 6  Shortage of skilled labor 16.21% 35.13% 45.94% 0 2.70% 0.724
Inadequate modern
7 7 equipment 5.40% 35.13% 35.13% 18.91% 5.40% 0.632
8 8 Incompetent design team 10.81% 24.32% 37.83% 21.62% 5.40% 0.627
Adhoc Contract Duration
9 9 adopted. 2.70% 35.13% 32.43% 24.32% 5.40% 0.611
Insufficient data
collection and survey
10 10 before design 10.81% 16.21% 37.83% 24.32% 10.81% 0.584

4.2.5Causes of delay categorized into different Group from point of average

weighted view of Contractor, Consultant and Employer Project& Contract Related Factors

Project & Contract Related Factors







0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

Figure 4.7 .Project & Contract related factors causing delay

In this category, from overall average weighted of contractor, consultant and client
respondents point view, low bidding of contract (traditional selection procedure) is the most

governing factor with relative importance index of 0.768 and legal dispute between various
parties with relative importance index 0.432 is the least governing factor causing delay.

The percentile frequencies of the Client, Contractor and Consultant respondents’ response on
most governing factor of contract related factor ie low bidding of contract is shown in bar
diagram as below.

100% 12.5
90% 31.25 15.39

70% 50
25 Not Significant
60% 46.15 Slightly Significant
50% Moderately Significant
Very Significant
40% Extremely Significant
30% 25
20% 30.77

10% 12.5

Client Contractor Consultant

Figure 4.8: Client, Contractor & Consultant’s View on Low Bid (the most governing factor
on project & contract related factors.) Client Related Factors

Client Related Factors






0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

Figure 4.9 Client related factors causing delay

On client related causes of delay, from overall average weighted of contractor, consultant and
client respondents point of view, variation and additional works is the most governing factor
with relative importance index of 0.568 and poor communication and coordination among
various parties with relative importance index 0.449 is the least governing factor causing
The percentile frequencies of the Client, Contractor and Consultant respondents response on
most governing factor of client related factor i.e. Variation and additional works is shown in
bar diagram below:

80 23.08
Not Significant
60 31.25 Slightly Significant
50 Moderately Significant
Very Significant
40 53.85 Extremely Significant
20 25
10 7.69
Client Contractor Consultant

Figure 4.10:. Client, Contractor & Consultant’s view on variation and additional works (the
most governing factor on Client related factors.) Contractor Related Factors

Contractor Related Factors










0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

Figure 4.11. Contractor related factors causing delay

On contractor related causes of delay, from overall average weighted of contractor, consultant
and client respondents point of view, Poor site management by contractor is the most
governing factor with relative importance index of 0.795 and claim by contractor with
relative importance index 0.422 is the least governing factor causing delay.
The percentile frequencies of the Client, Contractor and Consultant respondents response on
most governing factor of Contractor related factor i.e. Poor site management is shown in bar
diagram below.

0 0
25 23.08

80% 43.75
Not Significant
60% Slightly Significant
50% 37.5 Moderately Significant
Very Significant
40% Extremely Significant
30% 50 46.15
20% 25
10% 0

Client Contractor Consultant

Fig: 4.12 Client, Contractor & Consultant’s View on Poor site management (the most
governing factor on Contractor related factors.) Material Related Factors

Material Related Factors



0.38 0.4 0.42 0.44 0.46 0.48 0.5

Figure 4.13 Material related factors causing delay

On material related causes of delay, from overall average weighted of contractor, consultant
and client respondents point of view, absence of material stock at site is the most governing
factor with relative importance index of 0.492 and shortage of material with relative
importance index 0.427 is the least governing factor causing delay.
The percentile frequencies of the Client, Contractor and Consultant respondents’ response on
most governing factor of material related factor ie Absence of material stock at site is shown
in bar diagram below.

6.25 7.69


80% 37.5
62.5 46.15
Not Significant
60% Slightly Significant
50% Moderately Significant
0 Very Significant
40% 43.75 23.08 Extremely Significant
30% 25

10% 12.5 12.5

Client Contractor Consultant

Figure:4.14. Client, Contractor & Consultant’s view on absence of material stock at site (the
most governing factor on materials related factors.). Equipment Related Factor

Equipment Related Factors




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

Figure 4.15 Equipment related factors causing delay

On equipment related factors causing delay, from overall average weighted of contractor,
consultant and client respondents point of view, Inadequate modern equipment is the most
governing factor with relative importance index of 0.632 and frequent breakdown of
equipment with relative importance index 0.368 is the least governing factor causing delay.

The percentile frequencies of the Client, Contractor and Consultant respondents’ response on
most governing factor of Equipment related factor ie inadequate modern equipment is
shown in bar diagram below.

100% 12.5
90% 15.39
38.46 Not Significant
60% 31.25 Slightly Significant
50% Moderately Significant
Very Significant
40% Extremely Significant
30% 31.25

10% 12.5 0
Client Contractor Consultant

Figure: 4.16.Client, Contractor & Consultant’s View on inadequate modern equipment (the
most governing factor on equipment related factors.) Labor Related Factor

Labour Related Factors




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

Figure 4.17 Labor related factors causing delay

On labor related factors causing delay, from overall average weighted of contractor,
consultant and client respondents point of view, shortage of skilled labor is the most
governing factor with relative importance index of 0.724 and strike by labor with relative
importance index 0.432 is the least governing factor causing delay.
The percentile frequencies of the Client, Contractor and Consultant respondents’ response on
most governing factor of Labor related factor ie Shortage of skilled labor is shown in bar
diagram below


80% 50

70% 53.85
Not Significant
60% Slightly Significant
50% Moderately Significant
Very Significant
40% 31.25 Extremely Significant
30% 30.77
20% 25
10% 7.69
Client Contractor Consultant

Figure: 4.18.Client, Contractor & Consultant’s View on Shortage of skilled labor (the most
governing factor on equipment related factors.) Consultant& Designer Related Factor

Consultant & Designer Related Factors






0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

Figure 4.19. Consultant and Designer related factors causing delay

On consultant and designer related factors causing delay, from overall average weighted of
contractor, consultant and client respondents point of view, incompetent design team is the
most governing factor with relative importance index of 0.627 and complexity of project
design with relative importance index 0.373 is the least governing factor causing delay.

The percentile frequencies of the Client, Contractor and Consultant respondents response on
most governing factor of Consultant & Designer related factor i.e. Incompetent design team
is shown in bar diagram below.

80% 0

70% 25
43.75 Not Significant
60% Slightly Significant
50% Moderately Significant
Very Significant
40% Extremely Significant

18.75 23.08
10% 12.5 0

Client Contractor Consultant

Figure: 4.20.Client, Contractor & Consultant’s View on Incompetent design team (the most
governing factor on equipment related factors.) Other Authority/stakeholder Related Factor

Other Authority /Stakeholder Related Factors



0.4 0.41 0.42 0.43 0.44 0.45 0.46 0.47 0.48 0.49 0.5

Figure 4.21 Other Authority/Stakeholder related factors causing delay

On other authority/stakeholder related factors causing delay, from overall average weighted
of contractor, consultant and client respondents point of view, IEE/EIA approval is the most
governing factor with relative importance index of 0.492 and local objection and intervention
with relative importance index 0.432 is the least governing factor causing delay.

The percentile frequencies of the Client, Contractor and Consultant respondents response on
most governing factor of Other Authority/Stakeholder related factor i.e. IEE/EIA approval
is shown in bar diagram below.


90% 30.77

23.08 Not Significant
60% 6.25 Slightly Significant
50% Moderately Significant
50 Very Significant
40% Extremely Significant
37.5 23.08


10% 12.5

Client Contractor Consultant

Figure: 4.22.Client, Contractor & Consultant’s View on IEE/EIA approval (the most
governing factor on equipment related factors.) External Related Factor

External Related Factors




0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5

Figure 4.23. External related factors causing delay

On external related factors causing delay, from overall average weighted of contractor,
consultant and client respondents point of view, effect of social and cultural factors is the
most governing factor with relative importance index of 0.481 and Political factors like
strike, hindrances with relative importance index 0.4 is the least governing factor causing

The percentile frequencies of the Client, Contractor and Consultant respondents’ response on
most governing factor of Consultant & Designer related factor ie Effect of social and cultural
factors is shown in bar diagram below.

100% 12.5 12.5 15.39


70% 38.46
62.5 Not Significant
60% Slightly Significant
50% Moderately Significant
Very Significant
40% Extremely Significant
12.5 30.77


Client Contractor Consultant

Fig: 4.24.Client, Contractor & Consultant’s View on Effect of social and cultural factors (the
most governing factor on equipment related factors.)

4.3 Test for agreements on causes of Time overrun among Client,

Contractor and Consultant
In this section respondents response were been tested for correlation to know whether there
was agreement or not on the attitudes of stakeholders towards the causes of time overrun on
road upgrading projects of SNRTP Eastern Cluster. Spearman rank correlation coefficients
was used to see if there was difference in ranking between two groups of respondents these
were Clients versus Contractors; Contractors versus Consultants; and Clients versus

The Null Hypothesis (HO) is: -There is no agreement in the ranking of causes of time
overrun between two groups of respondents
The Alternative Hypothesis (HA) is: -There is agreement in the ranking of causes of time
overrun between two groups of respondents

The spearman correlation coefficient (ρ) was calculated and tabulated as shown below in
Table In order to decide whether to accept or reject the null hypothesis, the level of
significance 95% (P = 0.05) was used. This allows to state whether or not there was
"agreement" between respondents response.

If the calculated value of ρ is greater than the critical value, H0 is rejected, i.e. there is
evidence of a statistically significant agreement between the groups. If the calculated value of
ρ is less than the critical value, H0 is accepted, i.e. there is no evidence of a statistically
significant agreement between the two groups

Table:-12 Spearman Correlation Coefficient among Client, Consultant and Contractor.

Respondents Rho (ρcal) = Critical value of significance

1 –6 x (Σdi2) ρ for P = 0.05
N x (N2– 1) (Appendix

0.670752 Significant Ho
Client Vs Contractor 0.330
Contractor Vs 0.581026 Significant Ho
Consultant rejected
0.736952 Significant Ho
Client Vs Consultant 0.330

In this case, with a significance level of 95% (P = 0.05), the calculated value of ρ for all the
three group cases are greater than the critical values of ρ, so the hypothesis that there is no
significant agreement between the respondents is rejected i.e. the null hypothesis is rejected
and alternative hypothesis I.e. there is agreement in the ranking of causes of time overrun
between two groups of respondents is accepted. There is correlation between the attitudes of
the respondents in all the three groups. In nutshell, most of respondent have similar
perception about the factors causing time overrun.

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendation
This chapter includes the conclusions and recommendations that would help in solving the
problem of delay at construction in SNRTP Eastern Cluster Roads Upgrading Project. For
this research desk study was used to identify the existence and extent of time overrun of road
upgrading projects in SNRTP Eastern Cluster. Questionnaire survey was done with client,
contractors and consultant representative to identify the causes of delay affecting time
overrun in the SNRTP Eastern Cluster road upgrading project. The data gathered from the
survey were analyzed using the relative importance index and spearman rank correlation
coefficient method was used to test the agreements on causes of Time overrun among Client,
Contractor and Consultant.

5.1. Conclusion
Based on the results of the analysis of desk study and respondents’ responses the following
conclusions are drawn:

1. The first specific objective was to identify whether time overrun exist or not and evaluate
the extent of time of upgrading road construction. Out of 59 road projects investigated in
the research, 12 projects were completed out of which 7 were completed within estimated
completion time and 5 were completed with range of time overrun of 33.33% to 63.63%.
Further, Out of remaining 47 ongoing projects 29 have already incurred time overrun and
18 projects are likely to be delayed. On 29 ongoing projects percentage of time elapsed
ranges from 101.24% to 178.23%.
2. The second specific objective was to identify and rank factors influencing time overruns
in road upgrading project in SNRTP Eastern Cluster. The total of 38 factor were
identified in this thesis and top 10 causes of delay identified from overall average
weighted of point of views of client, contractor and consultant representatives
respondent's view were poor site management (RII =0.795), low bid of contract
(RII=0.768), lack of proper division of responsibility by contractors in JV (RII=0.757),
ineffective planning and scheduling of project(RII=0.746), incompetence or inadequate
number of technical staff (RII=0.741), shortage of skilled labor (RII=0.724), inadequate
modern equipment (RII=0.632),incompetent design team (RII=0.627), adhoc contract
duration adopted(RII=0.611), insufficient data collection and survey before
design(RII=0.584) .
3. According to employer representative response top ten causes identified were poor site
management(RII=0.8875), incompetent or inadequate number of technical staff of
contractor (RII=0.85), low bid (RII=0.825), ineffective planning & scheduling
project(RII=0.8), lack of proper division of responsibility by contractor in JV(RII=0.775),
shortage of skilled labor(RII=0.7375), incompetent design team (RII=0.675), absence of
lead contractor in case of JV(RII=0.6125), inadequate capability(RII=0.6125) and
inadequate modern equipment (RII=0.6125).
4. According to contractor representative responses, top ten causes identified were shortage
of skilled labor (RII =0.80), lack of proper division of responsibility by contractors in JV
(RII=0.725), inadequate modern equipment (RII=0.675), low bidding of
contract(RII=0.675), incompetent design team (RII=0.625), adhoc contract duration
adopted(RII=0.6),variations and additional works (RII=0.6), incompetence or inadequate
number of technical staffs (RII=0.575), ineffective planning and scheduling of project
(RII=0.575) ,late in revising and approving design & documents (RII=0.55..
5. According to consultant representative responses, top ten causes poor site management
(RII =0.846), ineffective planning and scheduling of project (RII=0.785), low biding of

contract (RII=0.754),lack of proper division of responsibility by contractors in JV
(RII=0.754), incompetence or inadequate number of technical staff(RII=0.708), shortage
of skilled labor (RII=0.631), problem in land acquisition, utility relocation (RII=0.631),
inadequate modern equipment (RII=0.569),insufficient data collection and survey before
design (RII=0.585) and cash flow problem (RII=0.585) were identified.
6. The spearman correlation coefficient of client and contractor calculated was 0.67,client
and consultant was 0.736 and of contractor and consultant was0.581 which were greater
than critical values at significance level of 5% so concluded that there was correlation
between the attitudes of the respondents in all the three groups.

5.2 Recommendation
The following points are recommended to all parties in order to minimize and control time
overrun in SNRTP upgrading road projects.
1. It is recommended to have good site management system in the project by proper
planning and management of resources (material, manpower, equipment, capital),
proper scheduling of work, safety and risk management.

2. It is recommended to use adequate number of modern construction equipments which

reduce the human labor and increase productivity to complete the project within
estimated contract duration.

3. It is recommended to ask clarification of rate analysis of unnatural low bidding (as per
PPR2064, Rule 65(2)) and asking for additional performance security (as per PPR
2064, Rule 65(3)) to control unusual low bid.

4. It is recommended to follow guidelines for estimation of construction time for road

and bridge works, 2015 published by DOR for estimating contract duration.

5.3 Recommendations for Further Study

This research is done within limited time frame and capital for an academic program so some
aspects of delay in upgrading road project could not be covered. So, following topics are
recommended for further study.
1. Management of delay during construction
2. Comparative study of cause of delay in eastern and western cluster on SNRTP.

1. Alaghbari M.W, Razali A, Azizah S and Ernawati P (2007). The significant
factors causing delay of building construction projects in Malaysia. Journal of
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, Vol.14, No.2, No. 8, PP.
2. Ahikari R P (2014) Lecture notes, Advance Construction Management. Pulchowk
3. Arditi D., and F. Yasamis (1997), Reasons for delays in public projects in Turkey.
Journal of Construction Management and Economics, Vol. 3, No.12, pp. 171-181.
4. Assaf S. and Hejji S (2006), Causes of delay in large construction projects.
International Journal of Project Management, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 349-357
5. Aziz R, Asmaa A and Hakam A (2014), Exploring delay causes of road
construction projects in Egypt. Alexandria Engineering Journal Volume 55, Issue
2, June 2016, Pages 1515-1539
6. Asnaashari E, Knight A, Hurst A, and Farahani S.S (2011) Causes of
Construction Delays In Iran. Project Management, Logistics, Technology and
7. Dallakoti K (2014) Lecture Notes, Procument Management. Pulchowk Campus.
8. Faridi, A. and Sayegh, S. (2006) ‘Significant factors causing delay in the UAE
construction industry. Construction Management and Economics, 24, 1167–1176.
9. Głuszak & A. Lesniak (2015) Construction delays in clients opinion – multivariate
statistical analysis. Creative Construction Conference 2015 (CCC2015)
11. Kaliba C, Muya M &Mumba, K.(2009). Cost Escalation and Schedule Delay in
Road Construction Projects in Zambia. International Journal of Project
Management,Vol27, Issue 5, pp 522-531
12. Manavazhia MR, Adhikarib DK. (2002) Material and Equipment Procurement
Delays in Highway Projects in Nepal. International Journal Project Management; 20:
13. Mezher, T.C. and Tawil, W 1998, Causes of delay in the construction industry in
Lebanon.Engineering Construction and Architectural Management, Vol. 5, No.3, pp.
14. Mustefa A.J (2015) Factors affecting time and cost overrun in road construction
projects in Addis ababa. Msc thesis Addis ababa
15. Project for Strenghtening the National Ruaral Transport Program(2016) Project
Operation manual version -2
16. Office Of Auditor General (2070) 51st Annual Report of Auditor General

17. Projects Progress Report and completion reports from CPCU lalitpur

18. Public Procurement Act 2007 and Public Procurement Rules 2008 ,Kathmandu: Nepal
Law Commission
19. Remon F.R, F.Aziz, Asmaa A & Hakam A (2016) Exploring delay causes of road
construction projects in Egypt. Alexandria Engineering Journal (2016) 55, 1515–1539
20. Shah M K, Shahi P B, Pandit, R & Pandey A (2016) Causes and Effect of Delay in
Construction Projects. IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-
JMCE) Volume 14, Issue 2 Ver. VI , PP 52-58

21. Sigdel P (2017) Factors Causing Delay of Bridge Projects Carried Out by Bridge
Project Mid Regional Sector-02,Department of Roads. MSC thesis, Pulchowk campus
22. Sitaula T (2015) Infrastructure Development in Nepal: Opportunities and Challenges
for Engineers.
23. Stumpf, G. (2000). Schedule delay analysis.Construction Engineering Journal.
24. Suwal A & S.K Shrestha.(2016) Causes of Delays of motorable bridge construction
under postal highway projects, Department of Roads. Journal of advanced college of
engineering and management, vol. 2, 2016.
25. Theodore J and Trauner Jr. (2009). Types of Construction Delays. Construction
Delays (SecondEdition), 2009, Pages 25-36
26. UK Standard IndustrialClassification of EconomicActivities( 2007)
27. Williams T (2003) Assessing extension of time delays on major projects.
International J Journal of ProjectManager;21:19–26


Questionnaire Survey Form
Institute of Engineering
Pulchowk Campus
M.Sc. in Construction Management

This questionnaire is prepared to obtain information from key informants with semi- structured
questions. The information is required for the academic research entitled “Factors causing delay in
Upgrading Road Projects of SNRTP Eastern Cluster” which is being conducted as partial
fulfillment of requirement on M.Sc. in construction management. The main objective of this research
is to find main factors causing delay in SNRTP eastern sector road upgrading and to make
recommendations based on the findings.
You are humbly requested to answer following questionnaires. Your response is highly valuable and
contributory to the outcome of the research. The information obtained from this questionnaire will be
solely used for the research purpose and all information is kept strictly confidential.
Thank you.
Suraj Bhandari
Pulchowk Campus.

Section A: General Information

Name of office/section:…...…………………………………………………………………………….
Name of respondent (optional): ……………………………………………………………………..
Designation:….…………………………………………………………………………. ………………
Relevant working experience: …………………………………………………………………………
Section B: Factors Affecting Time Overruns of Road Projects.
Please indicate the significance of each factor by ticking the appropriate boxes, the first priority will
get 5 and least priority will get 1. Add remarks if any relating to each factor on the last column.
E.S. = Extremely Significant…… 5 V.S. = Very Significant………4
M.S. = Moderately Significant……3 S.S. = Slightly Significant……2
N.S. = Not Significant……………1
ES VS MS SS NS Comments
No Delay Factors in Road Construction
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1) (If any)
1 Project & Contract Related
i Low Bid
ii legal dispute between various parties
iii Problem in land acquisition, utility relocation
iv Adhoc Contract Duration adopted.
v Minimum/Ineffective delay penalties
vi Incomplete design and drawing
2 Client Related
i Delay in delivery the site
ii Poor communication and coordination
Late in revising and approving design &
iv Variations and additional works
v Delay in payment of completed works.

vi Lack of good governance
3 Contractor Related
i Poor site management
ii Inadequate capability
Incompetence or inadequate number of technical
iv Absence of lead contractor in case of JV
Lack of proper division of responsibility by
contractors in JV
vi Ineffective planning and scheduling of project
vii Rework due to errors during construction
viii Cash flow problem
ix Claims
Material related problems
x a) Shortage
b) Absence of material stock at site
Equipment related problems
a) Shortage of spare part
b) Frequent breakdown
c) Inadequate modern equipment
Labor related Problems
a) Shortage of skilled labor
b) Poor workmanship
c) Strike
4 Consultant & Designer Related
i Complexity of project design
Insufficient data collection and survey before
iii Incompetent design team
Delay in producing, finalizing or updating design
v Delay in performing inspection and testing
5 Other Authorities/Stakeholders Related
i Local objection and interventions
ii IEE and EIA approvals
6 External Related
i Natural Disasters (Flood, landslide, earthquakes.)
ii Political factors like strikes, hindrances
iii Effect of social and cultural factors
Respondent views and comments If you have comments on time overrun kindly request to write

RII Calculation Sheet of Consultant Point of View.

SN Causes of Delay Rank Remarks
5 4 3 2 1  
  Project & Contract Related      
1 Low Bid 4 6 0 2 1 0.754 3  
2 legal dispute between various parties 1 1 4 1 6 0.446 28  
3 Problem in land acquisition, utility relocation 3 3 3 1 3 0.631 7  
4 Adhoc Contract Duration adopted. 1 2 5 5 0 0.585 9  
5 Minimum/Ineffective delay penalties 2 2 3 4 2 0.569 12  
6 Incomplete design and drawing 2 0 2 5 4 0.462 25  
  Client Related      
1 Delay in delivery the site 1 1 1 5 5 0.415 30  
2 Poor communication and coordination 1 2 3 4 3 0.508 20  
Late in revising and approving design &
3 0 2 4 3 4 0.462 25
4 Variations and additional works 0 1 7 3 2 0.508 20  
5 Delay in payment of completed works. 2 2 1 3 5 0.492 22  
  Contractor Related      
1 Poor site management 6 4 3 0 0 0.846 1  
2 Inadequate capability 2 2 4 2 3 0.569 12  
Incompetence or inadequate number of
3 3 3 5 2 0 0.708 5
technical staff  
4 Absence of lead contractor in case of JV 0 3 5 3 2 0.538 15  
Lack of proper division of responsibility by
5 4 3 5 1 0 0.754 3
contractors in JV  
Ineffective planning and scheduling of
6 3 6 4 0 0 0.785 2
7 Rework due to errors during construction 1 2 5 2 3 0.538 15  
8 Cash flow problem 2 2 4 3 2 0.585 9  
9 Claims 1 3 2 4 3 0.523 18  
  Material Related Factors      
10 Shortage 1 0 4 5 3 0.462 25  
11 Absence of material stock at site 0 3 3 6 1 0.523 18  
  Equipment Related Factors      
12 Shortage of spare part 0 1 2 5 4 0.369 33  
13    Frequent breakdown 0 1 1 4 7 0.338 36  

14   Inadequate modern equipment 0 5 5 2 1 0.615 8  
  Labor Related Factors      
15   Shortage of skilled labor 1 4 7 0 1 0.662 6  
16 Poor workmanship 0 0 3 6 4 0.385 32  
17 Strike 0 0 2 4 7 0.323 37  
  Consultant & Designer Related      
1 Complexity of project design 0 2 3 4 4 0.446 28  
Insufficient data collection and survey before
2 1 3 4 4 1 0.585 9
3 Incompetent design team 0 3 5 5 0 0.569 12  
Delay in producing, finalizing or updating
4 0 0 2 7 4 0.369 33
design documents  
5 Delay in performing inspection and testing 0 1 1 8 3 0.4 31  
  Other Authority/Stakeholder Related      
1 Local objection and interventions 0 3 2 5 3 0.477 24  
2 IEE and EIA approvals 2 3 1 3 4 0.538 15  
  External Factors Related      
Natural Disasters (Flood, landslide,
1 0 0 3 4 6 0.354 35
2 Political factors like strikes, hindrances 0 0 1 5 7 0.308 38  
3 Effect of social and cultural factors 0 2 4 5 2 0.492 22  

RII Calculation Sheet of Contractor Point of View

SN Causes of Delay RII Rank Remarks
5 4 3 2 1
  Project & Contract Related      
1 Low Bid 1 2 4 1 0 0.675 4  
2 legal dispute between various parties 0 1 1 2 4 0.375 28  
3 Problem in land acquisition, utility relocation 2 0 0 4 2 0.5 14  
4 Adhoc Contract Duration adopted. 0 4 1 2 1 0.6 6  
5 Minimum/Ineffective delay penalties 0 0 2 4 2 0.4 27  
6 Incomplete design and drawing 1 1 0 3 3 0.45 22  
  Client Related  
1 Delay in delivery the site 0 1 2 3 2 0.45 22  
2 Poor communication and coordination 0 2 0 3 3 0.425 24  
3 Late in revising and approving design & 0 3 2 1 2 0.55 10  

4 Variations and additional works 0 2 4 2 0 0.6 6  
5 Delay in payment of completed works. 1 1 0 4 2 0.475 17  
  Contractor Related  
1 Poor site management 0 2 3 1 2 0.525 11  
2 Inadequate capability 0 0 5 2 1 0.5 14  
Incompetence or inadequate number of
3 0 2 3 3 0 0.575 8  
technical staff
4 Absence of lead contractor in case of JV 0 0 2 3 3 0.375 28  
Lack of proper division of responsibility by
5 1 4 2 1 0 0.725 2  
contractors in JV
6 Ineffective planning and scheduling of project 0 2 3 3 0 0.575 8  
7 Rework due to errors during construction 2 1 0 0 5 0.475 17  
8 Cash flow problem 2 0 0 3 3 0.475 17  
9 Claims 0 0 2 2 4 0.35 32  
  Material Related Factors      
10    Shortage 1 0 2 5 0 0.525 11  
11 Absence of material stock at site 0 1 2 0 5 0.375 28  
  Equipment Related Factors      
12   Shortage of spare part 1 0 0 2 5 0.35 32  
13    Frequent breakdown 0 1 0 1 6 0.3 37  
14    Inadequate modern equipment 1 3 3 1 0 0.7 3  
  Labor Related Factors      
15    Shortage of skilled labor 2 4 2 0 0 0.8 1  
16    Poor workmanship 0 2 2 3 1 0.525 11  
17    Strike 1 1 1 0 5 0.425 24  
  Consultant & Designer Related      
1 Complexity of project design 1 0 0 1 6 0.325 34  
Insufficient data collection and survey before
2 0 1 2 2 3 0.425 24  
3 Incompetent design team 1 3 2 0 2 0.625 5  
Delay in producing, finalizing or updating
4 0 1 0 1 6 0.3 37  
design documents
5 Delay in performing inspection and testing 0 0 1 3 4 0.325 34  
  Other Authority/Stakeholder Related      
1 Local objection and interventions 0 0 1 3 4 0.325 34  
2 IEE and EIA approvals 0 1 0 4 3 0.375 28  
  External Factors Related      
Natural Disasters (Flood, landslide,
1 1 1 0 4 2 0.475 17  
2 Political factors like strikes, hindrances 0 2 1 3 2 0.475 17  

3 Effect of social and cultural factors 0 2 1 4 1 0.5 14  

RII Calculation Sheet of Client Point of View
SN Causes of Delay S RII Remarks
5 4 3 2 1
  Project & Contract Related      
1 Low Bid 7 4 5 0 0 0.825 3  
2 legal dispute between various parties 0 2 4 6 4 0.45 27  
3 Problem in land acquisition 0 4 6 2 4 0.525 16  
4 Adhoc Contract Duration adopted. 0 7 6 2 1 0.6375 9  
5 Minimum/Ineffective delay penalties 1 2 5 6 2 0.525 16  
6 Incomplete design and drawing 1 3 2 5 5 0.475 25  
  Client Related      
1 Delay in delivery the site 1 2 4 5 4 0.4875 23  
Late in revising and approving design &
2 4 0 3 7 0.4875 23
2 documents  
3 Variations and additional works 0 6 5 4 1 0.6 13  
4 Delay in payment of completed works. 0 0 4 9 3 0.4125 33  
  Contractor Related      

1 Poor site management 8 7 1 0 0 0.8875 1  
2 Inadequate capability 1 5 6 2 2 0.6125 10  
Incompetence or inadequate number of
4 12 0 0 0 0.85 2
3 technical staff  
4 Absence of lead contractor in case of JV 3 4 2 5 2 0.6125 10  
Lack of proper division of responsibility by
4 6 6 0 0 0.775 5
5 contractors in JV  
6 Ineffective planning and scheduling of project 3 11 1 1 0 0.8 4  
7 Rework due to errors during construction 1 2 5 4 4 0.5 21  
8 Cash flow problem 2 4 4 3 3 0.5875 15  
9 Claims 1 1 2 3 9 0.375 34  
  Material Related Factors  
10   Shortage 0 1 3 3 9 0.35 36  
11    Absence
of material stock at site 0 2 7 6 1 0.525 16  
  Equipment Related Factors  
12 Shortage of spare part 1 2 1 2 10 0.375 34  
13    Frequent breakdown 0 2 5 2 7 0.425 32  
14 Inadequate modern equipment 1 5 5 4 1 0.6125 10  
  Labor Related Factors  
15 Shortage of skilled labor 3 5 8 0 0 0.7375 6  
16 Poor workmanship 2 5 2 5 2 0.6 13  
17 Strike 4 1 2 3 6 0.525 16  
  Consultant & Designer Related      
1 Complexity of project design 0 1 3 2 10 0.3375 37  
Insufficient data collection and survey before
3 2 8 3 0 0.6625 8
2 design  
3 Incompetent design team 3 3 7 3 0 0.675 7  
Delay in producing, finalizing or updating
0 3 2 6 5 0.4375 29
4 design documents  
5 Delay in performing inspection and testing 0 1 3 10 2 0.4375 29  
  Other Authority/Stakeholder Related      
1 Local objection and interventions 2 2 2 2 8 0.45 27  
2 IEE and EIA approvals 1 6 1 1 7 0.5125 20  
  External Factors Related      
1 Natural Disasters (Flood, landslide, earthquakes.) 2 2 3 4 5 0.5 21  
2 Political factors like strikes, hindrances 1 3 2 2 8 0.4375 29  
3 Effect of social and cultural factors 1 1 2 10 2 0.4625 26  

RII Calculation Sheet of Overall Average Weighted Point of View of Contractor,
Consultant & Client

Causes of Delay S S S S MSI Rank
5 4 3 2 1
  Project & Contract Related    
1 Low Bid 12 12 9 3 1 0.768 2
2 legal dispute between various parties 1 4 9 9 14 0.432 28
3 Problem in land acquisition 5 7 9 7 9 0.557 14
4 Adhoc Contract Duration adopted. 1 13 12 9 2 0.611 9
5 Minimum/Ineffective delay penalties 3 4 10 14 6 0.514 16
6 Incomplete design and drawing 4 4 4 13 12 0.465 23
  Client Related Factors              
1 Delay in delivery the site 2 4 7 13 11 0.454 24
2 Poor communication and coordination 2 5 7 9 14 0.449 26
3 Late in revising and approving design & documents 2 9 6 7 13 0.492 19
4 Variations and additional works 0 9 16 9 3 0.568 12
5 Delay in payment of completed works. 3 3 5 16 10 0.454 24
  Contractor Related Factors              
1 Poor site management 14 13 7 1 2 0.795 1
2 Inadequate capability 3 7 15 6 6 0.573 11
Incompetence or inadequate number of technical
3 staff 7 17 8 5 0 0.741 5
4 Absence of lead contractor in case of JV 3 7 9 11 7 0.535 15
Lack of proper division of responsibility by
5 contractors in JV 9 13 13 2 0 0.757 3
6 Ineffective planning and scheduling of project 6 19 8 4 0 0.746 4
7 Rework due to errors during construction 4 5 10 6 12 0.508 17
8 Cash flow problem 6 6 8 9 8 0.562 13
9 Claims 2 4 6 9 16 0.422 32
  Material Related Factors              
11 Shortage 2 1 9 13 12 0.427 31
12 Absence of material stock at site 0 6 12 12 7 0.492 19
  Equipment Related Factors              
13    Shortage of spare part 2 3 3 9 20 0.373 36
14   Frequent breakdown 0 4 6 7 20 0.368 38
15    Inadequate modern equipment 2 13 13 7 2 0.632 7
  Labor Related Factors              
16    Shortage of skilled labor 6 13 17 0 1 0.724 6

17 Poor workmanship 2 7 7 14 7 0.508 17
18 Strike 5 2 5 7 18 0.432 28
  Consultant/Designer Related Factors              
1 Complexity of project design 1 3 6 7 20 0.373 36
2 Insufficient data collection and survey before design 4 6 14 9 4 0.584 10
3 Incompetent design team 4 9 14 8 2 0.627 8
Delay in producing, finalizing or updating design
4 documents 0 4 4 14 15 0.384 35
5 Delay in performing inspection and testing 0 2 5 21 9 0.4 33
  Other Authority/Stakeholder Related Factor              
1 Local objection and interventions 2 5 5 10 15 0.432 28
2 IEE and EIA approvals 3 10 2 8 14 0.492 19
  External Related Factors              
1 Natural Disasters (Flood, landslide, earthquakes.) 3 3 6 12 13 0.443 27
2 Political factors like strikes, hindrances 1 5 4 10 17 0.4 33
3 Effect of social and cultural factors 1 5 7 19 5 0.481 22

Spearman Correlation Coefficient of Client and Contractor

sn Causes of Delay client(R1) Contractor(R2) d= R1-R2 d^2

1 Low Bid 3 4 -1 1
2 legal dispute between various parties 27 28 -1 1
3 Problem in land acquisition 16 14 2 4
4 Adhoc Contract Duration adopted. 9 6 3 9
5 Minimum/Ineffective delay penalties 16 27 -11 121
6 Incomplete design and drawing 25 22 3 9
7 Delay in delivery the site 23 22 1 1
8 Poor communication and coordination 33 24 9 81
Late in revising and approving design &
9 documents 23 10 13 169
0 Variations and additional works 13 6 7 49
1 Delay in payment of completed works. 33 17 16 256
2 Poor site management 1 11 -10 100
3 Inadequate capability 10 14 -4 16
1 Incompetence or inadequate number of
4 technical staff 2 8 -6 36
5 Absence of lead contractor in case of JV 10 28 -18 324
1 Lack of proper division of responsibility by
6 contractors in JV 5 2 3 9
1 Ineffective planning and scheduling of
7 project 4 8 -4 16
8 Rework due to errors during construction 21 17 4 16
9 Cash flow problem 15 17 -2 4
0 Claims 35 32 3 9
1    Shortage 37 11 26 676
2    Absence of material stock at site 16 28 -12 144
3    Shortage of spare part 35 32 3 9
4   Frequent breakdown 32 37 -5 25
5    Inadequate modern equipment 10 3 7 49
6    Shortage of skilled labor 6 1 5 25

7    Poor workmanship 13 11 2 4
8    Strike 16 24 -8 64
9 Complexity of project design 38 34 4 16
3 Insufficient data collection and survey
0 before design 8 24 -16 256
1 Incompetent design team 7 5 2 4
3 Delay in producing, finalizing or updating
2 design documents 29 37 -8 64
3 Delay in performing inspection and testing 29 34 -5 25
4 Local objection and interventions 27 34 -7 49
5 IEE and EIA approvals 20 28 -8 64
3 Natural Disasters (Flood, landslide,
6 earthquakes.) 21 17 4 16
7 Political factors like strikes, hindrances 29 17 12 144
8 Effect of social and cultural factors 26 14 12 144
Total 3009
6 x (Σdi)^2 18054

spearmans rank correlation coefficient for Client Vs Contractor

No. of Factors(N)= 38
Rho (ρcal) =( 1 –6 x (Σdi)^2)/( N x (N^2– 1))
Rho (ρcal) =0.670


Spearman Correlation Coefficient of Client and Consultant

sn Causes of Delay client(R1) Consultant(R2) d= R1-R2 d^2

1 Low Bid 3 3 0 0
2 legal dispute between various parties 27 28 -1 1
3 Problem in land acquisition 16 7 9 81
4 Adhoc Contract Duration adopted. 9 9 0 0
5 Minimum/Ineffective delay penalties 16 12 4 16
6 Incomplete design and drawing 25 25 0 0
7 Delay in delivery the site 23 30 -7 49
8 Poor communication and coordination 33 20 13 169
Late in revising and approving design & 23 25 -2 4
9 documents
13 20 -7 49
0 Variations and additional works
33 22 11 121
1 Delay in payment of completed works.
1 1 0 0
2 Poor site management
10 12 -2 4
3 Inadequate capability
1 Incompetence or inadequate number of 2 5 -3 9
4 technical staff
10 15 -5 25
5 Absence of lead contractor in case of JV
1 Lack of proper division of responsibility by 5 3 2 4
6 contractors in JV
1 Ineffective planning and scheduling of 4 2 2 4
7 project
21 15 6 36
8 Rework due to errors during construction
15 9 6 36
9 Cash flow problem
35 18 17 289
0 Claims
37 25 12 144
1    Shortage
16 18 -2 4
2 Absence of material stock at site
35 31 4 16
3 Shortage of spare part
32 36 -4 16
4    Frequent breakdown
10 8 2 4
5 Inadequate modern equipment
2    Shortage of skilled labor 6 6 0 0

13 33 -20 400
7   Poor workmanship
16 37 -21 441
8    Strike
38 28 10 100
9 Complexity of project design
3 Insufficient data collection and survey 8 9 -1 1
0 before design
7 12 -5 25
1 Incompetent design team
3 Delay in producing, finalizing or updating 29 34 -5 25
2 design documents
29 31 -2 4
3 Delay in performing inspection and testing
27 24 3 9
4 Local objection and interventions
20 15 5 25
5 IEE and EIA approvals
3 Natural Disasters (Flood, landslide, 21 35 -14 196
6 earthquakes.)
29 38 -9 81
7 Political factors like strikes, hindrances
26 22 4 16
8 Effect of social and cultural factors
Total 2404
6 x (Σdi)^2 14424

spearmans rank correlation coefficient for Client Vs Consultant

No. of Factors(N)= 38
Rho (ρcal) =( 1 –6 x (Σdi)^2)/( N x (N^2– 1))
Rho (ρcal) =0.736

Spearman Correlation Coefficient of Contractor and Consultant

sn Causes of Delay Contractor(R1) Consultant(R2) d= R1-R2 d^2

1 Low Bid 4 3 1 1
2 legal dispute between various parties 28 28 0 0
3 Problem in land acquisition 14 7 7 49
4 Adhoc Contract Duration adopted. 6 9 -3 9
5 Minimum/Ineffective delay penalties 27 12 15 225
6 Incomplete design and drawing 22 25 -3 9
7 Delay in delivery the site 22 30 -8 64
8 Poor communication and coordination 24 20 4 16
Late in revising and approving design &
9 documents 10 25 -15 225
0 Variations and additional works 6 20 -14 196
1 Delay in payment of completed works. 17 22 -5 25
2 Poor site management 11 1 10 100
3 Inadequate capability 14 12 2 4
1 Incompetence or inadequate number of
4 technical staff 8 5 3 9
5 Absence of lead contractor in case of JV 28 15 13 169
1 Lack of proper division of responsibility
6 by contractors in JV 2 3 -1 1
1 Ineffective planning and scheduling of
7 project 8 2 6 36
8 Rework due to errors during construction 17 15 2 4
9 Cash flow problem 17 9 8 64
0 Claims 32 18 14 196
1    Shortage 11 25 -14 196
2   Absence of material stock at site 28 18 10 100
3    Shortage of spare part 32 31 1 1
4   Frequent breakdown 37 36 1 1
5 Inadequate modern equipment 3 8 -5 25
6   Shortage of skilled labor 1 6 -5 25

7    Poor workmanship 11 33 -22 484
8   Strike 24 37 -13 169
9 Complexity of project design 34 28 6 36
3 Insufficient data collection and survey
0 before design 24 9 15 225
1 Incompetent design team 5 12 -7 49
3 Delay in producing, finalizing or updating
2 design documents 37 34 3 9
3 Delay in performing inspection and
3 testing 34 31 3 9
4 Local objection and interventions 34 24 10 100
5 IEE and EIA approvals 28 15 13 169
3 Natural Disasters (Flood, landslide,
6 earthquakes.) 17 35 -18 324
7 Political factors like strikes, hindrances 17 38 -21 441
8 Effect of social and cultural factors 14 22 -8 64
Total 3829
6 x (Σdi)^2 4

spearmans rank correlation coefficient forContractor Vs Consultant

No. of Factors(N)= 38
Rho (ρcal) =( 1 –6 x (Σdi)^2)/( N x (N^2– 1))
Rho (ρcal) =0.581


Spearman Correlation Critical Values for α

df α = 0.10 α = 0.05 α = 0.01

4 1.000    
5 0.900 1.000  
6 0.829 0.886 1.000
7 0.714 0.786 0.929
8 0.643 0.738 0.881
9 0.600 0.700 0.833
10 0.564 0.648 0.794
11 0.536 0.618 0.755
12 0.503 0.587 0.727
13 0.484 0.560 0.703
14 0.464 0.538 0.679
15 0.446 0.521 0.654
ANNEX 10 16 0.429 0.503 0.635
17 0.414 0.485 0.615
List of Respondent
18 0.401 0.472 0.600
Sn Name of Respondent
19 0.391 0.460 Name0.584
of Organization
1 Jeevan KC 20 0.380 0.447 Dolidar
2 Santosh Adhikari
21 0.370 0.435 Dolidar
3 Krishna Gopal Shrestha
22 0.361 0.425 Dolidar
4 Suresh Khadka
23 0.353 0.415 Contractor
5 Rup Naryan24Poudel
0.344 0.406 Consultant,Sindupalchowk
6 Subash Giri25 0.337 0.398 Consultant,
0.511 Nuwakot
7 Raj Naryan26Yadav
0.331 0.390 Civil Tech
0.501 Consultancy
8 Krishna Prasad 0.324
27 Acharya 0.382 Dolidar
9 Ram Chandra28 Poudel
0.317 0.375 NEST0.483
10 Ram Babu 29 0.312
Prasad Ojha 0.368 0.475
11 30 0.306
Gaya Prasad Ullak 0.362 0.467
12 Bhupendra 31Lal 0.301
Shrestha 0.356 0.459
32 0.296 0.350 0.452
13 Adist Naryan Jha Roshani Engineering Consultancy
33 0.291 0.345 0.446
14 Prakash raj Sivakoti Pranjal Engineering Consultancy
34 0.287 0.340 0.439
15 Baidya Nath Mahatto Dolidar
35 0.283 0.335 0.433
16 Mahendra 36Das 0.279 0.330
17 Purna KumarRokaya
37 0.275 0.325
18 Shambu shah38 Ranuiyar
0.271 0.321 Dolidar
19 Prakash Poudel
39 0.267 0.317 Consultant
20 Mohan Koirala
40 0.264 0.313 Consultant
21 Niaz Ahmed Engineering Management & Services
22 Ramesh Nath Bastola Geogrid Engineering Consultancy
23 Bal Bahadur Ghatri Dolidar
24 Hari Bahadur Thapa GON
25 Dipendra Shah D & A Consultancy
26 Shanu Shrestha Contractor
27 Chandra Bhadur Basnet Amar Construction Pvt. Ltd

28 Akilash Kumar Mishra Roshan Construction Pvt.Ltd
29   Shrinkhala Nirwan Sewa Pvt. Ltd
30 Deepak Bhatt Dolidar
31 Chandra Kumar Negi Dolidar
32 Kalpana Subedi GON
33 Baburam Bhandari Contractor
34 Shivaram Pandey Contractor
35 Sumit Khadka Papu Construction
Purna Chandra Shakya Consolidated Engineer & Architect
36 service
37 Dipendra Poudel Robust Consultancy

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