NSAID Prescribing Precautions: Amanda Risser, MD, MPH Deirdre Donovan, MD John Heintzman, MD and Tanya Page, MD

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NSAID Prescribing Precautions

Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, Oregon

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are commonly used, but have risks associated with their use,
including significant upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding. Older persons, persons taking anticoagulants, and
persons with a history of upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding associated with NSAIDs are at especially high risk.
Although aspirin is cardioprotective, other NSAIDs can worsen congestive heart failure, can increase blood pres-
sure, and are related to adverse cardiovascular events, such as myocardial infarction and ischemia. Cyclooxygenase-2
inhibitors have been associated with increased risk of myocardial infarction; however, the only cyclooxygenase-2
inhibitor still available in the United States, celecoxib, seems to be safer in this regard. Hepatic damage from NSAIDs
is rare, but these medications should not be used in persons with cirrhotic liver diseases because bleeding prob-
lems and renal failure are more likely. Care should be used when
prescribing NSAIDs in persons taking anticoagulants and in those
with platelet dysfunction, as well as immediately before surgery.
Potential central nervous system effects include aseptic meningitis,
psychosis, and tinnitus. Asthma may be induced or exacerbated by
NSAIDs. Although most NSAIDs are likely safe in pregnancy, they
should be avoided in the last six to eight weeks of pregnancy to pre-
vent prolonged gestation from inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis,
premature closure of the ductus arteriosus, and maternal and fetal
complications from antiplatelet activity. Ibuprofen, indomethacin,
and naproxen are safe in breastfeeding women. Care should be taken
to prevent accidental NSAID overdose in children by educating par-
ents about correct dosing and storage in childproof containers. (Am
Fam Physician. 2009;80(12):1371-1378. Copyright © 2009 American
Academy of Family Physicians.)


See related editorial onsteroidal anti-inflammatory for mediating platelet aggregation, and its
on page 1366. drugs (NSAIDs) are commonly action lasts for the lifetime of the platelet
used to treat inflammation, (eight to 12 days).3 COX-2 inhibitors have
pain, and fever by decreasing minimal antiplatelet effects because they do
prostaglandin synthesis through blockage of not affect the TXA 2 pathway. Because pros-
the cyclooxygenase (COX) enzyme. Table 1 taglandin-mediated gastroprotection occurs
lists NSAID dosages and monthly costs.1 through the COX-1 enzyme, COX-2 inhibi-
There is little evidence to support differ- tors were designed with the goal of decreas-
ences in effectiveness for pain treatment ing gastrointestinal (GI) complications.
when comparing all NSAIDs.2 Aspirin is NSAIDs are associated with morbidity
used for primary and secondary prevention related to many different body systems: GI,
of coronary artery disease, stroke, and some cardiovascular, hepatic, renal, hematologic,
colorectal cancers. The two major isoforms central nervous, and respiratory. There are
of COX (COX-1 and COX-2) are inhibited by also special considerations for children and
nonselective NSAIDs. COX-2 is also inhib- pregnant or lactating women. Adverse effects
ited by selective NSAIDs. All nonselective from NSAIDs can occur at any time while
NSAIDs inhibit platelet aggregation through taking them (Table 22,4-12); however, there
inhibition of COX-1 and the thrombox- is some evidence to support increased inci-
ane A 2 (TXA 2) pathway. Aspirin is unique in dence of adverse effects with increased dura-
this regard because it binds covalently and tion and dosing of selective and nonselective
irreversibly to the COX enzyme responsible NSAIDs. Research has not shown whether
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Clinical recommendations rating References Comments

For persons who have had an NSAID-associated ulcer, but who must C 2, 19 For the prevention of endoscopic
take NSAIDs, consider prescribing PPIs, double-dose histamine ulcers; based on two systematic
H2 blockers, or misoprostol (Cytotec) with the NSAIDs. Celecoxib reviews
(Celebrex) can also be used by itself. Misoprostol should not be
used in women who might become pregnant.
When possible, NSAIDs should be avoided in persons with C 6, 23 Based on a literature review
preexisting renal disease, congestive heart failure, or cirrhosis to and a summary of consensus
prevent acute renal failure. guidelines
Consider monitoring serum creatinine levels after initiation of NSAID C 6 Based on a summary of
therapy in persons at risk of renal failure, and in those taking consensus guidelines
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor
NSAIDs and aspirin should be avoided in persons taking C 2 Based on a systematic review
anticoagulants. If concurrent NSAID and anticoagulant use is
necessary, an increase in INR should be anticipated. There should
be appropriate INR monitoring and warfarin (Coumadin) dosage
adjustments, and GI prophylaxis should be initiated.
Ibuprofen, indomethacin, and naproxen (Naprosyn) are safe to use in C 30 Based on a consensus guideline
breastfeeding women.

GI = gastrointestinal; INR = International Normalized Ratio; NSAID = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; PPI = proton pump inhibitor.
A = consistent, good-quality patient-oriented evidence; B = inconsistent or limited-quality patient-oriented evidence; C = consensus, disease-
oriented evidence, usual practice, expert opinion, or case series. For information about the SORT evidence rating system, go to http://www.aafp.

strategies aimed to reduce risk, such as inter- in 110 adults older than 75, and the risk of
mittent dosing or drug holidays, are effec- death ranges from one in 12,353 to one in
tive.2 However, when prescribing NSAIDs, 647 adults, respectively.5 Concomitant use
physicians should take precautions based on of anticoagulants increases the risk of GI
the patient’s risk. bleeding to five to six times that of persons
using anticoagulants alone. In persons with
Prescribing Precautions a history of ulcers, there is evidence that the
GASTROINTESTINAL risk of recurrent bleeding is as high as 5 per-
NSAIDs have been implicated in upper and cent in six months, even with use of COX-2
lower GI tract injuries, but the burden of inhibitors or nonselective NSAIDs with a
disease is overwhelmingly in the upper GI proton pump inhibitor (PPI).2 Eradication
tract. The mechanism of injury is mainly by of Helicobacter pylori seems to only mini-
blockage of gastroprotective prostaglandin mally decrease the rate of peptic ulcer recur-
synthesis, but direct topical injury from the rence in persons taking NSAIDs.14
acidic drugs is possible. Dyspepsia and GI After COX-2 inhibitors were found to
discomfort occur in at least 10 to 20 percent increase the risk of myocardial infarction,
of persons taking NSAIDs; however, dys- rofecoxib and valdecoxib were taken off
peptic symptoms do not correlate well with the U.S. market. The only COX-2 inhibitor
clinically significant ulcerations.4 that remains available in the United States
The NSAID-related GI complication is celecoxib (Celebrex). The CLASS (Cele-
rate is directly related to patient age and coxib Long-term Arthritis Safety Study) is a
is influenced by comorbidity. The overall large randomized controlled trial compar-
morbidity and mortality data from a study ing celecoxib with diclofenac (Cataflam)
of 1990s statistics in the United States are and ibuprofen.15 Although the study showed
32,000 hospitalizations and 3,200 deaths that in the first six months of the trial there
annually from NSAID-related GI bleed- was a difference in the development of
ing.13 The one-year risk of serious GI bleed- clinically significant ulcers favoring cele-
ing from chronic NSAID use ranges from coxib, these findings were called into ques-
one in 2,100 adults younger than 45 to one tion. A U.S. Food and Drug Administration

1372 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 80, Number 12 V December 15, 2009
Table 1. NSAID Dosages and Monthly Costs

Cost of generic In retail discount

NSAID Dosage (brand)* programs†

Aspirin 325 mg daily Less than $5
Enteric-coated 325 mg daily Less than $5

Ibuprofen 600 mg four times daily $28 ($40)

Naproxen sodium (Aleve) 220 mg twice daily Less than $5

Diclofenac (Cataflam) 50 mg three times daily $60 ($325)
Extended release (Voltaren XR) 100 mg daily $75 ($193)

Diflunisal 250 mg twice daily $24 (NA)

500 mg twice daily $60 (NA)

Etodolac 200 mg three times daily $39 (NA)

400 mg three times daily $59 (NA)
Extended release 600 mg daily $65 (NA)

Fenoprofen 300 mg three times daily $32 (NA)

600 mg three times daily $64 (NA)

Flurbiprofen (Ansaid) 100 mg three times daily $33 ($235)

Ibuprofen 400 mg three times daily $21 (NA) 

600 mg four times daily $22 (NA) 
800 mg three times daily $16 (NA) 

Indomethacin 50 mg three times daily $20 (NA) 

Extended release (Indocin SR) 75 mg twice daily $165 ($148)

Ketoprofen 75 mg twice daily $15 (NA) 

Meloxicam (Mobic) 7.5 mg daily $32 ($247) 

15 mg daily $13 ($368) 

Nabumetone 500 mg twice daily $40 (NA)

750 mg twice daily $64 (NA)

Naproxen (Naprosyn) 250 mg three times daily $17 ($84) 

500 mg twice daily $18 ($132) 
500 mg three times daily $27 ($187) 

Oxaprozin (Daypro) 600 mg three times daily $26 ($225)

Piroxicam (Feldene) 20 mg daily $15 ($133) 

Salsalate 750 mg twice daily $14 (NA) 

Sulindac (Clinoril) 150 mg twice daily $19 (NA)

200 mg twice daily $28 ($91)

Tolmetin 200 mg three times daily $48 (NA)

400 mg three times daily $90 (NA)

Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor
Celecoxib (Celebrex) 100 mg twice daily NA ($160)
200 mg twice daily NA ($248)

NA = not available; NSAID = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

*—Estimated retail price of one month’s treatment based on information obtained at http://www.drugstore.com and
http://www.pillbot.com (accessed June 2, 2009). Generic price listed first; brand price listed in parentheses.
†—May be available at discounted prices ($10 or less for one month’s treatment) at one or more national retail chains.
Information from reference 1.
Table 2. Clinically Significant Adverse Effects of NSAIDs

Adverse effect Preventive or therapeutic measures Risk of adverse effect

Dyspepsia, abdominal pain, Combine NSAID with a PPI or histamine H2 blocker Prevalence is 10 to 20 percent 4
GI discomfort Poor correlation with clinically significant ulcerations
GI bleeding Avoid NSAIDs in persons with history of NSAID- Dependent on age and patient history
associated upper GI tract bleeding One-year risk is one in 2,100 adults
or younger than 45 and one in 110 adults
Combine NSAID with a PPI or misoprostol (Cytotec); older than 755
misoprostol poorly tolerated because of GI effects Risk of bleeding recurrence is 5 percent in
or first six months in persons with history of
upper GI tract bleeding taking NSAIDs2
Celecoxib (Celebrex), possibly with a PPI or misoprostol;
avoid if any elevated risk of myocardial infarction
Cardiovascular complications Avoid COX-2 inhibitors in persons at risk of cardiovascular Varying results; one meta-analysis reports
(worsening hypertension, events an excess of 3.5 cardiac ischemic events
myocardial infarction) per 1,000 persons taking celecoxib
compared with placebo 2
Avoid NSAIDs in persons with congestive heart failure Mean blood pressure increase is 5 mm Hg
Use NSAIDs with caution in persons with hypertension with NSAID use 2
Hepatic complications Avoid NSAIDs in persons with cirrhosis because of the Primary hepatic complications are rare
(transaminitis, synthetic potential for hematologic and renal complications and usually reversible
impairment) Avoid NSAIDs with more potential for hepatic problems,
such as sulindac (Clinoril) and diclofenac (Cataflam)
Impaired renal function Avoid NSAIDs in persons with renal disease Because of renal complications,
Use NSAIDs with caution when combining with other 2 percent of persons stop taking
medications that potentially decrease renal function, NSAIDs6
such as angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and
beta blockers
Clotting problems Avoid NSAIDs in persons with platelet defects or —
contributing to significant thrombocytopenia
bleeding Avoid combining NSAIDs with anticoagulants Risk of GI bleeding increases three to six
times if NSAIDs used with anticoagulants 2
If NSAIDs are necessary in persons taking anticoagulants, INR increases up to 15 percent if NSAIDs
expect an increase in INR used concurrently with anticoagulants2
Avoid daily low-dose aspirin if cardiovascular risk is low —
(less than 3 percent annual risk)
Respiratory (aspirin- Use NSAIDs and aspirin with caution in persons with Prevalence of aspirin-exacerbated
exacerbated respiratory asthma, especially those with nasal polyps or recurrent respiratory disease is 0.07 percent in
disease) sinusitis general population and up to 21 percent
Aspirin desensitization (limited data) in adults with asthma7
Prolonged pregnancy or Avoid NSAIDs toward end of pregnancy (six to eight Based on case reports8-12
labor, fetal effects from weeks before term)
antiplatelet activity

COX-2 = cyclooxygenase-2; GI = gastrointestinal; INR = International Normalized Ratio; NSAID = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; PPI = proton
pump inhibitor.
Information from references 2, and 4 through 12.

(FDA) report concluded that the CLASS double-dose histamine H 2 blockers (e.g.,
demonstrated no GI advantage with cele- ranitidine [Zantac] 300 mg twice daily)
coxib.2,16-18 Taking misoprostol (Cytotec) has been shown to decrease endoscopically
with an NSAID has been shown to prevent diagnosed ulcers.19
ulcer-related bleeding complications, but Whether prophylactic strategies reduce
it is associated with undesirable GI effects. ulcer-related GI complications has not
Misoprostol is also FDA pregnancy cat- been directly studied. After the CLASS,
egory X and should not be used in women there have been some observational stud-
who might become pregnant. Concur- ies that indicate that, for primary preven-
rent treatment with NSAIDs and PPIs or tion of significant GI bleeding, celecoxib

1374 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 80, Number 12 V December 15, 2009

alone is as effective as using GI prophylaxis underlying hepatitis C, with

with a nonselective NSAID.19,20 However, a marked elevations in liver All nonsteroidal anti-
Cochrane review found that more evidence enzymes to more than 10 times inflammatory drugs have
is needed to support this increasingly used the upper limit of normal.22 the potential to aggravate
clinical strategy.19 There are also indirect deleteri- hypertension, congestive
ous effects of NSAIDs in persons heart failure, and edema.
CARDIOVASCULAR with underlying liver impair-
Although the benefit of low-dose aspirin in ment. Many persons with cir-
cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease rhosis have impairment of coagulation, and
is well established, the use of other NSAIDs NSAIDs increase bleeding risk by addition-
is associated with increased cardiovascular ally inhibiting platelet function. NSAIDs also
morbidity, including worsened congestive decrease prostaglandin-mediated blood flow
heart failure, increased blood pressure, and to the kidneys, leading to an increased risk of
adverse cardiovascular events, such as myo- renal failure in persons with cirrhosis.23
cardial infarction and ischemia. All NSAIDs
have the potential to aggravate hyperten-
sion, congestive heart failure, and edema. It The renal system relies on the vasodilatory
is estimated that a person’s mean blood pres- effects of prostaglandins produced primar-
sure will increase by an average of 5 mm Hg ily by COX-2. This dependence is more
while taking nonselective NSAIDs, and some marked in persons with renal disease, con-
COX-2 inhibitors have also been shown to gestive heart failure, or cirrhosis. Because
increase blood pressure.2 COX-2 is important for renal prostaglandin
COX-2 inhibitors have been implicated in production, all NSAIDs (selective and non-
producing a significant increase in the risk selective) can cause volume-dependent renal
of myocardial infarction, although celecoxib failure, as well as renal failure from intersti-
may be safer than other COX-2 inhibitors. tial nephritis and nephritic syndrome. It is
Taking aspirin with a COX-2 inhibitor may estimated that 2 percent of persons taking
improve cardiovascular safety, but also may NSAIDs will stop taking them after develop-
negate any short-term GI benefits of COX- ing renal complications.6 Some medications,
2 inhibition in ulcer prevention.15 It may be such as beta blockers and angiotensin-
most prudent, therefore, to avoid COX-2 converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, may
inhibitors in persons at risk of cardiovascular increase NSAID-related renal complica-
events, and to consider a nonselective NSAID tions.2,5 When possible, NSAIDs should be
with misoprostol or a PPI in persons who need avoided in persons with preexisting renal
GI protection when taking NSAIDs.19,21 disease, congestive heart failure, or cirrhosis
to prevent acute renal failure.6,23
HEPATIC Care should be used when prescribing
One large report showed that clinically signif- NSAIDs in persons with an increased risk of
icant hepatotoxicity associated with NSAID renal complications. Some physician groups
use was rare in the general population. Some have proposed monitoring of renal function
NSAIDs, particularly sulindac (Clinoril) and after initiation of NSAIDs in persons at risk of
diclofenac, showed higher rates of hepatic renal failure, including obtaining a baseline
injury and transaminase elevation more than serum creatinine level when starting therapy.
three times the upper limit of normal com- Also, some recommend that high-risk per-
pared with placebo. However, even in large sons and persons taking other medications
systematic reviews, clinically significant out- that might decrease renal function, such as
comes, such as hospitalization or death, were ACE inhibitors or angiotensin receptor block-
rare.2 NSAIDs do carry some risk in per- ers, be monitored as often as once weekly for
sons with impaired hepatic function. There three weeks after initiation of therapy.6 How-
have been case reports of NSAIDs causing ever, it is unclear whether such monitoring
idiosyncratic liver toxicity in persons with improves morbidity or mortality.

December 15, 2009 V Volume 80, Number 12 www.aafp.org/afp American Family Physician 1375


Because NSAIDs have antiplatelet effects, Although rare, most central nervous system
they should be avoided in persons with effects are more common in older persons.
preexisting platelet defects or thrombocy- Tinnitus is reversible and may be a sign of
topenia. The antiplatelet effects of NSAIDs high medication blood levels. Psychosis and
should be considered in the perioperative cognitive changes are more common in older
setting. For high-risk persons who have had persons and are most often associated with
a recent myocardial infarction or recent indomethacin use. Aseptic meningitis occurs
placement of a cardiac stent, aspirin should more often in persons with lupus who are
be continued before and after surgery. For taking ibuprofen or naproxen, but it should
other persons at increased risk of cardio- be considered in any adult with meningitis
vascular events, the continuation of aspirin who is taking NSAIDs.27 Other uncommon
should be considered and, if possible, should but potential adverse effects include confu-
be used in the perioperative sion, depression, dizziness, and somnolence.
setting. If aspirin is to be with-
Combining nonsteroidal held preoperatively, it should Aspirin Hypersensitivity and NSAIDs in
anti-inflammatory drugs be stopped seven to 10 days Persons with Asthma
with anticoagulants is before surgery. Other NSAIDs Aspirin and NSAID use causing or contrib-
associated with a three- to should be withheld preop- uting to respiratory tract disease is also a
sixfold increased risk of eratively for five elimination clinical concern. Several different clinical
gastrointestinal bleeding. half-lives of the medication. phenomena have been described, the most
For example, ibuprofen should common being aspirin-exacerbated respira-
be stopped for the two days tory disease, consisting of bronchoconstric-
before surgery, naproxen (Naprosyn) for tion and rhinitis symptoms in the presence
two to three days, and piroxicam (Feldene) of an aspirin or NSAID challenge.28 This
for 10 days.24,25 phenomenon arises from the inhibition of
Aspirin is associated with a slightly COX-1 and the shunting of arachidonic acid
increased rate of hemorrhagic stroke and down the leukotriene pathway. It is not a true
with a small increase in overall mortal- allergy (not an immunoglobulin E–medi-
ity. The survival benefits in persons at high ated event). There is a high cross-reactivity
risk of cardiovascular or neurovascular with other NSAIDs because they share the
events outweigh the risks. Aspirin should same COX-1 inhibition. There is a low cross-
be avoided in persons for whom the benefits reactivity with COX-2 inhibitors and acet-
do not outweigh the risks, such as persons at aminophen. In a recent review, the prevalence
low risk of cardiovascular disease.26 of aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease
When NSAIDs are combined with anti- in the general population was estimated to
coagulants there is a significantly increased be 0.07 percent, and as high as 21 percent
risk (three- to sixfold) of GI bleeding in adults with asthma.7 Physicians should
because of interactions, which can increase have a higher index of suspicion for aspirin-
the International Normalized Ratio (INR) exacerbated respiratory disease in persons
by up to 15 percent. This is in addition to the with asthma and nasal polyps or recurrent
direct antiplatelet effects of NSAIDs. When sinusitis. This diagnosis has been difficult to
it is necessary to start NSAID therapy in make historically because self-administration
persons taking anticoagulants, an increase of aspirin and NSAIDs and the occurrence of
in INR should be anticipated. There should asthma symptoms in persons with asthma
be appropriate INR monitoring and warfa- are common. The definitive diagnosis often
rin (Coumadin) dosage adjustments, and GI requires a controlled aspirin challenge.
prophylaxis should be initiated.2 Similarly, The diagnosis of aspirin-exacerbated
in high-risk persons requiring aspirin, GI respiratory disease poses a clinical dilemma
prophylaxis should be initiated to offset the in persons who would benefit from aspi-
increased risk of bleeding complications. rin or other NSAID therapy. Such persons

1376 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 80, Number 12 V December 15, 2009

should be considered for aspirin desensi- NSAIDs in Children

tization. The success and safety of several The main risk to children taking NSAIDs is
published desensitization protocols have dosage errors resulting in overdose, which
been documented, but these data are lim- can cause significant morbidity or even
ited to small case series. No randomized tri- death. Parental education on correct dosing
als evaluating aspirin desensitization in any and dosing intervals, avoidance of combi-
setting exist. Once a person is desensitized, nation cold medications that may contain
some studies have found that aspirin ther- NSAIDs, and storage in childproof contain-
apy must be continued indefinitely to avoid ers may minimize this risk. Although little
resensitization.7,29 is known about chronic NSAID use in chil-
dren, one large randomized controlled trial
NSAIDs in Pregnancy and Lactation showed that ibuprofen and acetaminophen
NSAIDs are not known to be teratogenic were equivalent in their risk of adverse events,
in humans.8 Animal models indicate that and adverse events were low overall.34
NSAIDs can block blastocyst implantation;
therefore, women who are actively trying to The Authors
conceive should avoid these medications.
AMANDA RISSER, MD, MPH, is a family medicine instruc-
NSAID use is generally considered safe in tor at Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU), Port-
pregnancy as long as it is in low doses, is land, and a family physician at Richmond Family Health
intermittent, and is discontinued six to eight Center, Portland.
weeks before term.9 DEIRDRE DONOVAN, MD, is a family medicine instructor
Potential maternal effects when NSAIDs at OHSU and a family physician at OHSU Center for Health
are used close to term include prolonged and Healing.
gestation and labor from inhibition of pros- JOHN HEINTZMAN, MD, is an assistant professor of family
taglandin synthesis, increased peripartum medicine at OHSU and a family physician at OHSU Center
for Health and Healing.
blood loss, and increased anemia. Potential
fetal effects close to term include increased TANYA PAGE, MD, is an assistant professor of family medi-
cutaneous and intracranial bleeding, pre- cine at OHSU and a family physician at Outside In, a clinic
for homeless persons in Portland.
mature closure of ductus arteriosus, pulmo-
nary hypertension, impaired renal function, Address correspondence to Amanda Risser, MD, MPH,
Oregon Health and Science University School of Medi-
reduced urine output, and reduced amniotic cine, 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd., Portland, OR
fluid volume. These effects have been dem- 97239-3098 (e-mail: rissera@ohsu.edu). Reprints are not
onstrated with indomethacin, naproxen, available from the authors.
ketoprofen, and ibuprofen. The dose, dura- Author disclosure: Nothing to disclose.
tion, and period of gestation are all potential
factors in these effects.
The American Academy of Pediatrics
considers ibuprofen, indomethacin, and 1. Consumer Reports. Pain and anti-inflammatory drugs-
NSAID-cost comparison. http://www.consumerreports.
naproxen safe in breastfeeding women.30 org /health /resources /pdf/best-buy-drugs /2pager_
Trace amounts are found in breast milk. NSAIDs.pdf. Accessed August 17, 2009.
Because most NSAIDs displace bilirubin, 2. Chou R, Helfand M, Peterson K, Dana T, Roberts C.
Comparative effectiveness and safety of analgesics for
they are contraindicated when breastfeeding
osteoarthritis. Comparative effectiveness review no. 4.
a neonate with jaundice. Rockville, Md.: Agency for Healthcare Research and Qual-
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intoxication and bleeding problems in the 3. Burke A, Smyth A, FitzGerald GA. Analgesic-antipyretic
agents; pharmacotherapy of gout. In: Goodman LS, Gil-
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large doses of aspirin.31,32 Low-dose aspirin is & Gilman’s the Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics.
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1378 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 80, Number 12 V December 15, 2009

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