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Concept plan

Table 1:Area Statement for proposed Corporate Project


Area of plot= 7950 SQM

Permissible FAR= 15900 SQM
Permissible 5% Green Area = 795 SQM
Total Permissible FAR = 16695 SQM
Permissible Ground Coverage Area = 4395 SQM
Achieved FAR= 16693 SQM
Achieved Ground Area = 4394 SQM
Achieved Services Area = 2502 SQM

The building consist:

Upper Basement: 5190.644 SQM
Lower Basement: 5243.683 SQM
Stilt Floor: 4394 SQM
Ground Floor: 4339.358 SQM
First Floor: 3911.783 SQM
Second Floor: 3748.831 SQM
Third Floor: 3566.920 SQM
Service Floor: 3341.616 SQM
Fourth Floor: 2972.651 SQM
Terrace Floor: 239.846 SQM
In totality, 36949.332 SQM area will be

Permissible F.A.R = 15900.0 SQM
Required car = 15900 /100 = 159 ECS
Proposed Car Parking
Basement -1 = 5190.644 / 46.76 = 111 ECS
Basement -2 = 5343.683 / 45.20 = 116 ECS
Stilt = 4394/ 42.25 = 104 ECS
Total Parking = 111+ 116 + 104 = 331 ECS (PROVIDED)

Table 2: Water Requirement Details

.Water Consumption:
During the construction stage, water will be sourced primarily through tankers arranged by
the contractor. It is estimated that water demand during the construction phase may vary
from 15 to 20 KLD.

During the project operational stage,This concept note on the planning & design of water
supply system is based on the assumption that water of required quantity shall be made
available to the project from Municipal supply and any short fall shall be compensated by
potable tanker water.


S. Descriptio Built Horticultur No. Unit Total Domestic Recycle Total Water Requirement Flow to sewer
N n up e water of Popul Popul fresh Water (A+B)
o Area Requireme Uni ation ation water Requirem
nt ts Requireme ent (B)
nt (A)
(Sq. Per Sq.M LP LP LP LP LPD Domesti Flushin LPD
m) Area CD D C D c g 95%
1 Office 3000 10 3000 14 420 16 480 90000 35700 45600 81300
Population 0 Sqm/ 00 00
2 Office 1000 10 1000 14 140 16 160 30000 11900 15200 27100
Population Sqm/ 00 00
( Night Person
time )
3 Floating 10% 400 14 560 16 640 12000 4760 6080 10840
Population of 0 0
(Office ) above
4 Staff 100 14 140 16 160 3000 1190 1520 2710
0 0
5 Cafeteria 350 60 210 10 350 24500 17850 3325 21175
00 0
6 Filter 500 5000
Backwash 0
7 AC 110 110000
Makeup 000
( Peak
Summer )
8 Horticultur 100 10000
e 00
Total 89, 1,9 2,84,500 71,400 71,725 1,43,12
000 5,5 5

The water demand estimated for the proposedProject is shown in table below.

During the operation stage, wastewater generation from corporate office project will be
143 KLD, the developer will provide sewage treatment plant of 150 KLD capacity base on
FAB/SAFF process for treatment of sewage &sullage water, the treated effluent shall be of a
quality suitable for flushing and for horticulture for external areas.

Treated effluent from STP will be recycled for flushing as well as for landscaping purpose or
as per Noida Authority guidelines.

STP Capacity =150

Waste water generation
@ 85 % of domestic +
95% of Flushing water
=143 KLD
Total Water
Requirement, 284.5

Total Fresh Water

150 KLD

Power Requirement:
For the project power will be supplied by Noida Power Company Ltd. The total power
required for the Corporate Office Project is estimated to be as around 2911 KW. Appropriate
arrangements for drawing power and suitable distribution arrangements will be made.3
It is understood that the Complex/ building will be supplied power from the Noida Power
Company Ltd., however since the source is unstable due to frequent brown out/ black outs, it
is proposed that DG power backup shall be provided for the Complex. Some critical loads
such as emergency lighting, headend equipment of ELV systems, etc shall be additionally
backed up using UPS.

For emergency purposes backup is proposed by using DG Sets. Power back up system
Recommended DG Sets at 85% loading = 2 nos. 1010 KVA & 2nos. 500 KVA.
The DG sets will be provided with AMF panels. Fuel consumption for DG sets has been
calculated to be 400 ltrs/day of HSD (Low sulphur variety). As per the latest CPCB norms,
DG sets have to be installed in acoustic enclosures and silencer.

Solid waste
Solid waste generated in the project will comprise mainly of garbage and other wastes of
domestic origin. As per an initial estimate solid waste to the tune of 440 Kg/day is expected
to be generated from the project. The solid waste generation calculation and their proposed
management for the project will be as follows:

Table I: Waste Characterization and their Proposed Management

Characterization Amount Proposed Management

A. Expected Municipal solid waste 440Kg/day
Biodegradable waste 1000 kg/day Bio-composting
Non-biodegradable waste 428 kg/day Authorized vendor

B. Sludge from STP 2 kg/day Dry cake will be used as

manure for Green Area
C. Discarded Oil from D.G. sets Periodic Storage and authorized
preprocessor for the

The segregation of solid waste primarily will be at source. The solid waste so generated will
be collected and will be stored in a centralized collection chamber within the complex. The
solid waste will be managed through some professional organization/NGO.
Estimated Additional Quantities of Solid Waste Generated during Operational Phase

Municipal Solid Waste

Trained persons will be required to separate the waste into four parts i.e. plastic/ polythene,
paper, metallic and inert waste, under the supervision of one technical supervisor.

The wastes given below can be sell off at their local price or at the given fixed price for
(2) Metal scrap
(3) Plastic
(4) bottle/glass
The segregated inert material will be stored dumped to city land fill area through transporters
 Biodegradable/ compost able waste shall be handed over to Municipal waste
management sites

In Hospital complexes, dedicated private sweepers are generally engaged for handling
domestic waste, which should identify appropriate site for keeping bin/container for the
collection of waste.

Appropriate site for keeping bin/container for the collection of waste will be identified on the
basis use and near the food courts.

Adequate number of collection bins separately for biodegradable and non-biodegradable

waste shall be provided as per the Municipal Solid Waste (Management and Handling) Rule,
2000. Waste form such bin shall be collected separately an daily basis.

Separate colored bins will be provided for biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes.

All the collection bins shall be properly maintained and cleared on regular basis.

The solid waste will be collected and taken to a separate centralized collection facility.

Final segregation of solid waste into biodegradable, non-biodegradable, and inert fraction
into the centralized collection fraction.

Arrangements will be made with authorized agency, for providing the garbage station or
transfer point, where all wastes collected from bins shall be disposed off for further disposal
by the authorities.
Horticultural Waste

(Leaves, grass and vegetative parts) shall be collected at the secured location such that it shall
not hinder daily activity schedule or washed away by the surface run off causing choking of
drains, etc. and will be separately disposed off along with biodegradable waste.

Monitoring Programme during Construction and Operation Stage

Ambient Air Quality Monitoring
1 Parameters to be monitored
Respirable Particulate Matter PM 10&2,5
Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)
Oxides of Nitrogen (NOX)
Carbon Monoxide (CO
2 Sampling Methodology The air quality monitoring should be
conducted using High Volume Samplers; CO
will be Collected by Peroxide tube method or
by portable CO meter. HC should be
collected in Mylar Bags.
3 No. of Locations Three locations as one in upwind direction
and two locations in downwind direction to
be monitored.
4 Frequency of Measurements Quarterly in a year @ two days per
5 Compliance The monitoring results should be compared
with National Ambient Air-Quality
Noise Quality Monitoring
1 Parameters to be monitored Hourly equivalent noise levels for 24 hours
2 Sampling Methodology The noise levels should be recorded using a
portable hand held noise level meter.
3 No. of Locations Four locations at boundary fence corner of
the office
4 Frequency of Measurements On quarterly basis in a year
5 Compliance The monitoring results should be compared
with the National Ambient Noise Quality

Water and Waste Water Quality Monitoring

Water and Wastewater sample shall be analyzed to meet the drinking water standard and
municipal sewer discharge standards respectively.

Water and Waste Water Quality Monitoring

Water Quality Monitoring:
1 Parameters to be monitored As per IS 10500:1991 and amendments as
2 No. of locations One locations each at intake and after
3 Frequency of Measurements At least once in a season
4 Compliance The monitoring results should be
compared with the preferable and
permissible limits of IS 10500:1991
Wastewater Quality Monitoring:
1 Parameters to be monitored BOD, COD, TDS, TSS, Oil & Grease,
Heavy Metals, like Pb, Cd, Zn, Hg, Cr,
As etc. as per methods specified in APHA
2 No. of locations At intake of Effluent Treatment Plant and
at point of discharge
3 Frequency of Measurements Once in season
4 Compliance As per land Disposal Standards of MoEF


The Environmental Management System constitutes provision of an Environmental Division,

which should be staffed by an Environmental Engineer / Officer, an Environmental Assistant
and other assistant (miscellaneous works). The task assigned should include supervision and
co-ordination of studies, monitoring and implementation of environmental mitigation

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