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Journal of Human Evolution 55 (2008) 702–712

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The Acheulean massive scrapers of Gesher Benot Ya‘aqovda product

of the biface chaı̂ne opératoire
N. Goren-Inbar*, G. Sharon, N. Alperson-Afil, I. Laschiver
Institute of Archaeology, The Hebrew University, Mt. Scopus, Jerusalem 91905, Israel

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The presence of large scrapers has been reported from Acheulean sites worldwide but they are rarely
Received 31 August 2007 described in detail. At Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov (GBY), a similar group of artifacts, named here ‘‘massive
Accepted 7 July 2008 scrapers,’’ was identified as a significant component of the lithic assemblage. In this paper, we define and
describe this Acheulean tool type and discuss its size, morphology, and technology. We demonstrate that
Keywords: at GBY these tools were shaped on flakes that were side-products of the reduction sequence to produce
Acheulean lithic technology
bifaces (handaxes and cleavers). We hypothesize that these blanks were rejected as potential bifaces
during the knapping sequence but considered suitable for the retouching of massive scrapers, and were
Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov set aside for future work. We support our view with data from archaeological finds younger than those of
Knapping GBY, as well as with evidence from controlled experimental knapping and ethnoarchaeological obser-
Massive scrapers vations. We then discuss the contribution of this elaborate knapping strategy to our understanding of
Lower Paleolithic hominin behavior, particularly in the domains of multifaceted planning and foresight.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction to understand knapping procedures as reflected by multizone brain

activity (e.g., Stout et al., 2000), we are still far from possessing
The production of stone artifacts is a dynamic process, alter- detailed, comprehensive documentation of the process.
nating between striking the stone and evaluating the products of Knappers retain vast amounts of knowledge and experience
each blow. The procedure known as chaı̂ne opératoire, frequently gained from a multitude of knapping sessions. This uniquely impor-
aimed at obtaining a predetermined artifact, is initiated by the tant knowledge is frequently unwritten, and the ‘‘wisdom’’ is passed
selection of appropriate raw material and ended by the use of the from one individual to another. The formal record is surprisingly
finished tool for a particular or general task (e.g., Boëda et al., 1990; limited: our information is largely limited to the facts that knappers
Boëda, 1994; Roche and Texier, 1995; Schlanger, 2005; Soressi and stock themselves with suitable percussors of different sizes and
Geneste, 2006; Tostevin, 2006, and references therein). During materials (ethnographically: e.g., Jones and White, 1988; experi-
recent decades, experimental knapping has demonstrated the mentally: e.g., Madsen and Goren-Inbar, 2004; Pelegrin, 2000) and
intricacies and complexities of stone-tool modification and invest time and effort in searching for the best-quality raw material,
contributed to our understanding of the production of, among both in rock type and in size and shape. Relatively little is recorded on
others, large cutting tools (LCTs) (Newcomer, 1971; Callahan, 1979; the ‘‘common knowledge’’ of knappers, comprising such issues as
Bradley and Sampson, 1986; Jones, 1994; Madsen and Goren-Inbar, eye-hand ‘‘tuning,’’ the importance of practicing, knapping position,
2004), blades (Pelegrin, 2000), points, bifacial leaves (Geneste and core handling and support, light conditions, and the complex deci-
Plisson, 1990), and burins (Stafford, 1977), as well as the Levallois sion-making process operated throughout a knapping session (for
flakes (Bradley and Sampson, 1986; Boëda et al., 1990). a selection of topics, see, however, Whittaker, 1994; Roux and Bril,
Most experimental studies are problem-oriented, focusing on 2005). All of these are essential for the achievement of a successful
a particular morphotype, technology, or technique. As a result, they productdthe predetermined tool.
rarely furnish detailed descriptions of the reduction process and Many knapping sequences (‘‘projects’’ in the terminology of
the decision-making involved in it. Thus, we still lack insight into Roche and Texier, 1995) are aimed at producing a predetermined,
the fundamental behavioral pattern of the knapper during the desired tool (morphotype). Observations carried out during
knapping process. Although a recently adopted approach attempts experimental and ethnographic knapping sessions illustrate
a pattern of behavior that is the subject of the present study. During
a reduction session, the knapper frequently pauses to examine
* Corresponding author. a flake that resulted from the last blow, and then sets aside some of
E-mail address: (N. Goren-Inbar). these flakes for future modification. These flakes are clearly not

0047-2484/$ – see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N. Goren-Inbar et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 55 (2008) 702–712 703

suitable as blanks for the desired and preplanned end-product of addition to birds (Simmons, 2004), fish, crab (Ashkenazi et al.,
the particular chaı̂ne opératoire that is being carried out; rather, 2005), and turtle remains (Hartman, 2004), micromammals
they are by-products, selected and kept because of their (Goren-Inbar et al., 2000), and reptiles.
morphology and size for future modification into morphotypes that
are not the goal of the main reduction task. This ‘‘stocking Massive scrapers
behavior’’ has been observed during experimental (e.g., Newcomer,
1971) and ethnographic (e.g., Jones and White, 1988) knapping Scrapers of large size have been identified occasionally in
sessions of different individuals aiming to achieve a variety of various Early Stone Age lithic assemblages and variously named by
knapping goals. prehistorians. Thus, ‘‘heavy-duty scrapers’’ (Leakey, 1971), ‘‘core
The objective of this paper is to test the hypothesis that the scrapers’’ (Clark and Kleindienst, 2001), and ‘‘large scrapers’’ (Isaac,
massive scraper, a tool type identified in the lithic assemblages of 1977) are terms used to define the large (>10 cm) scrapers, modi-
the Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov site, Israel, is a particular case of the fied by a series of small removals (retouch) often located at 90
behavioral mode described above. We suggest that during the relative to the flat plane of the tool (Clark and Kleindienst, 2001: 53,
production of bifacial tools at the site, the Acheulean knappers Fig. 2.7), reported from the east African Acheulean (e.g., Olduvai
purposely set aside selected flakes in order to transform them at Gorge, Kalambo Falls). A particular case of great interest is the large
a later stage into massive scrapers. We assume that production of denticulated Karari scrapers that are described as the hallmark of
bifacial tools and massive scrapers was directed toward functions the Karari Industry (Harris, 1978; for detailed discussion of the
associated with the processing of large mammal carcasses. terminology, see Isaac and Harris, 1997).
Large scrapers also occur on the Indian subcontinent and are
The GBY site reported in detail from the Acheulean site of Chirki (Corvinus, 1983:
49–50). The Chirki scrapers are often modified on large (>8 cm),
The GBY Acheulean site stretches some 3.5 km along the Jordan thick flakes with one or more steeply (70–95 ) retouched edges,
River, outcropping on both banks and submerged below the steeper than the angles of a biface’s edges. Corvinus (1983: 49–50)
present channel. It is located 4 km south of the Hula Valley at an noted that the blanks of these scrapers are morphologically
elevation of approximately 61 m above mean sea level. unstandardized, exhibiting a wide array of forms. Large scrapers
Geological and archaeological surveys conducted south of the have also been described from the Indian sites of Hunsgi V and VI
bridges at GBY in the early 1980s revealed the presence of many by Paddayya (1982). Similar artifacts have been identified in
previously unknown small faulted and inclined deposits, which Europe, where they are scarce (e.g., Gowlett et al., 2005). Clearly,
were subsequently assigned to the Benot Ya‘akov Formation Acheulean large scrapers have an extensive geographical
(Goren-Inbar and Belitzky, 1989; Belitzky, 2002). The gastropod distribution.
Viviparus apamaea was identified in most of these exposures and,
together with Acheulean handaxes and cleavers, enabled the The massive scrapers of GBY
assignment of these strata to the middle Pleistocene (Goren-Inbar
and Belitzky, 1989; Belitzky, 2002; for a detailed description and The GBY lithic assemblages include various types of scrapers.
references, see Goren-Inbar and Belitzky, 1989). Excavations were Figure 1 presents the entire scraper assemblage according to size
initiated in the deposits located south of the bridges on the left and raw material. It clearly illustrates that the flint and limestone
bank of the Jordan River (33 000 2800 N, 35 370 4400 E). Seven scrapers are predominantly small and are clustered when
seasons were conducted between 1989 and 1997, and the material compared to the larger and more dispersed basalt scrapers. Large
retrieved is currently undergoing continuous multidisciplinary (>8 cm long and >2 cm thick in maximum dimensions) scrapers
The renewed excavations revealed a sequence of tilted limnic
and fluvial deposits. A series of six trenches was dug adjacent to the
excavation areas in order to reveal the maximum extent of the
sedimentological and stratigraphic sequence. The trench profiles
were integrated into a 34-m-thick composite section (Goren-Inbar
et al., 2000; Feibel, 2001, 2004), comprising a series of alternating
muds, coquinas, sands, and gravels bracketed between two basalt
conglomerates (Goren-Inbar et al., 2000).
Thirteen archaeological horizons were identified within the
excavated areas (Goren-Inbar et al., 2000: Figs. 2 and 3). Their
sedimentological context consists of stacked, multicomponent
beach complexes and discrete, single-unit accumulations (Feibel,
2001, 2004). The archaeological horizons include stone artifacts,
fossil bones, and archaeobotanical remains of wood, bark, fruits,
and seeds (Melamed, 1997; Goren-Inbar et al., 2000; Goren-Inbar
et al., 2002).
A recent study demonstrated that the Matuyama-Brunhes
boundary (790,000 years ago) is located within the lower third
section of the sequence (Goren-Inbar et al., 2000), placing it in the
early Pleistocene. The duration of the entire depositional sequence
described above is estimated to be some 100,000 years (Goren-
Inbar et al., 2000; Feibel, 2004) and is based on the assignment of
the observed sequence of six depositional cycles to MIS 18–20
(Feibel, 2001, 2004).
The fossil fauna of some of the layers at GBY is rich and Figure 1. The raw material and size (maximal length by thickness) of the entire GBY
comprises many mammalian taxa of Eurasian and African origin, in scraper inventory.
704 N. Goren-Inbar et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 55 (2008) 702–712

Table 1 Table 3
Stratigraphy and frequency of massive scrapers and bifaces in the GBY layers and The working-edge shape/form (retouched edge) of massive scrapers
Shape of working edge n %
Area Layer and level Massive % of all other Bifacesa (n) Straight 5 9.26
scrapers (n) scrapers Convex 30 55.56
Area C V-6 1 1.79 6 Concave 2 3.70
Area B II-1 (unconformity) 1 1.79 49 Denticulate 15 27.78
Area B II-5/6 1 1.79 2 Convergent 2 3.70
Area B II-6 Level 1 16 28.57 75
Total 54 100.00
Area B II-6 Level 2 8 14.29 34
Area B II-6 Level 3 4 7.14 19
Area B II-6 Level 4 13 23.21 220
Area B II-6 Level 4b 5 8.93 80 by the high frequencies of éclat de taille de biface among other
Area B II-6 Level 6 5 8.93 22 indicative features (Sharon and Goren-Inbar, 1999; Goren-Inbar
Area B Trench II 2 3.57 53 and Sharon, 2006), no flint massive scrapers were found, although
Total 56 100.01 450
there is a relative abundance of other scrapers made on flint, many
Handaxes and cleavers (including broken items).

that are characterized by a particular type of retouch (described

below) were classified at GBY as massive scrapers. The term is
adopted here in order to differentiate it from the common terms
‘‘heavy-duty scraper’’ and ‘‘core scraper’’ used for the east African
Acheulean (see above).
Following these criteria, the entire inventory of massive scrapers
from GBY (n ¼ 56; Table 1) is made on flakes of volcanic raw
material (alkali basalts or basanitic lavas; Weinstein et al., 2006),
henceforth referred to simply as basalt.
Some of the metric characteristics of the massive scrapers from
GBY are presented in Tables 2 and 3. Figure 2 illustrates the
morphology and location of the working edge, as well as the
planform. The data convey the extremely unstandardized nature of
these tools, whether pertaining to size ranges, working-edge
morphology, or other technological modifications.
Basalt flake blanks selected for production of massive scrapers
are typically noncortical (over 70% of the massive scrapers are
devoid of cortex). They are commonly characterized by a single,
dominant retouched edge (for exceptions see Fig. 2: 4, 10, 14, 18)
with a morphology that is primarily convex followed by denticulate
(Table 3; Figs. 3–7). The retouch is typically invasive and frequently
forms a steep edge at an acute angle to the ventral face of the flake
(mean ¼ 82 ; n ¼ 51). The retouch is most frequently located on the
dorsal face of the artifact (66.67%) and only rarely on the ventral
face (19.61%) (Fig. 2: 1, 5, 12, 17, 20, 21; Figs. 3–7). Many of the
massive scrapers were produced on broken blanks (43.6%; n ¼ 24)
(Fig. 6). In three cases, they were made on accidental éclat siret
(split flakes) blanks.

Massive scrapers and bifaces at GBY

The extensive variation in the GBY lithic assemblages is

expressed by the co-occurrence of basalt bifaces and massive
scrapers throughout the stratigraphic sequence, suggesting an
association between these two morphotypes.
Layers V-5 and V-6 of Area C at GBY yielded impressive flint-
dominated assemblages. While this locality was clearly a place Figure 2. Planform of a selected series of massive scrapers from GBY. Lines mark the
where modification of flint handaxes was finalized, as documented location of a retouched edge (a continuous line marks retouch on the dorsal face;
a broken line marks retouch on the ventral face). The stratigraphic location (layers and
levels) and catalog numbers of the depicted items are: (1) # 13399, Layer II-6 Level 1;
(2) #13411, Layer II-6 Level 4; (3) 13538, Layer II-6 Level 2; (4) #14190, Layer II-6 Level
Table 2
2; (5) #14482, Layer II-6 Level 2; (6) #14739, Layer II-6 Level 2; (7) #16138, Trench II;
Dimensions and number of scars of the entire massive-scraper assemblage
(8) #2029, Layer II-6 Level 1; (9) #2032, Layer II-6 Level 1; (10) #2065, Layer II-6 Level
(maximum length >80 mm)
1; (11) #2077, Layer II-6 Level 1; (12) #29, Layer II-6 Level 4; (13) #4852, Layer II-5
n Mean SD Minimum Maximum Level 4; (14) # 4854, Layer II-6 Level 4; (15) #4887, Layer II-6 Level 4b; (16) #4913,
Layer II-6 Level 4b; (17) #4920, Layer II-6 Level 4b; (18) #4943, II-6 Level 4; (19) #4959,
Length 56 89.96 27.31 46 162
Layer II-6 Level 4; (20) #5004, Layer II-6 Level4; (21) #5338, Layer II-6 Level 1; (22)
Maximum length 56 104.39 19.54 80 162
#5486, Layer V-6; (23) #5594, Layer II-6 Level 1; (24) #5608, Layer II-6 Level 4b; (25)
Width 56 79.95 17.34 51 121
#5671, Layer II-6 Level 6; (26) #5704, Layer II-6 Level 6; (27) #5726, Layer II-6 Level 4b;
Thickness 56 33.18 8.50 21 60
(28) #5739, Layer II-6 Level 4b; (29) #5838, Layer II-6 Level 2; (30) #8609, Layer II-6
Number of scars 45 3.96 2.59 1 12
Level 2; (31) #9247, Layer II-6 Level 6; (32) #4998, Layer II-6 Level 4.
N. Goren-Inbar et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 55 (2008) 702–712 705

Figure 3. Massive scraper (#5338).

of which exhibit the highest workmanship found at the site. Only during the final shaping of the tool, particularly in the case of the
a single basalt massive scraper was recovered (Fig. 2:22) in addition cleavers. It was further demonstrated that the treatment was
to the eight basalt cleavers excavated from these layers (Goren- concentrated mainly on thinning the area of the butt, with minimal
Inbar and Sharon, 2006). Other large basalt débitage items are maintenance of the edges. The massive scrapers differ from the
minimally represented. Hence, in Area C, we interpret the absence bifacial component of GBY in their planform and only to a small
of basalt giant cores and their products, the minimal presence of extent in their width. While small handaxes do occur at the site,
basalt massive scrapers, and the lack of large cortical flint artifacts these are usually made of flint or limestone and are therefore
suitable for the production of massive scrapers as additional indi- irrelevant to the present discussion.
cations for viewing the massive scrapers as an exploitation mode of The typological inventory of the archaeological horizons at GBY
the available basalt débitage stock. Thus, hominins selected large demonstrates the co-occurrence of massive scrapers and bifacial
basalt items from the potential resources for the production of tools (Table 1; Figs. 8–11). While the entire cultural sequence at GBY
these particular morphotypes. is assigned to the Acheulean Industrial Complex, the frequencies of
In contrast to Area C, massive scrapers are most frequent in Area bifaces (handaxes and cleavers) vary greatly among the different
B Layer II-6 (Table 1). This layer yielded the most extensive overall archaeological horizons. Some of the horizons yielded a very small
evidence for the production of basalt artifacts, particularly han- number of bifacial tools (Goren-Inbar and Sharon, 2006), while in
daxes and cleavers (Goren-Inbar and Saragusti, 1996; Goren-Inbar others there were extremely rich bifacial assemblages (Goren-Inbar
et al., 2000). and Saragusti, 1996). The biface/massive scraper frequency ratio is
The unstandardized nature of the massive scrapers is most examined here in an attempt to determine whether the presence of
strikingly expressed by the tools’ irregular planform (Fig. 2), a trait massive scrapers is associated with the production of biface mor-
that contradicts the homogeneity of shape that is observed in the photypes, as suggested by the working hypothesis.
bifacial component of GBY. Figures 8–11 illustrate the dimensions of It has been shown that, at GBY, the extensive exploitation of
the bifaces and massive scrapers in the various levels within Layer basalt as a raw material is associated primarily with the production
II-6 through a series of scattergrams. We have purposely selected of bifacial tools (Goren-Inbar and Saragusti, 1996; Goren-Inbar
several levels of Layer II-6 for illustration to represent the time- et al., 2000). This trend, identified throughout the depositional
trajectory (stratigraphic) continuity of this morphotype through the sequence at the site, has been extensively studied from the
depositional sequence. Although the small number of massive perspective of the complete chaı̂ne opératoire: from the selection of
scrapers rules out valid statistical testing, the scattergrams show raw material through the different technological methods (docu-
that the blanks selected to be modified as massive scrapers are mented by the study of the giant cores), the production of large
similar in size range to the bifaces. The massive scrapers are slightly flakes, and their transformation into handaxes and cleavers (Mad-
wider than the bifaces, but similar to them in thickness (Fig. 12). sen and Goren-Inbar, 2004; Sharon, 2006). Another prominent
Hence, the massive scrapers lack the morphological standardi- feature is the recurrence throughout the archaeological sequence of
zation that characterizes the GBY bifaces (Fig. 2). This trait has been basalt bifaces along with large basalt flakes of various dimensions
studied previously (Goren-Inbar and Saragusti, 1996; Madsen and and forms, some of which clearly resulted from various knapping
Goren-Inbar, 2004), resulting in a better understanding of the episodes of the giant cores.
procedure by which the GBY knappers attained their final goal of Apart from massive scrapers and the rare occurrence of massive
bifaces (both cleavers and handaxes). This goal was achieved by basalt denticulates, no other large (>8 cm in maximum dimension)
intentionally producing elongated flakes with a preplanned flake tools are known from the GBY lithic assemblages. Other large
morphology that necessitated only minimal investment of retouch basalt items that are present in these assemblages are classified as

Figure 4. Massive scraper (#8609).

706 N. Goren-Inbar et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 55 (2008) 702–712

Figure 5. Massive scraper (#13538).

N. Goren-Inbar et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 55 (2008) 702–712 707

Figure 6. Massive scraper (#4943).

various-sized percussors, ‘‘modified’’ items, pitted anvils, and the GBY bifaces. The knapping of large flakes from giant cores was
manuports (terminology following Leakey, 1971). the main focus of this study. The experiments (Madsen and
The reduction sequence of the GBY basalt bifaces consists of the Goren-Inbar, 2004) demonstrated that knapping of basalt giant
exploitation of large basalt boulders, frequently in the shape of cores also regularly produces flakes that are too small, too thick,
large slabs, for the production of large flakes suitable for the or morphologically unsuitable for use as blanks for bifaces. These
production of handaxes and cleavers. Various core-reduction flakes, however, are suitable in morphology and size for use as
methods, including the Kombewa, bifacial, and Levallois methods, blanks for the production of massive scrapers (Fig. 13). For
were identified at GBY (Goren-Inbar et al., 1994; Madsen and example, core #B-20 yielded 26 flakes measuring between 8 and
Goren-Inbar, 2004; Sharon, 2006). 15 cm in maximum dimension, while core #B-21 produced 39
An extensive experimental knapping project was aimed at flakes in the same size range. During the experiment of core #B-
replicating and thus better understanding the chaı̂ne opératoire of 25, the knapper sorted the flakes according to their suitability as

Figure 7. Massive scraper (#5004).

708 N. Goren-Inbar et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 55 (2008) 702–712

Figure 8. Massive scrapers of Layer II-6 Level 1 (with dimensions of complete basalt Figure 10. Massive scrapers of Layer II-6 Level 4 (with dimensions of complete basalt
bifaces). bifaces).

blanks to be modified for the production of different Acheulean bifacial tools (Table 1; note that bifaces occur in additional
tool types. This core yielded 22 flakes ranging between 8 and archaeological horizons that do not appear in the table).
15 cm, of which six were selected for modification as handaxes,
nine as cleavers and twelve as massive scrapers (Fig. 13). These
data illustrate the number of potential massive-scraper blanks Discussion and conclusions
produced as by-products during the reduction of giant cores
intended for the production of bifaces. Heavy-duty or large scrapers (ca. >8 cm) are reported from most
In view of the occurrence of basalt flakes alongside basalt Acheulean lithic assemblages. While there is no doubt that many
massive scrapers, basalt bifaces, and basalt giant cores, and based Acheulean sites include this morphotype (e.g., Attirampakkam,
on the evidence described above, we conclude that, at GBY, the India; S. Pappu, pers. comm.), detailed descriptions and illustra-
flakes that were modified and transformed into massive scrapers tions that could be used for comparison with those found at GBY are
are a component of the chaı̂ne opératoire of the production of

Figure 9. Massive scrapers of Layer II-6 Level 2 (with dimensions of complete basalt Figure 11. Massive scrapers of Layer II-6 Level 4b (with dimensions of complete basalt
bifaces). bifaces).
N. Goren-Inbar et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 55 (2008) 702–712 709

Olorgesailie and have not been distinguished in this analysis’’

(Isaac, 1977: 154). Isaac considered these scrapers an entity within
the realm of bifacial tools. The basis for this assumption was
a grading-out typological phenomenon, observed at the various
sites in the Olorgesailie Formation for the different types within the
bifacial tools (Isaac, 1972). The available descriptions of these
scrapers, their retouch, and its characteristics, as well as the illus-
trations from the site, do not reveal any similarity to the typical GBY
massive scrapers. Furthermore, the well-known dichotomy
observed at Olorgesailie between alternating high frequencies of
scrapers and bifaces in the various layers was not encountered
within the basalt tools at GBY. The planform of the GBY massive
scrapers differs significantly from that of the bifaces (see above),
and the workmanship of their retouch does not resemble the scar
pattern or other characteristics typical of the bifaces (Goren-Inbar
and Saragusti, 1996) (Figs. 8–11).
At Kalambo Falls, heavy-duty scrapers were defined as ‘‘core
scrapers’’ by Clark and Kleindienst (2001: 386–387, Fig. 6.40). These
tools seem to vary substantially in terms of blank type, size,
morphology, and section. They were viewed as representing
a ‘‘small but not insignificant part of the Acheulean assemblage at
Kalambo Falls’’ (Clark and Kleindienst, 2001: 310).
At Koobi Fora, the scraper inventory displays a high variation in
Figure 12. Massive scrapers of Layer II-6 Level 1 (with dimensions of complete basalt morphotypes, which are divided between scrapers on cobbles and
bifaces). those on flakes (Harris, 1978; Isaac and Harris, 1997). Unlike the
unstandardized scrapers of the Koobi Fora KBS Member, the Karari
scrapers of the Okote Member ‘‘are notable also for showing
few. The following is an attempt to examine other Acheulean a distinctive, relatively highly standardized format,’’ which involves
assemblages for possible analogies. ‘‘trimming from a fracture plane onto a domed cortical face’’ (Isaac
The only available comparable Levantine assemblages come and Harris, 1997: 279).
from ‘Ubeidiya. At this site, the common large-scraper morphotype While no direct analogy to the massive scrapers of GBY is
is the heavy-duty scraper, differing morphologically and techno- currently available, there are several indications that other
logically from the massive scrapers of GBY in being made on cobbles Acheulean sites have a somewhat similar component in their
and split cobbles, as well as flakes (Bar-Yosef and Goren-Inbar, 1993: toolkits in the form of scrapers made on large flakes or other types
142–144). These items do coexist with a bifacial element, but while of blanks. A common feature of all assemblages is their very low
the raw material of the bifaces at ‘Ubeidiya is predominantly basalt, frequencies and their large dimensions, much larger than those of
the raw material of the heavy-duty scrapers is usually oolithic the regular small scrapers.
limestone and cannot be associated with the production of the Although heavy-duty scrapers are everywhere an integral part
bifacial tools (Bar-Yosef and Goren-Inbar, 1993). of the toolkit of the Acheulean Technocomplex, their frequencies
At two east African Acheulean sites (Olorgesailie and Kalambo are relatively low, especially when compared to those of handaxes
Falls), heavy-duty scrapers were described and analyzed. The and cleavers. The data from GBY demonstrate that even where the
heavy-duty scrapers at Olorgesailie were defined as ‘‘large frequencies of bifacial tools are extremely high (II-6 Level 4), the
scrapers’’ by Isaac (1977). His view of these tools was the following: occurrence of massive scrapers is minimal (Table 1). A high
‘‘In many respects, they are more like large cutting tools than like occurrence of bifaces is typical of the Acheulean in Africa [e.g.,
small scrapers, so they have been included in the analysis of both Kenya: Olorgesailie (Isaac, 1977), Kilombe (Gowlett, 1991), Isenya,
categories. Core scrapers are numerically unimportant at (Roche et al., 1987; Roche and Texier, 1991); Tanzania: Isimila

Figure 13. Core #B-25 (experimental) and its products.

710 N. Goren-Inbar et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 55 (2008) 702–712

(Howell et al., 1962); Ethiopia: Middle Awash (Kalb, 2001), Melke GBY occupations; while the experimental record is a complete one,
Konture (Chavaillon and Berthelet, 2004)] and the Levant (Layer II- the archaeological one has undergone an extensive process of
6 Level 4 at GBY; Goren-Inbar and Saragusti, 1996), and is inter- ‘‘sorting’’ as a result of artifact mobility. Similar mobility patterns
preted by some as biface ‘‘stocking’’ (Potts, 1984). In contrast, the emerge from the analyses of refitted artifacts from younger
number of massive scrapers reported from Acheulean sites is Acheulean sites in Europe, such as Boxgrove (Roberts et al., 1997;
usually small. Their scarcity can be explained by extensive artifact Roberts and Parfitt, 1999; Pope, 2002) and Beeches Pit (Hallos,
mobility or particular discard patterns. Another possibility is that 2005, and references to other sites therein). These studies enable
massive scrapers had a particular function that could also have the tracing of mobility patterns and the drawing of inter-Acheulean
been carried out by the use of other (smaller) types of scrapers (e.g., behavioral comparisons. Massive scrapers thus seem to be
Goren-Inbar, 1990). a component of the realm of mobility.

Massive scrapers as a discrete type Modern human behavioral analogues

A relationship between bifaces and scrapers has consistently The study of the massive scrapers of GBY has demonstrated that
been reported from Acheulean sites with long depositional they are a component of the biface chaı̂ne opératoire. The Acheulean
sequences, where an alternating dominance of one over the other is hominins intentionally selected and set aside blanks suitable for
often displayed (e.g., Olorgesaile: Isaac, 1977; Tabun Cave: Jelinek, future modification as massive scrapers. This is also a known
1981, 1982). In this study, we have established the association behavior of modern humans, reported from archaeological,
between the production of bifaces and the presence of massive ethnographic, and experimental studies (Figs. 1 and 8–11).
scrapers, a newly described technotypological entity at GBY. The recently published study of Nahal Nizzana XIII (an early
Massive scrapers are clearly an important component of the Upper Paleolithic Ahmarian site ca. 38,000–30,000 years old in the
Acheulean lithic assemblages at GBY, a distinct, unstandardized Negev, Israel) has furnished a most impressive case of human
morphotype of independent design and production, and most behavior revealed through a refitting project (Goring-Morris and
probably of a particular function. Davidzon, 2006). The refitted flint items were reconstructed as
The main objective of this study was to examine the working a chaı̂ne opératoire aimed at the production of blades and bladelets.
hypothesis that massive scrapers are by-products of the biface Although the target products were artifacts of laminar morphology
chaı̂ne opératoire. The lithic analyses at GBY demonstrate that the and dimensions, the knapper(s) set aside by-products from the very
highest frequencies of giant cores and their products, along with first stage of the chaı̂ne opératoire (cortical flakes and other artifacts
a substantial number of bifaces and the highest recorded of larger dimensions). These were used for the production of end-
frequencies of massive scrapers, all coexist in Layer II-6 Level 1. Our scrapers that were clearly not the predetermined (target) objective
hypothesis was that the presence of an entire reduction sequence at of the knapped series (Goring-Morris and Davidzon, 2006: Figs. 4:9,
the knapping point will furnish the knapper with suitable items to 10; 6:2; 3a; 8:c). The authors referred to this as a general
be selected for future modification and transformation to massive phenomenon well known within the temporal frame of the Middle
scrapers, and the results presented here indeed confirm this. Paleolithic through Epi-Paleolithic and Neolithic.
Furthermore, in layers and levels that are extremely poor in basalt The tracing of a continuous pattern of setting aside (selecting)
artifacts, such as Layer V-6, this morphotype is not represented at flakes for future exploitation, from Paleolithic to modern times, is
all (Sharon and Goren-Inbar, 1999; Goren-Inbar and Sharon, 2006). further sustained by ethnographic data. In a detailed and inter-
The flakes on which massive scrapers were modified are by- esting observation, a set of selected by-products was collected for
products of the initial stages of the chaı̂ne opératoire aimed to future use during the knapping process at the Ngilipitji Quarry,
produce bifacial tools, in which the size of the débitage is still large Arnhem Land, Australia (Jones and White, 1988).
(ca. >8 cm.). Thus, the production of massive scrapers depended on As previously discussed, there is a lack of detailed descriptions
the availability of large flakes originating from the knapping of of the behavior of present-day knappers. Nevertheless, questioning
basalt masses of large volumedthe giant cores (Madsen and of several knappers verified that during a knapping session, they do
Goren-Inbar, 2004). The association between the bifaces and the indeed set aside selected pieces for future modification, a repeated
massive scrapers is illustrated in Fig. 8. mode of behavior (e.g., D. Ben-Ami, pers. obs.; B. Madsen, pers. obs.;
The presence of massive scrapers at GBY (albeit in low M. Santonja and A. Turq, pers. comm.).
frequencies) has a dual significance. Firstly, it supports the Knappers agree that while they are working to accomplish
hypothesis that various steps of the biface chaı̂ne opératoire took a preplanned scheme, they observe the shape/dimension or other
place at the site, resulting in a stock of suitable blanks for the properties of by-products and save them for future use. Obviously,
production of massive scrapers. Because the large basalt flakes are while the prehistoric selection of such pieces was associated with
not the target of production but a side effect, reflecting opportu- particular intended functional uses, the modern knapping experi-
nistic exploitation of the available material, their sizes and shapes, mental behavior is mainly intended to produce other morphotypes
and perhaps even their retouch, are not as standardized as the without any particular functional goal in mind.
predetermined objects (the bifaces). This lack of standardization is The selection and utilization of particular flakes that originate
responsible for the observed characteristics of the GBY massive from specific chaı̂ne opératoire but deviate from them is a common
scrapers, as detailed in this study. denominator of both the Acheuleans of GBY and modern humans.
Secondly, a complex pattern of discard/mobility is evident. Because the taxon of the producers of the Levantine Acheulian is
Mobility of artifacts, including basalt, flint, and limestone, has been unknown, and refitting studies that might reconstruct the chaı̂ne
previously identified at the site and is also documented in the realm opératoire at GBY are not feasible, we are left, as the only behavioral
of the giant cores, their by-products (débitage), and their target evidence available, with a record of patterns that characterize the
products (the bifaces) (Madsen and Goren-Inbar, 2004; Goren- production, modification, and probably use of scrapers. Yet the
Inbar and Sharon, 2006). This extensive mobility should be viewed patterns themselves, and their long and continuous record at the site,
as a particular trait within Acheulean sociocultural behavioral are viewed here as indications of similar modes of decision-making
patterns (Goren-Inbar, in press). It also rules out a detailed and behavior during the knapping process.
comparison between the basalt experimental flakes mentioned While we cannot supply direct proof that the selection of blanks
above and the dimensional breakdown of basalt flakes from the for the production of massive scrapers occurred during episodes of
N. Goren-Inbar et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 55 (2008) 702–712 711

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