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Module 1.

Communicating with Purpose

Task 1.3 - Purposes, Contexts and Communication media for your Protected Area /Natura 2000 site and work

Following the presentation in the Zebinar on Wednesday 4 March, complete the following table for the types of communications you are involved in in your
Natura 2000 site/ Protected Area, institution or workplace. (A pdf of the presentation is available on the Moodle for reference.)

This task will give you a “mini-inventory” - a reflection of the current status of the forms of communications you utilise, inside your organisation and outside,
about your site/ Protected Area. It also helps you to identify your audiences (also addressed in Module 2).

Using Table A below, select the ‘Purpose of Communication’, the ‘Context of Communication’ and, where relevant, the ‘Communication Media’ you have used -
give an example of how you use this in your work situation.

Post your answers in the Moodle Forum.


Informative EUROPARC puts factual Intrapersonal I make a ‘to do’ list and Communications Website & social media – e.g.
information out on its check my calendar every Media Facebook, Twitter etc.
website day to help me plan ahead
and prepare etc.
Table A

Purposes of Contexts of Communications

Communications Communications Media

Make you own list

Informative Intrapersonal
Affective Interpersonal
Imaginative Small Group
Persuasive Institutional
Ritualistic Public

This will be useful to look back on.

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