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Selection Task

You will have to make a Django application-


Following features should be there and you can also add if any other extra innovative
features are available:

a)Doctor Database and its login( doctor’s interface)

b)Patient Database and its login(Patient’s interface)
c)Prescription Management
d)Appointment Management
e)Human Resource Database and its login(HR interface)
g)Hospital Accounting
h)Financial Reporting
k)Patient Medical History
l)Patient Medical Files Archive
n)Patient Payment History
0)Receptionist Database and its login(Receptionist interface)

**youtube reference - ​

If you are able to make same project like the above project and with
all the latest development environment mentioned below we will
select you immediately and offer you the mentioned stipend in

DEADLINE: 25th MAY 2020

**** Brownie points for early and proper submission before the deadline

-Code and the necessary files should be in a file with a proper Readme mentioning what to
download and how to start the project in local server.
- you will need to make a video of your project consisting of all the functionalities
Both code and video should be sent in single mail to given email id below:

Development Environment:

1. Python - 3.8.2
2. Django - 3.0.5
3. IDLE/Editor - VS Code
4. Database - Any

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