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Part III.

Dr.M.K. OCHI 1 and Miss W.E. BOLTON").

5.2. Extreme value statistics.

The extreme value defined here is the largest Rayleigh distribution, the extreme value Y n has
value of a random variable expected to occur once the following probability distribution:
in n independent observations. Let (x1, x2 ---- 2 2
xn) be a random sample of size n. This random Yn n
n-1 ( 37
sample may be arranged according to order of 213n R
=n (1 -e e (5. 24)
magnitude such that y1 is the smallest value in g(Yn)
n observations and y n is the largest value.
The cumulative distribution of Y n becomes,
Then, (yi, y 2 , ----yn) is called the order sam-
ple. Although each element of a random sample 2
Y n)
(x1, x2 , ---- xn) has a population probability
density function f(x), each element of the cor- n
G(yn) = 1 -e (5.25)
responding order sample (y1, y2 , ----yn ) has
its own individual probability distribution which
Hence, the probability that the extreme value
is different from the original density function
exceeds an assigned value a is given by,
f(x). For example, the probability density func-
tion of y1, the j-th order statistic of the random 2
sample, has the following probability density

R )n
function: Pr I Y > a} = 1 - 1 - e (5. 26)
-1 n-j n
n! f(y.)
g(y J•) = (n- .(j-1) ! {F(y.)} 11-F
j) j (Y J )} Longuet-Higgins [41] obtained the value of y n
(5.22) for which the probability density function g(y n)
where, - , as follows:
attains its peak value, denoted by 37n
Let 8 = 1
3,F. /R in equation (5. 24). Then, yn
g(y i ) = probability density function of random
must satisfy the condition,
variable Y j ,
f(yi) = probability density function of random d [ % -e -e n-1
e e (1 -e ) =0 (5.27)
variable X with X = Y j, de
F(y j) = cumulative distribution function of
That is,
random variable X with X = Y j.
n 1
e =in -1n{1 - T- (1 -e -8)} (5. 28)
It is noted that the probability density function 0
for the random variable in an ordered sample is
The solution of the above equation with res-
denoted by g( ) in distinction from that for the
pect to 6 yields the exact value of 37n . For large
population f( ).
n, however, the second term of equation (5.28)
The largest value in n observations, Y n , may
is negligibly small in comparison with the first
be called the extreme value, and its probability
term, and hence 37n is approximately given by,
density function can be written in the form
- n .117- (5.29)
n-1 (5. 23)
g(Y n) n F(Yn )} "Yn) The yn thus derived is called the modal value
or the most probable largest value which may
Suppose the random variable X has the
occur in n observations. Since the probability
*l Naval Ship Research and Development Center, U.S. Navy, U. S. A.
•.) Admiralty Experiment Works, England.
density function g(yn ) has its peak at y n = yn, 37n

may be interpreted as being most likely to oc- in equation (5.29). Although the decision con-
cur. This does not imply, however, that the cerning the selection of a-value depends on the
chance of a value higher than yn occurring is designer's discretion, a = O. 01 appears to be
unlikely. On the contrary, the probability that reasonably safe. If greater assurance for safety
the extreme value will exceed 37n is rather high. is required, one may choose a smaller a de-
That is, from equations (5.26) and (5.29), for pending on the particular situation.
large n The above subject is discussed in detail in
Reference [63] in which formulae for a spectrum
Pr Extreme value > = lim /1 -(1 --) n}
1 n having an arbitrary band-width are given. That
-1 is, for a spectrum having a band-width para-
=1-e (5.30)
meter E defined in equation (2.36), the extreme
It is understood from the above equation that value yn becomes,
an extreme value higher than 37n will occur with
probability 0. 632 for large n. Since this number /1. - E2 2n)
yn =_VR ln for small a
is too high for prediction purposes in practice, 1+ -E 2 a
it may be well to predict the extreme value for (5. 32a)
a specified probability of exceedence. That is,
let a be the probability that the extreme value Note that for E = 0(narrow-band spectrum),
will exceed a specific value, yn . Then, from the above equation reduces to equation (5.32).
equation (5.25), It may be more meaningful to express the ex-
treme value in terms of ship operation time
n rather than number of observation, n. For this,
n the apparent frequency discussed in Section 2. 1
-e = 1 -a
=1 (5.31) will be used. That is, from equation (2.11),
Write yn , which can be evaluated from the
2 2 T cr )t
above equation, as yn(a) and so identifying the n = (3.6 x 10 )-co =(3. 6 x 10 )- ( —)
fact that it is a function of a given probability a. 2Tr o 2-rr a
where, (5.33)
1 T = time in hours,
yn =
In {-(1
1 - a)11- = R In (5.32) wo = expected frequency of wave encounter in
for small a 2
0 = area under the spectrum of random
variable considered,
The practical meaning of yn(a) is as follows:
a ,2t = area under the second moment of the
Choose a = O. 01, for example, then, equation
spectrum of random variable considered.
(5. 32) gives the value y n for which the probabil-
ity that the largest value in n observations will For phenomena having a spectrum band-width
exceed yn is 0. 01. In other words, only one in parameter E, Reference [63] gives,
100 sister ships operating under statistically
identical environments could experience values 2T(
1+ - E2)(31
n = (3.6 x 10)
higher than y n. Another interpretation of equa- /
41T \/ 1 - E 2 x (5.33a)
tion (5.32) is that, with 99 percent assurance,
the largest value in n cycles will not exceeded From equations (5.32) and (5.33) or from
Yn• equations (5. 32a) and (5. 33a), the extreme value
For phenomena which are directly associated which will occur in T hours of ship operation
with the safety of a ship or a marine structure time can be evaluated with a probability a of
such as wave-induced forces and bending being exceeded.
moments, information needed for design is an The foregoing discussion pertains to the dis-
estimate of the extreme value with a probability tribution of the extreme values for a random
a of being exceeded (equation 5.32) rather than sample of size n from which the extreme values
the most probable extreme value shown earlier Sin and y n are derived. There are occasions,

however, when derivation of the extreme values the asymptotic probability density function of yn
is very complicated from the exact probability is found to be
density function g(yn ) defined in equation (5. 23).
yn 2
It is important for convenience in practice, 2 nyn
therefore, to consider the asymptotic probabil- )- . exp - n e - yn (5.39)
ity distribution of the extreme values for large g(yn R
n. For this, a method found in work by Cram6r Comparing this with the exact distribution
will be given as follows [64] [65]: given by equations (5.24) shows that the following
Define a new random variable to be, approximation is involved in the asymptotic dis-
= n{ 1 -F(yn ) } 0 n (5. 34) tribution for this example:
2 2
where, F(yn) was defined earlier in equation yn
- R ) n-1
(5. 22).
lim(1-e = exp -n e R (5.40)
Then, the cumulative distribution function of n
is given by
Incidentally, the asymptotic cumulative dis-
tribution function of y n is given by,
HQ) = Pr { = Pr{F (yn) 1 -1-}
n) yn
= Pr iyn Z F -1(1 -L
G(yn ) exp ne R (5.41)

=1 -IF 4F -1(1 - (1 --f-)n Gumbel [66] has done much work in the field
(5.35) of asymptotic distributions for extreme values.
Hence, for large n, the follow ing asymp totic He divides these distributions into three differ-
distribution may be derived: ent types, the cumulative distribution functions
of which are as follows:
lim HQ) = lim 1 - (1 - ) } = 1 - e (5.36)
Type I
n n
-c(y - u)
In the same way that g( ) was used to denote H(y n) = exp e n 3711 <-.. (5. 42)
the probability density function of a random
variable in an ordered sample to distinguish it Type II
from that for the population f( ), the function
-a -k
h( ) will now be introduced to represent the
H(y n) = exp
asymptotic probability density function for the ( Y:- a )
extreme value. Thus, h(c) is,
a= y , a v, k 0 (5.43)
h(Q = e (5.37)
Type III
Using the relationship between two random b -y k
n }
variables, y n and given in equation (5.34), the H(y n) = exp
b -v
asymptotic probability function of the extreme
value can therefore be obtained. For example, y <b, v. b, k >0 (5.44)
n =
for the Rayleigh distribution,
2 2 where, a, b, c, u, v, and k are parameters which
yn yn are evaluated from a sample.
R R It is noted that Type II has a lower bound a,
c=nil. -(1 -e )1 -n e (5.38)
and Type III has an upper bound b; whilst Type
I has no limitation for yn .
Then, from equations (5.37) and (5. 38), taking
Type I appears very frequently in practical
into account the Jacohians associated with
transformation of the random variable to y n , problems, and the extreme values of most of the

distribution used in statistics such as exponent- Consider, as an example, the extreme value
ial, normal, log-normal, gamma, etc. , belong of ship bending moments in waves, and let
to this category. The criterion for an asymptotic (Ynl , Yn2 , yn3 ynN) be a random sample
distribution to be of Type I is that the probabil- consisting of outcomes from N trials, where
ity density function of a random variable X each outcome is the extreme value observed in
(whose extreme value is Y n ) decreases ex- n cycles of wave encounter.
ponentially as X increases. For the Type I distribution,
In this case the extreme value Y n behaves a- 1. Let C (yn - u) = Z in equation (5.42). Then,
symptotically like the expected value and variance of Z are given
1 by
y = u - - In for n (5.45)
E[z] = Y = Euler 's constant = 0. 577
where, is defined in equation (5.34). Hence, 2
from equations (5.36) and (5.45), the cumulative Var[z] = TIT
distribution function of Yn may be shown to be
given by equation (5.42). Thus, the expected value and variance of yn
Type II is employed only rarely in practical are
problems in the naval engineering field. For E[yn]=u+( 1)Y (5.48)
this type the extreme value behaves asymptotic..
ally like, 12 ,r2
1 Var[yn] = ( n-) (5.49)
y = a +(v - a) for n ( 5. 46) 2. The mean and variance of yn may also be
derived from the data sample to yield
Using this transformation, the application of
the change of variable technique to equation 1
(5.37) leads to the cumulative distribution func- E[yn] = Yn .
tion given by equation (5.43). j=i
Type III, which has an upper bound, is of sig- (5. 50)
nificant importance in practice. Since the ex- 1
Var[y]n=N- 2 lynx - E[yn]
treme value is directly related to the design j=1
load in many engineering problems, it is highly
desirable to determine precisely whether the Equating these values from equation (5. 50)
extreme value considered is bounded above, or with the expressions in equations (5.48) and
(5.49), respectively, enables the evaluation of
the unknowns u and c. Detailed discussions of
For Type III, the extreme value behaves a-
the Type I distribution may be found in Referen-
symptotically like
1 ce [68].
k For the Type III distribution,
y =b -(b - v) for n (5.47) 1. Let yn = v in equation (5.44). Then,
Then, the cumulative distribution function of y n H(v) = e = O. 368 (5. 51)
shown in equation (5. 44) is derived by again ap-
Hence, v is equal to the value of yn for which
plying the change of variable technique to equa-
the probability distribution curve of the plotted
tion (5. 37) but this time using the transformation
data is 0.368.
given by equation (5. 47) It was proved analyt-
2. The first and second moments of the extreme
ically by Watanabe [67] that, in the limit as the
values yn are given by [67],
upper bound, b, of the Type III distribution be-
comes extremely large, the Type III distribution E[y ] = b -(b - v)r- (1 + -) (5. 52)
reduces to the Type I distribution.
The parameters involved in the Type I and 21 r 2
E[y ] =b2 - 2b(b -v)i (1+ -)+(b -v) 1-(1+ -)
Type III distributions are determined as follows: n
(5. 53)

3. The above moments, on the other hand, may RETURN PERIOD "MAYS/
.10 .50 5 • 5 10 20 30 6050 .00 000 1000
be obtained from the sample to give,

E[Yn] = R . 2 yni
(5. 54)

21 2 o. 7
E[Y ] — Y ni
n= N

From these with the help of equations (5. 52)

and (5. 53) it is possible to find the remaining
•001 .0i 0 20 00 50 70 SO 90 95 77 05 09 995 4707 096 .999
two unknowns, b and k. --.F,
_ _I_ -_, __ ..,,,T66-
Alternatively, b and k may be determined LO 10 00 w 70 5.0 40 70

graphically [67]. That is, read H(y n) from the REDUCED VARIATE

probability distribution curve for two arbitrarily Figure 5.15. Cumulative distribution of the measured
chosen yn. Let these two values of y n be y ni and maximum bending strain [67][69] (Data according to Uille,
Reference 64).
yni. Then, from equation (5.44), a set of two k
values is obtained,

In - In H(yin)} values using Gumbel's asymptotic distribution

is found in Yuille's work on longitudinal ship
hull strength [69]. In this example, the maxim-
b -v um values of ship's strain observed each day
k (5. 55)
were analyzed, converted to stress, and the
Int - In H(y
nj result (represented by circles) was plotted on
b-y probability paper as shown in Figure 5.15. The
line A shown in the figure was originally given
ln( b-v
in Reference [69] drawn according to the Type I
where, v is determined independently by the distribution. Later, Watanabe determined the
procedure mentioned earlier in connection with parameters of the Type III distribution graphic-
equation (5. 51). By choosing two arbitrary b- ally, and obtained the line B shown in the figure
values, a set of four k-values is determined [67]. A good agreement can be seen between ob-
from equation (5. 55). If the corresponding k- served data and the lines A and B; however,
values are now connected graphically, the in- line B agrees very well with the data particular-
tersection of the two resulting straight lines will ly for large stress values.
give the desired b and k values (see Figure Watanabe also analyzed several examples of
5.14). extreme values observed on C-4 cargo ships,
An example of statistical analysis of extreme given in Reference [70], and found that the Type
III distribution fits the observed data very well

for all examples. These results together with
the fact that the Type III distribution automatic-
ally covers the Type I distribution when the
k upper bound becomes very large, have led
Watanabe to suggest that the Type III asymptotic
distribution would be the most appropriate to
use for analyzing data in the extreme value
problems of the naval engineering field.
i2 11 '4 IS

Figure 5.14. Graphical determination of parameters b

and k [67].

5.3. Two-dimensional Rayleigh distribution. and

In Section 2.3 the distribution of the envelope 2 2
A (t) =1/x (t) + x (t) A2
of a single narrow band random process was 2 c2 s2
(t) 0 (5.61)
discussed. There are situations when it would
be of use to know the joint distribution of the -1 xs2 (t) 0 L E2(t) < 2Tr
E (t) = tan
envelopes of two narrow band random process- 2 x(t)
es, one of which lags time 7 behind the other but
is otherwise the same. This is equivalent to the If it is assumed that the narrow band random
joint distribution of the envelope of waves, for process xl(t), and hence x2(t) as well, is
example, measured at two different points normal with zero mean and variance 0 2 , then
located along the wave's direction of propaga- over the interval 0 s t S T, xi(t) and x2(t) may
tion, assuming that the wave spectrum is nar- be expressed by Fourier Series, namely
row. The two envelopes may no longer be statis-
tically independent, in general, hence the cor- x (t) = (a Cos nwt + b Sin mot)
1 n n
relation between them plays an important role n=1
in the following discussion of the joint probab-
ility. n ca- coo) t + co t
= 2 [ a Cos 1(
Consider the narrow band process, with n
modal frequency co o,
(nw- co+ of}
x (t)
= A
(t) . Cos of E
+ b Sint)t
o ] (5.62)

(5.56) and
=x (t) Cos co t - x sl(t) Sin co t x (t) = a Cos nco(t--r) +b Sin nco(t--r)
cl 2 n n
x (t) = A1(t) . Cos E CO
=Ia Cos (nco- co )(t-T) + (t-T)
cl 1
(5. 57) n=1

x (t) = A1(t) . Sin E1'(t)

1 s1 + b Sin { (no - )(t- 7) + co (t--1-)1J
Let the translation of this process by time T
be given by x2 (t),
x2 (t) = x i (t -7) = A 2(t) Cos { coo(t-T)+ E 2(t)
=x (t) . Cos co (t- T) _ x
c2 s2' '
2 T 2T
o (t-7)
. Sin co (5. 58) = — f x (t) Cos not dt = — f x2(t)
an T 1T0
. Cos nco(t--r) dt (5. 64)
1 x (t) = A (t) . Cos E2 (t) = A (t-7). Cos
1 E1(t-7)
c2 2 T T
2 2
xs2 (t) = A 2 (t) . Sin E 2 (t) = A 1 (t-- -0 . Sin E (t- 7) (t) Sin ncot dt = I x2 (t)
1 n Tl0
(5. 59)
This gives the envelope processes A1(t) and Sin mot(t-7) dt
A2(t) of xi(t) and x2(t), respectively, at time t, Since an and bn have been obtained by applying
with the corresponding phases El(t), E2(t) to be
the linear operation of integration on normal
2 2 processes, it follows that they too are normally
A i (t) = xci (t) + xs i(t) A1(t) 0 distributed. From equations (5. 56) and (5. 62) it
(5. 60) may be seen that
-1 1 xs1(t)
E (t) = tan E 1 (t)
1 x (t) -

From equations (5.64) and (1.2), E[a a ] is
x cl(t) = a Cos(mo- co )t m n
n written
+b Sin(no - co )t 4
n E[a a ] = E I I x (s) x (t) . Cos mos
mn 2 o o 1 1
(5. 65)
x sl(t) = E {a Sin(nco- co )t TT
n 4
. Cos not ds dt] = — I I E [x (s) x (t)]
- b Cos (no - co )t} 2 o 1 1
n o T 0
Similarly from equations (5. 58) and (5. 63) Cos mos . Cos not ds dtl= 4 f IR (t-s)
2 1
o o

x (t) = 2 ia Cos(nco-co )(t-T) . Cos mos . Cos not . ds dt (5. 70)

c2 n 0
where R1(u), u=t-s, is the autocorrelation func-
+ b Sin(no - co )(t--r) 1 tion of process xi(t).
n o
(5.66) Therefore,
x (t) = 2 { a Sin(no - coo )(t-T) 4
s2 n E[a a ] = ( R 1(u) . Cos mos
n=1 mn
T o -S
- b Cos(no - co0 )(t -7)1
Taking xel, x x c2, xs2 to be values of . Cos nw(u+s). du ds = — R (u)
2 1
xci(t), xsi(t), xc2 (t), xs2(t), respectively, at a T o -S
given time t, then they are normally distributed
{ (Cos mos . Cos nos) Cos nwu
with zero mean and variance a2 . In addition it
should be noted that xcl is independent of xs1 -(Cos mos Sin nos) Sin ncou du ds (5. 71)
and, in the same way, x e2 is independent of xs2.
In order to obtain the joint probability function Letting v = - gives
of these four random variables it is first neces-
sary to obtain the variances and covariances 1 T(1-v)
between each of them. It is already known that TE[a ma n] = 4 J J R 1(u) {(Cos 2Trmv
Var[x ] =Var[x ] =Var[x ] =Var[xs2] o -vT
cl s1 c2
and that (5.67) . Cos 2-any) Cos nou - (Cos 2Trmv . Sin 2Trnv)

Cov[x ,x ] =Cov[x ,x ] = 0 (5.68) Sin mail du dv (5. 72)

cl s1 c2 s2
But x1(t) is strictly non periodic so it is
It remains to evaluate Cov(x ci ,xe 2), Cov(xci,
necessary to let T .. If m n, then letting T
xs2), Cov(xsi , xs2) and Cov(xsi , xe2 ). Now,
., co • o reduces the integration with respect to
because the normal distribution has zero mean
u to
Cov[x ,x ] = E[x x ]
cl c2 cl c2
J R 1(u) du = constant independent of the varia-
no ble u
=2 2 1 E[a a ] Cos(nco- co t . Cos(nco-coo) and since
m n o
n=1 m=1 1
J Cos 2Trmv . Cos 2-rrnv dv - 0 for na n
(t-T)+E[a b ] Cos(nco- w )t . Sin(no- w )
m n 0

(t-T) + E[b a ] Sin(no- co t . Cos(no- co ) then

lim T E[a a ] 0 (5. 73)
(t-T) +E[b b ] Sin(no- w )t . Sin(nco- co ) mn
If m n, and T , n - in such a way that
(t-T) (5.69)

con then equation (5. 72) becomes, co n, over a finite period T in the summation is
replaced by the continuous variable for frequen-
t 2 cy co over an infinite period in the integration.
lim T. E[a ] = 4 J R {(Cos 2Trny)
T n -=1(u) Similarly it may be shown that
Cos co u - (Cos 2-rrnv . Sin 2-rmv) Sin co ui du dv Cov[x , x ] = a p (5.80)
n n s1 s2
and since Also it may be found that
2 Cov[x , x ] = -Cov[x , x ]
j Cos 2Trnv dv = 1 cl s2 s1 c2
and 2
= f S (co) Sin(co -co )T. dco =a A (5. 81)
1 1 0
J Cos arrnv . Sin 2-rrnv dv = 0
0 where,
lim T E[ a ] = 2 (u) . Cos cou du =2ITS (co ) A= f Si(co) . Sin( co - co ). T dco
n 1 n 1 n 0
T cr 0
(5. 75)
Thus, finally, these variances and covarian-
where, Si(co n) = spectral density function of ces are compiled into the following covariance
process x l(t). matrix 2 x of the random variables xn1, xs1 ,
Thus, in summary,
x c2 , xs2 :
if rn$n 2 a lp 2
lim T. E[a ma n] = { a 0 a A
( co ) if m n (5. 76)
2 Tr S n 2 2, 2
0 a -a A 6 p
= (5. 82)
Similarly it may be found that x a2p 2,A
(0 if mon a2A 2p 2
lim T. E[b mb n] a 0
12 TrS ) if m n (5. 77)
1(w n The determinant of 2 is
and that = p2 A2y
lim T. E[a b ] = lim T. E[b a ] = 0
M n T m n
and the inverse matrix is
for all m, n (5. 78)
2 2 2
a 0 p A
Substituting these results back into the ex- -1
1 2 2
pression for Cov(x cl' xc2) and taking non 2 - 0 a a2 A -o p
x 4 2 2
periodicity into account, gives a (1- p -7k ) 2 2 2
-a p aA a 0
2 2 2
-a A -a pa 0
Cov[x • x ] = lim 2 2ir S (Co ) . CoS(co -co )
cl c2 T .. n=1 1 n n o (5.84)
Since the multivariate random variable X =
1 2
T — ) = I S (co) . Cos(co - ) T d co = cr p (5. 79) (x01 xs1 xc 2 xs2) s normally distributed with
0 zero mean and covariance matrix 2 x , it follows
that their joint probability distribution function
. Cos(co - WO) T. d
f(x x x 1 exp {--
1 x 2-1x
a sl' c2 sz 2
4 Tr'' 2 xl
Note that the discrete variable for frequency,

1 1
exp { - 27 2 7 A A
2 4 2 2 2 2 2 l 2
4 7 a (1-p - x) 2 a (1 - p - A ) / .1 , I exp{ , 2 2 [ p cos(E 2 -E 1) i-
0 0 a (1-p -A )
[ 2 2 2 2
(x +x +x +x ) -2p (x cl x c2 +x sl x s2 ) A sin(E 2 -E i ldE idE 2 (5. 88)
cl s1 c2 s2
(5. 85)
It may be seen that the exponent is periodic in
- 2 1‘ (xclxs2 -xslxc2) 1 1 1 to
z, is equivalent
(E2 -E1) and that (2,02 de,.1. de r,
As was the case for the univariate Rayleigh
distribution discussed in Section 2.3, the joint 27 d(E 2 - Ei). Put
probability density function of the envelopes
- E ) - tan-11 (-A-) =e (5. 89)
A i (t), A2(t) and corresponding phases E1(t), E 2(t) (E
2 l
can be obtained from equation (5.85) by using
the change of variable technique. From equa- Then, the integral in equation (5.88) becomes,
tions (5.57) and (5.59), the Jacobian of the 2
27 2 rr A A \ p +A
transformation is, l 2
11 exp cos el ded E
12 2 2 l
o o a (1- p -A )
/ 2
ax ax A 1A 2 \p 2 A1A 2 p2 4A
ax a cl
cl xcl cl - I 27 I E - 47 I
o 2 2 2 l o 2 2 2
aA aE 1 aA aE ° (1- P -A) a (1-p -A )
1 2 2 o
ax ax ax (5. 90)
ax sl sl
sl sl where, I0( ) = modified Bessel function of
aA a 1 aA BE 2 zero-th order.
1 1 2 = A A (5. 86)
ax ax ax 1 2 Hence, the joint probability density function
axc2 c2 c2 c2
of the envelopes A i and A2 may finally be ex-
aA a,1 a A2 a E pressed as
1 2
ax / 2 2
ax ax A (A p +A
s2 s2 ax s2 s2 1A 2 1A 2 \
(IA aA a, f(A ,
2 2 1 A2) 4 2 2 o 2 2 2 )
- 1 a (1-p -A) a (1-p -A )
yields A A 2 2
l 2 A +A
f(A ,A ,F ) exp 1 2 k
l,E 1 2 2 24 2 2 exp (5. 91)
4T1 a (1-p ) 2 2 2 1
2 0 (1-p -A )
1 2 2
I 1A1 +A2 -2 cos( e - E )
pA1A2 2 l This result has been obtained by Middleton [32]
2 a (1-p -A )
and Davenport [30].
- 2 A A A sin(e 2 -E )1} (5.87) If the spectrum of the narrow band random
l 2 1
process xi (t), and so of x2(t) too, is reason-
A and A -z 0, 0 E and E ably symmetrical about coo, then A is essentially
l 2 1 2
zero for all t and consequently xci (t) is in-
The joint probability density function of the dependent of xsi(t), likewise xe2(t) is indepen-
envelopes A1, A2 is then, dent of xs2(t).
As T tends to infinity both p and A tend to zero,
217 2-rt in which case equation (5. 91) reduces to
f(A i , A 2 ) = I i(A , E 1 , A2 , E 2) dE i dE 2
0 0
2 2 Al A
A A2 A +A
Al 2
1 2 t
exp A 2 A2 -2a2
24 2 2 I 2 2 2 1 l 2a
4 rr a (1-p -A) 2 a (1- p - A ) f(A , A ) e e (5. 92)
1 2 02 a2

the product of two Rayleigh distributions as was by Voznesenskiy [72]. This probability density
to be expected. function was developed from a more empirical
As T tends to zero, xi (t) and x2(t) = x1(t-7) standpoint using the random sample instead of
become identical, that is p tends to unity and A spectral analysis.
tends to zero which implies that A l = A2. This Voznesenskiy has found that by no means all
means that equation (5. 91) should reduce to results of roll data observed from full scale
equation (2.20). trials indicate that the distribution of the
The expression (5. 91) is the joint probability maxima of roll motion follow the Rayleigh prob-
density function of A l and A2 assuming the vec- ability law. He attributed this discrepancy to the
tor XI = (xcl xs1 x c2 xs2) is normally distribut- fact that the Rayleigh probability distribution is
ed with zero mean and covariance matrix 2x. determined by only one parameter which is
Suppose x ci and xc2 have a common mean p c, equal to the root mean square value of the ran-
and xs1 and xs2 have a common mean ps , then, dom sample, and hence the Rayleigh distribution
if A is assumed zero, the following joint prob- may not be sufficient to represent the probability
ability density function for A1, A2 is obtained distribution of the maxima of a random process
from Miller's work [71]: for which the condition of narrow bandedness is
2 2 2 2 not satisfied.
A A { (A1+A2 (u c+ps )
1 2 Voznesenskiy, therefore, proposes to re-
f(A i , A2 ) - exp
4 2 2 2 2 present the distribution of the peaks of a ran-
a (1-p ) 2 a (1- P ) a (l+p)
dom process by a generalized Rayleigh prob-
A A J p2 ability distribution of which the Rayleigh dis-
p 1 2 / A1
1 c s) tribution discussed in Section 3 is a special
x 2- ik( a2 (1- p2) ). ik( 2 case. Derivation of his probability density func-
k-0 a (1+p)
tion is as follows:
2 First, consider the probability density func-
(A J2 )
2 µC µS S tion
I (5. 93) n
k 2 n-1 -x
a (1+p) f(x) = nx e 0 5x<= (5. 94)
It may be seen that putting µc = 0 = ta s in equa- which is a generalization of the Rayleigh prob-
tion (5. 93) produces equation (5. 91) with A = O. ability density function, since by letting n = 2
and by replacing x by x/0- 1, the above density
5.4. Generalized Rayleigh distribution for the function reduces to the Rayleigh distribution
maxima (peaks)of a random process. given in equation (3. 1).
In the majority of cases ship response The k-th moment of this distribution is,
(motions, for example) is assumed to be a nar-
row band, normal random process so that the k N k n-1 -xr k
m = E[x = f x nx e dx =I (1+-) (5. 95)
distribution of the maxima (peaks) of the process k
follows the Rayleigh probability law as was dis-
cussed in Section 2.3. An expression has also Next, consider a new random variable Z =
been developed in Section 2.3 for the distribu- X/X such that the mean value of Z will be unity
tion of the peaks of a normal, random process for any value of n. Here, X is the mean value of
where the spectral bandwidth, represented by X and is given by putting k =1 in equation (5. 95).
the parameter E or a , was not necessarily as- Thus, from equation (5. 94) the probability den-
sumed to be narrow. In this case parameters of sity function of Z becomes,
the probability density function of the maxima of
a random process (see equations 2.35, 2.37, or
2.38) are determined from spectral analysis. In 1 1
1 n n-1 r'l±1L)
f(Z) n{( -)} Z e
Another expression for the probability density 0 Z (5. 96)
function of the maxima of a random process
which is not restricted necessarily to either a Equation (5. 96) is Voznesenskiy's probability
normal or a narrow band process was developed density function of the Generalized Rayleigh dis-




f (z) 0.1


2 3 4 5
Figure 5.17. a /u versus n [72].

can be seen from this figure, the ratio /µ for

the Rayleigh distribution associated with a nar-
0 fie J#D row band random process (n=2) is a constant
z value, 0.524. Voznesenskiy has found that for
Figure 5.16. Probability density function f(z) for various the numerous roll records he has analyzed, the
values of the parameter n [72]. ratio lies between 0.35 and 0.76. In other
words, the parameter n ranges from 1.3 to 3.1
tribution expressed in terms of the non-dimen- for his roll data, as compared with the value 2
sional expression X/X. The generalized usually assumed.
Rayleigh probability density function in terms of In order to make practical use of the distribu-
the diMensional random variable X is then given tion given by equation (5. 97) it is necessary to
by, be able to estimate n and x from a sample, (x1,
n n x2 , ....xN) size N. A best estimate for these
4)} parameters can be obtained by applying the
n n-1 n x
T— 1 X maximum likelihood method as described in
f(x) =nil (1-1-1 )}
e Section 4. According to Vosnesenskiy they are
0 x (5.97)
given by,
Note that by letting n = 2 and x - V1T R (see
2 1 1 4 2 x n-1
+ _
'2 In x k + [i — 2 Inx l
equation 3.9) equation (5.97) reduces to the N k= 1 N k=1 k N
Rayleigh distribution given in equation (3. 1). n-
Figure 5.16 shows the probability density n-1 (5.99)
2 2 x
function given in equation (5.96) for various N k
values of the parameter n ranging from 0.5 to
5.0. For this generalized Rayleigh distribution 1
the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean n
value, , is obtained from equation (5. 95), to 1 {1 n
x = I (1 + x (5. 100)
be n N k
r(1 Ira +1-) Note that equation (5.99) and (5.100) do not
a n)
n n
(5. 98) give an explicit estimate for n and x since the
F(1+ -) term 2xn-1 and 2xn can not be obtained from the
sample, and hence Voznesenskiy employed the
which is plotted in Figure 5.17 as a function method of successive approximation. To obtain
dependent on the distribution parameter n. As the first approximation he initially tried four

different procedures but since all four provide values of N, a/p and n are listed with each
almost the same result only the most straight figure. The abscissa, xo , is the ratio of the roll
forward one will be described here; that is, amplitude to the maximum amplitude in the
evaluate a/p = m2 -mi/mi where, m.(i =l or sample, and the ordinate p(x0) is the frequency
2) is evaluated from the sample such that mi = of occurrence of xo . Note that the relationship
1 N •
J. between the frequency and the probability density
— x Enter this value of a/p on the curve
N k=1 k function is
in Figure 5.17 and find the corresponding n f(z)-.6,
p(x0) (5. 101)
value on the abscissa. Having obtained this first Xo
approximation substitute it into the right hand where,
side of equation (5. 99) to yield the second ap-
Z = xo /xo
proximation and by substituting this second ap-
x = x/x m
proximation, a third approximation can be o
xm = maximum value in the sample
determined and so on.
A = width of the interval.
Voznesenskiy applied the above technique to a
large number of roll records only three of which To find how good the agreement was between
will be given here in Figure 5.18. Each figure the sample histogram and the theoretical dis-
contains the sample histogram, the theoretical tributions, the x2 test was applied with level of
distribution according to Rayleigh (equation 3.1) significance 0.05. In all cases the Rayleigh
and Voznesenskiy 's generalized Rayleigh dis- distribution failed the test; while, in only seven
tribution for a set of roll experiment data. The out of the twenty cases tested did the generalized
Rayleigh distribution fail.
Rayleigh distribution In order to compare his distribution para-
Voznesenskiy's generalized meter n with the bandwidth parameter e Voz -
Rayleigh distribution nesenskiy considered the case where the process
is normally distributed. Using the method of
order statistics described in Section 5.2 to
derive the distribution curve of the extreme
N = 118
values of the peaks, whose probability density
f6/At. 0.38 function is given by equation (5. 96), he obtained
the modal point of the distribution curve in the
n = 2.8

x =f (5. 102)
mv l

where x is the mean of the distances measured

from trough to peak of the random process, xmv
is the maximum value of the peaks most likely
to occur, and f(N,n) is some function of the
sample size N and the distribution parameter n.
Similarly Cartwright and Longuet-Higgins [36]
derived the modal point of the distribution curve
in the form

N = 300 x = f (N, E) \m (5. 103)

mc 2 0

6/A = 0.68
where mo is the area under the spectral curve
n = 1.5 of the process where its amplitude values are
measured from mean level to peak, x mc is the
maximum value of the peaks most likely to oc-
Figure 5.18. Sample histograms and probability density cur, and f 2 (N, E ) is some function of sample
functions 1721. size N and bandwidth parameter E The values

but do follow some statistical rule for which the

my and xmc are approximately related by
probability functions such as Pr 1N(t1) = n1 1,
x =2x (5.104)
my me Pr 1N(t2) = n21 etc. , exists. N(T) is called the
counting process of the series of events, and the
that is, the trough to peak distance is approxim- family of random variable 1 N(t), t = 0)1 con-
ately equal to twice the amplitude from mean stitutes a stochastic process.
level to peak. Using the same approximation In particular, consider a counting process
given by equation (5. 104) it is possible to obtain N(t) which satisfies the following conditions:
the relation [36].
1. For t 0, a simultaneous occurrence of
x =f (E) • v m (5. 105) events is not possible,
o 3 o
2. N(0) = 0, and N(t) has independent increments
where f3 (e) is a function of E Hence by equa- (see Section 1. 1).
tions (5.102) to (5.105) the relation between
and n, namely, In other words, the occurrence of an event in the
future is independent of any occurrence in the
2 f (N, past.
2 (5. 106)
f (N, n) 3. N(t) has stationary increments. That is, for
1 f (E)
3 any ti > ti 0 and any -r 0, the random varia-
is obtained for a given N. This is plotted in bles N(ti) - N(ti)1 and • + T) - N(ti ±,- )t are
Figure 5.19 for N = 200, 500, 1000. As can be identically distributed. Let the mean rate of oc-
seen in the figure, the relationship between n currence per unit time be v.
and E is almost identical provided that the sam- If these conditions are satisfied, N(t) is called
ple size N is greater than 200. It may also be the Poisson process, and it can be shown that
seen from the figure that n does not exceed the the random variable I N(ti ) - N(ti) I has the
value 2. O. This seems, on first sight, to be in Poisson probability distribution with mean rate
contradiction to parts of Voznesenskiy's data of occurrence V . That is,
given in this section but it must be remembered
that equation (5.106) was developed under the
assumption that the process was normally dis- j j i
Pr/ N(t.)-N(t,)=4 = e (6.1)
tributed whereas the distribution of the peaks j k
given by equation (5. 96) was derived under no
The above Poisson probability function may
such restriction. also be written,

1,0 ..--,...„...m - vT k k
Wm ( vT) - e A
_ Pr1X=k1=e (6.2)
---..... N • 1000 k! k!
100 I
100 '''' where
,--.. <.-
10 1 X = number of occurrences of the event during
0 of 42 4.7 04 48 gr 47 08 a specified time interval T,
Figure 5.19. Relationship between the distribution para- k = integer,
meter n and the bandwidth parameter E as a function of v = mean rate of occurrence of the event per
sample size N [72].
unit time,
expected number (mean) of occurrences
of the event in time T = T.
VI. Application of counting processes.
6.1. Poisson random process. It is noted that a stochastic process N(t) is
Let N(t) denote the number of events occur- functionally dependent on time t and hence it is
ring in a time interval zero to t. Here, time not stationary. Its increment, I N(ti) - N(ti )1
zero means the time at which the observation is however, would be independent of time and would
begun regardless of when the specific event is he stationary as is required in the above Con-
occurring. The events occur randomly in time dition 3.

3 ricoPSI
o •• • .•
• • I I • •
• • - a Ni
• • -• - l1 _

• 41.,
• • SI • • • • - I I - - I
8 9 10

1 • • I • - a • • . • . 1 •
I 12 13 14 15

• - I d I • - - • • - I _
16 I •
17 18 19 20

1 _a_I I - - I
• • • -
—23 I _ 1_ •
a •
22 I••
' 23

• .• II_ t- - • I • 1 - • .16 . I • • • I - •
26 27 28 29 30

• I •

Figure 6.1. Time history of slamming (MARINER Model, light draft, 10 knots, Sea State severe 7) [73].

Typical examples of the Poisson process ap- Again, good agreement can be seen between the
pearing in the naval engineering field are the theoretical and experimental results. From
slamming and deck wetness phenomena. Slam- evidence shown in Figures 6.2 and 6.3, it may
ming, for example, occurs randomly at sea. safely be concluded that slamming is a sequence
The time interval between successive slams is of events following a Poisson process.
also random: sometimes a ship may slam suc- The Poisson process (with mean rate of oc-
cessively with varying intensity; while again no currence v) has the following important proper-
slamming may occur for a relatively long period ties which can be applicable to many practical
of time and then suddenly a severe slam may problems. These are,
1. The time interval, ti , between two successive
In order to examine whether or not slamming
events is a random variable obeying the ex-
is a sequence of events occurring in time which
ponential probability law with mean l/v . That is,
follows a Poisson process, Ochi [73] conducted
the probability density function of the time in-
a model experiment in irregular waves and ob-
terval is given by,
tained the time history during 203 cycles of wave
encounter in a 31 minutes 7 sec. (converted to -vt
full scale) observation as shown in Figure 6.1. f(ti) = ve 0 t. < (6.3)
The vertical lines marked in the figure indicate
slams whose pressure magnitude measured at
Station 2 are proportional to the height of the
line. The black circles indicate wave encounters
i ".41%,
without slamming. To determine the Poisson
a*--- .rmwimolt
distribution curve, the expected value (mean) of \,
slams for every 20 sec. ( A in equation 6. 2) was
Poisson Distribution
computed from the time history. By using this
value ( A = O. 89), the Poisson distribution was
obtained from equation (6.2). Comparison
between the computed and observed distribution aI \•

shows good agreement between them as is

:).--. •

demonstrated in Figure 6.2. /
0 2 3 . a

A similar comparison was made by Wheaton, Number of Slams in 20 Sec Observation

et al, on data observed over an operating period Figure 6.2. Comparison between the probability density
of 20 minutes is SS WOLVERINE STATE, the for number of slams in 20 sec. observation and Poisson
result of which is shown in Figure 6.3 [74]. distribution (MARINER model) [73].

process to ship slamming, Ochi [73] found that
The ttttt est
there exists a shortest time interval between
successive slams which is very close to the
natural pitching period of the ship (see Figure
6.1). Hence, he modified euqation (6.3) and
\ ..—lipartasatal
derived the following truncated exponential
probability density function for the time interval
between successive slams:
f(t) = v e t, t•- (6. 9)
Its Is • ,Mat,-S•c••• Oloserwatts•

Figure 6.3. Comparisonbetween the probability density
t* = natural pitching period of a ship.
for number of slams in 20 sec. observation and Poisson
distribution (SS WOLVERINE STATE) [74]. Results of numerical calculations using equa-
tion (6. 9) together with the histogram obtained
2. The length of time, tm , from the start of ob- from model experiments and full scale trials
servations that it is required to wait for the are shown in Figures 6.4 and 6. 5.
event to occur for the m-th time, is a random
variable obeying the gamma probability law.
That is,

m -vt
-1 m
f(t t e 0 t (6.4)
m) (m) mm m

The derivation of the probability density func-

tion given in equation (6.3) from the Poisson
distribution function is rather complicated ex- k
cept for a particular case by applying the method
of mathematical induction. A rigorous mathe-
matical derivation for the general case may be
found in Reference [75].
The probability density function given in equa- 20 40 60 100
Time in Sec.
tion (6.4) is derived by means of the following Truncated
at 76 Sec
relationship, Figure 6.4. Sample histogram and predicted probability
(6. 6) density function for time interval between successive
Pr 1 N(t) m = Pr 1 t m > t 1 = 1 -F(t)
slams (MARINER model) [73].
On the other hand, from equation (6.2),

-vt (vt)
Pr N(t) mt = e (6. 7)
k=o k!

By writing t as t m in equations (6. 6) and (6. 7),

the probability density function f(t m) can be ob-
tained thus,
m=1 -vt ( vm t )
f(t ) - (t ) e
dt F m dt k!

m -vt
m-1 m (6. 8)
II ea. Mtvr. Blum

- t e Figure 6.5. Sample histogram and predicted probability

r(m) rn density function for time interval between successive
In applying the first property of the Poisson slams (SS WOLVERINE STATE) 174].

Using the relationship that the exponential t +t

probability density function is a particular case - v (u)du
of the gamma probability distribution (m = 1 in t
equation 6.4), Ochi [73] derived a probability f(t) = (t0+t) • e (6. 12)
density function for the time interval between
two severe slams for which the ship suffers from 1.6 0

an impact pressure greater than a preassigned

value p0 . That is, 120
Eroar hheht

v m -1 -vt Theory

t e -a- 060

f(t) - (6. 10)
.0 m-1 -vt 040
t e dt
1—( 11)
mt g. t < 00
40 80 120 160 200 240
Time m Sec
where, Truncated it
31.6 See

1 Figure 6.6. Sample histogram and predicted probability

f(p)dp density function for time interval between two severe
slams (MARINER model) [73].
f(p) = probability density function of slamming
6.2. Frequency of occurrence of ship slamming.
impact pressure (see Section 6.3). The slamming phenomenon is considered to
It is noted that the parameter m in the above be an example of the Bernoulli trials, since the
equation is not necessarily an integer. A numer- outcome of the event is either slam or no-slam
ical calculation of equation (6.10) was made for each wave encounter. The probability of oc-
choosing po = 50 psi at Station 2 of the MARINER currence of a slam is then obtained by a
at a 10-knot speed in Sea State 7, and the result frequency interpretation of the probability
was compared with an experimentally obtained results obtained from a large number of obser-
vations of the event. Theoretically, it can be
histogram. As can be seen in Figure 6.6, good
obtained by applying either the method of the
agreement between them was obtained. Hence,
threshold crossing problem or the phase-plane
the probability that time, T, or more, elapses
diagram discussed in Section 3.
before the next severe slam occurs can be ob-
tained from the following formula by assigning a In order to obtain the frequency of slamming
specific pressure magnitude, p0 , theoretically, the conditions leading to slam
must be first established. Two necessary and
00 v m m-1 sufficient conditions leading to slamming in
t e dt
If(m) rough seas are [73]:
Pr 1 t T1= (6.11)
1. Bow emergence. That is, r H, where r is
1 m m-i --vt
t e dt the bow motion relative to waves, and H is the
mt* r(m)
draft at the ship bow.
In the foregoing discussion on the Poisson 2. A certain magnitude for the relative velocity
process, the mean rate of occurrence of the between bow and waves. In other words,
event per unit time, V , is considered to be a where r is the relative velocity between bow and
constant. The mean rate, however, may be a waves, and 1.•* is the threshold relative velocity.
function of time for some practical problems. Tick [77] considered one further condition in
In this case, the process is called a non-homo- his derivation of the frequency formula, namely:
geneous (time dependent) Poisson process, and 3. A certain relative angle between keel line and
the probability density function of the time in- wave surface at the instant of impact. That is,
terval between one event at time to (specified) (Po , where cp is the angle between wave and
and the next event is given by [76], keel line, and To is the threshold angle.

It is noted that the above-defined r is a corn- per unit time satisfying the conditions 1, 2 and
bination of wave, pitch and heave motions in- 3 can be derived as follows [72]:
eluding their phases, and that r and i• are H
statistically independent. Hence, 0
N =J I Jr f(r,1*. ) dr di dp
(6.13) s -~o •
Coy = =0 r* H dt
rr .2
2 r*
The random variable p is a combination of 1 ai• H
(--)exp Alio ka2)_0(a1)}
wave angle and pitching motion, and it is neither ar 2a 2a.
statistically independent of r nor r. Tick ob- r r
tained the covariances as, 22 2
00 a. cp -2a H+a . H
Cov [r, cp ] = a rp = Re I S(co)dw (6.14) a ro rcp rcp
0 N 2B

Cov =a = -fImt S(co)dco (6. 15) (6.19)

rp q32) -0 (Pill
where, 2 a r cp rep .
L a H — r2
Q = [exp./i K (co ) LK2 (coe )] 1 2 a 2 *
g 1 e — CT

w L 2
expli-1 K2 (w)1 a • a a rp
r r rp
I. \11J 11:
K1(we ) = frequency response function for heave 1 2
K2(we) = frequency response function for pitch p 1 =- po and p 2 = p0
L = longitudinal distance between bow and
C. G. of a ship 22 2
N = a a - (a )
we = encounter frequency ✓ p rep
= power density spectrum of wave. N
S(w) u=
1 2 2 2
The variances of the r, r, and 9 are, N-(a. ) a
✓ rp r
2 .
2 w L a a
r r
Var[r] = a = I expli —g K1(we) u=
r o 2 2 22
2 aN(a.)a
✓ rp r
- L K 2(we ) S(w) • d co (6. 16)
In the case where condition 3 is dropped (i.e..
2 p0 -00), equation (6.19) simplifies to
2 2 L
Var[r] = a . = f e expli--1- K1(we)
r .2
0 . 2 r2
2 1 r H
- L K (co ) I S(w) d (6.17) Ns
N = —)exp + (6.20)
2 e s 2 Tr a 111 2 *2 )
r 2a .
r r
2 co2 L
V ark) ] - a = iiexp i — K (w) S(03) d The above equation (6.20) can also be derived
(1) o 111 2
(6.18) by applying the phase-plane diagram discussed
in connection with Figure 2.6 [73]. That is, let
Consider a joint normal distribution of r.
the bow motion relative to waves shown in
and p with zero mean and the covariance matrix Figure 6. 7(a) he expressed as,
whose components are given in equations (6. 13)
through (6.18). Then, by the same procedure as r(t) r (t) • Cosl t 4 E(t) (6.21)
0 o
was discussed in Section 2 regarding the zero
crossing problem. the expected number of slams where,

r o (t) = amplitude of the envelope of the bow

motion relative to waves
= expected frequency (see equation 2. 11)
Then, analogous to equation (2.39), the en-
velope process ro(t) can be written,
2 2 + (t)
ro(t)1 = r(t)1 (6.22)
Under the assumpti that r(t) is a normal
narrow-band process, ro(t) follow a Rayleigh
probability distribution. Then, the joint prob-
ability density function of r and r, which are
statistically independent, becomes,
.2 .2
2 r 2r
2jr + — r+
f(r,i) - (6.23)
R exP Rir
RI = twice the variance of the bow motion
relative to waves.

Now, slamming occurs when the relative Figure 6.7. Explanatory sketch of time history of bow
velocity exceeds the threshold velocity at the motion relative to wave and phase-plane diagram for
instant of reentry, i.e. , r = H, and In slamming [73].
the phase -plane diagram shown in Figure 6.7(b),
slamming occurs whenever the curve crosses 6.3. Prediction of slamming severity.
the line DC. Thus, the probability of occurrence Ship slamming is always accompanied by an
of slamming is given by impact pressure, and the magnitude of the pres-
Pr Slamt = Pr 1 r = H, i• * 1 sure is indicative of the severity of the phenom-
enon. It was found experimentally that the im-
2+ r pact pressure is approximately proportional to
2 ))3 - the square of the magnitude of relative velocity
0 at the instant of impact. Let the impact pres-
- exp
sure, p, be
r r =r * . (6.25)
p = k r2
.2 where,
2 r k = constant dependent on ship section shape.
H *
= exp )1 (6.24)
Rt RH. The relative velocity critical for slamming,
on the other hand. ha's the following probability
where, density function:
= twice the variance of the relative veloc- 1 .2 .2
- --r(r -r * )
ity = OD 2 I . H.
o Rr 2r
f(r ) , (6.26)
Then, by multiplying equation (6.24) by w0/2n. R.
the number of slams per unit time given in
equation (6.20) is derived. Note that the probability density function is

truncated at the threshold velocity I:* due to be able to withstand such high impacts which
condition 2 given in Section 6.2, and that the might cause structural damage to bottom plating
parameter of the Rayleigh distribution, Rt , is or severe vibration of the entire hull. For this.
twice the variance of the relative velocity since Ochi and Motter [78] applied order statistics to
only the positive value is associated with slam the probability density function given in equa-
impact. tion (6.27).
From equations (6.25) and (6.26) with the aid Let pn be the extreme pressure which will
of the transformation theorem on random varia- occur in n finite number of observations. Then,
bles, the following truncated exponential dis- from equations (6.27) and (5. 23), the probability
tribution is derived as the probability density density function of pn is obtained, namely.
function of impact pressure [73] n-1
-N(P -P ) 1 -e- A(P -Po )}
(P -P0) n o1 n
g(p ) n e (6.28)
f(p) = 1‘ e Po < (6.27) n

P :=.13
where, o n
= l/k R .t Then, the probability that the extreme pres-
po = threshold pressure = k .
sure will exceed a certain magnitude pa is given
An example of the comparison between an ex- by,
perimentally obtained histogram of pressure Pr \ Extreme value pl = g(p )cip
and the function given in equation (6.27) is shown n n n
in Figure 6.8. A good agreement between them pn

can be seen in this example. --p ) n

Although the foregoing probability density =1 -11 - e (6.29)
function provides various statistical information
By letting this probability be a, the pressure
such as the average pressure, the significant magnitude fin(a) is obtained from the above equa-
value, etc. , it may not be adequate for ship tion. Here, pn(a) is a pressure for which the
design. Instead, the extreme pressure mag- probability that the extreme pressure in n-ob-
nitude which will occur in a certain ship opera- servations (slams) will exceed this value is a.
tion time appears to provide a more useful That is,
criterion for design practice, since a ship must 1
p (a) = p - -ln{l -(1 -a )11} (6.30)
Arerope of Avirogt of n o A
1/3 HINV 1/10 Highest
n PSI an PSI

Predcreci 67 5 96 9
To express the extreme values in terms of
Measured 62.0 83.3 ship operation time in rough weather rather than
the number of observations n, the following for-
,,.. Theory
mula for the number of slam impacts during T-
hours will be used:

2 r
3T H * )1
n = (3. 6x10)— /R exp
2 -Fr r r +
Ihh. R R.
r r
T - ship operation time (hours).
12 0
Info-timid Pressure in PSI Figure 6.9 is an example of numerical com-
Ensure, P.
12 4 PSI putation of the extreme values obtained from
Station 2 of the MARINER at 10-knot speed in
Figure 6.8. Sample histogram and predicted probability
density function of slamming pressure (MARINER model) Sea State 7. The most probable value of extreme
[73]. pressure in the figure is the one for which the

999 D
Pr{Deck wetness} = exp - 7 (6.32)
o. 990 - r
0. 950 It is noted that R r in the above equation has a
0. 900 I different value from that in equation (6.24),
0. 800
since the relative motion between wave and ship
bow at the stem (forward perpendicular) is con-
sidered for this case. It is noted also that Tasai
0. 500 Ne
modified the freeboard, D, in the above equation
to include bow wave, sinkage and trim, and
dynamic effect of water surface elevation, and
o. 100 obtained a good agreement between computed
0. 050
and observed frequencies of deck wetness of a
0. 025
O. 010 full form ship [80].
0. 005 As a criterion for the severity of deck wet-
ness, a statical pressure due to the head of
a 001
water flowing over the deck may be considered.
The probability distribution of this pressure is
80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260
derived as follows [73]:
Analogous to equation (6.26), the probability
Figure 6.9. Probability that extreme value exceeds a density function to the bow motion relative to
preassigned pressure as a function of ship operation time
waves which is critical for deck wetness is given
(MARINER, Station 2, Sea State 7, 10-knot speed) [78].
1 2 2
probability density function of the extreme pres- -7-(r -D )
sure has the peak value. It can be seen from R
2r r (6.33)
f(r) = e D<r<.,
this figure that for a given sea condition only
one ship in 100 sister ships operating under R
statistically identical environments may suffer
from a pressure higher than 260 psi at Station In order to express this probability function
o = r/a
2. Further application of this prediction method in terms of pressure units (psi), write q
a is the conversion unit.
to ship design using the lines is discussed in and q* = D/a, where
Reference [79]. Then, equation (6.33) becomes,
a 2
6.4. Frequency and severity of deck wetness. (c10 -1̀. )
Another example of the Poisson process in the 2
2a q. <qo <= (6.34)
naval engineering field is the deck wetness f(%) = t go e
phenomenon. The deck wetness defined here is R
caused by the shipping of green water from the
stem, and the phenomenon is quite similar to a = constant, 2.32 ft/psi (conversion unit).
slamming from the statistical point of view. An
essential difference between these two phenom- Since RD in the above equation is the pressure
ena is that slamming is a function of relative corresponding to the peak of the relative motion,
motion and velocity between waves and shipbow, and q, is that corresponding to the freeboard
while the deck wetness is a function of relative forward, the pressure due to the green water on
motion only. Hence, the probability of occur- the deck, q, is the difference between them.
rence of deck wetness is readily obtained from Thus, the probability density function of the
equation (6. 24) by letting = 0 and by replacing pressure due to green water can be derived from
the draft, H, by freeboard at ship bow, D. equation (6.34):

a q*) 2
q*2 perienced on deck due to green water with an
l( experimental histogram is shown in Figure
2 R
2a r 6.10. The experimental histogram was obtained
f(q) = (q+q*)e
from model tests on the MARINER operating at
R 0<q (6. 35)
r a 10-knot speed in a moderate Sea State 7. In-
where, eluded also in the figure are the averages of the
q = pressure due to green water on the deck one-third (significant value) and one-tenth high-
(psi). est pressures. On the basis of the reasonable
agreement between theory and experiment, it
The significant pressure value, ci v,, average
may be concluded that the pressure associated
of the one-third highest, is then given by [73]:
with green water on deck follows the probability
2 density function given in equation (6.35).
a 2 21
Although no formula has yet been made avail-
able, the probability density function of the ex-
Y1/3= 3 q,4 e Rr treme pressure values associated with green
water may be derived by the same procedure as
a 2 was discussed in Section 6.3.
R R 2
r r 2a VII. Statistics as applied to powering characteris-
1-1) ( q +
2 tics.
a R
r 7.1. Powering characteristics in waves.
(6 . 36)
The method to predict ship motions and bend-
ing moments in a seaway described in the
R preceding sections are not necessarily applic-
2 r
q* -( )(log -q* able to the prediction of the powering character-
a istics of ships in waves. This is primarily due
2 to the fact that, whereas ship motions are ap-
u proximately proportional to wave height for
(1)(u)= 1 j e dt either a constant ship speed or a constant num-
V2Tr -00
ber of propeller revolutions (rpm), increase in
powering characteristics in waves is rather
An example of the comparison of the theoret-
sensitive to the propulsion system and linearity
ical probability density function of pressure ex-
does not always hold. For instance, results of
30 model experiments have shown that the mean
Average of Avoroge of increase in thrust (or torque) in regular waves
1/3 Highest I/10 Highest
el PSI II PSI is proportional to either wave height or wave
Predicted 7.2 10.6
height squared, depending on whether the test is
MSCISUI ad 5.9 13.1 conducted at a constant rpm or at a constant
speed [81]. It should be recalled that correction
0- "."---Experiment of the wave spectrum for ship speed is required
when applying a superposition technique for
estimating ship response in irregular waves.
10 Hence, the same prediction technique as that
used for ship motions in irregular seas, which
is based on the linear relationship between wave
and motions, is no longer valid for the estima-
oo tion of the mean increase of power in waves.
2 4 6 10 12
Pressure in PSI Before discussing the statistics applied to
Figure 6.10. Sample histogram and predicted probability
powering characteristics in waves, it may be
density function of pressure on the deck due to gree water well to outline the behavior of thrust in waves as
(MARINER model) [73]. an example. Figure 7.1 shows an explanatory

1 ; —
12 o

1 I

25 /5

Figure 7.1. Explanatory sketchof time history of thrust

in regular and irregular waves. 0 5 10 15 20 25

Figure 7.2. Ship speed and propeller rpm in irregular

sketch illustrating the behavior of the time his-
waves (MARINER, Sea State 7) [81].
tory of thrust for both regular and irregular
waves. Whether the ship is moving with a con-
stant speed or a constant rpm, the time history tests coincide with those of speed for constant
may still be thought of as consisting of three rpm tests, although the upper and lower bounds
are reversed. This result suggests that the
powering characteristics for constant rpm may
1. To , the magnitude of thrust required to move be converted to those for constant speed, and
the ship in calm water, vice versa.
2. T m , the mean increase in waves required As was mentioned earlier, the prediction of
over and above T o, ship performance in irregular waves is possible
3. A T, the fluctuation about Tm with the only for constant speed. A ship in a seaway, on
frequency of wave encounter. the other hand, has effectively to be operated at
either constant rpm, power, or torque, because
In the case of regular waves, T m is constant
of its propulsion machinery, so that ship speed
with respect to time and AT performs regular
fluctuates slowly. These different situations,
oscillations with a period equal to that of the
however, may be linked together by the above-
regular wave encountered. In the case of ir-
mentioned powering characteristics in waves,
regular waves, however, both T m and AT are
random variables following different probability
laws as will be discussed later. HISTOGRAM FROM OBSERVATION
It is of interest to note the type of relationship 03

which exists between the speed and rpm of a 8

ship in irregular waves observed from model NORMAL
experiments. This may be seen in Figure 7.2 5 0.3
where the solid circles are the variation of
speed with respect to constant rpm, whilst the 0.2
white circles are the variation of rpm with a.
respect to constant speed. The observed minim-
um, average, and maximum values are given in
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
the figure. Tests have shown that these two MINIMUM 8.4 AVERAGE 11.3 MAXIMUM 13.8
variations are normally distributed (see Figures
7.3 and 7.4), and that the lines of average, up- Figure 7.3. Histogram of ship speed for constant pro-
per and lower bounds of rpm for constant speed- peller rpm, 81.5 (MARINER, Sea State 7) [81].



503 25
0- 4
cc •
NORMAL SAte4 0 a

!--c) 3


203 10

• '

103 5
40 50 r60 70 so 100 • '


0 10 20
Figure 7.4. Histogram of propeller rpm for constant
11501140 1/30 1/25 1/20 1/15
ship speed, 10 knots (MARINER, Sea State 7) [81]. C/A

Figure 7.5. Thrustversus wave height in regular waves

and hence the predicted average values of the for constantpropeller rpm (Wave length/Ship length = 1,
powering characteristics for constant speed may rpm - 109) [81].
represent those for constant rpm, power, or
torque. For example, the predicted mean in-
crease of thrust for a constant speed may re- x103
present that for a constant rpm in a given ir- 3,000 Qm
regular sea. Similarly, the predicted mean in- 2,500
crease of torque for a constant speed may re-
preseht that for a constant power in a given ir-
regular sea if a relationship similar to that 1,500
shown in Figure 7.2 is obtained between speed
and power.
7.2. Mean increase of power in waves. a SOO /

It was mentioned in the previous section that

the mean increase of a quantity such as thrust, 600
T m , is constant in regular waves. It increases
with increase in wave height, but the rate of in-
crease for constant rpm is different from that
for constant speed.
Figure 7. 5 shows an example of the wave
height effect on thrust for constant rpm in
regular waves of length equal to ship length. 8 10 15 20 25 30 417
Since propeller rpm is the same for all waves, WAVE HEIGHT IN FT
the ship speed decreases with increase of wave
1/60 1150 1/40 1130 1/20
height as shown in the figure. For reference
purposes, the wave height for which propeller
racing and/or bow emergence were observed is Figure 7.6. Torque versus wave height in regular waves
also indicated in the figure. As can he seen, the for constant speed (Wave length/Ship length - 1, Speed -
15 knots) [81].
mean increase, T m , for reduced speed in waves
is approximately linear with wave height. On the
other hand, as may be seen in Figure 7.6, T m , al to the square of the wave height for constant
(or mean increase of torque, Q m ) is proportion- speed in regular waves. This Figure 7.6 shows


F. 0.214




• Is s Is IS
X/t.—••• A y

Q211 Fr.. Q211

IS_ vs_


es I IS IS A is

Figure 7.7. Mean increase of resistance, thrust, torque, propeller revolution and power in regular waves of dif-
ferent heights and lengths [82].

an example of the mean increase of torque in resistance, thrust, and torque, etc., divided by
regular waves of different heights. the square of wave amplitude for various speeds
A more complete picture of the above-men- and wave lengths. Its can be seen in the figure
tioned properties can be found in a series of that all powering characteristics are propor-
model experiments carried out by Gerritsma et tional to wave amplitude squared for constant
al [82]. Figure 7. 7 shows the mean increase of speed or wave length. If Gerritsma's data is
replotted for a constant rpm, however, the mean
increases of thrust and torque are approximately
linear with wave height as exampled in Figure
600 1.2
.S,o,e6 7. 8.
The mean increase of thrust, Tm , (or torque,
../ • 1.0

etc.) varies slowly in irregular waves (see

• T.
400 0.8


300 0.6 Iat

200 0.4 111A 70

r1 I
a a!
FrOr Mil DISTRI 37105
RPS. 12
,••4 .;
100 VI.. =1.0 0.2

0 2 6
10 12 III IS
m isn 2(01 250 300
4 Ar"":1
400 450 501 550 603 10'
Figure 7.8. Mean increase of thrust and torque in regular
waves for constant propeller rpm (Data from Reference Figure 7.9. Histogram of mean increase of torque in ir-
82). regular waves (MARINER, Sea State 7, rpm = 81.5) [81].






E 500 - 10

/t00., t '-
O c



0 11111 lir
0S •0.6 0.7 09 09 1.0 1'1 1.'2 1.3
11 1.4 15
QS 06 07 Q9 09 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 14. 1.5
V mAic




6 ..

E ,


05 06 0.7 0.9 09 10 1.1 1.2 1.3 14 1.5

Figure 7.10. Comparison of measured and predicted values of torque, propeller revolution, and power in regular
waves [82].

Figure 7.1). Observations during model ex- stant for a given ship speed moving in regular
periments have shown that it is a random varia- waves with amplitude c A . Using this frequency
ble obeying the normal distribution for both con- dependent function together with the wave spec-
stant speed and constant rpm [81]. An example trum, S(coe ), representing the encountered ir-
of the mean increase of torque, Q m , for con- regular sea, the average value of T in ir-
stant rpm in Sea State 7 is shown in Figure 7. 9. regular waves is given by,
It is surmised from this result obtained by
T(co )
model experiments that the mean increase of the e
propulsive qualities of a ship in a seaway may m=2 f S(0.) ) •
e m
2 de (7. 1)
be normally distributed regardless of its propul- A
sion system. Comparison between the predicted and meas-
Maruo [83] and Gerritsma et al [82] have ured mean increases of torque, rpm, and power
shown a method of predicting the average value for various speeds in two different sea states
of T m , for example, by applying a superposition was made by Gerritsma et al, and good agree-
technique as follows: ment between them was obtained as is shown in
Consider the quantity T nnA 2A which is a con- Figure 7.10.


9000 —



E 4000 — \•
E 2000
t 3000 —
t 1000
2000- DATA

1000_ 0


10 12 13 14 15 16 17
Vs —a—knots

Figure 7.11. Calculated mean increase of power in uni- 0 1 2 3 1. 5 6

directional head seas [82]. SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT-22—m

Figure 7.13. Comparison of calculated mean increase of

power in waves with service performance data [82].

compared with the mean values evaluated from

the service performance data collected on the
18 —
North-Atlantic route [82]. Figure 7.11 shows
the estimated mean increase of power for
various ship speeds in seas represented by the
Neumann spectra [84], and Figure 7.12 shows
the relationship between ship speed and the ob-
served wave height assuming that the latter cor-
responds to the significant wave height calculat-

ed from the Neumann spectrum. From these two

figures, the mean increase of power in various
sea states was obtained. Although some as-

13_ •

sumptions are involved in this estimation, the

• mean increase of power in a seaway as predict-
• •
ed from model test responses is in good agree-
ment with service performance data as can be
seen in Figure 7.13.

1 I I I I r
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7.3. Thrust and torque variations due to waves.
OBSERVED WAVE HEIGHT —2..m Results of model experiments have shown that
Figure 7.12. Ship speed as a function of wave height
the variation or fluctuation of the thrust, A T,
de rived from service performance data [82].
(torque also) in regular waves is approximately
sinusoidal, and that the magnitude of variation
Further application of the prediction method is proportional to the square of the wave height
was made to estimate the mean increase of for both constant speed and constant rpm tests
power in various sea states, and the result was (see AT in Figures 7.5 and AQ in Figure 7.6).

sor Timman of the Technological University
Delft, who kindly reviewed the manuscript and


contributed many valuable suggestions. Thanks
3 are also due to Dr. Cummins of the Naval Ship
p riPAFT4111
,4 RAYLEIGH DISTRIBUTION Research and Development Center for the fruitful
2 suggestions offered during his review.
1 o
r f

• A,..r
0 E'
IKI 2130 303 CO 503 KO 700 KO 903 1.030 110' 59. Abrahamsen, E., Nordenstrom, N. and Roren,
• 03 IM FT-1.11s
E. M.Q. , 'Design and reliability of ship struct-
Figure 7.14. Histogram of variation of torque in ir- ures', Spring Meeting Soc. Nay. Arch. & Mar.
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ive of whether the ship is operating at constant
63. Ochi, M.K., 'On prediction of extreme values',
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ple, shows the histogram of the variation of 1973.
torque in irregular waves obtained from model 64. Cramer, H., 'Mathematical methods of statistics',
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applying the superposition technique has not yet
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68. Lieblein, J. , 'A new method of analyzing extreme
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height in regular waves, it might be surmised Yuille, L. M. 'Longitudinal strength of ships.
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70. Fritch, D.J. , Bailey, J.W. • and Wise, N.S. ,
is not the case in practice; because, for con-
`Results from full scale measurements of mid-
stant rpm, for example, ship speed varies in
ship bending stresses on two C4 -S-B5 dry cargo
irregular waves and this variation affects the ships operating in North-Atlantic Service, Ship
distribution. In other words, the exponential Structure Committee Report SSC-164. 1964.
distribution is plausible for the conditional dis- 71. Miller. K. S. , Bernstein, R.I.. and Blumenson,
tribution assuming that the ship can maintain L. E.. 'Generalized Rayleigh process. Quarter-
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Acknowledgment. 73. Ochi. M. K., 'Prediction of occurrence and severity
This monograph was prepared under the of ship slamming at sea', Fifth Symposium on
General Hydromechanics Research Program, Naval Hydrodynamics, Office of Naval Research
U. S. Navy. The authors are grateful to Profes- ACR-112. 1964.

74. Wheaton, J.W.. et al.. 'Analysis of slamming data 79. Ochi, M.K. and Motter, L.E. , 'A method to es-
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