Activity Plan For Cwts Field Immersion Team Humility

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Title Participants Materials Needed Activity Analysis Abstraction Application
Cooperativeness: 9-12 y/o Reading and teaching Lecture, Games The participants will The virtue of cooperativeness The participants will
Magtarabangan Asin materials, Blindfold, (San Pedro etc) build positive will be delivered during the learn to reduce the
Magkausad Prizes (for games) relationships among field immersion if the desire of each
them, provide facilitators will work student to be
experiences that will accordingly together to serve competitive to each
help them develop their common purpose and other, instead focus
both their good aim in the said immersion. on working together
learning and social This also includes adjusting to to achieve a common
skills. certain circumstances during goal.
the field immersion in order for
the activities to run smoothly
as planned. The said virtue
will be applied and delivered
during various activities such
as games and lectures if the
facilitators will exert adequate
effort to manage their
audience and participants; like
giving clear instructions and
mechanics during the games,
and establishing a connection
with their audience during the
lecture. The facilitators shall
guide and administer the flow
of the said activities properly
in order for the audience and
participants to cooperate

Ano na? Ipos na! 9-12 y/o LED projector, Lecture, The participants will First, all the things needed in From the shared
Storybook, Prizes Storytelling, attain the virtue the discussion should already learnings and life
Question and through participative be prepared. Then, the group experiences, the
Answer, and interactive or facilitators must conduct a students will be able
Sharing discussion given by short re-briefing of the things to decrease their
the student facilitators. they'll be doing and group laziness and start
leader's reiteration of each dealing on how they
member's duty. This is can be capable of
important so that, the flow of doing things
the discussion will be smooth. diligently. Thus, this
Afterwhich, facilitators will do will help them
their specific designations. improve their
Then, have a short perspectives
introduction about what's regarding how to
happening. Then, proceed to value things
the story telling. (A good story considering to their
is a good start for children, it age.
will caught their attention)
Next, proceed to short but
substantial lecture, since we
are dealing with children.
They easily got bored. Then,
proceed to Q and A (base
from the story). Then,
application of the virtue in real
life through sharing.
(Introduce or tell them
something that will boost their
interest like giving a prize after
answering their questions
right, after) Then, Q and A.
Summarize the point.
Oras Ko Na! 9-12 y/o Timer (Stopwatch), Lecture, Games The audience will gain In the game activity, the In the aforementioned
Puzzles (Series of realization about time facilitators will provide the activities, the
Different Situational consciousness. For materials that will be needed facilitators are sure
Puzzles) Reading and them to foster the to use in the activity with that the participants
Teaching Materials attitude of being on- further instructions to guide will gain realization
time and know the them throughout the said and learnings that is
value of time. activity. The lecture goes applicable in their
through the relevance and daily lives. This will
essence of time; on how to have awareness
practice time management about time and
and how they should value valuing it.
Responsilidad sa 9-12 y/o LED Projector, Prizes Lecture, Self- The participants will For the presentation of the The student will able
Komunidad (for the games) Reflection, be able to reflect said activities, the facilitators to understand the
Short Film within the essence of will introduce the assigned concept of
Viewing, being a responsible topic to give a glimpse of it. responsibility as well
Games individual. Afterwards, the facilitators will as to apply or practice
now start discussing about the it with their living to
being responsible. In such reflect within. This will
way, they will also present a enlighten them to
short film discussion regarding become a responsible
the topic and let the entity and be aware
participants to have a self- of the proper etiquette
reflection within their selves. to attain such
To break the ice, the enlightenment.
facilitators will conduct a mini
games to the students on how
one individual deals with the
virtue of being responsible
and be able to share the
gained learnings to some
other people.

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