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A Witness to Experience

A Collection of Kosmic Poetry

From the Years 2006 to 2008
Christopher Lovejoy
Cover design by Christopher Lovejoy

© Copyright Christopher Lovejoy 2011. All rights reserved.


Preamble 7

Section 1

Free Verse 8

My Potential 9

Baby Talk 10

Acceptance 11

Easy Street 12

Woman Divine 13

Psyche 14

On Rocks by the Shore 15

Branes Galore 16

Section 2

Intro to Haiku Poetry 17

Selections of My Haiku 19

Section 3

Intro to Kosmic Poetry 21

Kosmic Poetry I (Gaia) 22

yes, we can . . . (09.21.2008) 23

radical surrender (09.12.2008) 24

what am i to do? (09.05.2008) 25

i need you so much (08.31.2008) 26

hello there, little ego (08.24.2008) 27

this river we call life (08.16.2008) 28

pant, pant . . . (08.09.2008) 29

the only way . . . (08.01.2008) 30

my fear, my friend (07.25.2008) 31

lessons for a lifetime (07.18.2008) 32

what would you do? (07.12.2008) 33

surrender and control (07.08.2008) 34

we create our lives (06.30.2008) 35

Kosmic Poetry II (Zaadz) 36

Invitation (02.13.2007) 37

Tender Embrace (02.08.2007) 38

Happiness is . . . (01.03.2007) 39

Neat Little Trick (12.30.2006) 40

A Reprieve (12.24.2006) 42

Social Proof (12.23.2006) 43

They say . . . (12.20.2006) 44

Your Destiny (12.17.2006) 47

He's the one . . . (12.08.2006) 48

Contentment (12.06.2006) 49

Medusa (11.28.2006) 50

Forever (11.26.2006) 52

Remembrance (11.11.2006) 53

Who am I? (10.25.2006) 55

What am I? (10.25.2006) 56

Where am I? (10.23.2006) 57

Pure Essence (10.15.2006) 58

Ultimate Paradox (10.11.2006) 59

Erotic Haiku (10.10.2006) 60

Fall Reflections (10.08.2006) 61

Autumn Moment (10.05.2006) 62

On Our Way . . . (10.04.2006) 63

Under A Full Moon (09.30.2006) 65

Do you speak my language? (09.25.2006) 67

The Power of Separation (09.23.2006) 68

A Call to Love (date unknown) 70

Now Be a Lover (09.17.2006) 71

Women Divine (09.16.2006) 72

Me, Myself, and . . . (09.14.2006) 73

Just Because! (09.11.2006) 74

Kosmic Show (9.11.2006) 75

Creatives (09.07.2006) 76

Tough Choices (09.07.2006) 77

I remain . . . (09.07.2006) 78

Still Waters (09.05.2006) 79

I need your help (08.30.2006) 80

Embodied (08.29.2006) 82

Dance of the Beloved (08.26.2006) 86

Thymos (08.26.2006) 87

In Praise of Mothers (08.26.2006) 88

Like No Other (08.25.2006) 89

Inspired, Transpired (08.24.2006) 90

Whispers (08.23.2006) 91

Blessings of the Night (08.23.2006) 92

Blessed (date unknown) 93

I sh-shiver thus (date unknown) 96

Light and Dark (date unknown) 98


I’ve just compiled over eighty poems and pieces of prose, most of which I
wrote on and off over a period spanning the years 2006 to 2008.

In section 1, you’ll find a small selection of free verse and erotic poetry that
I wrote sporadically over the many years in which I composed poetry.

Here, you’ll get a taste of my willingness to stretch myself beyond the limits
of convention, daring to assume unusual points of view . . . just because.

In section 2, you’ll find an introduction with suggestions on how to write

haiku poetry. Following this, I include a small selection of my haiku.

Much of my haiku is classical in its intent. I typically immerse myself in a

moment connected intimately with nature and with nature’s bounty.

In section 3, you’ll find introductions to what I call kosmic poetry.

There are two parts, presenting prose and poetry that I wrote as an online
member of two spiritually oriented forums (now defunct): Gaia and Zaadz.

In part one, which is more recent, I convey a carefree attitude to plumb the
depths of human nature, the human condition, and the human experience.

In part two, I push the boundaries of my perception and imagination to a

level where I had truly begun to assume a kosmocentric perspective.

Each part has its own introduction, where you can learn more.

Please enjoy.
Section 1: Free Verse

In the free verse that follows, I experiment with structures that would not
be considered as poetic, such as you’ll find in the piece Easy Street.

Some (but not all) of the pieces that follow in this section will touch on the
theme of personal fulfillment, such as My Potential and Acceptance.

In Baby Talk and Branes Galore, I adopt some rather unusual perspectives
to write about experiences that we normally don’t have in daily life.

I also give you a taste of erotic poetry with Woman Divine and Psyche (the
mythical character, not the part of us that complements our bodies).

With On Rocks by the Shore, I took a deep moment to reflect on the period
of mourning that precedes the birth of something new and different.
My Potential

My potential . . .

to impress, to improve,

to express, to expand,

to succeed, to excel . . .

In this moment, this is all I have.

And yet . . . for now,

(breathing a sigh of relief)

this is all I care to have.

Baby Talk

Great Mother, I cherish your teat. As I suckle your breast, I am nourished in

more ways than one. I feel your heart beat deep inside me and I am warmed
by your hot, soft flesh. As I suckle your breast, I am made sleepy by your
juice of life, made content by your warm, sweet milk. You coo softly to me
and I gladden; your hum lulls me into a blissful state somewhere between
heaven and earth, a state of mind so pleasant that I am all but compelled to
close my eyes and revel in the sensations of my other senses: your natural
fragrance, the birdsong nearby, your pliant breast. My dear mother, my
soul is forever grateful for your love and your sustenance.

Could I allow myself to feel as _________________________ as I do?

To feel as ... abundant, ageless, alert, alive, amazing, appreciative, assured,

awake, aware, awesome, balanced, beautiful, blessed, blissful, boundless,
calm, caring, centered, childlike, compassionate, complete, considerate,
delighted, desirous, ecstatic, elated, empathetic, empathic, enriched,
excited, exhilarated, exuberant, free, friendly, full, fulfilled, fun-loving,
gentle, glowing, graceful, gracious, grateful, integrated, joyful, joyous, light,
loving, magnanimous, mellow, natural, open, patient, peaceful, perceptive,
playful, pure, quiet, radiant, receptive, safe, secure, serene, spacious, still,
tender, understanding, unlimited, vulnerable, warm, well, whole,
wholehearted, wholesome, wonderful, or wondrous . . . as I do?
Easy Street

(Hours before Halloween)


Nice day.
Yes, quite.

I enjoy this time of year.

As do I.

I love the cool breeze.

I like the vivid colours.

Do you live around here?

No, just here for a visit. And you?

Just over there.

Nice neighbourhood.

I'm making tea. Care to join me?

I'd love to, but I'm meeting someone.

If you're ever in the neighbourhood . . .

Not likely, but thank you.

In another life, then?

Quite possibly, yes.

Watch out for the ghouls.

I shall . . . be well.

Take care.
Woman Divine

your gaze level

your smile sure

I rise and shine

on a high plane

greet you wholly

in your presence

as circle widens,

arousal expands

I draw ever closer

I dare my surrender

what awaits you:

who am I to say?

from nowhere
he comes,
or so it seems,
lifting me up
into my dreams

my breast
in his clutch
my mind in a daze
I raise up my arms,
enough to amaze

his eyes so deep,

searching my soul,
bringing me light,
I lose my control

will he hold me
forever more?
will he take me
without a score?

kiss me,
my sweet angel;
seal our fate
touch my lips
let us not wait

closing my eyes,
I slide back down,
lost and alone
inside this frown

from nowhere
he came,
or so it seemed,
lifting me up
into my dreams
On Rocks by the Shore

gray sky, brisk wind

pebbles in the sand;

grief spent souls

on rocks by the shore,

watching . . . waiting . . .
Branes Galore

At the center of my universe, I inhabit this body, which inhabits this space,
on this planet, in this solar system, in this galaxy, in this cluster of galaxies,
with other clusters of galaxies, in this supercluster of galaxies, in this region
of the universe expressed by a brane that subsists in no less than eleven
dimensions, with at least one other brane, amidst countless other branes,
leading me to conclude I am either the most insignificant representative of
life this multiverse has ever seen or . . . one of the most significant
embodiments of heart and mind that this magical, mysterious multiverse
has ever been blessed to know. For the sake of posterity, I think I'll make
believe the latter. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Section 2: Haiku Poetry

A classical Japanese haiku poem consists of three lines with a total of 17

syllables in a 5, 7, 5 format. It contains a reference to nature and refers to a
particular event. It presents the event as happening now.

It might convey emotion by describing or suggesting circumstances that

aroused the feeling. It takes note of season words, encourages the omission
of unnecessary words, and follows a principle of internal comparison.

In summary, a classic haiku might be described as a record of a moment of

emotion in which human nature is somehow linked to all of nature.

Some Tips on Writing Haiku

Writers of haiku strive to meet two objectives: to recreate the circumstances

that aroused their emotions in the first place and to convey more emotion
than is experienced from a first reading of the haiku poem.

Haiku teaches us to be keen observers of nature, to recognize what is (or is

not) important in any given experience. It teaches us that a haiku poem is a
record of some particular moment of experience or intuition.

Some points to keep in mind when writing haiku include the following:

 Be simple and direct; above all, be natural

 Make a habit of describing circumstances that arouse your feelings
 Get a clear picture, but omit your own interpretation

Life is your ultimate source for the haiku experience. Immerse yourself in
the river of life and take note of the present moment.

Haiku is poetry of the everyday. Revel in the commonplace and consider

natural objects closely and prepare to be surprised by their subtle wonders.

Create an intimate space to identify with your subject. Adopt an attitude of

I am that while you reflect in solitude on the source of your interest.

Cultivate a practice of reflecting nature as it is, suggesting yet expressing its

vitality and splendour with the use of common language.
Haiku is intuitive, not intellectual. Resist temptations to include obscure
allusions. Touches of humour are fine, but keep it plain and simple.

Thoreau's advice is appropriate here: simplify, simplify, simplify. Sit with

your verse until it reads exactly what it is you wish to convey.

Matsuo Basho, a Japanese haiku poet, is quoted as saying the following:

―Haiku is simply what is happening in this place at this moment.‖

Read haiku for its radiant imagery, for its humanity, for its depth of feeling,
and for its keen observation of an event captured in a singular moment.

Selections of My Haiku

On the following two pages, you will find selections of my haiku, which I
wrote over a period of several years.

Many of these haiku (in italics) were inspired by images I captured with a
camera when I was active as an amateur fine art nature photographer.

The other haiku that I wrote are based either on direct observations of
nature, on everyday moments, or on my encounters with nature.

You’ll find more of my haiku in section 3 under Kosmic Poetry II.

wonders never cease

clouds billow cross land and sky

tears well, goose bumps rise

the sun from a cloud

snowflakes swirl: joyous dancers

on a gentle breeze

a joyous command

over the dark, dismal tides

watch me laugh out loud

your gentle spirit . . .

a pure, persuasive presence

solid and serene

a tree stands alone

reaching for the cold, gray sky

strong and majestic

a family of twigs

waiting for winter to pass

cold gust sweeping snow

a log goes yonder

on this cold November day

embedded: windswept sand

a discarded remnant

amidst pebbles and grasses

gray, eternal sole . . .

earthy aroma

from wood shavings soaked with rain

— a delicate sprig

autumn rays of light

golden field grasses aflame

one late afternoon

Section 3: Kosmic Poetry

Kosmic poetry and prose are unique. They require that you take a witness
perspective to your encounters and experiences in your daily life.

In this section, there are two selections of my kosmic poetry.

These selections emerged in the course of writing my poetry on one blog, in

two distinct online milieus (now both defunct): Zaadz and Gaia.

Zaadz was a thriving online spiritual community the likes of which had
never been seen before on the internet. When it was taken over by a new
management team, its name was changed from Zaadz to Gaia.

Some time had passed before the transition was completed.

I’ll start with Gaia first and then work my way backwards in time to Zaadz.

Here’s a rough chronology of my poetic efforts online:

 Kosmic Poetry I: Gaia (from 09.21.2008 back to 06.30.2008)

 Kosmic Poetry II: Zaadz (from 02.17.2007 back to 08.23.2006)

Side note: I wrote no poetry between 02.17.2007 and 06.30.2008.

Kosmic Poetry I

My experience with writing poetry on Gaia was much more sporadic and
carefree than it was on Zaadz, and because Gaia didn’t last as long, I was
not nearly as prolific as I was when I was on Zaadz.

In the lull between Zaadz and Gaia, a lot of people had left Zaadz. On Zaadz,
I felt connected to many people, a few connections of which were warm and
close, which obviously had a beneficial effect on my writing.

On Gaia, I was acquainted with only a handful of people.

When I review the kosmic poetry I wrote with carefree abandon on Gaia, I
can’t help but notice how edgy and impersonal it is, but beneath this edgy,
impersonal energy dwells a bit of warmth that serves as a counterpoint.

I also find that I’m not afraid to take in-depth perspectives of attitudes that
are so not me, and yet could be me if I were to allow them to surface.

I suppose that this fearlessness and in-depth perspective-making could be a

consequence of writing from a kosmocentric perspective – a perspective
that takes account of the ego, social groups, and the affairs of humanity.

I’m also pleasantly surprised to see evidence of the writing I do on personal

fulfillment peeking through in my poetry from this period, which includes
themes of living your dream and creating your own experience of reality.

There are thirteen pieces in this section, some of which employ stream of
consciousness, and each piece has a peculiar intensity of its own.

If you’re willing, let me now take you back in time.

yes, we can . . .

the evolutionary impulse will never give us peace.


we are forever wired to seek and find.

however . . .

we can adopt a policy of hootless composure, a policy where we can be at

peace with either having or not having a particular outcome.

we can find our flow somewhere between stopping and chasing.

let us care, but let us also take care not to care too much.


radical surrender

i walk and i watch, a mind rapt on all that is blessed, with nothing
addressed, i walk, and i look, a figure in motion, a body at peace, basking in
the bliss, in tune with the flow, in love with the joy, i walk, and i know, not
knowing who i am or what i am, not caring where i am or how i am, i walk,
and i see, a mind rapt on everything, yet nothing, at least nothing so
important that i need to think or feel, see or hear, say or do, with this body
in motion and this mind at rest, i think and i feel, i see and i hear, i say and i
do it all, all in a moment of peace, the peace of love, in a current of bliss, the
joy of bliss, aware that the peace and the love, the joy and the bliss, are here
and now, yours and mine forevermore . . . i walk and i watch, a mind rapt
on all that is blessed, with nothing addressed, i walk, and i feel, a mind at
peace in a body made for bliss . . .

what am i to do?

i am so afraid of constant love, so very afraid of having all that my heart

desires, so deeply afraid of being happy beyond belief ... what am i to do? ...
snuggled inside my comfort zone, happy as a clam, i remain oblivious to all
that life has to offer, oblivious to all the good that others can do ... what am
i to do? ... i cringe when i get too much praise, wince when i get one kind
word too many, recoil in horror when strangers insist on getting close ...
what am i to do? ... proud to be skeptical, i feel so very safe when i’m
cynical, so very hard to please when caught up in currents by turns
pessimistic, fatalistic, nihilistic ... what am i to do? ... why, be grateful, of
course ... be grateful for who i am, be grateful for all that i have, be grateful
for what i love to do ... be grateful ... sooner, rather than later ... how about
now? ... hey ... how about now?

i need you so much

i need you, so that i can feel myself

i need you, so that i can see myself
i need you, so that i can hear myself

i need you, i need you, i need you

i need you, to feel good about myself

i need you, to feel better about myself
i need you, to feel great about myself

i need you, i need you, i need you

i need you, to feel that my life matters

i need you, to feel that i myself matter
i need you, to feel that this life matters

i need you, i need you, i need you

don't you understand? i need you

now, feed me, feed me, feed me

goddamn you, i need you so much

don't you understand? i need you

hello there, little ego

hello there, little ego

i am Self, hear me well:
the Soul contains you,
where Spirit carries you

the Soul, yes, your soul

contains the sacred essence
of all that you hold dear
of all that you claim clear

the Spirit, yes, your spirit

carries the divine essence
of all that you long to take
of all that you dream to make

despair not, little ego

your day or night will come;
remove the wrap of me
to bless the you-nah-T

this river we call life

i allow myself to feel profoundly at peace, in spite of the chatter, the chaos,
the confusion within, i bring myself closer to the heart of my soul, wherein
lies the fresh, fragrant, fertile soil of life where sweet love grows in a climate
of trust, and i find joy, the joy of bliss, blissfully participating in this river
we call life, flowing and meandering and rushing over large, round stones
under dark blue skies filled to the brim with morning sunshine and
birdsong, all around me, all through me, all in a moment of awe, now and
forever and always here, there, and everywhere sitting, standing, sliding
into a current everlasting with all that was, is, and will be, knowing well, in
any given moment, that i might not ever walk this earth again, realizing
here and now that i am one with all, and all that is one is one with me, the
one and all that is one in me.

pant, pant . . .

from a glacial perspective, calm beyond comprehension, i see and hear far
more than anyone has a right to bear ... the wanting - the constant, chronic
wanting - the incessant wanting, perpetuating the continuous lacking ...
more income, less debt, more money, gotta cut those unnecessary expenses
... pant, pant ... better relationships with ma and pop, with sis and bro, with
dear relatives near and far ... pant, pant ... gotta have that special someone
for love and pleasure, truth and desire, for pleasant days and steamy nights
... pant, pant ... for better health or fitness, more pleasure, or longer life, for
less pain and misery, certainly ... pant, pant ... less pressure and more
success, please, or, could i at least stop feeling like such a failure? ... pant,
pant ... oh yes, and that new car, that new wardrobe, that new home
theatre, that new life, that new lifestyle ... pant, pant ... ah, but do i truly
need 'em, want them, or do i merely seek and crave the happiness they
represent? ... pant, pant ... what if, just what if, i could have this happiness
without all this stuff that i associate with it? ... pant, pant ... listen up,
people, the most powerful place to have what we choose, are you ready for
this? ... take a deep breath ... is from a place where it's okay, alright,
whether we get it or not ...

the only way . . .

the only way to get what you want is to know what you really want;
and the only way to know what you really want is to know yourself;
and the only way to know yourself is to be who you are, here, now;
and the only way to be who you are, here, now? listen to your heart;

so listen to your heart and be true to yourself;

follow your bliss and go with the flow . . .

it's the only way

my fear, my friend

because i live in a world of duality, where positives and negatives attract

and complement each other endlessly, i find that when i travel to the limits
of what i know or believe to be real or true, good or right, and i keep doing
this, day after day after day, i find that i cannot help but embrace change
with the action of two strands of momentum running through my spirit,
moving forward, where the first and obvious, positive strand would have
me contemplate and realize a vision of my desired outcome in and through
the present moment, while the second, less obvious, but never-ever-the-less
vital negative strand would have me welcome my fear in the face of not
knowing my outcome, so that, when I enter a time and space where
certainty drops out of sight, i find it best that i keep these two strands
comfortably entwined, and when at last i can look back on what transpired
from the pursuit of my desired outcome, i can bask in the feeling of calm
and confidence i get from having faced my fear, so that even if i didn't or
couldn't realize my desired outcome, i will have learned, and i will have
grown in confidence, by way of courage: if i make fear my friend here and
now, i benefit; if i make fear my friend for life, i will go far. what could be
more purposeful than letting fear be my friend?

lessons for a lifetime

time and place, sensitize;

resonate so as to vibrate;
generate the excitement,
play with your execution
as buoyed by ecstasy,
be open to vulnerability;
cultivate your sensitivity
to embrace the intimacy
take surety for yourself,
lay claim to sovereignty;
activate the passion fruit,
follow your enchantment
circumstances do matter,
but currency matters more;
in clarity, from equanimity,
enter the flow with serenity
travel light, travel far or fast;
from your point of balance,
choose suppress or express,
but release from realization
what is mind? no matter.
what is matter? never mind.
have situations serve you;
your heart reigns supreme

what would you do?

if you were to allow yourself, from the depths of your heart and soul, to do
what you wish, when you wish, with whomever you wish, where you wish,
for as long as you wish, without having to answer to anyone . . .

what would you do?

now close your eyes to imagine your ultimate freedom, and then write the
story of your ultimate freedom in one paragraph. read it daily as if it were
happening now; tweak it, embellish it, expand it, hold it close to the heart of
your life.

what would you do?

make a list, keep a list, craft a narrative, paint a picture, sketch a scene,
record a mishmash of thoughts, build a collage of images, talk to someone
who cares; be willing to do whatever it takes to make your ultimate freedom
utterly real.

what would you do?

my affirmation: I allow myself, from the depths of my heart and soul, to do

what I wish, when I wish, with whomever I wish, where I wish, for as long
as I wish, without having to answer to anyone, because ultimate freedom is
my birthright.

surrender and control

i welcome opportunities
to have preference serve intention,
to attract and manifest
what i desire with effortless ease,

even as i service my sense

of control, my sense of certainty,
solidity, stability, safety, security,
i can declare, at any moment:

―circumstances matter,
but my state of being matters more‖,
asking, with a reverence for life,
―what state of being do I prefer now?‖

we create our lives

we are real and we are true,

we are good and we are right,

we are pure and we are free.

we choose to create lives, our lives, the lives of our dreams, lives drawn
from the substance of truth, beauty, dignity, justice, and freedom.

to understand and appreciate what we long to be, have, and do, we start by
asking: what could we live without, materially and spiritually?

materially, we trust we can have whatever we wish: work we love to do, as

much money as we care to have, beautiful homes, carefree lifestyles.

spiritually, we trust that we can be lovers of life, that we can be masters of

space and time, and that we can do whatever we wish, whenever we wish.

but if we trust that we can be, have, and do whatever we wish, whenever we
wish, what could we live without? simple: everything - except our lives.

we could not live without our lives, which means we could not live without
our natural rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

we are, as we are life; we have, as we have liberty; and we do, as we pursue

our own happiness. our lives are the sum of all that we are, have, and do.

what could we live without? nothing. for all that we are, and all that we
have, and all that we do, reflect and project the substance of our lives.

Kosmic Poetry II

My experience of writing poetry at Zaadz was most fruitful – more fruitful,

in fact, than at any other time in my life.

I learned so much about myself during those months at Zaadz.

So many interesting people, so many interesting relationships.

I inspired them and they inspired me to think, feel, read, and write about
things I would never have pondered or considered were it not for them.

Some of my poetry from this time period warms my heart; some of it leaves
me cold – but in a good way, in a way that captures harsh realities.

Two people in particular – I won’t name names – inspired me to spill my

guts and share the heart of my poetic soul in this blessed community.

Looking back four years later, I can hardly believe I wrote some of this.

And yet, here it is, and I am amazed by how much of it still rings true.

Even today.

True love is our invitation

for us to live, to learn, to grow
inside the heart of awareness

As we grow and mature,

we fall in and out of love less frequently,
knowing we are in love

Perhaps, one day, if we're fortunate,

we'll all be able to say:
―I am love, each and every day‖.

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 02.13.2007 —
Tender Embrace

frozen, the eternal embrace, in a rare and touching pose,

inside the cool sands of time, paired star-crossed lovers?

buried for five to 6,000 years, with assortment of flint tools,

includes arrowheads and knife, resting nearby, for all to see

young man and woman, killed, buried alive for their illicit love,
or forced to extreme measure after pledging their love eternal?

far from the Neolithic period, DNA testing to reveal the details
for what might prove to become yet another story of undying love

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 02.08.2007 —
Happiness is . . .

Taking a more inclusive view

of what we need . . . and wish for

Being flexible enough to shift gears

when the heart tells us that we should

Nothing personal, when we allow ourselves

to rise and fall on the waves of circumstance

Universal in scope, as we go beyond ourselves

to include ourselves inside the witness perspective

Beyond change, as we dwell in the purity of the moment

amidst pressing demands to be other than who and what we are

And so, happiness renews itself when we start our day

before the day begins, when the day is open, fresh, and new

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 01.03.2007 —
Neat Little Trick

is relative:

what is true for me

may not be true for you


I just uttered
an absolute truth

what do I do now?

I know, let's pretend

that truth is relative:

what is true for me

may not be true for you

what is good for me

may not be good for you

what is right for me

may not be right for you

sometimes . . .

or most of the time;

it just depends

hmm, no
that won't do

too many
absolute claims
of truth!

continued on next page . . .

I know . . .

let's just forget

I ever wrote this

let's just forget

I ever brought it up

let's just pretend

this matter of truth
is unworthy of our
collective attention

no more certainties,
no more convictions,
no more compulsions!


neat little trick, that

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 12.30.2006 —
A Reprieve

As the year draws to a close,

And shopping, now compose

We might settle back and relax,

Take a moment, rest to the max

As the holidays come upon us

Hoping, and with minimal fuss

We might proceed with normality

Give the embrace without formality

Looking, longing, or loving now

Cooking, serving soothing chow

Pray, let us not forget to receive

And take this welcome reprieve!

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 12.24.2006 —
Social Proof

He saw her
be loved
heard her
be praised
felt her
be saved
from herself –
oh what a gal;
tell me more . . .

She saw him

be liked
heard him
be sought
felt him
be saved
from himself –
oh what a guy;
tell me more . . .

They saw them

be caught
heard them
be nice
felt them
be raised
to themselves –
oh what a day;
tell us more . . .
tell us more !

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 12.23.2006 —
They say . . .

they say

that if you
watch yourself

close attention
to yourself

you will
become aware

they say

that if you
observe yourself

that if you
become a witness
to yourself

your body
your beliefs
your feelings
your thoughts

your idea

of who you think you are

of what you think is important

in your life

continued on next page . . .

you will
become aware

they say

that if you
notice yourself

what rules you think

are important

what roles you've adopted

for yourself

you will
become aware

they say

that if you
pay attention

to what seems necessary

to you

to what seems possible

to you

you will
become aware

continued on next page . . .



what are you

immersed in now?

even if this question

seems difficult to answer

(being immersed,
after all, is not easy to identify)

you can always

watch yourself

be a witness to the world

to others
to yourself

to nothing
to anything

to everything

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 12.20.2006 —
Your Destiny

create your ultimate destiny

to parry this godawful strife
create your ultimate destiny
to enjoy this wonderful life

create your ultimate destiny

to starve truth of haplessness
create your ultimate destiny
to feed the truth of happiness

create your ultimate destiny

to know your infinite potential
create your ultimate destiny
to enjoy your freedom essential

create your ultimate destiny

to field your objects intense
create your ultimate destiny
to wield your powers immense

create your ultimate destiny

to gather your cosmic treats
create your ultimate destiny
to announce your kosmic feats

create your ultimate destiny

to travel your path to wisdom
create your ultimate destiny
to enter your bless'd kingdom

create your ultimate destiny

to love the life of your memes
create your ultimate destiny
to live the life of your dreams

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 12.17.2006 —
He's the one . . .

this one is strong;

this one bears it all

this one is humble

and he bears it well

yes, I do believe
he's the one for me

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 12.08.2006 —

To this golden morning sunlight,

we bring feelings of peace and love,
absorbed in quiet conversation,
blissfully unaware of worlds at large.

In amongst peaks and valleys,

we delight in tales of days gone by,
from idyllic childhood adventures,
revelling in details of deeds done.

In those moments of pure silence,

our contentment blends effortlessly
with pulsations of ancient wellsprings
from deep within these mountains.

The morning breezes, cool and fresh,

enliven our vast sense of possibilities,
as we continue to soak up the energy
afforded by our respective serenities.

In love, in love with life itself, we care,

at peace, at peace with love, we care,
but we care without a care in the world,
knowing truly that all that is as it is.

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 12.06.2006 —

when I first
looked upon you,
I froze

my hands
turning blood cold
from fear

my gaze
caught inside
your hellishness

my icy lips
parting in protest,
but in vain

for nothing
transpired from
between them

save a barely
audible gasp
of sickly dread.

O Medusa
what have you done
to deserve
such ugliness?

what have you done

to deserve
such a fate as this?

continued on next page . . .

if truth be told,
and why not tell it,
I want so much
to escape
your ugly visage

and return
to the safety
and comfort

of a place
rooted firmly
in existence

of my ability
to negotiate
and navigate
this world
I call home

lest I turn
stone cold

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 11.28.2006 —

is it true what they say

about us passing through
to the other side, yonder

to realms beyond death

in lives lived between lives,
learning, resting, preparing?

could it be that 10,000 souls

are unwitting confabulators
of hypnotic accounts that jibe

or could it be they know

the way through paradise,
out through the other side?

we keep each other company

through wondrous lives so fair
in mastery of basic wisdom

but could we truly assure,

bringing peace to our love,
and taking joy to our bliss

that we shall yet be together

through the final incarnation,
eternal bliss beyond belief?

let us assure ourselves,

and allow the peace of knowing:
truly, yes, our love is forever;

I will always be with you.

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 11.26.2006 —

I shall remember you, little fellow,

that you played with airplanes a lot,
until those terrible nightmares came
after your visit to a flight museum
when you were 18 months of age:
the nightmares of being shot down
by an airplane with a red sun on it
more than 50 years before you were born,
waking up, kicking and screaming,
hands stretching, reaching for the ceiling:
―airplane crash on fire, little man can't get out!‖

I shall remember you, little fellow,

at the tender age of two and a half,
your aviation knowledge precocious,
beyond the knowledge of boys your age,
correcting, responding to your mother
as she noted the bomb on the belly of your toy plane:
―no, that's not a bomb; that's a drop tank‖;
and at the age of three, video coverage
of you going over and around an airplane
as if you were doing a preflight check

continued on next page . . .

still using dated expressions from yesteryear,
exclaiming surprise at being served meatloaf
by your mother for the very first time: ―Meatloaf!
I haven't had that since I was on the Natoma!‖;
that's Natoma Bay, the aircraft carrier in the Pacific
where you took off for the last time on March 3, 1945
and where you crashed and burned near Iwo Jima

for the way you explained accurately how

you were shot down on your 50th mission
just weeks before you were slated to return,
how you flew the Corsair for the last time
- ―they used to get flat tires all the time‖ -
and for keeping alive the memories and sacrifices
of those who fought to safeguard freedom:
thank you, little fellow, and welcome back

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 11.11.2006 —
Who am I?

I am a lover

a lover of life
a lover of Eros

a lover of truth
a lover of peace

a lover to myself
a lover for myself

a lover of wisdom
a lover of freedom

to manifest this love:

a walking embodiment

a figure of divine intent

a sacred object of worth

who, what, how shall I love?

when, where shall I love thee?

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 10.25.2006 —
What am I?

I am
none other than you
a mirror
reflecting your best
and worst aspects

what am I?

I am
none other than me
a player
projecting my best
and worst aspects

what am I?

I am
none other than we
a vessel
containing our best
and worst aspects

what am I?

I am
none other than this:
a wizard
commanding the best
and worst aspects

from witness to wizard,

I now stand alone in concert
with the skies above, light and dark

Christopher Lovejoy
A Wizard to the Kosmos
— 10.25.2006 —
Where am I?

here am I;
wherever I flow,
there I go

here am I;
wherever I go,
there I am

a witness
to everyone
to no one

flowing and going,
not knowing

whatever can be,
patiently . . .

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 10.23.2006 —
Pure Essence

god and goddess

ultimate paradox
unity and destiny
my love, my care

realize this now

you are the root
and not the tree
a creator you see

remember: you are

not a devotee, nor
object of devotion
but devotion itself

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 10.15.2006 —
Ultimate Paradox

emptiness, being
moving forward, becoming
not-two and not One

emptiness, sitting
going forward, unfolding
not-two and not One

emptiness, dwelling
driving forward, transforming
not-two and not One

emptiness, resting
flowing forward, evolving
not-two and not One

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 10.11.2006 —
Erotic Haiku

sitting in silence
my temple her lips caress
sacred brush delights


her moist lips come near

her intent so very clear
her breath bathes my ear


you belong to me,

she whispers, licking my ear
I shall have you now

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 10.10.2006 —
Fall Reflections

lone dry leaf am I

clinging, twig bobbing on high
letting go, falling


swirling and dancing

breeze vortex rising, falling
gentle and subtle


dwelling to settle
in contrast, in life and death
no longer seeking

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 10.08.2006 —
Autumn Moment

clouds part, sun bathing

tall grasses aflame, swaying
breeze caressing face

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 10.05.2006 —
On Our Way . . .

meditate on this:
I want, therefore I am; ... think:
your reason to be?

over and over,

this promise of perfection,
holding us captive

this thrill of wanting

of wanting this, wanting that
too often becomes

this endless craving,

always wanting what we want;
grasping and clutching

like monkey babies,

grabbing and sucking at teats;
so what do we do?

to see this clearly,

see veneers for what they are:
more than what we see

this endless lusting,

always wanting what we want;
could we let it go?

so now that you know,

liberate your spirit now,
resting or moving

find your peace within,

a quiet place, calm and still;
dwell there, allow there

continued on next page . . .

make this place friendly;
go back to it, as required,
this sacred soul space

but here's the kicker:

enlightenment? not enough
love? not the answer

try these on for size:

ride fear, loosen attachments;
be transformative

inform yourself, yes,

but be silent, receptive
to calls from beyond

your impulse voices,

following your flow divine,
transforming us all

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 10.04.2006 —
Under A Full Moon

She stands quietly alone,

gazing through the window,
her hair catching glints of light

under a full moon

I marvel at her moonlit profile

and as I approach her in silence
I touch her face with sacred intent

she turns slightly and smiles

as if she were expecting me

I speak thus:

in the fullness
of my strength,
I embrace you,
my love, my light

in the fullness
of peace and bliss,
I become you,
my love, my light

in the fullness
of nothingness
I stay with you,
my love, my light

in the fullness
of awareness,
I dance with you,
my love, my light

continued on next page . . .

in the fullness
of my freedom,
I let go for you,
my love, my light

in the fullness
of my power,
I rise with you,
my love, my light

alone, together,


She turns to face me with supreme assurance, steps into my space, and
loses herself inside my embrace: two twin flames joined as one. I ravish her
tenderly from the depths of my heart with fervent kisses and caresses . . .

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 09.30.2006 —
Do you speak my language?

do you
speak my language,
the language of enthusiasm,
of things accomplished
with love and purpose,
as part of a search
for things believed in
and desired?

do you
speak my language,
the language of exaltation,
of things so realized
in moments cherished
that the end to search
is but a new beginning
for things believed in
and desired?

if so,

for this . . .
I need for you
to let me be me,
and me alone,
and you . . .
you need to be you:

and yes . . .

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 09.25.2006 —
The Power of Separation

I see your pain

through confusion and fear

and so

I gather my resolve
my strength
my sacred masculine power
cultivated in separation
in spite of the world's
feeble attempts
to undermine its value
with petty insult
and insinuation

and then

I approach you,
all sense of separation
to encircle you
compel you
to release these walls
of separation,
absorbing your pain,
little by little

and so

for just a moment

I am you
and you am I

continued on next page . . .

nothing of this pain
you broadcast
remains for us
to heal
or dissolve

and then

I back away
separate myself
from you
restore my presence
my strength, my power
collected for another time
when pain, yet again
comes calling
for a visit

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 09.23.2006 —
A Call to Love

allow the resistance,

open yourself to love;

settle into that warm

feeling that calls us
to respond, refresh
us from a kind place
where all and sundry
may meet and greet
the sum and source
of all that lives and
learns and lights our
way through eternity;

at the very least . . .

do it for the children.

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— Date Unknown —
Now Be a Lover

love deeply, truly

let what is, be as it is
now be a lover . . .

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 09.17.2006 —
Women Divine

soft woman divine

your poise and serenity
manifest with ease

bright woman divine

your deep sensualities
transmute the cravings

fierce woman divine

your clear flexibilities
inspire sacred truth

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 09.16.2006 —
Me, Myself, and . . .

me, myself, and I

in body, mind, heart, and soul

witness the presence

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 09.14.2006 —
Just Because!

enjoy the laughter!

live, love, laugh; do enlighten!

and be . . . just because!

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 09.11.2006 —
Kosmic Show

in a kosmic show
destined to last forever
we dance in spirals

on the horizon . . .
sun sets over still waters
time stops . . . goose bumps rise

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 9.11.2006 —

creatives hold fear,

engage the evolution;
truth trumps happiness

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 09.07.2006 —
Tough Choices

I fear
or I trust

a simple choice that lies at the heart of who and what we are

or light

a basic condition that is necessary for the evolution of our kind

or life

the alternative that drives us into the bosom of infinity and eternity

we continue to fear
so that we might grow
into our magnificence

release or react?

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 09.07.2006 —
I remain . . .

I allow the light to bathe my dark;

and I carry my dark to bring the light

in balance, I play light and shadow;

in getting your help, I find a balance

alone, I surrender to here and now;

together, I let the light feed our dark

I remain . . . a Witness to the Kosmos

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 09.07.2006 —
Still Waters

still waters reflect

between us, shadows flicker
warm presence holding

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 09.05.2006 —
I need your help

this light,
this white light,
is everywhere
inside and out

I cannot see;

I am blind
to the dark

I walk unsure,
hands up and out

I need your help

I need some of your dark

I need for you to give me

some of your dark

so that I can see;

won't you please help me?

in peace

in love

by joy

by the light

continued on next page . . .

I need your help
I need some of your dark

I need for you to give me

some of your dark

so that I can see;

won't you please help me?

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 08.30.2006 —



or that







letting go



continued on next page . . .




letting go


letting go


letting go









continued on next page . . .




no dark
no light

no hot
no cold

no sound
no silence

no smell
no taste








letting go

no thing
some thing

continued on next page . . .

one taste
no taste
one taste


em . . .



. . . bodied.

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 08.29.2006 —
Dance of the Beloved

Riding a wave of Eros, charged by spirit, but feeling restless for a taste of
soul, I spy my beloved under the trees, above the rocks, near the stream,
enchanted by the sight of her, wishing I could transport myself immediately
to be by her side, raising my hands, caressing her arms, held in the wonder
of her, her earthy, earthly soul energy grounding my restless spirit, I am
brought back to the quietude of my most peaceful purpose, which is to
behold my beloved with sacred intent, allowing her beauty to blossom from
within to take up The Dance of the Beloved with me.

Wondrously alive to her.

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 08.26.2006 —

thymos busting, crusting;

thymos lusting, thrusting

tears flooding empty eyes

forsaken child in dire need

thymos busting, crusting;

thymos lusting, thrusting

tears flooding empty eyes

forsaken child in dire need

thymos busting, crusting;

thymos lusting, thrusting

tears flooding empty eyes

forsaken child in dire need

thymos busting, crusting;

thymos lusting, thrusting

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 08.26.2006 —
In Praise of Mothers

mothers are divine

embodiments of love,
exemplars of beauty

truly nothing less than;

they carry and nurture

the souls of humanity,
bear the burden of man

and so I must ask you:

how could we not be

totally, utterly in awe
of their responsibility?

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 08.26.2006 —
Like No Other

I am that I am, that I can see

but in my eye from sea to sea,
I know no other like I know me

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 08.25.2006 —
Inspired, Transpired

In the sacred stillness of my hungry soul,

I rejoice in the goddess, divinely inspired.

In the sacred stillness of my vibrant soul,

I return to a world filled with joy transpired.

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 08.24.2006 —

my muse, drifting close

whispers in my ear:
talk to them, tell them
of this love we share;

I be afraid, my love
of what they might think
could you leave it be,
let me have this drink?

you coward, she says

licking rim of ear
would you at least try
to play out this fear?

my love, muse so dear

you speak of courage
of which I have mere;
do please encourage?

my muse, floating close

whispers in my ear:
talk to them, tell them
of this love so clear!

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 08.23.2006 —
Blessings of the Night

standing on a beach
remote from all concern
gazing through a point
distant from all pa'tern

the wind rising up

coming at me fair
the sun dips below
falling with a flair

in darkness do I see
countless sparks of light
won't you play with me
blessings of the night?

Christopher Lovejoy
A Witness to the Kosmos
— 08.23.2006 —

(Note: this was the first time I used this signature)


I am blessed
beyond belief
by a life
warm and rich

by a soul
that would dwell
in the dark
of Spirit

with me;

by a mind
that would clear
a clear path
to crystals

with me;

by a heart
that would sink
to the heart
of true love

with me;

by a spirit
that would rise
to the height
of courage

with me;

continued on next page . . .

by a woman
who would go
to the ends
of the earth

with me;

I have known
the peace of love;
and I have felt
the joy of bliss

I have seen

I have cared
more times
than I care
to count

but still,
I care
and love
and see

where the light

can take me,
where the dark
dangers unseen
can grow me

in the witness
I see it all

continued on next page . . .

noting this,
granting that

knowing how
blessed I am

by a life
that would dare
to command
and create
from the depths

of me.
I sh-shiver thus

release to source
with sacred intent
a fall-falling away
calm and content

chaos, all around,

blooming confusion;
I sh-shiver thus . . .

release to source
with sacred intent
a fall-falling away
calm and content

I don't like it!

I won't have it!
I sh-shiver thus

release to source
with sacred intent
a fall-falling away
calm and content

in my empty soul,
O my dead spirit;
I sh-shiver thus . . .

release to source
with sacred intent
a fall-falling away
calm and content

in my busy mind,
nay, my frosty heart;
I sh-shiver thus . . .

continued on next page . . .

release to source
with sacred intent
a fall-falling away
calm and content

O silence, behold:
a crone, a senex;
I sh-shiver thus . . .

release to source
with sacred intent
a fall-falling away
calm and content

loss unto death:

I resist, I recoil;
I sh-shiver thus . . .

release to source
with sacred intent
a fall-falling away
calm and content

waiting, waiting
in the bardo realm
I sh-shiver thus . . .

release to source
with sacred intent
a fall-falling away
calm and content

chaos, all around,

blooming confusion;
I sh-shiver thus . . .

I sh-shiver thus.

I sh-sh-sh-sh-shiver thus.
Light and Dark

The end is either light or dark, or neither.

In the peace of love and the joy of bliss, we find light.

In the loss of light and life and love, we find darkness.

Between light and dark, we have access to presence and power.

The power to manifest anything anywhere is everywhere present.

Between now and eternity lies many lusty, needy, scary moments.
In the constraints that constrain us lies the key to our ultimate destiny.

This was the first poem I ever wrote online and the first one I wrote on Zaadz (date unknown)
To read more work by Christopher Lovejoy, please visit

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