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RAMIDO, Angel Mae CLOHS – H141

Is Google really making us stupid?

Google is the most powerful data base for information. It's convenient and instantaneous,
however danger lies there. Surfing the internet is so fast, without any clear reason. Too many
distractions drive us away from the target we set while we were sitting down on the screen. One
moment we 're reading an article, the next we 're playing some flash games or watching
something on Youtube and then ending up on a blog or news website. It all amounts to nothing,
it is sensory overload, there is no time or opportunity for proper processing of any of this
information. I think Nicholas Carr finds that disturbing over Google and the Internet in general.

Google is doing something damaging to our brains according to Nicholas Carr. What
makes us smart really isn't our ability to quickly find lots of information. It is our capacity to think
about the information in detail. And deep thinking, discovered by brain scientists, only happens
when our minds are attentive and calm. The more concentration we place, the richer our
thoughts. We understand less when we're distracted, remember less and learn less.

That's the issue with Google, and the Internet as a whole. The Internet is about
bombarding us with messages and interruptions. We always get distracted when we use our
computers and cell phones all the time. The truth is, if you're just Googling, Texting, and Surfing,
you'll never think deeply.

Google allows us to "zip" over the net to show more ads. Google isn't trying to slow us
down. The faster we zip through the net, click on the links and skim text and sentences, the more
ads Google can show us and therefore the more cash it makes. So while Google provides us with
all this convenient information, it also encourages us to think superficially which makes us
shallow. If you really want to improve your mind, turn off your computer and your mobile phone
and start thinking. You can google all the facts you want, but the path to brilliance will never be

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