Capital Punishmet

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Respectfully Submitted,

Fareeha Jamil.


PLACE-(Opinion regarding capital punishment in Saudi Arabia and Iran).-Arguments For or

Capital punishment is the execution of a convicted criminal, as ordered by a legal system .

The criminal provisions consider such persons as a gross danger to the existence of the
society and provide death punishment and it is ultimate the corporal punishment constituting
the end of all physical functions forever. It has been practiced since ancient times for the wide
range of criminal offences. However, in this period of Modern era such punishments are legally
practiced in some countries and states.

In Saudi Arabia and Iran the Capital punishments are legally pronounced in accordance to the
Islamic Shari’ah Law. The way it is applied in both countries is acceptable by any moral or legal
standard; it is just and effective for the safeguards of Criminal Justice System and is capable to
deal with the modern world.

(Arguments in support of Capital Punishment)

It provides a deterrent against violent crime within a society. The objective of a law is to
provide someone with a deterrent against a crime they wish to commit. As a society, violent
crime is something to be avoided. To make that happen, the strongest deterrent is required. That
is why capital punishment often applies to cases of first-degree murder or issues where the safety
of an entire country is to be harmed. The main purpose is to prevent the crime from happening in
the first place.

A sentence of life in prison is disproportionate to the capital crime If a convicted criminal

receives life in prison for taking a life, then this is not justice because the outcome is
disproportionate to the action taken.

It allows for a deserved punishment for horrific crimes. There is a point in time when
someone who commits a horrific crime is beyond the point where rehabilitation is possible. Not

only does capital punishment create a deserved punishment that is equal to the crime committed,
it provides a safety net for the rest of the society. A sentence of death prevents that person from
committing another horrific crime.

It offers zero chance of escape when the death penalty is being implemented there is no chance
for the individual to escape the consequences of their actions. It eliminates the possibility of an
illegal escape.

The death penalty does not re-victimize the affected family.

There is rightful sympathy or empathy directed toward the family of someone accused of a
capital crime. These people are losing a loved one because of this legal structure. The family of
the victim has also lost someone as well. The person who does not deserve sympathy is the
criminal who decided to commit the capital act in the first place. When the death penalty is one
of the possible consequences that someone faces for their conduct, then it shields the family of
the victim from another form of victimization


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