Press Release 15.5.2009 To Be Published Immediately

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Press release 15.5.

to be published immediately

Trees Will Be Planted All Over the World on Friday

The ENO Environment Online virtual school will organise the tree- planting day
of spring next Friday. The planting of trees symbolises hope and the continuity
of life. The campaign increases awareness of climate change and the variety of
ecosystems on the Earth. Trees can be seen as the lungs of the world and by
increasing their number, the whole Earth can be helped.

The tree-planting day of the Eno virtual school for sustainable development will be
held on May 22nd 2009. The same day has been proclaimed the UN biodiversity day.
The tree-planting event has taken place since 2004 and it has proven to be a
success: for instance, in 2008 the event inspired children in 2000 schools and 122
countries to take the challenge. Altogether 300,000 trees were put into the ground
during one day. The trees belonged to species intrinsic to each ecosystem.

There are two ENO-organised tree-planting days in a year, besides May 22nd, also
September 21st. The theme of next Friday will be biodiversity and future. The tree
planting will not remain a single event, but the trees will be cared for and their growth
and development will be watched in the future as well. The planting can be
documented and the experiences shared via the virtual school.

The tree-planting event is a practical way of enhancing international environmental

education. It connects children all over the world to focus on environmental issues.
What is more, the event fosters peace education and increases the awareness of
school children of the importance of forests on a global scale.

The planting of trees will take place everywhere at noon local time. The first to start is
Oceania and as the sun and Earth continue to turn, Asia, Africa and Europe will join
in as well. Some time later the continents of North and South America will grab the
hoe, and last area to participate will be Samoa Islands. The world has taken a
remarkable step towards a more ecological way of life.

We invite the media to view report the local tree planting event

Date: May 22nd 2009

Place where the trees will be planted:      
Eventual partners of co-operation:      
Contact person and his contact information:      

Visit the website for more information, pictures and videos on the event.
The ENO tree-planting day is organised by the ENO Environment Online virtual school,
"Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the
impossible." – St. Francis of Assisi (1181─1226)

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