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(Department of Defence & Strategic Studies)

Online Assignment 1: Terminologies DS-327: Use of Force &
International Law – Spring 2020
1. The test shall be graded out of 10. However, the actual weightage may be different.
2. Recommended length of answer: One typed page/ Not above 200 words– Ariel 12 Font
3. Recommended time for solution: 30 Minutes
Name of Student: __________________________________________________________
Time Actually taken from start to finish: _________________________________________
Q: What do the following terminologies stand for?
(a) Give their meaning; and
(b) Give an example in your own words to explain (1-2 sentences only):-
● Caveat

● Erga omnes

● Inter alia

● Ipso facto

● Jus cogens

● Jus ad bellum

● Jus in bello

● Locus standi

● Pacta sunt servanda

● Prima facie


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