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Sarah, aged twelve, and her

younger sister, Lisa, who was eight
decided to play their usual game of
hide-and-seek. Their mother had just
left the house to purchase groceries
at the wet market.

Sarah was assigned as the catcher

this turn and she scratched her head
in puzzlement, wondering where her
younger sister was hiding. Lisa
smirked as she peeked out from the
living room curtains.

“Found you!” Sarah announced

loudly. “Not until you catch me!” Lisa
came out from her hiding spot and
they began to chase each other
around the dining room table.
In the midst of running and
screaming, Lisa’s hand slipped and
accidentally knocked over her
mother’s favourite green porcelain
vase. “Clank!” the porcelain vase fell
and shattered into a thousand tiny
pieces. The two sisters gasped in
horror at what had just happened.

“What should we do?” Lisa said,

feeling her tears welling up in her
eyes. Sarah felt bad her younger
sister and they tried to glue the
bigger pieces together. However, try
as they might, they were not able to
restore the antique vase to its
original condition.

“Maybe…you should just confess

to Mom?” Sarah suggested. “But…she
will cane me!” Lisa whined. “You are
still going to be found out either way.
Look she’s back!” Sarah looked
towards the door at the familiar
sounds of rustling plastic and
shuffling feet.

“Mum…” Lisa stuttered nervously

as she approached the towering
figure, “I was playing hide-and-seek
with Sarah and I accidentally broke
your favourite vase. I am sorry.” Lisa
bowed her head down in shame.

Lisa’s mother felt burning anger

and wanted to cane the living
daylights out of Lisa. That was a
twenty thousand dollars vase!
Fortunately, she quickly calmed
herself down and asked her
daughters to clean up the mess
instead. Lisa heaved a heavy sigh of
relief that she was let off with only a
slap on the wrist.

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