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Topic : Fluorescent

Submitted to : Mam Mehwish

Submitted by : Zoha bilal
Roll no : 35341
Course code : CHM 606
Subject : Luminescence spectroscopy
Islamia college for women, Faisalabad.
• What is a Fluorescent Mineral?
• All minerals have the ability to reflect light. That is what makes them visible
to the human eye. Some minerals have an interesting physical property
known as "fluorescence." These minerals have the ability to temporarily
absorb a small amount of light and an instant later release a small amount
of light of a different wavelength. This change in wavelength causes a
temporary color change of the mineral in the eye of a human observer.
• The color change of fluorescent minerals is most spectacular when they are
illuminated in darkness by ultraviolet light (which is not visible to humans)
and they release visible light. The photograph above is an example of this
• There are two classified ultraviolet wavelengths: longwave and shortwave.
Some minerals fluoresce the same color in both wavelengths, others
fluoresce in only one wavelength, and yet others fluoresce different colors
in different wavelengths. Some UV lamps have two separate filters: one for
longwave and the other for shortwave. Many more minerals fluoresce in
shortwave than in longwave; only a small amount fluoresce in longwave.
Longwave fluorescent lamps are fairly inexpensive, whereas shortwave
lamps are more costly. When this guide labels a mineral as fluorescent
without specifying longwave or shortwave, shortwave fluorescence is
• Fluorescence is not always reliable method for mineral identification, since
certain minerals of the same species may fluoresce different colors from
different localities, but it can still be an indicator. Once a mineral has been
identified, its fluorescent color is sometimes used to identify its place of
origin. Similarly, if an unidentified mineral from a certain locality glows a
specific color, it can often be identified by the color of its fluorescence.
Cerussite, Barite
Beautiful miniature specimen featuring four principal gemmy cerussite
crystals. The crystals are pristine and show wonderful twinning. There
are delicate cream-coloured bladed crystals of barite in association
and the matrix is galena. The largest cerussite crystal is 1.8 cm.
This is an amazing doubly-terminated scapolite crystal from Sar-e-
Sang. The underlying scapolite itself is colourless, translucent and
vitreous, but it is coated almost entirely with a thin grey veneer of an
unconfirmed mineralized material that is not lustrous. What is most
remarkable about this specimen is the sharp morphology of this
complete floater scapolite - this is very rare for scapolite.
Close inspection of this piece reveals a couple of spots where the
veneer is missing, and what is interesting is that under magnification
one can see a bit of hollowing, and the underlying scapolite looks to
have become etched either as, or after, the veneer was depositied. In
other words the veneer preserves the perfect morphology, but the
crystal might not have appeared this incredibly sharp if not for the
veneer. I also note that with magnification it seems possible to me that
the veneer might be orthoclase - we have seen othoclase as partial to
complete pseudomorphs of Sar-e-Sang scapolites and there are small
spots of texture on this piece that look similar to the surface texture of
those specimens.
Hardystonite (blue)
In daylight, natural hardystonite is a very non-descript massive ashen
white mineral distinguished from massive calcite by a lack of cleavage
and a somewhat greasy luster.
• This piece features a slender quartz crystal which is almost
enveloped by a cluster of sharp, twinned dolomite crystals. The
dolomite crystals are a very pale golden colour to almost
colourless, and the quartz is colourless/transparent - then
there is a surface coating of hematite on both minerals, giving
the overall appearance seen in the photographs.
• The dolomite crystals on this specimen are fantastic. They are
sharp twins up to 2 cm across, with internal colour zoning -
they have pale internal golden colour at the terminations and
are nearly colourless at the core. The hematite couating on the
dolomites is selective - only certain faces are coated, while
others are completely free of hematite. It's not easy to find top
calibre collection-worthy dolomite crystals, particularly of this
• This is a sizeable matrix specimen, with a main radiating cluster
of pale greenish yellow adamite crystals 4.6 cm in
diameter. Unlike many adamite specimens, this cluster is
comprised of free-standing individual crystals. Lower down on
the matrix there are also two small separate fan-like
clusters. This is a very three-dimensional piece – you can spend
quite a bit of time exploring it.
• To my eye, compared to the photographs, in daylight the crystals
are the slightest shade darker. The specimen has more sparkle in
person because I only caught so many terminations with
Fluorite is found as a common gangue mineral in hydrothermal
veins, especially those containing lead and zinc minerals. It is also
found in some greisens, granites, pegmatites and high-
temperature veins, and as a component of some marbles and
other metamorphic rocks.
This specimen features a 2.5 cm dark grey scheelite crystal
coated with bright yellow-green stolzite, with hubnerite and
quartz crystals in association. These have been found only once
before this find in 2014, and many are not so good, with damage
and incomplete crystals. This one is in excellent condition, with
no damage to the main scheelite - it does have a contact where it
grew up against a quartz crystal that is now present.
The banding in agate is based on periodic changes in the
translucency of the agate substance. Layers appear darker when
they are more translucent (this may appear reversed in
transmitted light). This effect may be accompanied and amplified
by changes in the color of neighboring layers, due to other co-
precipitated minerals. In old agates that have been subject to
weathering and chemical alteration the differences in
translucency may disappear, such specimens may turn almost
Tremolite is an important rock-forming mineral and occurs most
commonly as a white to light green, granular to fibrous component of
metamorphosed carbonate rocks, especially skarns and dolomite
marbles, where the crystals and aggregates can become quite large. Any
light colored amphibole in a marble will normally be tremolite. Large
isolated and well-terminated crystals are rare. In this environment, it
commonly forms as pseudomorphs of tremolite after diopside, but can
also be primary.
Crystals prismatic, both stout and slender, terminated by
rhombohedra and {0001}, to 20 cm. Commonly tiny simple
hexagonal prisms or radial tufts of acicular needles outside of the
New Jersey occurrences. Coarse to finely granular, disseminated; in
fibrous aggregates, botryoidal, and massive.
A relatively common secondary zinc silicate in many Pb-Zn or Zn
deposits which contain or contained sphalerite, from which it is
commonly formed upon oxidation in a siliceous environment. While
phenakite is frequently found as twinned crystals, twinning in
willemite is rare.
A very common and widespread mineral with highly variable forms
and colours. Calcite is best recognized by its relatively low Mohs
hardness (3) and its high reactivity with even weak acids, such as
vinegar, plus its prominent rhombohedral cleavage in most varieties.
An important biomineral. As such, it forms from
metastable vaterite via dissolution-reprecipitation process,
preceded by vaterite formation via dissolution of its precursor, that
is Unnamed (Amorphous Calcium Carbonate). Calcite
biomineralization may be induced by bacteria. A very recent review
on fungal calcite biomineralization is given by Bindschedler et al.
A group of extrusive igneous rocks, typically porphyritic and
commonly exhibiting flow texture, with phenocrysts of quartz and
alkali feldspar in a glassy to cryptocrystalline groundmass; also, any
rock in that group; the extrusive equivalent of granite. Rhyolite
grades into rhyodacite with decreasing alkali feldspar content and
into trachyte with a decrease in quartz.
Calcite in a Septarian nodule
Actually i wouldn't label it as "calcite var septurian nodule". The
reason is because the calcite is only one of the minerals that is
present in most S.N. The darker brown rims on many of the
nodules have turned out to be aragonite so you have at least to
minerals present.
Then you have the matrix itself. These nodules are actually
pseudofossils (think "fossilized" ripple marks, raindrop hits, etc...)
in this case what you have are "fossilized" mud cracks. These
formed when the lake bed where these were formed dried out. As
the mud of the lake bottom dried it contracted and voids formed.
The lake bed was subsequently covered with new lake and the
older one was buried. The water from the new lake seeped down
through the sedimentary rock of the old lake and picked up trace
amounts of calcium in passing. when the water entered the voids it
would pool and the calcium would deposit out as aragonite and
After all the long winded explanation it comes down to what you
have is properly called a Septarian nodule.
Dripstones - Turkey

A group of mountaineers have discovered a

naturally-occurring rare dripstone cave in
southeastern Turkey's Hakkari province while
trekking.The cave has unique and stunning
stalactites (icicle shaped structures hanging from
a cave's ceiling and formed by the dripping water)
and stalagmites (rock formations growing
upwards from the cave's floor) inside, which are
quite unusual in the region and are similar to
those in the Damlataş Cave in the Taurus
Mountains in Turkey's Mediterranean region.
The principal member of the Aragonite Group, aragonite
is the second most common polymorph of natural
calcium carbonate (the most common is calcite). It is
significantly less widespread and abundant than calcite
and is formed under a much narrower range of
physiochemical conditions. It is metastable relative to
calcite and often converts to calcite accompanying
changes in the environment. It is nearly always a low-
temperature, near surface mineral.

Most Benitoite crystals were originally deeply

embedded in thick Natrolite; specimens are prepared
for collectors by dissolving the surrounding Natrolite
in acid to expose the Benitoite crystals. The blue
Benitoite on a white Natrolite matrix and usual
association with black Neptunite makes a very
aesthetic mineral specimen.
Quartz Geode
These parallel-growth crystals are offset by a
perfect perpendicular crystal. These crystals are
more transparent than most from Tinejdad, with
darker colour at the terminations. The crystals
are sharp, doubly-terminated, and as is typical
from this find, the terminations have a
particularly bright lustre. In excellent condition,
a tiny incomplete crystal flush to one of the
main prism faces, and otherwise minor rubbing,
a couple of contacts. A very good Tinejdad
Synthetic Corundum
Corundum is best known for its gem varieties,
Ruby and Sapphire. Ruby and Sapphire are
scientifically the same mineral, but just differ in
color. Ruby is the red variety, and Sapphire is
the variety that encompasses all other colors,
although the most popular and valued color of
Sapphire is blue. Sapphire is also only used to
describe the gem variety; otherwise it is simply
called Corundum.
This is a very rare large specimen of a new varietal of
Powellite that was identified during analysis of the
Szenicsite associations from this remote mine, only
found in the 1990s by Terry Szenics. This specimen
has some peripheral contacts, but the main display
area is pristine and the display face is very large and
colorful overall. Apparently no more of this material
has been found since the 1990s. Ex. Charlie Key.
Colorless, light yellow, or blue transparent variety
of Opal, lacking play of color.

Vlasovite is a rare inosilicate (chain
silicate) mineral with sodium and zirconium, with
the chemical formula Na2ZrSi4O11. It was
discovered in 1961 at Vavnbed Mountain in
the Lovozero Massif, in the Northern Region of
Mangano Calcite has a lovely sweet energy, with
a vibration that is all about love, compassion and
forgiveness, and assists you to accept yourself
and your actions.
This pink stone helps you to let go of experiences
from the past, especially where you still feel fear
or grief about something that happened.
Clinohedrite is a rare silicate mineral. Its chemical
composition is a hydrous calcium-zinc silicate;
CaZn(SiO4)·H2O. It crystallizes in
the monoclinic system and typically occurs
as veinlets and fracture coatings. It is commonly
colorless, white to pale amethyst in color. It has
perfect cleavage and the crystalline habit has a
brilliant luster.
Hemimorphite, is Zn4(Si2O7)(OH)2·H2O, a component
of calamine. It is a sorosilicate mineral which has been
historically mined from the upper parts
of zinc and lead ores, chiefly associated with smithsonite,
ZnCO3. They were assumed to be the same mineral and
both were classed under the same name of calamine. In
the second half of the 18th century it was discovered that
these two different minerals were both present in
calamine. They closely resemble each other.
Chalcedony is the form of Quartz that is compact
and microcrystalline. It occurs in many different
forms, colors, and patterns, and many varieties
have been used as gemstones since antiquity. In the
gemstone trade, the term Chalcedony is often used
specifically to describe the white, gray, or
blue translucent type of Chalcedony, but its
technical term includes all additional varieties.

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