I. Title: Words Alive! Show Your #Loveforreading Ii. Number of Years Implemented: 4 Months (Commenced Last June and Is

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I. Title: Words Alive!

Show your #LoveForReading

II. Number of Years Implemented: 4 months (commenced last June and is

currently ongoing)

III. Rationale of Implementation

Reading opens up new information and experiences, whether readers dive

into a subject to gain knowledge, or dive into fiction to escape to other worlds.

Reading is also part of life-long learning: fostering literacy in children solidifies

their educational foundation and for adults, it helps them to open new doors to

success. (Peters, 2018)

Reading plays an important role in the academic growth of a child. It is

indeed observable that most of the learners nowadays are functionally illiterate,

as they have not developed the passion for reading and discover its crucial

importance in the long run. Illiteracy and low literacy leads to poor life outcomes

including higher rates of incarceration, homelessness, dependence on public

assistance, and poor health.

It is important to note that reading is one of the two receptive skills that a

learner should acquire and master at an early age. Without reading (and

listening, which is another receptive skill), a learner will not be able to master

writing and speaking. Not being able to properly utilize the four macro skills of

language learning will make it difficult for a child to develop academically.

However, it is not easy to entice learners into habitual reading especially

because of their growing fascination with technology. The time spent by a learner

in surfing the internet is way higher compared to the time they spend in reading.

With all these in mind, the Pedro Acharon Sr. Central Elementary School

decided to launch the “Words Alive! Show your #LoveforReading” campaign to

not only improve literacy but to also inspire a lifelong love of reading and

learning. The program’s target participants are the learners under the frustration

level. Through the program, the learners will be given remedial classes where

they will be meticulously taught how to read and to insinuate the love for reading.

Their progress will be monitored, until such time where they can already read

materials with fluency and high level of comprehension. The learners under

frustration level are not the only target participants of the program, for it also

encourages other types and levels of learners to participate and they will be

given reading materials appropriate for their capacity to read and comprehend.

IV. List of Reading Interventions/Activities done under Implementation

 Reading Comprehension Skill Habit (7:30AM – 8:00AM)

All the reading activities will start at 7:30 in the morning and will end

approximately at 8:00. The reason why the school picked the said time is

due to the fact that a person’s mind is said to be sharpest in the morning,

after a refreshing night’s sleep and a nutritious breakfast. This makes a

good time for the learners to absorb most (if not all) of the information

taught to them.

 Reading Corner/Reading Area

Learners are given the opportunity to read whatever interests them

for the school has prepared 40 different reading corners assigned each

room inside the school. Each classroom is obligated to build a reading

corner filled with reading materials suited for the learners occupying a

specific classroom. Also, the school has built a classroom solely intended

to become a reading area where students from different grade level can

go and not only read materials but socialize with other students and

teacher each other how to read and comprehend reading materials

 Reading Intervention

In cases of learners under the frustration level, there will be a

diagnosis to determine the problem hindering the learner to read and

comprehend materials properly. After diagnosis, there will then be a group

intervention where the learners are categorized according to the reading

problems they have. Powerpoint presentations will be used during the

reading intervention for convenience and to attract the attention of the

learners by using what they like the most – technology.

V. Before and After Results

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