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Course title:
Database management
Course code:
Submitted to:
Dr. nayyer masood
Submitted by: rabia bilal
Semester: 3rd

Suppose a water filtration company “ABC” wants to develop a database system for his business flow.
This database system will manage its customers, employees, stocks and sales area details. Database
system will manage the different sales areas for delivery, defined by the company upon customer
request. Customers can place the delivery request at least one day before. The Manager can check the
customer order request and generate the bill/voucher accordingly. The salesman will deliver the order
to the customer. The customer will pay the dues. After delivery, salesman can also update the order
status. Customers can give their feedback about water quality and delivery system. Company will give
special discounts and water dispensers to their special customers, and these special facilities depend on
the usage of water bottles. Company also wants to keep track of their delivered bottles details.

 Draw the context level diagram.

 Identify Entities, their attributes, relationships among entities in above scenario and draw
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) for it.


Context level diagram:

Relationship diagram (ERD)

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