401TH - EL - FT - CW2 - Assessment Brief - B5

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Assessment Brief

*This document is for CU Group students for their own use in completing their assessed work for this
module and should not be passed to third parties or posted on any website. Any infringements of
this rule should be reported to registry.cuc@coventry.ac.uk

Module Title: Understanding the Global Hospitality and Tourism Industries

Module Code: 101TH/401THEL

Assessment Type: Assessment Number: Study Mode: Weighting:

Coursework 2 Full-time 60%

Submission Date: Submission Time:

18:00 2500 words (+ / - 10%)


As a people and service led, industry hospitality and tourism is particularly aware of the impact of
cultural diversity both from a staff and customer perspective. Although we applaud individualism
the industry is home to some of the largest global brands in any sector. Household names such as
McDonalds and Hilton are truly international and have managed to successfully expand their
global empire by being aware of the needs of the industry and the consumer.

You are acting as an agent for a group of Brazilian investors considering opening a range of budget
hotels in the UK. You have been asked to prepare a report that discusses the major contemporary
issues related to the hospitality and tourism industries (LO3). It must also outline a range of issues
related to the globalisation of the hospitality and tourism industries (LO4). The report will need to
include a discussion of factors that could influence the future developments in the global
Hospitality and Tourism industries (LO5) and lastly needs to assess the role of branding in global
Hospitality and Tourism (LO6).

Completion of this assignment will address the following learning outcomes:

3 Discuss the major contemporary issues related to the hospitality and Tourism
4 Outline a range of issues related to the globalisation of the hospitality and tourism
5 Discuss factors that influence future developments in global Hospitality and Tourism
6 Assess the role of branding in global Hospitality and Tourism.

Individual Formal Report

You are acting as an agent for a group of Brazilian investors considering opening a range of budget
hotels in the UK. You have been asked to prepare a report that discusses the major contemporary
issues related to the hospitality and tourism industries (LO3). It must also outline a range of issues
related to the globalisation of the hospitality and tourism industries (LO4). The report will need to
include a discussion of factors that could influence the future developments in the global
Hospitality and Tourism industries (LO5) and lastly needs to assess the role of branding in global
Hospitality and Tourism (LO6).

Guidance notes and considerations

Late Submission

If you are not able to complete your coursework on time due to extenuating circumstances, the ONLY
way to receive an extension (up to 5 working days) or a deferral (anything longer than 5 working days)
is to contact a Registry team member located at your specific CU site.

CU Coventry – Registry.cuc@coventry.ac.uk

CU London – Registry.cul@coventry.ac.uk

CU Scarborough – Registry.cus@coventry.ac.uk

* Extenuating circumstances are defined by CU as ‘genuine circumstances beyond your control or

ability to foresee, and which seriously impair your assessed work’.

* Please note that you will need to provide third party evidence to support your reasoning for requiring
an extension or deferral.

* Your course tutor is NOT able to approve an extension or a deferral, if you have not completed the
official forms and had your request approved your work will count as not submitted and receive a zero
Plagiarism and Malpractice

* You are encouraged to check the originality of your work by using the draft Turnitin links on your
Moodle Web.

* Collusion between students (where sections of your work are similar to the work submitted by other
students in this or previous module cohorts) is taken extremely seriously and will be reported to the
academic conduct panel. This applies to all coursework and exam answers.

* A marked difference between your writing style, knowledge and skill level demonstrated in class
discussion, any test conditions and that demonstrated in a coursework assignment may result in you
having to undertake a Viva Voce in order to prove the coursework assignment is entirely your own

* If you make use of the services of a proof reader in your work you must keep your original version
and make it available as a demonstration of your written efforts.

* You must not submit work for assessment that you have already submitted (partially or in full), either
for your current course or for another qualification of this university, unless this is specifically provided
for in your assignment brief or specific course or module information.

Where earlier work by you is citable, ie. it has already been published/submitted, you must reference
it clearly. Identical pieces of work submitted concurrently will also be considered to be self-plagiarism.

Submission Guidelines

There should be a title page which clearly identifies the following;

* Name of the module

* Title of the Assessment * Assessment number

* Word count

The word count identified includes quotations, but excludes the bibliography and unless specifically
stated, encompasses a discrepancy of + or – 10%.
Banding Knowledge and Analysis, Interpretation and Quality of Research Academic Writing
Understanding Application of Theory
(20%) (20%)
(30%) (30%)

90-100% Exceptional knowledge Makes exceptional use of a range of Exceptional exploration of wider Exceptional answer with coherent
base exploring and relevant techniques of academic sources with a high and logical presentation of ideas.
analysing the discipline interpretation, application and/or degree of independent learning The answer is clearly expressed
and its theory with analysis, where relevant to the which exceeds the assignment with flair and originality. No
extraordinary originality module learning outcomes. brief. Sources have been language errors present and
and autonomy. Demonstrates an exceptional accurately interpreted and academic writing style was
theoretical understanding, where integrated with flawless adhered to throughout.
relevant, with appropriately selected synthesis and evaluation leading Referencing in the CU version of
theoretical knowledge integrated to innovative and interesting Harvard has been employed in an
into the overall assignment tasks and ideas. accurate manner.
all learning outcomes.
80-89% Outstanding knowledge Makes outstanding use of a range of Outstanding exploration of Outstanding answer with
base exploring and relevant techniques of wider academic sources with a coherent and logical presentation
analysing the discipline interpretation, application and/or high degree of independent of ideas. The answer is clearly
and its theory with clear analysis, where relevant to the learning which exceeds the expressed with originality. No
originality and module learning outcomes. Shows a assignment brief. Sources have language errors present and
autonomy. well-developed ability to compare been accurately interpreted and academic writing style was
alternative theories and apply them integrated with a high degree of adhered to. Referencing in the CU
within the context of the assignment analysis and application, leading version of Harvard has been
task and all learning outcomes, to innovative and interesting employed in an accurate manner.
where relevant. ideas.

70-79% Excellent knowledge Makes excellent use of established Excellent exploration of wider Excellent answer with coherent
base that supports techniques of interpretation, academic sources with evidence and logical presentation of ideas.
analysis and/or application and/or analysis, where of independent learning which The answer is entirely relevant
interpretation and relevant to the module learning may exceed the assignment and focused. Minimal language
problem-solving in outcomes. Shows a systematic and brief. Sources have been errors which have no impact on
theory and/or practice accurate understanding of key accurately interpreted, clarity of expression. Academic
within the discipline, theories, which are consistently and integrated and analysed, with writing style was adhered to.
with considerable appropriately applied within the an attempt made at synthesis Referencing in the CU version of
originality. context of the assignment task and leading to interesting ideas. Harvard has been employed in an
all learning outcomes, where accurate manner.

60-69% Very good knowledge Makes very good use of established Very good evidence of wider Very good answer with coherent
base that supports techniques of interpretation, academic reading which and logical presentation of ideas.
analysis and/or application and/or analysis, where indicates an approach to The answer is largely relevant and
interpretation and relevant to the module learning independent learning. Sources focused. Some language errors
problem-solving in outcomes. Shows an accurate have been accurately may be present but do not
theory and/or practice understanding of key theories, interpreted and integrated with impact on the clarity of
within the discipline, where relevant, which are some attempt at analysis. expression. Academic writing
with some originality appropriately applied within the style was inconsistently adhered
displayed. context of the assignment task and to. Referencing in the CU version
the module learning outcomes. of Harvard is mostly accurate
with some minor errors.
50-59% Good knowledge base Makes good use of established Good evidence of academic Good answer with some attempt
that supports some techniques of interpretation, reading, with some attempt at at coherent and logical
analysis and/or application and/or analysis, where moving beyond the presentation. The answer
interpretation and relevant to the module learning recommended texts. contains some irrelevant material
problem-solving in outcomes. Sound descriptive Interpretation of sources has and lacks focus at points. Some
theory and/or practice knowledge of key theories, where been largely accurate, but there language errors are present
within the discipline. relevant, with some appropriate may be some instances of which impacts on clarity at times.
application. misunderstanding. Limited Academic writing style is not
evidence of integration and adhered to at all times.
analysis. Referencing in the CU version of
Harvard is present, however may
not be entirely accurate at times.

40-49% Satisfactory knowledge Makes satisfactory but limited use of Satisfactory evidence of Satisfactory answer, however,
base demonstrating established techniques of academic reading, with no issues with coherence and logical
comprehension and interpretation, application and/or obvious attempt to move presentation are likely to be
formulation of basic analysis, where relevant to the beyond the recommended present. The answer contains
knowledge with some module learning outcomes. texts. Interpretation of sources irrelevant material and lacks
omissions at the level of may be inaccurate and poorly focus. Language errors are
Selection of theory, where relevant,
theoretical integrated. Analysis is unlikely frequent which impacts on clarity
is satisfactory but application and/or
understanding. to have been attempted. and academic writing style is not
understanding is limited.
present. Referencing in the CU
Limited ability to discuss
version of Harvard may be
theory and solve
incomplete and is inaccurate.
problems within the
35-39% Outcomes not or only Attempts at analysis, where relevant, Limited evidence of reading at Answer is attempted but limited.
partially met. Restricted and interpretation are ineffective an academic level. Sources used Poor coherence and illogical
(Marginal Fail)
knowledge base and/or uninformed by the discipline. may be inappropriate and presentation. The answer
demonstrated. Limited Knowledge of theory, where interpreted poorly. No evidence contains irrelevant material and
understanding of relevant, is inaccurate and/or of integration, analysis or lacks focus throughout. Language
discipline. Difficulty with incomplete. Choice of theory interpretation. Poor academic errors are consistent and impact
linking theory and inappropriate. Application and/or practice may have resulted in on the clarity of expression.
problem solving within understanding demonstrated is very sections of plagiarised material. Academic writing style is not
the discipline. limited. present. Referencing in the CU
version of Harvard is incomplete
and inaccurate.

0 – 34% Little or no evidence of Absence of relevant theoretical Inadequate evidence of reading Serious and fundamental flaws
knowledge base. Little content and/or use of theory, where at an academic level with poor leading to an unclear answer.
evidence of relevant. Lacks any analysis and application of sources and Very weak academic skills and
understanding of interpretation. ideas. Answer is likely to include writing ability. Poorly structured
discipline. Significant inappropriate references which with multiple language errors.
difficulty with theory are misunderstood and not Inadequate application of CU
and problem solving integrated. Possibility of version of Harvard referencing
within the discipline. plagiarism OR no evidence of style.
academic research. Answer may
not be research based.

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