Colegio Técnico Industrial José Elías Puyana

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NIVEL O Ingles técnico 11 ESTUDIANTE Yailin Jailen Montañez Pinzon

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Buscar y ver el video en youtube: 5 of the Worst Computer Viruses Ever Este

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This episode of SciShow might make you a little paranoid about computer viruses and internet
security. But that’s probably a good thing. When we talk about a computer virus, we usually mean
any kind of code that’s designed to do harm and spread itself to more computers. They’re created by
malicious programmers who might want to use your computer to attack other targets, or make
money by stealing your personal information. They could also just be trying to see how far their
virus will spread. Different viruses can affect Windows, Mac, and Linux computers, and even the
data servers that keep companies, and the internet itself, running. Antivirus programs help, but
they can have trouble dealing with threats they’ve never seen before. Over the years, there have
been thousands and thousands of viruses spread online, and they’ve caused billions of dollars of
damage from lost productivity, wasted resources, and broken machines .A few dozen of those
viruses stand out, some spread especially quickly, or affected a lot of people, or created a ton of
damage all by themselves. Some did all of the above. Since a lot of viruses were very bad, in a lot of
different ways, it’s hard to pick out which ones were objectively the worst. But with that in mind,
here are 5 of those extra-destructive viruses. These are snip petsof code that changed the way people
thought about computer security, both the people designing the viruses, and the people trying to
protect against them. Say it’s May 1999.You’re an unsuspecting computer user who’s never gotten a
virus, let alone been trained to look for the signs that an email might be malicious. You get an email
from someone you know, with a subject line that says it’s an important message. The message
inside just says “Here's that document
you asked for ... don't show anyoneelse,” with a winking emoticon. The attachment is a word
document labeled “LIST.”So you click on it, because you’re curious… and a list of porn sites

E Conocimiento (Saber) Desempeño (Hacer) Producto (resultado)

V El estudiante es capaz de identificar técnicas El estudiante selecciona la técnica de estudio El estudiante presenta el desarrollo de la guía
I de estudio que le permiten mejorar su más apropiada de acuerdo con los asignada.
D proceso de aprendizaje. conocimientos y saberes.
pops up. At this point, you realize the email was probably some kind of virus. But it’s too late, the
first 50 people in your address book have already gotten a copy of the exact same email, with a
subject line saying that the message is from you. That was the Melissa virus. It spread through
Microsoft’s Outlook email program, and even though the attachment seemed like an innocent Word
document, it was able to infect computers because of something called a macro. A macro is a
specific kind of computer program that’s used to create shortcuts. In Word, they’re meant to make
it easier to edit a document. Instead of manually making a set of changes to the document one by
one, a macro is a piece of code that will let you doit all with one click. The problem is, that
functionality gives macros a lot of power over your computer. So a macro that’s actually a virus, like
Melissa, takes advantage of that power using malicious code. In just a few days, Melissa spread to
hundreds of thousands of computers. It didn’t do any damage to the computers themselves, but it
did make email services slow WAY down, and cost companies about $80 million overall. Eventually,
IT professionals and antivirus programs put safeguards in place to stop the virus, both by
preventing the emails from sending, and by keeping them from reaching other people’s inboxes if
they DID send. The programmer behind the virus, David L. Smith, was caught about a week after
Melissa was first released. He spent 20 months in prison and paid a
$5000 fine. Why Melissa? Apparently that was the name of a stripper he met in Florida. Melissa
spread very quickly because of social engineering: it was designed to make people curious enough to
open the attachment. The ILOVEYOU virus, which spread about a year later, in May of 2000, was
also successful because of social engineering. It reached around 45 million computers in just two
days, and caused about $10 billion dollars in damage. The infected email had the subject line
“ILOVEYOU”, and came with an attachment titled “love letter for you.txt”. When you clicked on the
attachment, the virus would go through your system’s files, looking for media like documents,
images, and audio files. Then it would overwrite them with copies of itself, so if you didn’t have your
files backed up, you’d lose all your data. Meanwhile, the virus would send itself to everyone in your
address book. ILOVEYOU was a type of virus called a worm, which means that it was a standalone
program that didn’t use a host program to run, the way Melissa used Microsoft Word. It looked like
a text document, so opening it seemed relatively harmless, but the “love letter for you” file was
actually a type of file called a visual basic script, which uses the file extension .vbs. Users couldn’t
see the vbs at the end of the filename, though, because the Windows operating system they were
using was hiding file extensions by default. Visual basic scripts send your computer a list of
instructions to execute. So if they’re meant to cause harm, they can be very dangerous, and do
things like delete all of your files. Like Melissa, the ILOVEYOU worm was mostly contained after a
few days. It was filtered out of people’s inboxes and companies released fixes for machines that had
been infected. But plenty of damage had already been done. The virus was attributed to two
programmers in the Philippines.
But even though they were both arrested, they were released because at the time, there weren’t any
laws against what they’d done. ILOVEYOU showed just how easily, and quickly, a worm could
spread, and how much damage it could do. On January 25, 2003, just before 6 AM, the internet
broke. South Korea lost both internet and cell phone service. 300,000 people in Portugal couldn’t
connect to the internet. Airlines couldn’t process tickets and had to cancel flights. Bank ATMs went
down. 911 in Seattle had to start using paper to log calls. Even for a lot of devices that were still
connected to the internet, the connections had become suddenly very slow, even by 2003 standards.
So what happened? As you can probably guess by now, all of this chaos was caused by a virus. But it
wasn’t the kind of virus that spreads through email, or infects the sort of computer most people
have at home. Slammer was a worm that targeted SQL servers, which store databases using a piece
of Microsoft software called … Microsoft SQL Server. It worked by taking advantage of a bug in the
software: it sent the server a specially-formatted piece of code, one that looked like it was just an
ordinary request for information, but actually reprogrammed the server to send out more copies of
the same worm. The worm spread faster than any other virus ever had, infecting 75,000 servers in
just10 minutes. Those servers were all sending requests to thousands of other servers, which
couldn’t handle all the traffic. In all, millions of servers were affected, and the internet went kaput
for a while .Slammer is thought to have caused about $1.2billion in damage before it was stopped,
and the programmer behind it was never caught. The whole mess could have been prevented,
though, six months earlier, Microsoft released a fix for the bug that Slammer exploited, but lots of
people just hadn’t installed it yet. The 2007 Storm Worm was another worm that spread through
email. But its purpose wasn’t to destroy your computer or information, it wanted to take over your
computer instead. The original subject line read “230 dead as storm batters europe,” which is where
the virus gets its name. But instead of an attachment, the email contained a link to a website, which
promptly downloaded the virus onto the user’s machine. And then … nothing happened. Or at least,
nothing the user could see. Storm Worm was designed to be as invisible as possible, so that you
wouldn’t detect and destroy it. This way, it was able to use your computer to do all kinds of stuff in
the background. The virus would connect your machine to what’s known as a bot-net, a collection of
computers that form a network. A bot-net can do all kinds of things, from launching coordinated
attacks that slow down or disable the web servers that keep a company going, to stealing passwords,
banking, and identity information. But at first, the network didn’t actually do very much, it just
grew. Antivirus and IT companies knew it was there, but it was hard to stop it. For one thing,
different machines in the network had different jobs. Only a small fraction of infected computers
were in charge of spreading the virus. Another small set of computers served as the command-and-
control centers, which sent out instructions and helped control the rest of the bot-net. The rest
just followed those instructions. So even if you shut down most of the
computers spreading the virus, the network would still be out there, doing its thing. But it was hard
to stop Storm Worm from spreading in the first place. Sure, it started out as an email about a storm
in Europe, but soon there were emails with all kinds of different headlines. And since they were
coming from someone in your address book, they seemed relatively innocent. To make matters
worse, antivirus programs had trouble finding the virus on an infected machine. The code for Storm
Worm was designed to change every half hour, so it always looked different. At its peak, the Storm
Worm bot-net consisted of about 1.5 million machines. The programmers didn’t seem to be using it
for anything nefarious, though, they just sold the network to other criminals and scammers. After a
while, companies did figure out how to stop the virus from spreading. They removed it from
infected machines, and by late 2008, the bot-net was mostly gone. But, like with Slammer, the
people behind it were never caught. Mebroot is also a virus that slowly started to spread in 2007.
And its main goal was also to hook you up to a bot-net, called Torpig. Both are especially
sophisticated. Mebroot usually gets into your computer viaa drive-by download, where you visit a
malicious web page and the program downloads in the background without you even knowing it.
From there, it overwrites what’s known as the Master Boot Record, the part of your computer’s
hard drive that stores the instructions that tell your computer how to start up. Being able to control
the Master Boot Record gives mebroot a lot of power, because it can tell your computer what to do
right from the start. And what it tells your computer, is to connect to the Torpig bot-net … which
then steals all of your information .Torpig uses a spying technique known as Man-in-the-Browser,
which is as creepy as it sounds. It lurks in your browser, logging everything you do and any private
information you happen to enter. It’ll also try to actively steal information, using fake websites that
look and behave exactly like the originals, but send the data to the Torpig servers instead. And all
the while, you’d never know it was there. By late 2008, Torpig had stolen info connected to 500,000
bank accounts, and again, the people who created it haven’t been caught. By now, you might be
wondering whether a worm will make the internet go down tomorrow, or whether your computer
is secretly part of a bot-net. And I don’t really blame you. There are things you can do to avoid
getting viruses: install an antivirus program. Don’t click on suspicious links or emails from Nigerian
princes. Keep your operating system and computer programs updated with the latest security
patches. Computers are amazing, but they just do what they’re told, and when viruses tell them to
do bad things, it can create a lot of damage.

I. Choose the correct answer. Elija la respuesta correcta

1. What is the objective of most computer viruses?

A. to make/steal money
B to attack other targets
C to see how far they can spread
D. all of the above

2. What is a "worm" virus?

A. a program that burrows through existing programs destroying them along the way
B. a stand alone program that doesn't use a host program to run
C. a program that allows your computer to travel through time and space

3. Why is the visual basic scripts (.vbs) file extension so dangerous?

A when you open it, it sends your computer a list of instructions to execute
B it's always a virus
C it shuts down all visuals on your computer, so your screen stops working
D when you open it, it emails all your existing contacts a socially engineered message

4. What can you do to prevent getting a computer virus?

A Install anti-virus programs
B keep your computer programs updated with latest security patches
C don't click on suspicious links or emails
D all of the above

II. Answer the next questions. Responda las siguientes preguntas.

1. How are computer viruses similar to real viruses?

the infected operating system begins to suffer a series of abnormal or unforeseen behaviors, which
can end up rendering our computer useless.

2. The Melissa virus was a "macro" virus. What does that mean?
Melissa virus is a macrovirus that infects Microsoft Office documents. It is also known as W97M

3. Most of these viruses spread through a combination of keen computer programing, and
social engineering. Give an example of how one of these viruses was socially engineered to
When opening or executing files downloaded from the Internet (programs, multimedia content,
documents, etc.), you must be cautious as they can bring some type of malware camouflaged.

What we download through file sharing programs (P2P) or obtain from content download web pages, as
they may be more likely to contain viruses

Infiero información acerca de un lugar, clima y costumbres.

Expreso ideas cortas acerca de acciones en un momento
(saber) específico o rutinas teniendo en cuenta el vocabulario visto.
Diferencio los tiempos presente simple y progresivo en textos escritos.

Escribo ideas cortas acerca de acciones en un momento específico o

rutinas. Participo de conversaciones aplicando los contenidos y
PROCEDIMENTA vocabulario visto.
LES Elaboro las tareas propuestas para el proyecto final Presento mis
(hacer) trabajos y tareas a tiempo.
Entrego mis tareas y trabajos bien presentados, completos y en el
ACTITUDINALES momento acordado. Manifiesto interés por la asignatura (puntualidad,
(saber ser – saber respeto, compromiso y motivación).

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