Unit 5

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| Communication Pe cn ean unit Secrest Working with words | Documents and correspondence 1. Frjiten provides IT and communications solutions Read ahaut its work with three companies, 1 What product or system does each company use? 2 Whats the result?” hs Three ways FUJITSU helps clients to reduce paperwork and improve communication: Starting point 1 What types of The nurses at PinnacleHealth use Fujitsu's correspondence do you! por tablets for patient information. They } use in your job? never print a hard copy so niow they have 2 How many hours a ‘more time for patients escort “A The recruitment firm, Spring Personnel, coe receives hundreds of CVs, letters, and paperwork? business cards. But withthe Fujitsu SSSI ScanSnap, the company can scan and save them electronically It reduces paper filed in the office by 90%", says Lucy Taylor, branch co-ordinator The global delivery company, TNT, deals I with 30,000 items every day. In 2002 a) cach tem needed 4 pieces of paperwork including an order frm from the customer, an invoice to bl the customer and a delivery note and receipt for when ar watered Workang wich jitsu, TNT now has an electronic system called PACS. It reduces delivery times by up to 8 hours, 2 Does your company produce lots of paperwork? How does it reduce it? 30 3. What documents do you need in these situations? Match the words in bold in 1. 1 You want to apply for a job, 2. You want to place an order. You make a payment. ‘You meet someone for the first time. You send a customer a list of the items they ordered and the total price. 6 The delivery company brings you 20 boxes. 7 Your boss wants to read your report. You need to print it 4 Which of the documents in 3 do you use at work? What other types of documents do you deal with at work? 5 27> Listen to a telephone convers: 1 What is the problem? 2 What types of documents or correspondence do they mention? 6 27> Listen again and make verb + noun combinations from A and B. Then ‘match the words to the pictures. A B receive —_ attach ahard copy ‘an order form print__ send anemail(x2)—_adocument save forward afolder an invoice open it From Subject = 9 For more exercises, go to Practice file 5 on page 86. 8 Work with a partner, Student A, turn to file 09 on page 105. Student B, turn to file 36 on page 111. 9 Work in small groups. Discuss these questions. 1 Do you write letters at work or do you always write emails? 2. How many emails do you receive a day at work? Are they alway 3 Do you preter to telephone or email to: + arrange to meet? + eolve a problem? + find out information? (D> Interactive Workbook » Glossary necessary? uonedjunuu09 | § uA 31 Tip | was not / wasn’t When speaking, use wan't / werent I wasn't at the meeting. In formal or written English, use was not /were not The company was nat able to ies mei Language at work | Past simple: be and regular verbs 1 Do you ever have meetings at breakfast? Do you think this is a good time for meetings or presentations? 2. 28> Listen to a conversation between Janusz and Carlos and underline the correct words in italics. ‘Aloha Marketing Consultants wel leSki on Brands: Ihe Branding of kastern Europe venue SPEAKER, Make Sobiest 2 20> Listen again and complete the conversation with was, wasn't, were, or weren't. Janusz Sorry I'mlate. I at the presentation on branding. Carlos that last week? Janusz. No, it this morning at the Century Hotel Carlos Oh. it interesting? Janusz. Yes, it and there lots of good questions at the end. The breakfast 10d tool Anyway, why '___ you in the office yesterday? Carlos There’ terrible problems with flights from Rome, so 1 4 Complete these rules for the past simple of be with was, were, wasn't, or weren't. 1 Use or in positive sentences, 2 Use or in negative sentences, 3 In questions, put the verb before / after the subject. 5 Work with a partner. Student A, turn to File 16 on page 107. Student B, turn to File 38 on page 112 6 Read the two emails below. 1 When was the meeting? 2 What was the reason for the meeting? 3. Why didn't Piotr organize the next business breakfast? 7 ‘Subject: Next month's business event Hi Piotr Sorry I wasn't at the meeting last Monday. What did you decide to do about next month's business event? Lydia Alpha Marketing > Hi Lydia \We decided to ask the management expert, Ron Peters, to give the next presentation on 25th, Im afraid I didn’t have time to ‘email Mr Peters or book the note! last week and now I'm away for a week, Can you organize it? Thank you. Piotr 7 Look at the verbs in bold in 6 and complete these rules about the past simple. 1 Make positive sentences with verb + 2. Make negative sentences with 1 verb, 3 For questions and short answers, use 1 didn’. 8 29> Lydia telephones Piotr about the presentation. Listen and tick (/) what Lydia did on this ‘to do’ list. © 20% Listen again and complete these centences using the pact simple of the verbs in brackets. 1 Tjust to check ... (want) 2 ...if you _ Ron Peters. (call) 3. What he (say) 4 Why —__hs to apeak then? (not / want) 51 the Century Hotel. telephone) 6 you it? (book) No, (not / do) .) For more information and exercises, go to Practice file 5 on pase 87. 10 30> Sometimes the -ed adds an extra syllable to the verb. Listen and write the number of syllables in cach verb, 1 decide 2. - decided 2 4 call 2 telephone —~ telephoned — 5 invite — 3 want —- wanted — 11 Work with a partner. Student A, turn to File 11 on page 105. Student B, turn to File 39 on page 112. 12 Work with a partner. Ask and answer these questions. + When was yourlast meeting? «Were many people there? Who were they? + Where was it? + Were there lots of questions? + What did you talk about? + What did you decide? + Was it interesting? Practically speaking | How to apologize 1. 31P Listen to three conversations. 1. How does the speaker apologize? 2 What reason does the speaker give? 2 Work with a partner. Take turns to apologize in these situations and give a + you're late for a job interview «you didn't book the hotel for your boss + you weren't at the department meeting this morning, + you didn't remember your colleague's birthday + accustomer didn't receive a delivery Todo, cal Bon Paes Confirm the time of He peer “phere ental ‘le ntl uoneoiunuwuos | s wun 33 Business communication | Solving problems 1. Do you have these problems at work? Who normally solves them? + late deliveries + bad products or services + machinery or equipment not working + human mistakes + angry customers 2 32> Listen to a telephone conversation. Which problems in 1 do they have? 3 32> Listen again and complete the conversation. =a 3 We — fix the machine today and print them again. Keane a y - 5 I know the Purchasing Manager at Gosport, so 1 tohim Explaining the problem 6M give another delivery date for this. Ive / We've got a problem 7 Sure the factory now and I you know as soon as Ican. with 8 That _____be great. Thanks alot. 1/ We can't We did X ..., but ¥ didn’t 4 Work with a partner, Read this email from your boss. work Solving the problem = - You / We need to .. Dee ats cs a ; econ. Ea es a eee techs rent + the new printers don’t work with our computers. What can IT do about it? id someone book my tickets for Moscow? Remember I go next Mondo. Ellen in Sales leaves this week, Can we organize a leaving party on Friday? Vl .. (Speak to ... explain the situation / call... / let you know ‘as soon as | can) died 8 present? Responding and thanking Don't worry. Now turn to your information files. Student A, turn to File 12 on page 105. That would be great: Student R, turn ta File 40 on page 119 Thanks a lt for your help. Nalprielert 5 Think ofa problem at work this week. Explain it to your partner. Take av turns to try and solve your partner's problem and promise action. @ »» Interactive Workbook pio SS ee » Phrasebank ©» inieractive Workbook »> Email and ») Exercises and Tests EE Everyday tasks lasks everyday ~ got your tasks done Ks E al office asista |. Where do the office assistants for Taske Everyday work? © Do you like this idea for your company? ) What problems can you see with this service? You work for Tasks Everyday. Your client, Nina, is an administrator for Balfour Furnishings and is on holiday for two weeks, so all of her emails and phone calls are re-directed to you. It is the 15th February. |. Work with a partner. Talk about the items above and decide what you need to do with each one. 2 Now decide un die (wu juls you need Wy du first | Make two phone calls. Student A, turn to File 13 on page 105. Student B, fi turn to Tile 42 on page 113,

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