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IoT System for Air Pollutants Assessment in Underground

George Suciu Mihaela Balanescu Carmen Nadrag
BEIA Consult International BEIA Consult International BEIA Consult International
Bucharest, Romania Bucharest, Romania Bucharest, Romania

Andrei Birdici Cristina Mihaela Balaceanu Marius Alexandru Dobrea

BEIA Consult International BEIA Consult International BEIA Consult International
Bucharest, Romania Bucharest, Romania Bucharest, Romania

Adrian Pasat Radu-Ioan Ciobanu

R&D Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers
BEIA Consult International University Politehnica of Bucharest
Bucharest, Romania Bucharest, Romania

ABSTRACT friendly perspective. Also, it diminishes the negative effects on the

health of the population, by reducing the emissions generated by
This paper describes an IoT system capable of capturing car traffic. In addition, by limiting congestion and providing vital
information about hazardous working environments and analyzes transport links in a city, the usage of subways also improves the
the health risks associated with increased air pollution. The case overall quality of urban communities. Although all these benefices,
study regards the underground transportation systems, which are the increased air pollutants concentrations from underground
key components in commuting networks of large cities, providing environment ([2], [3], [4], [5]) had a negative effect on human
fast and affordable transport for urban communities. First, a risk health, [6]. The main pollutant is represented by particulate matter
analysis of the categories of people working in this space or (PM) which may be associated with an increased risk of
commuting through the city using the subway was performed. carcinogenicity and non-cancer health effects considering their
Furthermore, the situation in other similar environments and the metal rich composition, [6]. However, in order to maximize the
main sources of pollution was analyzed. By designing and positive impact on the urban environment, underground transport
implementing a WSN system could be managed to gather air systems must ensure a safe and healthy environment for both
quality data and process the sensors measurements. The passengers and workers in this system.
experimental results consist of a predictive model of PMs
emissions which can aid in mitigating air pollution. The main objective of the paper is describing the system capable of
capturing information about these work environments, the health of
workers and even the network infrastructure deployed in these
KEYWORDS environments, in order to analyses and present this information, and
thus having more information about the environments of railway
Air Quality, IoT, railway metro system, PMs emissions
metro system and the workers, as well as helping in the Data Driven
Decision Making, ensuring and thus improving the safety within
1 Introduction these hazardous operating environments (not just physical security
The underground transportation systems are key components in but also the network security).
commuting networks of large cities, providing fast and affordable
transport for urban communities. For example, Bucharest metro Despite the scientific and technical efforts to connect to everything
network ensure (in 2017) the daily transit of over 600000 people that is happening in the field of mobile communications research,
representing around 25% of total city inhabitants, [1]. there is still a need for agile and reliable solutions in hazardous
industrial environments. Within this paper, a solution will be
The benefits of metro transportation are numerous and are mainly developed in order to design a wireless communication system in
driven by the reduction of car use, which leads to an environment- underground environments (railway metro system). The goal is to
reduce air pollution exposure by using various types of Internet-of- In a different study the authors describe the air quality in the main
Things (IoT) sensors that can capture data from this environment. metro station in Rome from the point of view of PM concentration.
Various indoor and outdoor environments have been studied and
2 Related Work compared. Also, the paper highlights the influence of the air
The metro system infrastructures and operation condition varied conditioning over the air quality of an indoor environment and
significantly worldwide and the focus of air research work. A first compares the results obtained with the gravimetric procedure and
study was performed in Newark, U.S and was focused on chemical the optical particle counter methods [10].
composition of PM and source emissions identification (traffic, A study conducted in 4 different metro stations in Athens provided
power plants, incineration, braking operations and track-wheel a comparison of the air quality depending on the type of ventilation
abrasion), [7]. Since then more studies were performed in all the implemented in the locations (natural ventilation or using air-
continents. In general, the air research studies start with conditioning). The measurements were made continuously using
identification of chemical species and measurements of air portable devices and the results also depended on how deep and
pollutants concentrations. The primary air pollutants identified in how crowded the subway station is [11].
the in the metro air were PM, aromatic hydrocarbons, carbonyls and
airborne bacteria, [8]. Must be noted that, in general the PM
3 Methods
concentration in metro are higher than the those in outside
The main pollutants identified in the literature inside the
environments, [8]. For example, in Stockholm the PM
underground areas are represented by PMx (particulate matter with
concentration were 5 to 10 times higher than those measured at the
diameter less than x µm) and gaseous pollutants (Volatile Organic
most crowded streets [9]. Also, the research studies investigate the
Compounds – VOC, nitrogen dioxide – NO2, carbon monoxide –
influence of ventilation on metro air quality and develop measures
CO, carbon dioxide - CO2, etc), [8]. Their concentrations vary
to reduce air pollutant concentrations, [8].
depending on the degree of ventilation of the interior spaces as well
In Beijing’s metro stations variations of PM concentrations as the temperature and humidity levels.
appeared periodically with the trains arriving in the station, which
The establishment of the most representative location to install the
was caused by the piston wind effect produced by the train.
measurement equipment in the Bucharest underground
Measurements were also made inside the train that showed a
transportation network is based on a risk analysis of the categories
considerable fluctuation of PM2.5 from 220 µg/m³ to 370 µg/m³
of people working in this space or commuting through the city
when the door opened. A total of 8 different rooms were measured
using the subway (Table 1). The analysis includes identifying the
in the working areas of the subway of which only 3 of them were
exposure area, the risk factors associated with both the environment
equipped with a ventilation system while another was closed. The
and the type of activity being carried out, and the exposure time.
measurement took place in a lightly polluted day and concluded
The employees number working at the location of the
with a higher concentration of PM pollution than the one outside,
communications center varies between 3-5 people. Also, the
the highest contaminated rooms were the ones with the poor
categories of persons considered for the analysis are represented by
ventilation while the closed room had the lowest PM concentration.
passengers, system maintenance workers and qualified personnel
PM2.5 to PM10 average ratio was 79.6% outside the subway while in
in the communication or command centers.
the underground locations it was at 68.7% [2].
Studies have shown that the concentrations of PM measured in
railway metro systems are considerably higher than the values Risk Exposed individuals
measured at the street level, mainly due to mechanical processes of Factors Passengers Workers Qualified
the trains. Therefore, experiments were conducted in order to
Exposure Staying in and Stations, Communication
analyze the air quality improvement in the case of using high- area going through tunnels Centers, Command
quality materials and solutions for the metro system [3]. metro stations Centers
Type of Light physical Intense Static positions
In addition to this, researchers have investigated the evolution of physical activity or physical generating
PM10 pollution levels in a new section of a metro line in Italy activity static position activity for pain/musculoskeletal
compared to the values measured in a subway line section which short periods disorders.
of time Light physical
had been used for a longer period. The results for the two areas were
activity for short
comparable from a statistical point of view, as the pollutants were periods of time.
transferred from the old section to the new one due to the piston Duration Waiting time in Maximum 8 8 hours per day
effect [4]. of subway hours per day,
activity/ stations and depending on
Another study identified street traffic as being the pollution source exposure transit between the repair and
with particles of dimensions below 500 nm in the subway station in them. maintenance
which the study was conducted. The correlation was done based on
Risk Atmospheric Atmospheric Atmospheric
the comparison of the size distributions of PMs [5]. factors pollutants pollutants pollutants (PM10,
(PM10, PM2.5, (PM10, PM2.5, PM2.5, VOC, NO2,
CO2), CO2, CO), CO2, CO), humidity,  one smart Fitbit Charge bracelet.
humidity, humidity, temperature, stress
temperature temperature related to work The main advantages of the LANCOM 1780EW 4G + router is:
responsibility  cloud router device management through Lancom Cloud
Management application;
Analyzing the table above, the category of qualified employees of
 providing reliable network security performance thanks to
the Communication Centers or Command Centers are identified as
the LCOS10 operating system;
the category most exposed to environmental and health risks.
 availability of a 4G LTE wireless connection.
For this use-case a specific architecture was developed. At the
In order to achieve the experimental model for wireless
lowest level of the architecture the sensors and the actuators stand
communications in hazardous environments and to identify the
out, which will be responsible for measuring and collecting
signal strength diminution of the router due to interference with
information of the environment itself. These sensors will send the
other access points, measurements were made at the location of the
collected metrics to a main Gateway using wireless communication
pilot project and in a controlled test environment. The experimental
system. The Gateway oversees the coordination of all the sensors
wireless communications model in hazardous environments is
and will send the information to the Data Acquisition level. Data
functional and has enabled data acquisition from sensor devices.
processing/ data analytics level are responsible for pre-processing
The data acquisition process is presented below.
and processing the data regarding the environmental pollutants,
monitoring the network. The last level includes data presentation For accessing data measured by Libelium devices, the user has to
components and represent the interface with the system users. At login in the Meshlium platform. Data can be viewed and accessed
this point, the data and metrics collected go through different stages directly or through the PhpMyAdmin administration tool. The data
of enrichment, indexing, storage and analysis to offer this acquisition process monitored by the Libelium sensors was carried
information to the subsequent stages of visualization and action. out as follows:
Thus, the information analyzed will be offered to the presentation  accessing the Meshlium GW (Gateway) interface (Manager
and application layers, to be presented to the final user through a System).
friendly and intuitive interface. In the same way, within this phase,  accessing the Tools menu in order to connect to the MySQL
it will be possible to define triggers that generate alarms or infer database interface where sensor data is stored and logging into the
other events based on the metrics obtained. The architecture PhpMyAdmin interface;
implemented is presented in Figure 1.  querying the database using query functions;
 downloading the data selected by the query function.
The data acquisition process monitored by the uRADMonitor
device (D#1) was as follows:
 accessing the WEB platform.
 accessing the Dashboard (Device View) menu;
 accessing the DATA tab;
 select the period and parameters of interest;
 downloading the selected database.
The device D#1 was placed on the main hall far from the air
admission points and will be used to characterize the average air
quality inside the Centre. D#2 and D#3 devices was placed in two
working rooms of the Communication Centre near outdoor air
admission points. D#1 send data with a frequency of 1 minutes,
while D#2 and D#3 send date at every 15 minutes.
The selection of the parameters (PM10 and PM2.5 hourly
Figure 1: Platform architecture
concentration values) for which a simulation model was developed
For the acquisition of environmental data and physiological was based on the preliminary statistical analysis of the measured
parameters, the following equipment were tested, [17] and used: data and by comparison with the limit values provided in the E.U.
environmental legislation [15].
 one router LANCOM 1780EW 4G + [12];
 one air quality monitoring station uRADMonitor Industrial, First step was represented by a qualitative analysis of the data based
uRAD (D#1) [13]; on the comparison with standard data requirements (i.e.
 two devices (D#2 and D#3) Libelium Plug and Sense SCP concentration values must be a positive or null value) and
(Smart Cities Pro) air quality monitoring stations [14]; calculation of hourly average concentrations. The second step was
 one Libelium Gas Board data acquisition board with air represented by a preliminary analysis using statistical descriptive
quality monitoring sensors; methods (i.e. mean value, variation, standard deviation). The
dataset included in the modelling process are represented by PM10
and PM2.5 hourly average concentration values for a period of 11
days (in October 2018).
In section IV are presented the results of this analysis and the
predictive model developed. The predictive model obtained using
a multiple linear regression method were tested for validation and
the results are presented in the section V.

4 Results
The comparison with the PM10 and PM2.5 concentration limit values
provided by environmental legislation [15] indicates daily values
exceedances for both pollutants. Thus, the value of the daily PM10 Figure 2: The daily variation of hourly PM10 concentrations
concentration is exceeded in 66% of cases while the daily PM2.5 recorded by D#2 equipment
concentration value is exceeded in 91% of cases.
For the selected parameters (PM10 and PM2.5), simulation models
were developed and tested for values obtained in common spaces
(common hall) based on concentration values measured at outdoor
air admission points.
The main statistical parameters for the data recorded by three of the
monitoring equipment are presented in Table 2.



Statistical PM2.5 PM10

D#1 D#2 D#3 D#1 D#2 D#3 Figure 3: The daily variation of hourly PM10 concentrations
recorded by D#3 equipment
Mean 47.75 42.52 79.02 64.66 43.14 81.27
The stepwise regression method was applied in order to achieve a
Median 45.09 39.55 73.48 61.12 40.08 75.17
mathematical model for estimating concentrations of PM10 in the
Standard 24.81 15.53 24.10 33.01 16.07 25.37
central corridor of the case study location. Since D#2 and D#3 are
Deviation located near outdoor air admission points, they were considered as
inputs, having as dependent variable the concentration values
Variance 615.95 241.27 580.80 1089.55 258.54 643.68 measured in the central hall of the location with the D#1 equipment.
The model equation is presented below.
Minimum 9.89 16.33 44.65 14.30 16.61 45.42

Maximum 138.96 97.01 184.80 185.97 108.85 192.91 y = 1.270 × x1 + 0.347 × x2 – 18.610

Count 305 304 269 305 304 269 where:

y - PM10 concentration in central corridor, µg/N𝑚 ;
Confidence ± 2.79 ± 1.75 ± 2.89 ± 3.71 ± 1.81 ± 3.04 x1 - PM10 concentration measured next to the admission
level (95%) point in room 1 (D#2), µg/N𝑚 ;
x2 - PM10 concentration measured next to the admission
The analysis of daily PM10 hourly concentrations was necessary in point in room 2 (D#3), µg/N𝑚 .
order to identify possible patterns of concentration variations.
Figure 2 and Figure 3 show the measurements variation for the data The high value of the multiple correlation coefficient (0.867) and
acquired during the experimental test period. the F test (379.103), cumulated with the standard distribution of
standardized residual values (Figure 4) and the linearity of the
cumulative probability curve (Figure 5) indicates that the
mathematical model of estimating the PM10 in the central hall of the
case study location are representative.
Figure 7: The daily variation of hourly PM2.5 concentrations
recorded by D#3 equipment

In the similar way with the model for PM10 concentration, the
Figure 4: Distribution of residual values for the estimation stepwise regression method was applied in order to achieve a
model for PM10 concentrations mathematical model for estimating concentrations of PM2.5 in the
central corridor of the case study location. The model equation is
presented below.

y = 0.975 × x1 + 0.305 × x2 – 18.013

y - PM2.5 concentration in central corridor, µg/N𝑚 ;
x1 - PM2.5 concentration measured next to the admission
point in room 1 (D#2), µg/N𝑚 ;
x2 - PM2.5 concentration measured next to the admission
point in room 2 (D#3), µg/N𝑚 .

The high value of the multiple correlation coefficient (0.884) and

the F test (444.773), cumulated with the standard distribution of
standardized residual values (Figure 8) and the linearity of the
cumulative probability curve (Figure 9) indicates that the
Figure 5: Cumulative probability curve for residual values for mathematical model of estimating the PM10 in the central hall of the
the PM10 estimation model case study location are representative.

The analysis of daily PM2.5 hourly concentrations was necessary in

order to identify possible patterns of concentration variations.
Figure 6 and Figure 7 show the measurements variation for the data
acquired during the experimental test period.

Figure 8: Distribution of residual values for the estimation

model for PM2.5 concentrations

Figure 6: The daily variation of hourly PM2.5 concentrations

recorded by D#2 equipment
The linearity of the representations of the measured and estimated
PM10 and PM2.5 hourly concentrations indicates that equations used
predict very well the concentrations.

6 Conclusions
The pattern of the PM10 and PM2.5 hourly concentration values for
both measurement points (D#2, D#3) show a high similarity. These
are explained by the higher percentage of PM2.5 from PM10 (98.64%
for D#2 and 97.38% for D#3).
Considering also that PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations increase in the
morning (corresponding to the rush hours) there is a strong
indication that the main emissions source for these pollutants in the
Bucharest Communication Centre of the railway metro network are
urban road traffic.
The model for estimation of the PM10 and PM2.5 hourly
Figure 9: Cumulative probability curve for residual values for concentrations on the central hall point of the case study based on
the PM2.5 estimation model concentrations measured near to the outside air admissions point
predict very well the concentrations. Nevertheless, the model needs
5 Testing and Validation to be developed and test on much larger set of data and will be
The models developed for PM10 and PM2.5 hourly concentrations realized in the next phase. Also, will be assessed several solutions
were tested on a dataset for 16 hours. The comparison between the meant to reduce air pollution. By installing several air purifiers
measured and estimated concentrations are presented in Figure 10 which also integrate various air quality sensors (PM2.5, VOCs, air
and Figure 11. temperature, and relative humidity), we expect to achieve an
important milestone in delivering a safer working environment.

The work presented in this paper has been funded by UEFISCDI
Romania through WINS@HI project (PN-III-P3-3.5-EUK-2017-
02-0038), Tel-MONAER project (subsidiary contract no.
1223/22.01.2018, from NETIO Project ID: P 40270, MySMIS
CODE: 105976) and ESTABLISH project (PN-III-P3-3.5-EUK-

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