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No charge against him, involving moral

turpitude, has been filed or is pending
before any PH court
7. Must have complied with all academic
PRACTICE OF LAW requirements
- any activity, in or out of the court, which 8. Passed the bar examinations
requires the application of law, legal 9. Taken the lawyer’s oath
procedure, knowledge, training and 10. Signed the Roll of Attorneys
experience. It includes performing acts
which are characteristic of the legal CONTINUING REQUIREMENTS FOR
profession or rendering any kind of MEMBERSHIP IN THE BAR:
service which requires the use in any
degree of legal knowledge or skill. 1. Good Moral Character
(Cayetano v Monsod) 2. Citizenship
 Note that the practice of law is a
ESSENTIAL CRITERIA IN DETERMINING privileged denied to foreigners
1. Compensation GR: Only those who are licensed to practice law
2. Application of law, legal principle, may appear and handle cases in court
practice or procedure
3. Habituality XCPS:
4. Attorney-Client Relationship 1. Law Student Practice Rule (Rule 138-A)
a) He must have finished his 3rd year of
the regular 4 year prescribed law
 The practice of law is not a natural, curriculum
property or constitutional right but a b) He must have been enrolled in a
MERE PRIVILEGE. clinical legal education program
 The legal profession is not a business. It
is not a money-making trade but a  Always note of the basis of the
sacred profession imbued with public student’s appearance. If he appears on
interest whose primary objective is the basis of Sec. 34 of Rule 138, he
public service. It is a profession in need not comply with all the requisites
pursuit of which pecuniary reward is under Rule 138-A
merely incidental
 The practice of law is not a right but a 2. Non-lawyers in Courts (See Sec. 34 of
mere privilege [subject] to the inherent Rule 138)
regulatory power of the Court. It is a
privilege burdened with conditions. As Before MTC
such, lawyers must comply with its rigid a) in person, with the aid of an agent or
standards, which include mental fitness, friend, appointed for that purpose
maintenance of highest level of morality, b) with the aid of an attorney
and full compliance with the rules of the
legal profession Before RTC
a) In person
*****QUALIFICATIONS FOR ADMISSION TO b) With the aid of an attorney
1. Citizen of the Philippines  A party’s representation on his own
2. Atleast 21 yo behalf is not considered to be a practice
3. Resident of the PH of law as “one does not practice law by
4. Of good moral character acting for himself, any more than he
5. Must have produced evidence of such
good moral character
practices medicine by rendering first aid  The first and most important duty of a
to himself” lawyer is his duty to the court. The
 By conducting the litigation of his own lawyer is an officer of the court who sets
cases, he acts not as a counsel or lawyer the judicial machinery with the main
but as a party exercising his right to mission of assisting the court in the
represent himself. administration of justice. His public
 In CRIMINAL CASES, in grave and less duties take precedence over his private
grave offenses, an accused who is a duties
layman must always appear by counsel;
he cannot conduct his own defense
without violating his right to due
process of law. In light offenses, a party
litigant can represent himself/herself


1. Petition for Injunction
2. Contempt of Court
3. Estafa – against a person who falsely
represented himself to be an attorney to
the damage of a party

4. Disqualification and complaints for

5. Administrative complaint against erring
lawyers or government officials

 A person who has been refused

admission to the bar by order of the SC
but nonetheless attempts to practice law



GR: The appointment or election of an attorney

to a government office disqualifies him from
engaging in the private practice of law

CANON I - an act of chasing victims of accidents for
the purpose of taling to the said victims
RULE 1.01 and offering his legal services for the
filing of a case against the person who
GROSSLY IMMORAL CONDUCT caused the accident.
- one that is so corrupt and false as to - It has spawned a number of recognized
constitute a criminal act or so evils such as:
unprincipled or disgraceful as to be 1. Fomenting of litigations with
reprehensible to a high decree. resulting burdens on the courts
- (IMMORAL CONDUCT) It is willful, and the public
flagrant or shameless act, which shows a 2. Subordination of perjury
moral indifference to the opinion of 3. Mulcting of innocent persons by
respectable members of the community judgments, upon manufactured
causes of action
 To justify suspension or disbarment, the 4. Defrauding of injured persons
act complained of must not only be having proper causes of action
immoral but grossly immoral but ignorant of legal rights and
 A lawyer may be disciplined for court procedures
misconduct committed either in his
professional or private capacity  It is unprofessional for a lawyer to
volunteer advice to bring a lawsuit,
except in rare cases where ties of blood,
MORAL TURPITUDE relationship or trust make it a duty to do
- an act of baseness, vileness or depravity so (Canon 28 CPE)
in the duties which a person owes to
another or to the society in general, RULE 1.04
which is contrary to the usually
accepted and customary rule of right GR: Advertisements by lawyers is NOT allowed.
and duty which a person should follow. The most worthy and effective advertisement
The question as to whether an offense possible is the establishment of a well-merited
involves moral turpitude is for the SC to reputation for professional capacity and fidelity
decide to trust
- Everything done contrary to justice,
decency, modesty or good morals TO THE LEGAL PROFESSION
RULE 1.02
 Every lawyer should not render any INTEGRATED BAR OF THE PHILIPPINES
service or give advice to any client that (Rule 139-A)
would involve defiance of the very laws
that he was bound to uphold and obey. MEMBERSHIP
OF ASSOCIATION) To compel a member
BARRATRY of the Integrated Bar is not violative of
- an offense of frequently exciting and the constitutional freedom to associate.
stirring up quarrels and suits, either at Integration does not make a lawyer a
law or otherwise member of any group of which he is not
- lawyer’s act of fomenting suits among already a member. He became a
individuals and offering his legal member of the Bar when he passed the
services to one of them Bar examinations. All that integration
actually does is to provide an official
AMBULANCE CHASING national organization for the well-

defined but unorganized group of which of interfering with some of his liberties.
every lawyer is already a member If he did not wish to submit himself to
 (EDILLON CASE) all legislation directing such reasonable interference and
the integration of the Bar have been regulation, he should not have clothed
uniformly and universally sustained as a the public with an interest in his
valid exercise of the police power concerns.
over an important profession. The
practice of law is not a vested right but a  (VOLUNTARY TERMINATION OF
privilege, a privilege moreover clothed MEMBERSHIP) A lawyer may terminate
with public interest because a lawyer his membership by filing a written
owes substantial duties not only to his notice to that effect with the Secretary
client, but also to his brethren in the of the Integrated Bar, who shall bring
profession, to the courts, and to the the matter to the SC.
nation, and takes part in one of the most o (REINSTATEMENT) may be
important functions of the State — the made by the Court in accordance
administration of justice — as an officer with rules and regulations to be
of the court. The practice of law being prescribed
clothed with public interest, the holder
of this privilege must submit to a degree MEMBERSHIP DUES
of control for the common good, to the - every member of the integrated bar
extent of the interest he has created. As shall pay such annual dues as the
the U. S. Supreme Court through Mr. Board of Governors shall determine
Justice Roberts explained, the with the approval of the SC
expression “affected with a public - A fixed sum equivalent to 10% of the
interest” is ”he equivalent of “subject to collections from each Chapter shall be
the exercise of the police power” (Nebia set aside as WELFARE FUND for
vs. New York, 291 U.S. 502)... But the disabled members of the Chapter and
most compelling argument the compulsory heris of deceased
sustaining the constitutionality and members thereof
validity of Bar integration in the
Philippines is the explicit  (CONSTITUTIONALITY OF DUES)
unequivocal grant of precise power VALID. The fee is indeed imposed as a
to the Supreme Court by Section 5 (5) regulatory measure, designed to raise
of Art VIII of the Constitution... the funds for carrying out the purposes and
power “to promulgate rules objectives of the integration. Besides, no
concerning pleading, practice and less than the Constitution empowered
procedure in all courts, and the the SC to promulgate rules governing
admission to the practice of law, and admission to the Bar and integration of
the integration of the Bar ”—it at once the Bar
becomes indubitable that this  RA 7432 providing 20% discount to
constitutional declaration vests the Senior Citizens does not apply to IBP
Supreme Court with plenary power in Dues
all cases regarding the admission to and  The Integration of the PH Bar means the
supervision of the practice of law... Thus, official unification of the entire lawyer
when the respondent Edillon entered population. This requires membership
upon the legal profession, his practice of and financial support of every attorney
law and his exercise of the said as condition sine qua non to the practice
profession, which affect the society at of law and the retention of his name in
large, were (and are) subject to the the Roll of Attorneys of the SC
power of the body politic to require him  Payment of dues is a necessary
to conform to such regulations as might consequence of membership in the IBP,
be established by the proper authorities of which no one is exempt.
for the common good, even to the extent

o This means that the compulsory  A lawyer’s language should be forceful
nature of payment of dues but dignified, emphatic but respectful as
subsists for as long as one’s befitting an advocate and in keeping
membership in the IBP with the dignity of the legal profession
remains regardless of the lack of  (FACEBOOK POSTS) Before one can
practice of, or the type of practice have an expectation of privacy in social
the member is engaged in networking activity, it is necessary that
said user manifests the intention to keep
EFFECT OF NON-PAYMENT OF DUES certain posts private, through the
 (DEFAULT FOR SIX MONTHS) – employment of measures to prevent
suspension of membership in the access thereto or to limit its liability
Integrated bar
 (DEFAULT FOR ONE YEAR) – ground for RULE 7.03
the removal of the name of the  (ADDITIONAL EXCEPTION: A LAWYER
delinquent member from the Roll of MAY INTERVIEW ANY WITNESS OF
 No action involving the suspension or because a witness is supposed to be
disbarment of a member or the removal neutral person whose role is to tell the
of his name from the Roll of Attorneys truth when called upon to testify
shall be effective without the final  (HOW ABOUT THE OPPOSING PARTY
approval of the SC HIMSELF?) Not allowed. A lawyer
should not in any way communicate
upon a subject of controversy with a
TO THE COURTS party represented by counsel, much less
should he undertake to negotiate or
CANON VII compromise with the matter with him,
but should deal only with his counsel.
RULE 7.01 OW, he is deemed to have encroached
 (CONCEALMENT OF A CRIME NOT into the employment of the opposing
INVOLVING MT) It is the fact of counsel
concealment and not the commission of
the crime that makes him morally unfit
to become a lawyer. The concealment CANON IX
constitutes perjury.  Note that “Clerk of Courts” are
authorized to administer oath on
RULE 7.03 matters involving official business.
 Sexual relations outside marriage is Consequently, they cannot be
considered disgraceful and immoral as considered to have engaged in the
it manifests deliberate disregard of the unauthorized practice of law
sanctity of marriage and the marital
vows protected by the Constitution and RULE 9.01
affirmed by our laws
No administrative liability. However,  Notarizing affidavits is a legal service
when the non-payment of debt is hence the proceeds therefrom cannot be
deliberate, then such conduct reflects shared with a non-lawyer
character unbecoming of a lawyer hence
administratively liable CANON X

RULE 10.01

 A lawyer owes fidelity to the cause of his become part of the judicial record and
client but not at the expense of truth and are matter of concern for the entire
the administration of justice court
 A lawyer has the right and obligation to
comment on the shortcomings and
CANON XI indiscretions of judges and courts.
However, such right must be bona fide.
 In case of conflict between his duty to o It is proper to criticize judges but
the court and his duty to the society and it is improper to subject them to
his client, the other must yield since it is abuse and slander, degrade them
his duty to the court that should take or destroy public confidence in
precedence them
 Criticisms against judges shall be bona
fide and shall not spill over the walls of RULE 11.05
decency and propriety.
 The court in a PENDING litigation, must Complaint against lawyer and venue
be shielded from embarrassment and
influence in performing the important ADMINISTRATIVE – OCA of the SC
duty of deciding it. On the other hand, CRIMINAL – Office of the Ombudsman/OCP
once litigation is concluded, the judge IMPEACHMENT – Congress
who decided on it is subject to the same
criticism as any other public official
because then his ruling becomes public CANON XII
property and is thrown open to public
consumption RULE 12.03
 (LAWYER’S REFUSAL TO FILE  Asking for an extension of time must be
COMMENT AS ORDERED BY THE in good faith. Otherwise, it is an
COURT) The act of disobeying a court obstruction of justice and the lawyer is
order constitutes violation of Canon XI subject to discipline
of the CPR.
 The duty to observe and maintain RULE 12.04
respect is not a one-way duty from a  It must be kept in mind that the
lawyer to judge. A judge should also be procedural rules are intended as an aid
courteous to counsel, especially those to justice, not as means for its
who are young and inexperienced and frustration
to all those appearing or concerned in
the administration of justice
SPEECH CASE) Her statements, being  Additional criminal liabilities
part of her privilege speech, were o Lawyer – offering false testimony
covered by the constitutional provision in evidence (Art. 184,RPC)
on parliamentary immunity. It is not o Witness – False Testimony (Arts.
actionable criminally or in a disciplinary 181-183, RPC)
proceeding under the ROC. However as
member of the Bar, she should be
reminded of her duty to maintain the TO THE CLIENTS
respect due to the courts and to judicial
Letters addressed to the individual
1. Highly Confidential
justices in connection with the
performance of their judicial functions

- communication made in the course of only such defenses as he believes to be
professional employment which was honestly debatable under the law
intended to be confidential o Hence, in a Civil case, a lawyer
can decline if he believes the
 *****(INFORMATION GIVEN DURING A action or defense to be
CONFIDENTIAL) First, it was not made
on account of an attorney-client
relationship. Second, it was not made in RULE 14.01
confidence. Third, the attorney-client  (SOLELY ON ACCOUNT OF HIS OPINION
privilege does not cover information OF THE GUILT OF THE ACCUSED) Note
concerning a crime or fraud being that it is not the duty of the lawyer to
committed or proposed to be determine the guilt of the accused. It is a
committed. judicial function. Furthermore, the
o Note that crimes and offenses accused enjoys the constitutional
already committed by the client presumption of innocence. The role of
are covered by the privileged the lawyer is to see to it that his
communication rule constitutional right to due process is
2. Strictly Personal
- prohibits the delegation of work RULE 14.02
without the client’s consent  CONSIDERATIONS IN APPOINTING
3. Fiduciary o Gravity of the offense
- holds in trust all money and property of o Difficulty of the questions that
his client that may come into his may arise
possession o Experience and ability of
- When a lawyer enforces a charging lien appointee
against his client, the relationship is
- An attorney cannot represent adverse CANON XV
interest except with the parties’ written
consent RULE 15.02
 The right to counsel must be more than a) To encourage a client to make a
just the presence of a lawyer in the full disclosure of the facts of the
courtroom or the mere propounding of case to his counsel without fear;
standard questions and objections and
o The right assumes an active b) To allow the lawyer freedom to
involvement by the lawyer in the obtain full information from his
proceedings, particularly at the client
trial of the case, his bearing  Note that crimes and offenses already
constantly in mind of the basic committed by the client are covered by
rights of the accused, his being the privileged communication rule
well-versed on the case, and his  The privilege character of the
knowing the fundamental communication ceases only when
procedures, essential laws and waived by the client himself or after his
existing jurisprudence death, by his heir or legal representative
 *****It is the attorney’s duty to counsel  The announced intention of a client to
or maintain such actions or proceedings commit a crime is not included within
only as appears to him to be just and the confidences which his attorney is
bound to respect. In this case, the
attorney has the obligation to disclose  REMEDIES IF THE LAWYER FAILED TO
the same to the authorities. DISCLOSE CONFLICTING INTERESTS
a) Action to Set Aside the Judgment
*****REQUISITES OF PRIVILEGED b) Action for damages against the
1. There is attorney-client relationship or a c) Administrative complaint against
kind of consultancy requirement with a the lawyer
prospective client
2. The communication was made by the CANON XVI
client to the lawyer in the course of the
lawyer’s professional employment  (JUDGE BOUGHT A UNIT FROM THE
3. The communication must be intended to CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPER AFTER
LATTER’S FAVOR) Allowed. The
 Client identity is privileged where a prohibition imposed by the NCC (Art.
strong probability exists that revealing 1491(3)), prohibiting judges and
the client’s name would implicate that attorneys, and that contained in the
client in the very activity for which he CPR, Canon 10, with regard to purchase
sought the lawyer’s advice of any interest in the subject matter of
 There is no conflict of interest in a litigation both refer only to instances
situation where a lawyer represents his where the property is still the subject of
present client against his former client, litigation.
so long as no confidential information  A lawyer’s failure to return upon
acquired duting the previous demand the funds or property held by
employment was used against the him on behalf of his client gives rise to
former client by the lawyer the presumption that he has
o The prohibition does not cover a appropriated the same for his own use
situation where the subject to the prejudice of, and in violation of
matter of the present the trust reposed in him by his client
engagement is totally unrelated
to the previous engagement of RULE 16.01
the attorney  The fact that a lawyer has a lien for his
 (PARTNER HAD NO IDEA THAT THE attorney’s fees on the money in his hand
OPPOSING PARTY HAS RETAINER collected for his client does not relieve
AGREEMENT WITH HIS LAW FIRM) The him from the obligation to make a
prohibition against representing prompt accounting
conflicting interests is absolute and the
rule applies even if the lawyer has acted RULE 16.03
in good faith and with no intention to  In the application of attorney’s lien, a
represent conflicting interests lawyer shall give notice to his client
otherwise, the same might be construed
RULE 13.05 as misappropriation which may subject
him to disciplinary action
EVEN IF THE CONSENT OF BOTH  The legal profession demands of a
CLIENTS WERE SECURED lawyer that degree of vigilance and
When the conflict is between: attention of a good father of a family or
1. The attorney’s interest and that ordinary pater familias
of a client o He is not required to exercise
2. A private client’s interest and extraordinary diligence
that of the government or any of  *****An attorney is not expected to
its instrumentalities know all the laws. He is not liable for

disbarment for an honest mistake or
error. He is not an insurer of the result RULE 19.03
in a case where he is engaged in as
counsel. Only ordinary care and CONTROL OVER THE CASE
diligence are required of him  (AS TO MATTERS OF PROCEDURE) -
RULE 18.01  (AS TO SUBJECT MATTER) – client
 The professional incompetence of a o e.g. cause of action, claim or
lawyer may be a special ground for demand and subject of litigation
disbarment if his incompetence is so
total, gross, and serious that he cannot
be entrusted with the duty to protect ATTORNEY’S FEES
the rights of his clients.
RULE 18.03
 GR: the client is bound by the mistakes RULE 20.1
and negligence of his lawyer PANCIT-CCCP
 When it would result to  (WRITTEN AGREEMENT EXISTS)
outright deprivation of Generally, the amount of attorney’s fees
client’s liberty or property due is that stipulated in the retainer
 Where interests of justice agreement which is conclusive as to the
requires otherwise amount of lawyer’s compensation
 Gross negligence of o XCP: Whenever the stipulated
lawyer amounting to amount in the written contract is
denial of due process found by the court to be
o If by reason of the lawyer’s unconscionable or unreasonable
negligence, actual loss has been  (NO WRITTEN AGREEMENT) In the
suffered by his client, the latter absence thereof, the amount of
has a cause of action against the attorney’s fees is fixed on the basis of
former for damages. However, quantum meruit, that is, what the
for the lawyer to be held liable, lawyer deserves for his services
his failure to exercise reasonable
care, skill and diligence must be
proximate cause of the loss GENERAL RETAINER
- a fee paid to a lawyer to secure his
RULE 18.04 future services as general counsel for
 DOCTRINE OF IMPUTED KNOWLEDGE any ordinary legal problem that may
- the knowledge acquired by an attorney arise in the ordinary business of the
during the time that he is acting within client and referred to him for legal
the scope of his authority is imputed to action
the client.
- The knowledge of the lawyer is also the SPECIAL RETAINER
knowledge of the client - a fee for specific or particular case or
o It is based on the assumption service rendered by the lawyer to a
that an attorney, who has notice client
of matter affecting his client, has  *****Generally, the retainer of a
communicated the same to his member of a law firm is equivalent
principal in the course of his to the retainer of the firm itself
professional dealings o XCP: If the lawyer was
 *****Notice to counsel is notice to client, engaged without the client
but not vice versa if the latter appeared knowing that the former
by attorney belongs to a law firm
o client dismissed the counsel
ACCEPTANCE FEES before termination of the case
- it is not a contingent fee but is an
absolute fee arrangement which entitles CHAMPERTOUS CONTRACT
a lawyer to get paid for his efforts - one where the lawyer stipulates with his
regardless of the outcome of the client in the prosecution of the case that
litigation. he will bear all the expenses for the
recovery of things or property being
CONTINGENCY FEE ARRANGEMENTS claimed by the client, and the latter
- one which stipulates that the lawyer will agrees to pay the former a portion of the
be paid for his legal services only if the thing or property recovered as
suit or litigation ends favorably to the compensation
client - It is void for being contrary to public
policy, because it would make him
 (RATIONALE) they are permitted acquire a stake in the outcome of the
because they redound to the benefit litigation which might lead him to place
of the poor client and the lawyer his own interest above that of the client
especially in cases where the client
has meritorious cause of action, but ATTORNEY’S LIENS
no means with which to pay for the
legal services unless he can, with the RETAINING LIEN
sanction of law, make a contract for - the right of an attorney to retain the
a contingent fee to be paid out of the funds, papers and documents of his
proceeds of the litigation clients which have lawfully come into
 It must be reasonable his possession until his lawful fees and
 A much higher compensation is disbursements have been satisfied, and
allowed as contingent fees in may apply such funds to the satisfaction
consideration of the risk that the thereof
lawyer will get nothing if the suit
 *****A contingent fee arrangement is RETAINING LIEN:
not covered by Art. 1491 NCC LAU
because the transfer or assignment a) *****Lawful possession of the client’s
of the property in litigation takes funds, papers and documents by reason
effect only upon finality of a of his professional capacity
favorable judgment b) Attorney-client relationship
c) Unsatisfied claim for attorney’s fees and
*****QUANTUM MERUIT disbursements
- a device that prevents an unscrupulous
client from running away with the fruits CHARGING LIEN
of the legal services of counsel without - right which the attorney has upon all
paying for it and it also avoids unjust judgments for the payment of money
enrichment on the part of the attorney and executions issued in pursuance of
himself said judgments, which he has secured in
- (WHEN APPLICABLE) litigation of his client
o no express contract for payment
of attorney’s fees
o the fees fixed in the contract are REQUISITES TO BE ABLE TO EXERCISE
unconscionable or unreasonable CHARGING LIEN:
o the counsel, for justifiable cause, SURFA
was not able to finish the case to a) Attorney-client relationship
its conclusion b) Attorney has rendered services

c) *****Favorable money judgment  GR: A lawyer may not invoke privilege
secured by the counsel for his client communication to refuse revealing
o A charging lien, to be enforceable client’s identity
as a security for the payment of o XCPS:
attorney’s fees, requires as a o Strong possibility that revealing
condition sine qua non, a the client’s name would implicate
judgment for money and him to the very activity for which
execution in pursuance of such he sought legal advice
judgment secured in the main o When disclosure would open the
action by the attorney in favor of client to civil liability
his client o When the government’s lawyers
d) Unsatisfied claim for attorney’s fees and have no case against the client
disbursements and revealing the client’s name
e) Statement of the claim has been duly would furnish the only link that
entered in the records of the case AND would come from the chain of
notice thereof duly sent to the client and testimony necessary to convict
adverse party him

102 GN)  GR: A lawyer lacks the unqualified right
E-BANCE to withdraw once he has taken a case
a) As to effectivity o XCPS: (Sec. 26, Rule 138)
b) Basis 1. With the client’s written consent
c) Applicability 2. By permission of the court, after
d) Nature notice and hearing
e) Coverage  A lawyer should not presume that the
f) Extinguishment court will grant his petition for
withdrawal. Until his withdrawal shall
have been approved, the lawyer remains
CONCEPT OF ATTORNEY’S FEES: counsel of record who is expected by his
1. Ordinary Attorney’s Fees client as well as by the court to do what
- the reasonable compensation paid to a the interest of his client require.
lawyer by his client for the legal services  (PETITION FOR
he has rendered to the latter WITHDRAWAL/MOTION FOR RELIEF)
cannot just be made spontaneously in
2. Extraordinary Attorney’s Fees (See Art. open court. He must serve a copy of his
2208 NCC) petition upon the client and the adverse
- an indemnity for damages ordered by party. He should, moreover, present his
the court to be paid by the losing party petition well in advance of the trial of
in litigation the action to enable the client to secure
- payable to the client and not to the the services of another lawyer.
lawyer unless there is an agreement to
the contrary





SUSPENSION, DISBARMENT AND 3. It can be initiated motu proprio by the
SC or IBP. It can be initiated without a
4. It is imprescriptible;
 The power to discipline a lawyer is
5. Conducted confidentially;
judicial in nature and can be exercised
6. It can proceed regardless of the interest
only by the courts
or the lack thereof on the part of the
 Note that the CA and RTC have the
powers to:
7. It in itself constitutes due process of law
o Suspend, Warn, Admonish,
8. Whatever has been decided in a
Reprimand and place a lawyer in disbarment case cannot be a source of
probation right that may be enforced in another
o They CANNOT however disbar a action;
lawyer 9. In pari delicto rule not applicable;
10. No prejudicial question in disbarment
DISCIPLINARY ACTION 11. Penalty in a disbarment case cannot be
 Administrative cases against lawyers in the alternative; and
belong to a class of their own - SUI 12. Monetary claims cannot be granted
GENERIS. They are distinct from and except restitution and return of monies
may proceed independently of civil and and properties of the client given in the
criminal cases course of the lawyer-client relationship
o Neither purely civil nor purely
criminal  (QUANTUM OF PROOF) Clear
o Not a civil action because there is preponderant evidence
neither plaintiff nor respondent,  There can never be double disbarment;
and involves no private interest a disbarred lawyer can not be disbarred
but the interest of the public in anew
the administration of justice
o Not a criminal action because it is GROUNDS:
not means as a punishment DWCV – GMGC (See backpage of
depriving him of source of Syllabus)
livelihood but rather to ensure
that those who exercise the PROCEEDINGS
function are competent and  Any interested person or the court moto
honorable proprio may institute disciplinary
NATURE  NOTE that the IBP has no power to
o Defense of in pari delicto does dismiss complaint against lawyers. It
not prosper may only recommend the dismissal of
o Affidavit of desistance nor such complaints as the power to dismiss
compromise does not warrant complaints against lawyers is solely
dismissal reserved to the SC
o The legal personality and interest  (CONFIDENTIALITY) Disbarment
of complainant is immaterial proceedings are confidential in nature
o Prescription will never set in until their final resolution and the final
decision of the Court
PROCEEDINGS filing of a disbarment complaint
1. Sui Generis against Atty. Fortun is a matter of
2. The defense of double jeopardy cannot public concern considering that it
be availed of in a disbarment arose from the Maguindanao
proceeding; Massacre case – a very high-

profile case. It is understandable READMISSION TO THE BAR
that any matter related to the
said case is considered a matter  The power of the SC to reinstate is based
of public interest and that the on its Constitutional prerogative to
personalities involved, including promulgate rules on the admission of
Atty. Fortun, are considered applicants to the practice of law
public figure. Thus, media has the
right to report the filing of the
disbarment case as legitimate LAWYERS WHO HAVE BEEN SUSPENDED
news.  Lifting a lawyer’s suspension is not
 (JUDGMENT OF SUSPENSION OF A automatic upon the end of the period
FILIPINO LAWYER IN FOREIGN COURT) stated in the Court’s decision
Judgment of suspension against a PH o An ORDER FROM THE COURT
lawyer may transmute into a similar LIFTING THE SUSPENSION is
judgment of suspension in the PH only if necessary in order to enable him
the basis of the foreign court’s action to resume the practice of law
includes any of the grounds for o He must first present PROOF OF
disbarment or suspension in this COMPLIANCE by submitting
jurisdiction. certifications from IBP and
o But he is still entitled to due EXECUTIVE JUDGE that he has
process of law, and the foreign indeed desisted from the practice
court’s judgment only constitutes of law
prima facie evidence of unethical
conduct as lawyer
not deprive the court of the authority to
proceed to determine the matter. The REQUIREMENTS FOR JUDICIAL CLEMENCY
complainant in a disbarment case is not FOR DISBARRED LAWYERS AND JUDGES
a direct party to the case, but a witness 1. Proof of remorse and reformation
who brought the matter to the attention 2. Sufficient time must have elapsed from
of the Court. the imposition of penalty to ensure a
 The doctrine of Res Ipsa Loquitur is period of reform
applicable in cases of dismissal of judges 3. Age of the person asking for clemency
or disbarment of lawyers must show that he still has productive
years ahead of him that can be put to
good use by giving him a chance to
redeem himself
4. There must be showing of promise
(such as intellectual aptitude, learning
or legal acumen or contribution to the
legal scholarship and the development
of the legal system) as well as potential
for public service
5. Other relevant factors that may justify


o Filipino citizenship is a
continuing requirement for the
practice of law. Loss thereof

terminates the privilege to MANDATORY CONTINUING LEGAL
practice law.
 HOWEVER, under
reacquisition by virtue of
RA 9225, one is deemed
 MCLE ensures that members of the Bar
not have lost PH
are kept abreast with law and
jurisprudence throughout their career,
 This, notwithstanding, NO
maintain the ethics of the profession
and enhance the standards of the
practice of law
 Members of the IBP, unless exempted
under Rule 7, shall complete every 3
years at least 36 hours of continuing
legal education activities.
 MCLE for newly admitted member of
the Bar starts on the first day of the
month of his admission

EXEMPTIONS: (See backpage of the


COMPLIANCE PERIOD) Members failing
to comply will receive a NON-
specific deficiency and will be given 60
days from date of notification to file a
o The member may use this period
to attain the adequate number of
credit hours for compliance
 A member who fails to comply with the
requirements after the 60 day period
1. be listed as a DELINQUENT
MEMBER by the IBP Board of
Governors upon
recommendation of the
committee on MCLE.
2. Moreover, he shall be required to

 ****BM No 1922, which took effect on
January 1, 2009, requires practicing
members of the bar to indicate in all
pleadings filed before the courts or
quasi-judicial bodies:
o Number and date of issue of their
MCLE Certificate of Compliance
or Certificate of Exemption, as
may be applicable, for the

immediately preceding JUDICIAL ETHICS
compliance period. That branch of moral science which treats of
o Failure to disclose the required the right and proper conduct to be exhibited by
information would cause the all judges in trying and deciding the
dismissal of the case and the controversies before it which must be
expunction of the pleadings from demonstrative of impartiality, integrity,
the records competence, independence and freedom from
 (LAWYER WHO LACKS NUMBER OF improprieties.
MCLE UNITS) He can still practice law
but he will not be able to comply with - Judges and justices must conduct
BM 1922 requiring lawyers to indicate themselves as to be beyond reproach
in their pleadings the number and date and suspicion, and free from appearance
of MCLE Compliance. Moreover, he shall of impropriety in their personal
be listed as a delinquent member by the behavior, not only in the discharge of
IBP. official duties but also in their everyday
 Every PRACTICING LAWYER is required of mutual respect and courtesy. The
to render a MINIMUM OF 60 HOURS of CPR requires lawyers to observe and
free legal aid services to INDIGENT maintain the respect due to judicial
litigants YEARLY officers. On the other hand, the CJC
requires judges to be patient, attentive
and courteous to lawyers.

- A judge shall exercise his judicial
function independently free from any
- The prestige of judicial function shall
not be used to advance the private
interests of others, nor convey or permit
others to convey the impression that
they are in a special position to
influence the judge
- (Sec. 8 – CATCH-ALL) A judge shall
exhibit and promote high standards
of conduct to reinforce the public
confidence in the judiciary which is
fundamental to the maintenance of
judicial independence

 A judge must decide a case based on its

merits. She is expected to be fearless in
the pursuit to render justice, to be
unafraid to displease any person,
interest or power, and to be equipped
with moral fiber strong enough to resist
temptation lurking in her office
judge is prohibited from making public
statements in the media regarding a

pending case so as not to arouse public
opinion for or against a party.  DEGREE OF PROOF REQUIRED TO
FROM MAYORS) Unethical. Judges shall evidence
be free from inappropriate 
connections with, and influence by, the
executive branch, and must appear to be CANON 4: PROPRIETY
free therefrom to a reasonable extent. - (CATCH-ALL) Judges shall avoid
Receipt of such allowance may create impropriety and the appearance of
suspicion on the judge’s ability to impropriety in all of their activities
render independent judgment against - Judges shall inform themselves of their
the source of allowance personal fiduciary financial interests,
and must make reasonable efforts to be
informed of the financial interests of the
CANON 2: INTEGRITY members of their family
- (Sec. 1) Judges shall ensure that not - Confidential information acquired by
only is their conduct above reproach, judges in their judicial capacity shall not
but is perceived to be so in the view be used or disclosed for any other
of reasonable observer purpose not related to their judicial
 A judge’s personal behavior, both in the - Judges shall not practice law whilst the
performance of his duties and in his holder of judicial office
daily life, must be free from any - (Sec. 13) Judges and members of their
appearance of impropriety as to be families shall neither ask nor accept any
beyond reproach gift, bequest, loan or any favor in
 (WEARING OF ROBES) Required! Serves relation to anything done, to be done or
dual purpose: omitted to be done by him or her in
a. heightening public consciousness connection with the performance of
on the solemnity of the judicial duties
b. impressing upon the judge the  (LADY JUDGE UPLOADING OFF-
exacting obligations of his office SHOULDERED PHOTO) Unethical. It was
o Should there be any valid reason an act of impropriety. When she made
for not wearing the robe, the the picture available for public
judge must first seek the consumption, she placed herself in a
permission of the Court situation where she, and the status she
 *****(PLAGIARISM) Judges adjudicating holds a Judge, may be the object of the
cases are not subject to a claim of public’s criticism and ridicule. As the
plagiarism. visible personification of law and
a. The judge is not writing a justice, judges are held to higher
literary work standards of conduct and, thus, must
b. Purpose of the writing is to accordingly comport themselves.
resolve dispute  (JUDGE ACTED AS A WITNESS TO A
 A judge cannot dismiss court personnel. DOCUMENT) ethical and does not
The power to dismiss a court employee constitute a practice of law.
is vested with the SC.
 Basic ignorance constitutes lack of CANON 5: EQUALITY
integrity - (Sec. 2) Judges shall not, in the
performance of judicial duties, by
CANON 3: IMPARTIALITY words or conduct, manifest bias or
- (Sec. 1) Judges shall perform their prejudice towards any person or
judicial duties without bias, favor or group on irrelevant grounds

 A judge must be aware that an alumnus o NB: When a basic principle of
of a particular law school has no law is involved and when an
monopoly of knowledge of law. By error is so gross and patent,
hurdling the Bar examinations, taking error can produce an inference of
the lawyer’s oath, and signing the roll of bad faith, making the judge liable
attorneys, a lawyer is presumed to be for gross ignorance of the law
competent to discharge his functions o When a law or a rule is basic,
and duties as an officer of the court, judges owe it to their office to
irrespective of where he obtained his simply apply the law. Anything
degree. less is gross ignorance of the law
 Although good faith and absence of
CANON 6: COMPETENCE AND DILIGENCE malice or corruption are sufficient
- (Sec. 1) The judicial duties of a judge defenses, such do not apply where the
take precedence over all other activities issues are so simple and the applicable
- (Sec. 3) Judges shall take reasonable legal principles evident and basic as to
steps to maintain and enhance their be beyond possible margin of error
knowledge, skills and personal qualities  One who accepts the exalted position of
necessary for the proper performance of a judge owes the public and the court
their judicial duties the duty to maintain professional
- (Sec. 5) Judges shall perform all competence at all times
judicial duties efficiently, fairly and  *****Besides possessing all the requisite
with reasonable promptness learning in the law, a magistrate must
- (Sec. 6) Judges shall maintain order exhibit that hallmark judicial
and decorum in all proceedings temperament of UTMOST SOBRIETY
before the court and be patient, AND SELF-RESTRAINT which are
dignified and courteous with the indispensable qualities of every judge
litigants, witnesses, counsels and
others with whom the judge deals in
- *****NB: Art. VIII, Sec. 15(1) of the 1987
PC mandates lower court judges to 1. COMPULSORY (DISQUALIFICATION)
decide a case within the reglementary - there are specific grounds enumerated
period of 90 days from the time the by the rules
case was submitted for decsision!! - mandatory hence judge exercises no
o Failure to decide cases within the discretion provided any of the grounds
prescribed period, without exists
strong and justifiable reason, GROUNDS: PARE-REF (see back of
constitutes gross inefficiency syllabus)
warranting administrative
o The judge may, however, ask the judge who disqualified may, instead of
Court for an extension of time withdrawing from the case, disclose on
within which to decide the case the records of the case the ground for
should there be any strong disqualification; and if all the parties
justification for the delay and lawyers agree in writing that said
ground is unsubstantial or immaterial,
 A judge may not be administratively the judge may then continue with the
sanctioned from mere errors of proceeding. Such agreement in writing
judgment in the absence of showing of shall be signed by all parties and
any bad faith, fraud, malice, gross counsels, and must be incorporated in
ignorance, corrupt purpose, or a the records of the case
deliberate intent to do an injustice on
his or her part. 2. VOLUNTARY (INHIBITION)

- the rule leaves the matter to the sound 1. Unsullied name and service of record
discretion of the judge. He may prior to dismissal
disqualify himself for just or valid 2. Commitment to avoid situations that
reasons other than those mentioned spur suspicion of arbitrary conditions
above 3. Complainant mellowed down in
- An act when a judge personally prevents pushing for his removal
himself from taking cognizance of the 4. Length of time separated from service
o This is made through a written
petition to inhibit
 Petition to disqualify a judge must be FEES:
filed before rendition of judgment.
Otherwise the parties are deemed to 1. INDIGENT LITIGANTS
have waived the impartiality of the  He must execute an affidavit that:
judge a. he and his immediate family do not
 Inhibition is not allowed at every earn a gross income of an amount
instance that a schoolmate or classmate double the monthly minimum
appears before the judge as counsel for wage of an employee, and;
one of the parties b. they do not own any real
property with the fair value of
more than P300,000.00

- The SC shall have the administrative

supervision of all courts and personnel
- The Court en banc has the power to
discipline all judges of lower courts
including justices of the CA

 SC justices must first be impeached

before they may be disbarred in
accordance with the Constitution
 *****A judge may be disciplined for acts
committed before his appointment to
the judiciary
 Judges will not be held administratively
liable for mere errors of judgment in
their rulings or decisions absent a
showing of malice or gross ignorance on
their part
 An administrative, civil or criminal
action action against a judge cannot be a
substitute for an appeal
 Administrative penalties imposed on
judges are both PUNITIVE and
be considered:


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