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Term-End Examination
June, 2011


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
(Weightage : 70%)
Note : Answer any five questions in about 500 words each.
Attempt at least two questions from each section. All
questions carry equal marks.

1. Discuss various sources to construct India's past. 20
Why is interpretation important ?

2. Discuss the spread of Buddhism in central and 20

penninsular India.
3. Account for the emergence of guilds during the 20
6th CBC, —4 CAD. What was their structure and
organisation ?
4. Discuss the changing nature of marriage in the 20
context of varna and jati.
5. Write short notes on any two of the following in
about 250 words each : 10+10
(a) Varna
(b) Tinai
(c) Role of temples
(d) Growth of urbanism during the Narrappan

MHI-06 1 P.T.O.

6. Define village community examine the role and 20

functions of the village community during the
medieval period.

7. Discuss briefly the composition of the halo tedars. 20

What types of services were performed by them
and also discuss the pattern of remuneration ?

8. Describe the changing trends in the 20

historiography of migration. Was the growing
poverty of peasants solely responsible for the
migration to industrial belts in the 19th century.

9. What was the impact of colonial forest policy on 20

indigenous communities ?

10. Write - short notes on any two of the following in

about 250 words each. 10+10
(a) Nayanars and alvars.
(b) Nationalist perception of contemporary
social structures.
(c) changing role of women in the modern
(d) Notion of racial superiority.

MHI-06 2
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•F-1. .1-1134 W. TIT 4 Irti A-31.1 rci al 1,H

Rwrq : 3 Efur 3-ifF-IWT43 : 100

(7-Rfw : 70%)
:fir urn k 3ti f 'ruin /TR7 eh/ 3ri1 MOM"

500 Orviq I 917T 4 474 cb 4-I TRC ali

- 3iW W./1'f ei
Oryq l Trift TR-41 t
14PT -
1. 4TTT 31ct1cl z~~i fiag-ft fqfirr ot-)1 =4 ,
11 ~1F,A.1 20
c41 wy1 ?

2. IT T -T241 1q6141-4 9.17ff 14 -ft 914 -5TTIR 20

3. 6 tl 4t ,(1-1 OTP:W 7-zt 11 -cIaF f-471 20
4.&74-11 72.1-1 4416-1 *qf 211?

4. --uf-a2TT .11f(=f Tfr,-4 -44 sr-ft -÷Ti 20

-Wlf-7 I

5. F-14--troR5d 14 -4 7%--4' (.141iTr0 2507T -4 (-517)

4f71 rd ru 10+10

(a) 5.-/ (b) fct-f/.1

(c) m1`41f17-*-1 I (d) (-1-111-4-141i ITO( I

MHI-06 3 P. T.O.
14PT -

6. 4,114-1 7:11374 ct;1 .7.7 I 1:P:fc

-1-1 ,114-1 20

7. 4J1=3.-1 quh gki 20

f-*-7xmR a41 c \Aid) 2.ft ? 1-)
79-k -Errft -F-1:1-w cHi -4a1 2if ?

8. Tr-d7174 r 5 Le.ct> qi4-9' 20

•r77 I ci-qi 19 t TITO -if '4-0 39
3-1WIFT sialti * -R-R r1 frIt 2ft?

9. 311.9W71- ci obi (indigenous) TTY 20

I -srl-Trq Lis( ?

10. -1+--1 tAcil4 7'T?" ITT 0 4 r9-17 250 -'`T"-- f .14 (1A-W)
tip-.1-17f LLI ThfU7 I 10+10
(a) le1-111 .1 c1 3-701 .1
(b) dcttd0 1 +i14-11 .w‘ci-ti -ER 7ftz-A7
(c) 3TT -gft7r3.4 cril qRcifilo 911
(d) si7i7T (social superiority) chi 31-4q7131T

MHI-06 4

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