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To safeguard against the risk of failure, safety margins are normally provided
in design. The variables such as loads, material strength, and member dimensions are
subject to varying degrees of uncertainty and randomness. Hence the structure must
be designed to provide for the possibility of overload. Similarly the deviations in the
dimensions of members or strength of material can result in a member having less
than the computed strength. Thus, the design should take into account the possibility
of under strength also. Further, there are idealization and simplifying assumptions
used in the theories of structural analysis and design. There are also several
unforeseen factors that influence the prediction of strength and serviceability like
construction methods, workmanship and quality control, intended service life of the
structure, human errors, possible future change of use, etc.

2.1 Limit states:

Limit state is a state of impeding failure, beyond which a structure ceases to
perform its intended function satisfactorily [26]. The limit states usually considered
for structural steel work are listed in the table.2.1. They are normally grouped into the
following two types.
Table No 2.1: Limit States [26]

Limit State of Strength Serviceability Limit State

Strength (yield, buckling) Deflection
Stability against overturning and sway Vibration
Fracture due to fatigue Fatigue checks (including reparable
Plastic collapse damage due to fatigue)

Ultimate limit states are conditions to be avoided and serviceability limit state
are condition that are undesirable. Hence it is clear that any realistic, rational and
quantitative representation of safety must be based on statistical and probilistic
analysis, which caters for both overload and under strength. Design for the ultimate

limit state may be conveniently explained by figure No 2.1. This figure shows the
hypothetical frequency distribution curves for the effect of loads on the structural
element and the resistance of the structural element. When the two curves overlap
shown by the shaded area, the effect of the loads is greater than the resistance of the
element and the element fails.

Region Corresponding to Failure There exist a number of levels of reliability

analysis. However for the code the method is

simplified by using deterministic data rather than
parabolic data, called as level I reliability method.

Qm Rm
Load Effect Q or Resistance of element R

Figure No 2.1 Frequency Distribution Curve

[26] 2.2 Limit State Method:
It is a comprehensive and rational
solution to the design problem, by considering safety at ultimate loads and
serviceability at working load. Based on above discussion IS800-2007 determines the
partial safety factor for load and material as follows
Table 2.2: Partial safety factors for loads [8]

Limit State of Strength Limit state of Serviceability

Combination WL/ EL
DL Accomp- EL AL DL Accomp-
Leading Leading
anying anying
DL+LL+CL 1.5 1.5 1.05   1.0 1.0 1.0 
1.2 1.2 1.05 0.6
 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8
WL/EL 1.2 1.2 0.53 1.2

DL+WL/EL 1.5
  1.5  1.0   1.0
DL+ER 1.2
1.2       
DL+LL+AL 1.0 0.35 0.35  1.0    
This value is to be considered when the dead load contributes to stability against overturning is
critical or the dead load causes reduction in stress due to other loads.

When action of different live loads is simultaneously considered, the leading live load is whichever
one causes the higher load effects in the member/section.

Design of Steel Building Structural Element AsPer IS800-2007:

Developing a Computational Tool 7

Abbreviations: DL= Dead Load,LL= Imposed Load (Live Loads) WL= Wind Load,
CL= Crane Load (Vertical/horizontal), AL=Accidental Load,
ER= Erection Load, EL= Earthquake Load.

Table No 2.3: Partial safety factors for material [8]

Sr.No. Definition Partial Safety Factor

1 Resistance, governed by yielding m0 1.10
2 Resistance of member to buckling m0 1.10
3 Resistance, governed by ultimate stress 1.25
4 Resistance of connection m1 Shop Field
Fabrications Fabrications
(i) Bolts-Friction Type, mf
1.25 1.25
(ii) Bolts-Bearing Type, mb
1.25 1.25
(iii) Rivets, mr 1.25 1.25
(iv) Welds, mw 1.25 1.50

2.3 Plastic theory:

Consider the stress distribution for a typical beam subjected to load as shown
in figure 2.2. Point (a) and (b) shows the stress distribution where the stress is within
the elastic limit for point (a) and for point (b) the extreme fiber has just reached the
elastic limit represented by f=fy. On further increase of load the plastic distribution of
stress starts as indicated at point (c), a stage comes when the section completely
attains the plastic stage. The point (e) shows the distribution of stress due to strain
hardening. However this strength of the section due to strain hardening is not
considered for the designed purpose thereby increasing a factor of safety.

Design of Steel Building Structural Element AsPer IS800-2007:

Developing a Computational Tool 8

f < fy f = fy f = fy f = fy




M < My M = My My < M < Mp M = Mp

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Figure No 2.2 Stress Distribution for a Typical Beam[26]

Figure No 2.3
shows the stress-strain relationship
True stress-strain
Upper yield stress for the typical test specimen of
Engg. stress-strain

mild steel. The figure represent
the point of significance of the test
Stress, MPa

where up till εy the specimen

Plateau Strain-hardenign region Post-ultimate stress region

remains in the elastic range where

ey esh Strain, mm/mm eu = 0.23
the stress-strain relationship is
linear. Then the upper yield stress
Figure No 2.3 Stress-Strain Relationship for Mild Steel
[26] is reached, after which there is a
significant increase in strain with
constant value of stress. This is because the steel flows plastically or plastic
deformation starts.
The increase in the strain with constant value of stress continues until
steel reaches strain hardening stage, where there is a increase in the stress with strain.
This continues until the ultimate stress is reached after which due to a large local
reduction in the cross section (neck formation) occur and the load capacity decreases
until tensile failure takes place.

Design of Steel Building Structural Element AsPer IS800-2007:

Developing a Computational Tool 9

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