First Level Academic Degree Course:: Conservatorio Di Musica "Giovan Battista Martini"

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Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Università e della Ricerca

Alta Formazione Artistica, Musicale e Coreutica

Conservatorio di Musica “Giovan Battista Martini”
~ Bologna ~

First level Academic Degree

Course: Trumpet

Discipline Typology Hours of Hours of Total ECTS Assessment

code 1st YEAR of teaching contact individual hours method
activity work
Basic training activities 18 ECTS 2
COTP/06 Ear training I C 25 25 50 2 ID
COTP/01 Theory and techniques of harmony C 30 95 125 5 E
COTP/03 Piano practice I 15 60 75 3 ID
CODM/04 History and historiography of music I C 30 95 125 5 E
COMI/01 Vocal ensembles and choral repertoire L 40 35 75 3 ID
Specialized training activities 24 ECTS 2
CODI/16 Performance practice and repertoires I I 25 325 350 14 E
CODI/16 Trumpet (repertoires for brass) I G 15 35 50 2 ID
COMI/03 Chamber music I G 25 75 100 4 E
COMI/02 Orchestra and orchestral repertoires I L 40 60 100 4 ID
Complementary training activities and related studies 2 ECTS 1
CODI/16 Foundations of the history and technology C 12 38 50 2 E
of the instrument
Further studies 16 ECTS 1
CODD/07 Physiopathology of performance C 20 30 50 2 ID
CODL/02 English C 40 85 125 5 E
----- Credits at student’s choice -- --- 9

Total credits 1st year 60 ECTS 6

I Individual tuition
G Group tuition
C Collective tuition for theory or practicals
L Workshop

Method of assessment: (E) exam – (ID) qualification assigned by the professor

Discipline Typology of Hours of Hours of Total ECTS Assessment
code 1st YEAR teaching contact individual hours method
activity work
Basic training activities 18 ECTS 5
COTP/06 Ear training II C 25 25 50 2 E
COTP/06 Foundations of acoustics C 30 45 75 3 E
COTP/01 Foundations of composition C 30 95 125 5 E
COTP/03 Piano practice II I 15 60 75 3 E
CODM/04 History and historiography of music II C 30 95 125 5 E
Specialized training activities 34 ECTS 5
CODI/16 Performance practice and repertoires II I 25 325 350 14 E
CODI/16 Trumpet (orchestra repertoire) G 15 60 75 3 E
CODI/16 Trumpet (repertoire for brass) II G 15 35 50 2 E
COMJ/07 Jazz improvisation G 12 63 75 3 E
COMI/03 Chamber music II G 25 75 100 4 E
COMI/02 Orchestra and orchestral repertoire II L 40 60 100 4 ID
COMI/04 Ensemble music for wind instruments I G 30 70 100 4 ID
Complementary training activities and related subjects 3 ECTS 0
COMI/01 Choral training I L 25 50 75 3 ID
Further studies 5 ECTS 0
COME/05 Music technology L 25 50 75 3 ID
----- Credits at student’s choice -- --- 2

Total credits 2nd YEAR 60 ECTS 10

I Individual tuition
G Group tuition
C Collective tuition for theory or practicals
L Workshop

Method of assessment: (E) exam – (ID) qualification assigned by the professor

Discipline Typology Hours of Hours of Total ECTS Assessment
code 3rd YEAR of teaching contact individual hours method
activity work
Basic training activities 8 ECTS 2
COTP/06 Rhythmic patterns in contemporary music C 30 45 75 3 E
COTP/01 Analysis of repertoires C 30 95 125 5 E
Specialized training activities 28 ECTS 4
CODI/16 Performance practice and repertoires III I 25 325 350 14 E
CODI/16 Trumpet (contemporary repertoire) G 12 38 50 2 E
CODI/16 Trumpet (multi-instrumental repertoire) G 12 88 100 4 E
COMI/02 Orchestra and orchestral repertoire III L 40 60 100 4 ID
COMI/04 Ensemble music for wind instruments II G 30 70 100 4 E
Complementary training activities and related subjects 9 ECTS 1
CODI/16 Methodology of teaching instrumental C 18 57 75 3 E
COMI/07 Vocal ensembles and early instruments G 12 63 75 3 ID
COMI/01 Choral training II L 25 50 75 3 ID
Further studies 15 ECTS 0
----- Credits at student’s choice -- --- 7
Final exam 8

Total credits 3rd YEAR 60 ECTS 7

I Individual tuition
G Group tuition
C Collective tuition for theory or practicals
L Workshop

Method of assessment: (E) exam – (ID) qualification assigned by the professor

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