Assignment # 2: Lyallpur Business School

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Lyallpur Business School

Government College University Faisalabad

Assignment # 2
Program Subject Code Marks
BBA (Section A) Language(Chinese) MGT-506 50

Attempt all questions.

Q No 1. Translate following in English

I. Wǒ bàba de xuésheng míngzì shì Rohan.

II. xīngqíwǔ wǒ bù xuéxí.

III. Tā de lǎoshī shì wǒ de dìdì.

IV. Xīngqítiān wǒ bù qù dàxué.

V. Shí'èr yuè bājīsītǎn rén chī zhōngguó cài.

VI. xīngqí'èr wǒ yǒu shì.

VII. Wǒ méi yǒu kàn zhōngguó.

VIII. Zuótiān shì xīngqí tiān.

IX. Wǒ bàba yǒu liǎng gè gēgē.

X. Wǒ māmā shì lǎoshī.

(MARKS: 10)

Q No 2. Translate Following in Pinyin

Yesterday I saw his younger brother in Gc University Faisalabad, His Two friends were

my classmate their names are Ali and Fahad. Ali is Teacher in university and Fahad Lives

in France. We together ate Pakistan Food and Went to our homes.

(MARKS: 10)

Q No 3. Transalte following into Pinyin and Character.

I. First ten Prime Numbers.

II. January, March, June, October, December.

III. 76, 99,47,20,11.

IV. 14,August ,1947

V. May 25, 2020.

(MARKS: 10)

Q No 4. Transalte following into Pinyin.

I. I am Fine ,Thank you

II. Yesterday Weather was very good.

III. I don’t have Younger Brother

IV. Who is he?

V. They all Together went to Lahore?

VI. My Elder Brother Classmate in China.

VII. He is very good person.

VIII. On Friday I have not eaten French Food.

IX. My Grandmother is Teacher

X. I am 22 Years old.

(MARKS: 10)

Q No 5 (part 1) Use following words into sentence and also write there meaning.

I. kàn (看)

II. Xuéxí (学习)

III. Xīngqírì (星期日)

IV. Lái (来)

V. Tóngxué (同学)

(MARKS:05 )

Q No 5 (part 2) Suggest any method to Make learning Process Effective in this

Lockdown, Share your views and Ideas on this.
(To best Idea I will give One Yuan) .

(MARKS: 05)

New Vocabulary Words Used In Assignment
Word Pinyin + Character
Yesterday Zuótiān (昨天)

and Hé (和)

Together Yīqǐ (一起)

weather Tiānqì (天气)

Note: Deadline to submit this Assignment # 2 is 3 weeks (21 days).

If you have any Query you can ask @ or you can

Whatsapp +923137655564 .

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