Short-Term Rules and Regulations

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Short-Term Course

The short-term course training is designed for individuals who want to acquire appropriate Knowledge, Skills enhancement, and Self-discipline in a short period of
time based on a TESDA qualification.

There are Seven (7) registered qualifications under the Unified TVET Program Registration and Accreditation Systems (UTPRAS) of the Technical Education and
Skills Development Authority (TESDA).

1. Cookery NC II
2. Food and Beverage Services NC II
3. Bartending NC II
4. Housekeeping NC II
5. Computer Systems Servicing NC II
6. Animation NC II
7. Visual Graphic Design NC III

Rules and Regulations

1. Short-Term Training Delivery

1.1. Course design is based on competency standards set by the industry or recognized industry sector; (Learning system is driven by competencies written to industry
1.2. Training delivery is learner-centered and should accommodate individualized and self-paced learning strategies;
1.3. Training can be done on an actual workplace setting, simulation of a workplace and/or through adoption of modern technology.
1.4. Assessment is based in the collection of evidence of the performance of work to the industry required standards;
1.5. Assessment of competency takes the trainee’s knowledge and attitude into account but requires evidence of actual performance of the competency as the
primary source of evidence.
1.6. Training program allows for recognition of prior learning (RPL) or current competencies;
1.7. Training completion is based on satisfactory performance of all specified competencies.

2. Program Modality

The competency-based TVET system recognizes various types of delivery modes, both on-and off-the-job as long as learning is guided by the competency standards
specified by the industry. The following training modalities and its variations/components may be adopted singly or in combination with other modalities when
designing and delivering training programs:

Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations

2.1. Institution- Based
2.2. Enterprise-Based
2.3. Community-Based

3. Trainee Entry Requirements

3.1. must have completed at least 10 yrs. basic education or an ALS certificate of achievement with grade 10 equivalent holder **
3.2. must be able to communicate both orally and in writing**
3.3. must be able to perform basic mathematical computation**
3.4. NSO/PSA Birth Certificate (Photocopy)*
3.5. 4 pcs Passport size picture white background with collar*
3.6. 4 pcs 1 x 1 size picture white background with collar*
3.7. Transcript of Records (TOR) (for College Graduate)*
3.8. Honorable Dismissal (for College undergraduate)*
3.9. Authenticated ALS Certificate (for ALS)*
3.10. Report Card (for High School Graduate/Senior High School Graduate)*

*- Required by the Training Institution

**-Mandated by the Training Regulation of TESDA

Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations

4. Institutional Assessment

4.1. Institutional assessment is undertaken by trainees to determine their achievement of units of competency.
4.2. The result of the institutional assessment may be considered as evidence for the assessment for national certification. As a matter of policy, graduates of
programs registered with TESDA under this training regulation are required to undergo mandatory national competency assessment upon completion of the

5. Assessment and Certification Arrangement

5.1. Competency Assessment is the process of collecting evidence and making judgments whether competency has been achieved. The purpose of assessment is to
confirm that an individual can perform to the standards expected at the workplace as expressed in relevant competency standards.
5.2. The assessment process is based on evidence or information gathered to prove achievement of competencies. The process may be applied to an employable
unit(s) of competency in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the national qualification.

6. Program Delivery

6.1. Regular implementation is every Two (2) months;

6.2. Minimum of Five (5) trainees for all Tourism Sector;
6.3. Minimum of Two (2) Trainees for all ICT Sector;
6.4. Training Facilities, Materials, and Supplies are provided;
6.4.1. Training booklet
6.4.2. Learning Materials
6.4.3. Laboratory
6.4.4. Identification Card (I.D.)

7. Trainees Accountability

7.1. Trainee shall undergo the pre-assessment evaluation;

7.2. Trainee shall submit the entry requirements;
7.3. Trainee shall pay the approved training and assessment fee;
7.4. Trainee shall pay the mandated down payment;
7.5. Trainee shall pay the per session payment;
7.6. Trainee shall provide his/her own PPE.

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8. Program Flow Chart

8.1. Trainees/students shall undergo the designed training and assessment flowchart; fig. 1.

9. Trainers Responsibility

9.1. Must act in accordance with the institution’s policies, orders, rules, regulations, guidelines etc. applicable from time to time.
9.2. Conduct themselves on the job in a manner that contributes to operating effectiveness, productivity, safety and a harmonious work environment.
9.3. Arriving to work under the influence of alcohol or an illegal substance will not be permitted to work.
9.4. Trainer who will be late or absent from work must inform their Supervisor at least two (2) hours prior to normal starting time.
9.5. Required to be at your appointed work place and ready to begin work at the appointed starting time. Irregular attendance or tardiness will not be tolerated and
may result in suspension.

Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations

9.6. Trainer who work late or on overtime must ensure that all lights, air-conditions and Equipment’s are shut off when they leave the work place.
9.7. Are expected to look neat and presentable while on the job.
9.8. If the trainer does not meet the institution’s expectations of performance or conduct, necessary corrective action may be taken. It is within management’s
discretion to determine what measure would be appropriate under each circumstance.

10. Work Place Safety Precaution (OHS)

OHS or Occupational Health and Safety refers to the legislation, policies, procedures and activities that aim to protect the health, safety and welfare of all people
at the workplace.

General Occupational Health and Safety procedures:

The following is a general list of safety precautions you must observe in any work area:

10.1. Do not work alone so that there's someone who can take care of you in case of emergency.
10.2. Contingency measures during workplace accidents, fire and other emergencies are recognized.
10.3. Always wear personal protective equipment (PPE) in accordance with the organization's OHS procedures and practices.
10.4. Clean the area before and after using it to maintain sanitation and prevent accidents.
10.5. Don’t fool around. “Horseplay” is one of the biggest causes of injuries on the job and it may be grounds for dismissal.
10.6. Never work while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, as you are a hazard to yourself and your co-workers.
10.7. Pay particular attention to moving objects, such as equipment, dollies, mixers, and slicers.
10.8. Walk, do not run, in the work areas.
10.9. Stay completely alert on the job.
10.10. Avoid back strain by lifting properly.
10.11. Always apply 5S at all times.
10.11.1. Sort - Seiri is sorting through all items in a location and removing all unnecessary items from the location.
10.11.2. Straighten - Seiton is putting all necessary items in the optimal place for fulfilling their function in the workplace
10.11.3. Shine - Seiso is sweeping or cleaning and inspecting the workplace, tools and machinery on a regular basis
10.11.4. Standardize - Seiketsu is to standardize the processes used to sort, order and clean the workplace.
10.11.5. Sustain/Self-discipline - Shitsuke or sustain the developed processes by self-discipline of the workers. Also translates as "do without being told".

11. Policy Statements on Referral

This policy is designed to encourage applicants/trainees and existing staff members to refer outstanding and suitably qualified people/individuals as candidates for
short-term course training program.

Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations

11.1. Training Institution shall give a discounts and applies to the Applicants/Trainees/Employees on the following basis:
11.1.1. On group scheme referral is minimum of Eight (8) and maximum of Ten (10) individuals that is equivalent to Seventy-Five percent (75%) discount of the
total training fee only.
11.1.2. Every referral is equivalent to Five percent (5%) discount of the total training fee only and the additional are applies on the following basis: One (1) – 5% Two (2) – 10 % Three (3) – 15% Four (4) – 20% Five (5) – 35% Six (6) – 40% Seven (7) – 45%
11.2. Referral Forms are available only at the TVET Office;
11.3. Only the TVET Office are allowed to issue the referral forms;
11.4. Only the enrolled trainees and existing employees are allowed to get the referral forms;
11.5. The referred Applicants/Trainees shall bring the referral form issued from the TVET office duly signed by the administering officer/TVET focal.

12. General Rule

12.1. The Institution reserves the right to modify/cancel/amend all or any of these rules and to issue supplementary rules or amendment there on.
12.2. The management reserves the right to modify or cancel or amend any of these rules.

Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations

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