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Model 1 Maximizing Exposure Rating 1.

Decision VariablesT1: Number of TV advertisements with

rating of 90 and 4000 new customersT2: Number of TV advertisements with rating of 40 and 1500
new customersR1: Number of Radio advertisements with rating of 25 and 2000 new customersR2:
Number of Radio advertisements with rating of 15 and 1200 new customersO1: Number of
Newspaper advertisements with rating of 10 and 1000 new customersO2: Number of Newspaper
advertisements with rating of 5 and 800 new customers2. Objective Function: – To maximize the
total exposure rating across all media.

Max 90T1 + 55T2 + 25R1 + 20R2 + 10 O1 + 5 O23.

Constraints: 10000T1 + 10000T2 +3000R1 + 3000R2 + 1000 O1 + 1000 O2 <=279000 (Total

Budget)4000 T1 + 1500 T2 +2000 R1 + 1200 R2 + 1000 O1 + 800 O1 >= 100000 (Customer Reach)R1+
R2 -2T1 -2T2 >= 0 (Radio advertisement Lower bound)T1 + T2 <= 20 (TV Advertisements Upper
bound)10000 T1 + 10000 T2 >= 140000 (TV budget Lower bound)3000 R1 + 3000 R2 <= 99000 (Radio
Budget Upper bound)1000 O1 + 1000 O2 >= 30000 (Online budget Lower bound)T1 <=10 (Television
first 10 ads)R1 <=15 (Radio first 15 ads)O1 <=20 (Online first 20 ads)T1, T2, R1, R2, O1, O2 >= 0 (Non-

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