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My company, Advanced Chemical Industries Limited or ACI Limited was initially established as

a branch by a British Multinational called Imperial Chemical Industries or ICI in 1968. After the
liberation war of Bangladesh ICI converted into a company called ICI Bangladesh Manufacturers
Limited. In 1992 ICI divested 70% of its shares to the Bangladeshi management, thus the name
was changed to Advanced Chemical Industries (ACI) Limited.
ACI is one of the largest conglomerates in Bangladesh with a multinational heritage. Turning
into a Public Limited Company in a liberated Bangladesh, the incorporation took place on 24th
January, 1973. On 28th December, 1976 we obtained listing with Dhaka Stock Exchange while
we still were called ICI. On 9th march 1994 we sold our first shares after the British management
left and we took on the name ACI. Listing with the Chittagong Stock Exchange took place on
22nd October, 1995.
Our chairman Mr. M. Anis Ud Dowla was named the business person of the year in 2018. As of
2016 the company has grown by 28% with more than 5 thousand products being sold in
Bangladesh. The company is spread over 10+ countries in 3 continents and has more than 10
thousand dedicated people putting their hours in for the betterment of the organization and the
people we serve.
Mission and Visions of ACI
My company’s values are set at Quality, Customer Focus, Fairness, Transparency, Continuous
Improvement and Innovation. With the motto “Advancing Possibilities” my company’s mission
is to provide people with the best quality products and make sure they get the best possible
service from us. Customer satisfaction is taken with the utmost importance in this company.
For the mission to take place ACI has many visions to reach the point we want to achieve.
 We want to be the leaders in all sectors of products and services we provide.
 High productivity with effective and efficient use of resources, adopting the appropriate
technology and aligning with our core competencies.
 Developing employees by encouraging empowerment and rewarding innovation.
 Providing an atmosphere to learn and grow.
 Ensuring value for money to our customers.
 Encourage and assist in the qualitative improvement of the services of its suppliers and
 Establishing a harmonious relationship with the community and using our influence to
provide with a greater environmental responsibility.

Nature of the company and our Products and Services

ACI Limited is a public limited company and is one of the largest conglomerates in Bangladesh.
Which means that the organization has many sectors of industries under different names but the
entire organization is controlled through the name ACI.
ACI has 4 diversified strategic business units. The units being ACI Pharmaceuticals, ACI
Consumer Brands, ACI Agribusinesses and ACI Retail Chain.
The pharmaceuticals unit is dedicated to the people and their health. This is for improving the
lives of the people of the country through various pharmaceutical products. ACI is known for
their antiseptic Savlon. Savlon has been a part of ACI ever since the inception of this company
and has always remained a part of our portfolio. Savlon is a popular name across Bangladesh as
well as in India.
The consumer brands are associated with bringing value to the daily life of the consumer.
Through its Toiletries, Home care, Hygiene, Electrical, Electronics, Mobile, Salt, Flour, Foods,
Rice, Tea, Edible Oil, Paints and International businesses. ACI Pure Salt, ACI Aerosol (mosquito
repellent) are some of the well-known consumer products in Bangladesh.
Our agribusiness is the largest integrator in Bangladesh. Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Farm
Mechanization, Infrastructure Development Services and Motorcycles are all part of this.
The retail chain is the largest in the country. It’s called “Shwapno” and it has 73 outlets across
the country and touches the lives over 35,000 households each day.
From pharmaceuticals to beauty care to food and agriculture to international business’s and
media and communications, ACI has vast business’s integrated to many subsidiary companies.
Key photos and what they mean

. ACI General Meeting 2017

The picture we see here depicts the
general meeting held by the board members of the company. This picture is of the
meeting that took place in 2017, meaning the year after the ACI chairman was named the
business person of the year. The picture shows that the people thinking and taking
decisions for the company only work for the betterment of themselves and everyone
associated with them.
ACI Premier League
The picture here shows a sports event held for
the recreation for the employees of the organization. An event like this is can really help to
engage with the employees of the company as well as setting a competitive yet friendly mood for
everyone present at the place.

Martyrs Day Memorial in Dhaka University

The picture here shows the

gratitude of the company for the
martyrs who have laid down their lives for the country. The memorial was built for the martyrs
associated with the prestigious University of Dhaka. For the students and the employees who
were connected to the university have all been acclaimed in the memorial.
Creative writing competition

ACI held a creative writing competition for students from districts across the country. The
creative writing competition was given on the topic “mother” because the event was brought up
for the International Mother Language Day. Students from across the country participated.
Target audiences and Stakeholders
Given that ACI is one of the largest conglomerates in the country, the target audience it has is
very large. To meet with the demands of this vast audience ACI works through four diversified
strategic business units. The business’s going out to pharmaceuticals, agriculture, retail and
consumer brands; the company holds a large amount of people looking up to our products and
Pharmaceuticals related audiences are those who are in need of medical care, which basically
means anyone at any time can feel the need of our products. ACI stands for hygiene, ACI built
its reputation through pharmaceutical products.
Agribusiness relates to those associated with agriculture. ACI focuses on the farmer growing
crops and makes sure they do not face harm while using our products and that our products
provide them with what they need. It is for the farmer to grow quality crops and for the people
with getting fresh and healthy food.
ACI retail chain is the largest chain retail store in Bangladesh. With 73 outlets across the country
it is easy for anyone to see what sort of an audience ACI holds. The retail chain called
“Shwapno” touches the lives in 35,000 households in their everyday life. ACI retail chain holds
the trust of thousands of people, because the assurance comes with a motto saying “কষ্টের টাকায়
শ্রেষ্ঠ বাজার” or “The best produce for your hard-earned money”.
With the sort of business’s my company holds it is easy for anyone to see what sort of an
audience ACI has. The target consisting of people in need of medical care to people buying
groceries for dinner to farmers growing crops ACI touches lives of every average person. ACI
makes sure that their audience can be anyone and they are ever present to serve a person to the
best possible products they can get.
Our principal bankers are Standard Chartered Bank, Prime Bank Limited, Eastern Bank Limited,
Bank Alfalah Limited, BRAC Bank Limited, Commercial Bank of Ceylon Plc, National Credit
and Commerce Bank Ltd, Agrani Bank Limited, One Bank Limited, Pubali Bank Limited, The
City Bank Limited, The Hongkong and Shanghai, Banking Corporation Limited, Dutch Bangla
Bank Limited, Dhaka Bank Limited, Mercantile Bank Limited, United Commercial Bank
The industry being a chemical industry we boast many chemical engineers. As well as
concentrating on the motor industry we manufacture tractors for farmers as well as making
fertilizer and insecticides for their crops.
With almost 10 thousand employees working ACI is strong with its manpower.
Media Unit
Creative Communications is a forward-thinking marketing and advertising firm, staffed by
dedicated and pragmatic specialists working as one team. Creative Communications Ltd. Is an
integrated communication firm founded in the year 2000. Through this communication firm ACI
deals with its advertisement, public relation and complete corporate communication solutions.
This firm helps the company build and maintain a strong relationship with the electronic and
press media. ACI not only deals with their media relations through this firm, but this firm is also
open to other industries to conduct business regarding public relations, advertising,
conceptualizing etc.

CSR campaign

The Objectives
We will hold a campaign to vaccinate children from catching the Influenza disease. The winter
season has just arrived and the chances of people getting sick from flus are higher than ever
before which is due to the nature of such extreme weather which is true especially in terms of the
contagious virus Influenza that is a respiratory disease. Such virus may cause sever disease and
in some cases death. The best way to prevent such disease is to get vaccinated. Since the virus
changes every year it is necessary to get vaccinated every year.
Our campaign has two main objectives:
Firstly, we will to raise awareness of the Influenza disease. Through this we will promote why it
is necessary to be vaccinated for Influenza and make people aware of where they can get
Secondly, we will provide free vaccination to the children, who are at higher risk of being
infected by the disease.
Our campaign will operate in the rural areas where people are usually more unaware of the
importance of such vaccination and are reluctant of getting proper medication.

Target audience
We will contact the local schools in the rural areas for setting up venues for our campaign. Our
main audience will be the locals of the rural area and financially poor people and their children.
Our other target audience are University students who will carry out the campaign in these rural
areas via volunteering.
Key Message
The slogan of our campaign will be “Don’t be Blue, Fight the flu”. The slogan gives the message
to people raising concern about this seasonal disease. Many people, especially rural people do
not take the normal flu to be fatal, but it can turn fatal in moments. Also, with the concern of
financial restrictions, here they can trust us and our campaign because it is free health care for

Tactics and media tools

We will promote our campaign through digital media, print media, radio and television.
Digital media along with hashtags shall help us to raise awareness about the disease also will
help us to get volunteers for the campaign. The print media will also help us do the same thing,
but us needed because rural people seldom have access to the internet. Through print and digital
media, we can register volunteers wanting to work with the campaign.
Television and radio can help us run our slogan for the campaign. As people in the rural areas
really like watching television and listening to the radio, they can really easily catch their
attention. Slogan along with some information’s about influenza will get the attention of rural
Budget and time frame
Time frame
It will take 10 days at least to research about the rural areas and contact the schools where we are
to set up our venues for our campaign.
It will take 3 weeks to organize all the volunteers and specify them the areas where they are to
promote the campaign.
It will take 10 days to contact the hospitals and all the media and their conformation. We are
targeting at least 10 major media which consists of digital and print media in both Bangla and
English languages.
It will take 1 night to setup the booths in all the areas and we are targeting for at least 100
volunteers operating in 5 different areas, a total of 500 volunteers.
The campaign will operate for 1 months.
There will be 10 booths operating in 5 different areas. Each booth will provide shots to
approximately 150 children. Per shot of influenza vaccination costs around 400 taka. So, an
approximate amount of 60,000 taka is required for per booth. A total of estimated 6,00,000 taka
for 10 booths. There might be some changes in the budget as we may have to restock if supplies
run out.
We will promote out campaign through front page news media every Friday for 1 month which
will cost us approximately 2,00,000 taka considering there are 4 Fridays in a month and the
accumulated cost per front page advertisement for all newspapers cost 50,000 taka. Radio
advertisement costs will be an estimated amount of 5 thousand taka per day for one month which
will be 1,50,000 taka. For social media promotion we will need 1,00,000 taka.
Finally, our budget for setting up venues constitutes of 30,000 taka per location which includes
the cost of banners, cross banner, chairs, table, pandle, t-shirts, etc. A total of 1,50,000 taka.
The total budget for our campaign is 12,00,000 Taka.
Success Measurement
This CSR campaign shall help us to get to know the rural audiences and also will help us to gain
their trust. For the rural people getting proper medical attention was and still is a major issue.
Even with normal winter related diseases the people of rural areas seldom get benefits and access
to medicine than their urban counter parts. With this campaign it will be easy for ACI to
understand what sort of treatment they require. Since every person living and breathing can be a
potential customer to our business, it is imperial for us also to think about them wherever they
might be.
Not just the rural people but also the student volunteers we require will put a good name for our
company. A company working and influencing the future subsequently works for the future as
well. There is no better investment than putting in a good name.
Given the magnitude of the company it will be easy for us to pull the campaign through. Also,
with the influence this company has it will be quite easy for us to register volunteers for the

Referencing (2019). ADVANCING POSSIBILITIES. [online] Available at: http://www.aci- [Accessed 29 Dec. 2019]. (2019). Flu Awareness Campaign. [online] Available at:
campaign [Accessed 29 Dec. 2019].
CDC Digital Media Toolkit: 2019-20 Flu Season. (2019, December 18). Retrieved from

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