Blood Enemies, Abominations of Cerilia PDF

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blood enemies
m 0 0 F 0 1 0

abomInatIons of cer111a

Color interior illustratio O'Connor, & h i e Swekel

Monochrome interio me, Alyce Bucker Cosart,

Special ll~anks:Rich lin McComb, Ed Stark


marks owned by TSR, Inc.

Random House and its affiliated c

TSR Inc. 120 Church End
Cherry Hinton
Cambridge CB13LB
United Kingdom

other AD&D@worlds.
The divine right of kings that courxes through the
player characters also flows through that of the
monstrous rulers known collectively as the
each of the main entries in thi
e following pattern: an autobio
are sometimes simply called

were once

abbreviated as DMG and t

Players' Handbook is a
viated as PHB.
Intelligence ability scores: + ARMORCLASSmeasures an awnsheghs natural
defense against damage before any magic, armor,
Nonintelligent or not ratable
Animal intelligence bonuses are noted in parenthese

its, ,andothers detailed in this book.

~ I G N M E N Tdefines the general behavior of

age range.

y magic cast at an

spells and magical abd

ORALE is the general ra

facts from the t

D are
, nondescript journal,written apparently by a
ng girl, contains one page of interest that per-
ins to the Apocalypse: “I saw a face in the gray THACO:Unkn

t come at me, so it must not have. . . .” Whiie

travels with thf

d contacts an NPC 01
magic or contract a dis-

curse and dispel magic spells

heal spells negate the

enter Azrai’s lungs, for

i . i

tures of my father a

tejoiced, for it left me to my own council and my

own wants and desires.
“One day, it became apparent that I had fallen
from my father’s favor and t
themselves. M y voice became
myself and everything-I touc
beauty I gazed upon wilted and died.’ That was the
moment I turned fully to Hate, for I had nowhere
else to dwell. The Hate in me renounced everythiig
my father stood for, and I now punish all that is not
Hate and destroy all that is beautiful.”

What motivates the loathsome creature called the

Basilisk?Long ago, the answer was simpler, as is told
by the monster’s own tongue: It is angry for being Semi- (3)
did not wish to bear, and its inter- ACTIVITY
olded its body to the reptil- DIET:Omnivore
Now. it simdv resDonds to ALIGNMENT Neutral evil
mouth are poisoned unless a saving throwvs. poisoi
is successful. If the saving throw is failed, the victin
loses ld4 points of Strength and Constitution pe
round. If either statistic is reduced t o 0 or fou
rounds elapse without aiding the poisoned charac
dies. If the toxins are neutralized ii
statistics and the
in ld6 hours.

REALM NAME:The Basilisks Dom.

LOCATION:East of the Tarvan Was
ALIGNMENT:Neutral evil
STATUS:Not available for PC use
Law: There is nothing hut lawle
soned land, with brigands, giants, and an awnshegl
imposing order by force. The giants control a hold
ing (1)in Broken Hills.
Temples: The once-great
ober a century ago by one of
* .,.

the Zhaiige. The giants

periodically trade with bold.
rivermen, exchanging their l i e -

s strictly and greedily controlled by the Basilisk.

e are ley lies established to draw power to its
of power at Brokendale, but it has been
s since any force has used the powers here.

armed the Basilisk si

enough power to protect our sylvan glades at the trees, pushing through thickets as dense as stone,
forest’s heart than to kill it ourselves. Unfortu- and crossing
nately, many of the blooded heroes who seek to over steep i
hang the Boar’s white pelt as a trophy have fallen to hds,he
‘its savage tusks. With each hunter’s death, the Boar reached the

daiiy to Erik to see

because, unlike m


and age, comes once a ye

a quest into the forkst to des
enmarch. Howe me ~
any and all druids in order to

ar’s ravaging. The outer third o

itself. This never lasts more than a few days

e incursion is discovered. Soon thereafte

S:Elias Oakheart leads the dru

ringode. He has collected around him a
n other druids who serve aqd learn

s to the dryads of the forest as

both the wounded D

e to act on them

ruined tower be
Chaotic evil
15, Fl18 (C)
I L(11’long)
still talk in 10 1

efore. Some goat

ruined tower of

, depends on a variety of
nger, patience, and the mo
line members, one fro

rary in nature; only two oft

)then are fugitives from
lomains. The Council's leaders ar

11. .in exiled Anuircnn v m t e d for miiriler in thrct rirulcnt sort in planning the removal of his felloy
ruvinics in \leclwrc .rnd .\vnnil. \Ihile he is ,$ h o u n . Council memhers.
.xtorl;onist.he manage> to mdintain a i c v \nuU trade Ruorkhe: Directly undrr the gaze of the Chi-
route) Nith C.'iwrdn!.\ dnd Hdruk-Ah&.
maera, Ruorkhc is d blasted. ruined village of poorly
Ilamein: This inner port iontrols the mouth of kept hovels and storehouses. Honerer, Kuurkhe is
the river Icadinl: int,,, and t h u s hold- a also one of the Chimaeron's ri;hcr towns. Much of
large .>drgainingchip \vith thdt country 'The tcnvn's Ruorkhei life takes place underground. as it afiords
mayor, Lord .\lyonii>.often is heard pnrmi>in ' ' -
herter protection from the Chimaera's rages. The
tors " ~ n r ~ h i nisgpossible here in Lap,,., ior rl I person responsible for this deceptive pla:e and its
The tmvn i\ named dter the ' e,' original namc lower tunnels and chmbers is the town's leader, an ...
for t h 2 lake to the north. exiled duarf named Charrck Ironfist.
Luandar: Ruled ' T I ~ U ~ ( I U pdranoic
S Salviene: Farther out in the Gulfof Coernnsr.:f.
Rjirik named Ot~lol a poor. dirty por SiIviene is prosperous due to its Kxmhling and
. L _ I . . ..,. .

' I - i u t the only .,: excesses nor found in ports a i t h i n Coeranys. Irs

1 port in the, . ' &r Chandol, a self-proclaimed duke, is a native of
:. .. .7.
the Chimaeron.
,Wear:'Ihis small port in thr province of Mhowe
L . stays alive because of its industrious shipbuilding.
i It is the only settlement within the Chimaeron nut
, dominated hy criminals and fugitives. and its iedder,
i Mayor Shanol, seems woeiullv o u t of place as an
I honest, hard worker among his fellow leaders.
&Ids us in her-grasp.”Serious disru
tus quo are ushered t
under the pretense of
criminals are quickly
oesn't invite allies, though he

Kriesha, and Belinik, and m

states far better than most
of Kal-Saitharak.
Since that time; Drachenward and Grabentod The Hag casts spells as a 15th-
not seen peace. While no wars have been eve1 wizard. Memorized spells are:
t, skirmishes and disputes occur with regular 1st Level: Alarm, charm person, grease, magic

character sleeps for a number of

minus his Constitution score. At
cessful system shock roll all0

remove curse are used on him), he perform Hag herself as temporary lairs. The Hag h
actions at a -2 modifier from lack o f energy lairs in her domain, and she hides tr

aze, to recover or die soon after.

uth of Drachenwd, East of

are no other holdings

ere is nothing in tr
After surviving and

sin known to have been banished to the

still seem to be in place, allowed a w

Harpy controls the magical sources
hough she cannot establish ley lines
s and tap all their p w c r frqnfse.
. On the main isle,:shqCB;;tipi

ack as well as rein

h u m n s and the Hydra.
des or giant squi
mining equipment.
:fore and weren't really expecting to see much. "I never got a cle
]en the ice froze us in, I sent some of the look at the monster.
ibies to walk south and see how far the ice AU I saw was a tail

though it was seventy years ago, the thought of that

ray Those who'd been thing keeps me awake nights. They say that you
ked around lay on the can't get the call of the sea from your blood: I'm liv-
. .1 directions, scat- ing proof that you can. I haven't set foot on even thr
ered by the blow. smallest boat since that day."
Even as we -'~--.e is no actual depiction of the Leviathan in
cords. All accounts recall the flashing teeth
L - -ighty flukes, hut some call it a '----
whale and others a gigantic sei
swims. or flies nearby.

'The .Magian's Domain rebts
on the eastern coast, bordering
the Sed of I)ragons. Oncc called
Pipnet. this domain wd%conquered uithin a

a m to the interior domains of Rh

Magan and the kders know of

see Ahazarus as the Magi

ers are the other mos

the importance of proper historical records, I am
fraid our lieee deems them of little irnoort to him.
If you should need an account of the Manticore
arrival in our lands, then I, his faithful Yurre, ca
accommodate you in that.
agian began his conquest of tt
and the domain therein, nev
mmitted there spread. Jus
minded folk for domains around were outraged an
set out to stop this interloper. Qandar the Righ
eous, a paladin of Avani and relation to the ruling
bloodline of Djafra, joined the many heroes seeking
to stop the Magian.
for months, though neu

With the assumption of their blooded abilitie

vealed: He was becon
had a massive tail and
s voracious
S m u u C,)xorriuw 'fie Manticore is
brought into being by the Magian. WhW
was captured by the Riders, he bad shown
his blooded p o w z ~ s%e
lagian wanted tn
tu. ..
een here and wha

Tsar Lenski of the U s t Atka I

k leader. H e couldn't get the

over one issue or another. Tsar Lenski


main dissidents
are not yet kindled, and his aggressive posturing possible only by the following
along hi eastern border is evident of this. The only less night, carry an iron key
problem facing his successful conquest is the moun- around the castle three tim
tain ranges that border Zoloskaya and Yeninskiy. your left, approach the tree and step in with your
Luckily, these are soft mountains of great age which left foot fnst. If these steps are followed, a portal to
will make their ascension relatively simple. the Shadow World is temporarily opened within the
hollow of the enormous dead oak. This ent
WMAIN CAPIW YallSkia Lenski and Warlord

roperly feed and supply hi

growing fast, is learning his wea

prays diligently to Kriesha to d
him. B o r i s is the last son of the
controlled the southern
ALLIES:Rhuobhe Manslayer has no close allies. Th-
elven nations scattered around Cerilia hear no ani-

were ever tou

watch his crew di

uirean .L.FLLhant,

he other side of the

'lhc S'Gdrak; can wrap his length around a ship

I that's vnaUer than 20 feet auws and crush it bvtight-

ening the coil. If the wood of the .hip cannot save
from the heavens.
Those who doubt the Serpent's divinity have a
monster summoning Ill
6th Level: Monster summonine IV
onjunction with any other

ani- spitting and

form. He fights as an animal, squeezing the life out of

urik older, patie
vied Govan's fa

th her in her stronghold at Newtonor:

able man named Rolf Junnarson. H e keeps th
Council (7): Int 17-18;AL LN or N;A C Guard and its equipment in peak shape, ready t

L hoped that this would he1

of his ruler, but he realizes


en currently has a s
een Port Helen and

om Dantier that
ew The scrolls state
aeci ne aphinx has a unique ability to roar
.nd us abilities of fear and divine aura against
any creatures within 200 yards (saving throw vs.
wands or face the effects of either particular blood
ability). In addition, anyone within 30 feet of t h , ~
Sphinx when he uses his roar po
it is a large creature (8' or taller

fire shield, monster summoning 11,

: Domain of the
M o s t human or humanoid servants of th<
Sphinx tend to be short-lived; sooner or later they
displease their master, and his bestial temper

nd has avoided death for

voice, speaking for the monster.

IMPOKL~MNPCs: The strongest allies of the Sphinx

from their citadel in the

tch-chieftain known as
now more
4 - 1

powerful, and
it sat upon this
stable frame
like a proud
I existing copy of this writing.
ent, now known as the Aerele Scroll,
beacon on a a collection of information on early

shoreline. shipping and trade dong the Straits of Aerele and
My hands the Gulf of Coeranys, including a few notes on
became claws where certain ships sank. Its interest t o Thesselo
so massive and
sharp, I could
trim small
trees, disloyal
goblins, and spying elves with a second's effort. I
control the giant spiders
keeps the Spider’s goblins and gnolls from
harm by the many poisonous
denizens of the Spiderfell.
their assaults
1 r
Goblin Spider-Riders (100) Int 5-10; AL LE;AC
6; HD 1-1; hp 5; THACO 20; #AT 1; Dmg l d 6 (w ENEMIES:
weapon); SA Ranged weapons-bows ( l d 6 ) Save F1; The realms
Int 3-6; AL CE;
AC 4; HD 3+3; hp 15; THACO 17; #AT 1; Dmg Medoere,
l d 8 (bite); Save F3; SZ L (8' diameter); MV 12; and Diemed
ML 13; XP 975lea.
Note: The mounts for the Spider's goblins are a of the Spi-
type of giant spider indigenous only to the Spider- der's power,
fell. They act as steeder spiders (see the butthey do
MONSTROUS MANUAL tome) for the goblins. not attack

awnshegh and tran

able orders for the

ed from tree tf

mce no on
kill the being that
murdered his kind
he Sinister and my battle with it signalled t

panions two years to

ions had hunted the lesser awnshegh in Rohrmarch finally locate the location of the awnshegh, as the
and Kiergard. This time, we answered the call and Sinister survived by staying mobile at d l times. Brit-
faced the abomination in its own lair. ter became obsessed in his search for this evil being,

stance. It was unprepared to face one of he readied himself for the battle at the Sinister’s
and strength, for when I closed with it to refuge in the Vicissitude Mountains, he seemed a
my sword, he quickly fell. Even his mighty man possessed and on the verge of madness now
im myself before we re

high honors. Britter ignored all of it and stalked

o aUr,ruler; after easily batting away four per-

I 18

REALM NAME:The Vampire's Realm.

S: 18/00 (+3/+8) D: 17 C: 20 (+6hpAevel)

I: 14 W 12 Ch: 15

has turned black over the years.

and bites its neck. After one round, during whi

Vampire only holds and bites its prey, the held
is dead, its body a dessicated husk, and the Vam
gains one permanent hit point per level or Hit
the victim. Blooded victims are drained of blo


16/40 F
n D

from using the wings for l d 6 hours.

form to flee by transporting

World at any location, creating
from northwest-to-sou
forests cover the rest of

nd the cities bins that serve as

of Bloodshroud.

Fielding Bluffs or as
in Bloodshroud.

during th
Eently used
~ y trustw
) .
+n sll but I
le publi
xpand the borders of

considers that she receives very little in taxes but

manages to wage war and infiltrate guilds in
warmer months.

flicting accounts of
and what she looks
m m m


- r . ..
its touch would leave a
after contact (3d10
in the area learned to

were found in

beast-the Wolf was watching us! It may h

watching us for hours, or even days.
Day 51: Today we spotted the creature
was about one mile away
site, and we decided to set

minutes staring at us. I thi

I later established an em

things that either don’t matter or about things I
don’t understand. Shaeron’s even talking in a gut-
tural language at times, and I’ve no idea what she

91:The Wolf and Shaeron ran into the suspects it is. When it’s hungry, it kills, preferring to
gether. Very late in the evening, they came kill things with less intelligence than himself: Intelli-
a moose carcass. I moved t o cut a gence tends to bring o
r but was met with two pairs The Wolf either con
red teeth. I ended up waiting blood or was infected
blooded awnshegh,

to move to a dif-
its territow with a large

mine gold from the mountains.

ed into its new location, the west

cursions into its territory.

threatened, the Wolf can attack with
are the western provinces of Hjorig currently con-
sidered part of Wolfgaard. It is sparsely populated
with hunters and fishermen, and the small settle-

ARMY: The Wolf travels in a pack with tight normal quent at best. Few taxmasters willingly journey to
wolves, as per the MONSTROUS MANUAL accessory. the area, choosing instead sav thev were robbed

Wolf must deal with

However, she will be
spellcasters by giving th
ing a wide number of legends some of the attacker’s
accounts, and other reliabl man became animate,

by interviewing the Gorgon, Lamia, and other such headed through Rohrmarch to Binsada.
notables that no amount of coercion could convince The Binman currently stillwanders the lands of Bin-
them to continue their researches on these beings sada, Zikala, and Sendoure, seeking a true purpose
noted below. As such, it is imperative and more power. It generally kills any-
that the reader understand that these one who challenges it, but it also has
notations are a combiition of my
own theories, what few facts we
know about each between).

k t parts
.c nact

sene, this raven-haired beauty was called Tara, and s led acts as a seer
she was the sole daughter of a highly placed noble
family of Anuire. She was present in her pavilion near
the battle of Deismaar, and was thought buried under
tons of rock in the final explosions that rocked the

cal accounts tell of her rise from the rubble of Mount old, but none looks older than his mid-twenties,
Deismaar. Believers of the legends say she has grown Known as Bori, Molor, and Tjmnos, these men are
to loathe the creature her husband has become, and never without their heavy axes or knives.
she bides her time in marshalling her power and If rumors are to be believed, it is best not to cross
learning magic to destroy him. Few speak of how she either Dame Wither or her sons. She may have the ,

changed over the years, though one legendary wither touch of Azrai's blood, though she is not cor-

) One of the first true

awnsheghlien, the yk was an enemy of all

sent at
form abl11~1
slew a nun

ability to shift around killing blows.

Golden Unicorn: (Ehrshegh)An ally and
retainer of Haelyn at the battle for
Mount Deismaar, Bhaervas
nous height


re on me nc
has aided the forces oi
Roele bloodline could call on
e Pegasus in years.

rshegh) Many details on this

are steeped in legend, but it is known
that the Phoenix was once the daughter of a promi-
nent Khinasi house and a priestess to Avani. She
became so peaceful and so close to the gods that
she burst into flames and became the fire
known as the Phoenix. That is all that can be
roborated in texts. Oral traditions of southern ‘ I
ilia offer over 200 versions of the Phoenix’s tale
each tied to the teller’s family or a friend’s family
While she has not been officially sighted in Q--- 30C
rs, the Phoenix might roost at the p-k Ras
issid on the island of C

:t that she i
L number of shil
T-"is, a scribe 111 LIK LILY UL llieI1,
iaae of the Sea, for that is he
Tylas also suggest
be found in an old seamar.,
'- '?sing her man to the se-
swim out and bring hi

drils of shadou
e t'

out of the
5 nis path that
wer and <hall

:ntly allied with the

s'a man d to inLrease hls

ng evilly from the hopes o
tems from his
t o t r a v e l . If
lanced Gor

. *
. .--.\ .
- -71

ithout I
.11G1 JV1

inn the rgon down.

he Rulebook of the BIRTHRIGHT
set details bloodline abilities for
of the ancient gods, including t
bloodlines descended from Azrai. These abiliti --
ded char- '-

nhostile creatures or scare ene-,

stiles or confusion on
ower, regardless of its

perivation: Any except Az creri.lures of six or fewer hit dice. S~

, Blooded characters ca ?a, when used with a divine aura, ca

forms to access their bloo ge of either aura to 100 feet.

magic is needed to stave off death in

successful, the effects still operate as

dangerous variants

blooded character can sense all living crea-

every five that pass. A major long life sees a charac-

e considered unique

or suffer Id8 points of damage;

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91995 TSR, Inc All Rights Resewed
she& Commander
This card may stack with any units in one area.
Any unit accompanied by its awnshegh commander automatically
succeeds all morale checks and gains a special power.
Gorgon: + 1 bonus to all melee attacks.
Magian: Units gain a saving throw versus spells. Roll any die; an odd
result cancels the spell’s effects; an even result indicates normal
spell effects.
Raven: +1to all defense ratings.
Rhuobhe: Units treat all rout results as fall back.
+ I bonus vs.

+ibonus vs.
mounted ""ltS

Melee: 3
r i bonus vs. pikes t i bonus vs. pikes
Move: 1 and irregulars,
Defense:3 Defense:3
1 Morale:V f4

Melee: 2


4 # BE34
Melee: 4
Move: 1 Missile: 2
Defense: 3 tlbonos vs pih rl bonus YS. pikes
Morale: I & and mrregulars and irrequlars.


Knuome muobhe's
Elf Arche Elf Scouts
Move: 3 Move: 3
Defense: 2
Morale: X A '


- b 1995 TSR lnc


d B 1995 TSR Inc

Move: 2
Morale: X k - 1 Morale: Ik

Kaven's Cavalry k o m m Archers

Move: 3 Move: 1
Defense:3 Defense:2
Morale: Ik ~

- b 1995 TSR lnc


d B 1995 TSR Inc
I--- A

Move: 1
Defense: 1
Morale: X

Move: 3
Iefense: 3
Morale: I k

rvarBitua U C Y

Move: 4 Move: 3 Melee: 2

Defense: 2 Defense:2 Missile: 3
Morale: X I - Morale: X k Scouts ignore

..^ -4

Skirmishers Melee: 3
Move: 2 Missile: 2
rl bonus vs.
Defense:3 ,rreg”la,S
Morale:X I \

1 :aalayy
1!H L

- b 1995 TSR lnc


d B 1995 TSR Inc
Magian's Riders
Move: 2
Morale:X V C
Melee: 4
Charge: 5
Missile: 4
/I Immune to all spells.
' iviagian's Cavalry
Move: 3
Morale: IC
Melee: 3
Charge: 5
Missile: 1

Melee: 3 Move: 2
Charge: 5 Defense: -
+I bonus vs.
Missile: I Morale:X C

Missile: 2
SC0"tS ipore Morale:X It
, terrain penalties.
Y i

- b 1995 TSR lnc


d B 1995 TSR Inc
Move: 2
+lbonus vs. Hkes
Defense: 2 and irregulars.
Morale: X I Morale: X I
P 7

4 # BE22
Melee: 4
~ Move: 2 Charge: 5
Defense: 3 .-
Morale: X I k

orale: 4

Awnshegh Commander
This card may stack with any units in one area.
Any unit accompanied by its awnshegh commander automatically
succeeds all morale checks and gains a special power.

Gorgon: +I bonus to all melee attacks.
Magian: Units gain a saving throw versus spells. Roll any die; an odd
result cancels the spell's effects; an even result indicates normal
spell effects.
Raven: c l to all defense ratings.
Rhuobhe: Units treat all rout results as fall back.
# BE55

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