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Mean, Median & mode

1. Find the mean, median and mode of the following data:

(i) 84, 91, 72, 68, 87, 84
(ii) 65, 61, 72, 81, 51, 31
(iii) 38, 31, 22, 20, 31, 61, 15, 20
(iv) 15, 11, 18, 23, 11, 19, 11
(v) 7, 12, 18, 14, 19, 20
(vi) 26, 25, 29, 23, 25, 29, 30, 25, 28, 30.
2. Find the mean, median and mode of the following data:
i) X: 5 10 15 20 25 30
F: 4 5 7 4 3 2
ii) Marks: 24 20 35 52 50 48
No of students:4 7 3 9 5 12
iii) X: 10 20 30 40 50 60
f: 8 15 12 10 9 6
3. The MP of the share of Appollo food products limited during the 1 st two weeks of 1986
are given below
Week 1 35.5 34 33 32.5 35 38
Week 2 42 43 38 36 37 35
a) Calculate the average MP during the 1st week and 2nd weeks
b) Calculate the average MP during the 2nd weeks
4. The data on the age of a recently admitted bath of 150 MBA students are given below
Age: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
No: 20 30 35 25 20 10 5 2 2 1
5. Find mean, median & mode
C-I : 21-26 27-32 33-38 39-44 45-50 51-56
Frequency: 2 6 7 5 3 2
6. In a class of 50 students, 10 have failed and their average of marks is 2.5. The
7. Calculate AM from the following
Marks: 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
No of Students: 100 90 80 60 32 20 13 5
8. There were 500 workers working in a factory. Their mean was calculated as Rs200. Later
on it was discovered that the wages of two workers were misread as 180 & 20 in place of
80 & 220. Find the correct average
9. Three teachers conducted a test in statistics in their classes. The average marks obtained
in their classes were 65, 59 and 76. There were 30, 42 and 28 students respectively in
their classes. What were the average marks for all the classes
10. A time & motion study of a certain operation in an engineering firm shows the following
distribution for 200 workers. Calculate the mean length of time required to complete the
C I: 5-12 13-20 21-27 28-34 35-42
Freq: 10 36 62 72 20
11. Calculate A.M from the following data
C- I: 10-19 20-29 30-39 39-40 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89
Freq: 2 4 9 11 12 6 4 2
12. Find mean, median & mode
Height: 62-63 63-64 64-65 65-66 66-67 67-68 68-69
No of
Persons: 2 6 14 16 8 3 1
13. Find mean, median & mode
Marks: less than 50 <45 <40 <35 <30 <25 <20 <15
No of students: 97 95 90 80 60 30 12 4
14. Calculate AM, Median and Mode
Temperature: -40 to -30 -30to -20 -20to -10 -10to0 0 to 10 10to20 20t030
No of days: 10 28 30 40 65 180 10
15. Find mean, median & mode
C-I: 10-20 10-30 10-40 10-50 10-60 10-70 10-80 10-90
F: 4 16 56 97 124 137 146 150
16. The mean salary paid to 1000 employees of an establishment was found to be Rs180.40.
Later on after disbursement of salary it was discovered that the salary of 2 employees was
wrongly entered as RS297, 165. Their correct salaries were Rs197 &185. Find correct
17. Calculate AM by shortcut method
X: 462 480 498 516 534 552 570 588 606 624
F: 98 75 56 42 30 21 15 11 6 2
18. Calculate mode for the following data
CI : 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50
F: 2 8 12 18 24 14 10 6 4 2
19. The mean of the following distribution is 67.5 inches. Find the missing frequency.
Height in inches: 60-62 63-65 66-68 69-71 72-74
Frequency: 15 54 ? 81 24
20. Calculate the mean, median and mode for the following data
Class 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100
Frequency 3 7 13 17 12 10 8 8 6 6
21. From the following table find mean and Standard deviation
Yield in lbs No of plots
Over 0 216
Over 60 210
Over 120 156
Over 180 98
Over 240 57
Over 300 31
Over 360 13
Over 420 7
Over 480 2
22. Calculate mean and standard deviation for the following distribution
CI 2.5- 7.5- 12.5- 17.5- 22.5- 27.5- 32.5- 37.5- 42.5- 47.5- 52.5- 57.5-
7.5 12.5 17.5 22.5 27.5 32.5 37.5 42.5 47.5 52.5 57.5 62.5
f 12 28 65 121 175 198 176 120 66 27 9 3
23. Calculate median and mode for the following data
No of rejects per
Operator: 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55
No of operators: 5 15 28 42 5 12 3
24. In an Examination of 675 candidates the examiner supplied the following information
calculate the mean, median and mode
Marks Obtained No of Candidates
Less than 10% 7
Less than 20% 39
Less than 30% 95
Less than 40% 201
Less than 50% 381
Less than 60% 545
Less than 70% 631
Less than 80% 675
25. Obtain the mean, median & mode of the following
Marks: 10-25 25-40 40-55 55-70 70-85 85-100
Freq: 6 20 44 26 3 1
26. For a distribution of 250 heights, calculations showed that the mean and standard
deviation were 54 inches and 3 inches respectively. It was however discovered on
checking that the two items 64 and 50 in the original data were wrong written in place of
correct values 62 and 52 inches respectively. Calculate the correct frequency constant.
27. Make a frequency table having grades of wages with class interval of two rupees from the
following data of daily wages received by 20 laborers in a certain factory and find the
mean and median
14 16 16 14 22 13 15 24 12 18
18 20 20 17 14 13 11 21 21 12
28. Calculate the mean, median and the mode from the following data.
Weight 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89
( in grams)
No of Apples 14 42 24 54 21 18 17 15

29. Estimate the mean, median and the mode from the following data. The following list
gives the marks of students scored out of 200.
Marks 10- 30- 50- 70- 90- 110- 130- 150- 170-
30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190
No of 3 2 4 5 6 10 9 8 7
30. From the following find the median number of minutes spent by a group of teenagers
going to movies.
Minutes/week: 0-99 100-199 200-299 300-399 400-499 500-599 600 & more
No of teenagers: 27 32 65 78 58 38 9
31. Calculate mean median and mode
Marks: less than 5 <10 <15 <20 <25 <30 <35 <40 <45
No of students: 29 224 465 582 634 644 650 653 655
32. Calculate mean median and mode
Marks: More than 0 >20 >40 >60 >80 >100 >120
No of students: 80 76 50 28 18 9 3
33. Calculate AM and median & mode from the following data
C: 130-134 135-139 140-144 145-149 150-154 155-159 160-164
F: 5 15 28 24 17 10 1
34. The mean height of 25 male workers in a factory is 61 inches and the mean height of 35
female workers in the same factory is 58 inches. Find the combined mean height of 60
workers in the factory
35. Calculate median from the following
61 62 62 63 61 64 64 60 65 63 64 65
66 64
36. Calculate median from the following
33 20 35 50 37 33 35 25 35 34 35
37. Calculate median from the following
Income: 100-200 100-300 100-400 100-500 100-600
Frequency: 15 33 63 83 100
38. Calculate median from the following
Monthly Wages: 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-90 100-110 120-130 130-140 140-150
No of workers: 8 12 20 30 40 35 18 7 5
39. A test was held to decide about of a scholarship. Different weights were assigned to
various subjects. Marks obtained by three candidates are as follows
Subject Weight A B C
Statistics 4 63 60 65
Mathematics 3 65 64 70
Hindi 2 8 56 63
Economics 1 70 80 52
If the candidates securing the highest aggregate marks is awarded the scholarship sate
who gets it
40. Calculate weighted AM from the following data
Design Monthly Salary (in Rs) Strength of the code
Class I officers 1500 10
Class II officers 800 20
Subordinate Staff 500 70
Clerical Staff 250 100
Lower Staff 100 150
41. total marks secured by the entire class were 281. Find the average marks those who have
42. Mean of 20 values is 45. If one of these values is to be taken 64 instead of 46. Find the
correct mean
1. Cities A, B & C are equidistant from each other. A motorist travels from A to B at
30Km/Hr; from B to C at 40Km/Hr & from C to A at 50Km/Hr. Determine his average
speed for the entire trip
2. In a factory there are 100 skilled, 250 semi skilled and 150 unskilled workers. It has been
observed that on an average a unit length of a particular fabric is woven by a skilled
worker in 2hrs, by a semi skilled worker in 3hrs & by a unskilled worker in 4hrs. After a
training of 2 yrs the semi skilled workers are expected to become skilled and unskilled
workers to become semi skilled. How much less time will be required after 2yrs of
training for weaving the unit length of fabric by an average worker
3. An aero plane flies around a square the sides of which measure 100m each. The aero
plane covers at a speed of 100Kms/Hr the 1 st side, 200Kms/Hr the 2nd side, at 300Kms/Hr
the 3rd side & 400Km/Hr the 4th side. Use correct mean to find the average speed around
the square
4. Compared to the previous year the overhead expenses went up by 32% in 1961 &
increased by 44% in the next year &50% in the following year. Calculate the average rate
of increase in overhead expenses over the 3yrs
5. In a certain factory a unit of work is completed by A, B, C, D, E in 4hours, 5hours,
6hours and 10 hours respectively. What is the average number of units of work
completed per hour? At this rate how many units will be completed in a week assuming 8
hour per day
6. The rate of certain commodity in the 1st week of January 1987 is 0.4Kg per rupee. It is
0.6Kg per rupee in 2nd week and 0.5Kg per rupee in 3rd week. Find the average price.
(Ans 0.486)
7. A vehicle when climbing up a gradient, consumes petrol at 8Km/litre while coming down
it runs 12Km/litre. Find its average consumption for to and from travel between two
paces situated at the 2nds of 25Km long gradient
8. A man travels from A to B at an average speed of 30Km/hr & returns from B to A along
the same route. Find his average speed
9. A collar manufauturer is considering the producton of a new style of collare to attract
young men. The following statistics of circumferences of the collars are available based
on the measurement of a typical group.
Mid values: 12 12.5 13 13.5 14
(in inches)
No of students:4 8 13 20 25
Use the criterion x ± 3σ to obtain the largest, smallest collar size he could make.
1. From the following information comment about the consistency of A & B
Mean 10.5 21.6
S.D 3.5 6.5
2. Suppose that samples of polythene bags from 2 manufacturers A & B are tested by a
prospective buyer for bursting pressure with the following results. Which set of bags
has the highest average bursting pressure? If the prices are same which
manufacturer’s bags would be preferred by the buyer? Why?
Bursting Pressure (lbs) No of bags
5.0- 9.9 2 9
10.0-14.9 9 11
15.0-19.9 29 18
20.0-24.9 54 32
25.0-29.9 11 27
30.0-34.9 5 13
3. Find the S.D of the weight of billet in 8gms as given in the following table
Class boundary
(Wt in Gms) Frequency
210-215 8
215-220 13
220-225 16
225-230 29
230-235 14
235-240 10
240-245 7
245-250 3
4. A study of 100 taxi drivers yielded the following distribution of Kilometers driven
per month
Kms/ month Frequency
Under3000 5
3000-3999 12
4000-4999 18
5000-5999 38
6000-6999 15
7000-7999 9
8000-8999 3
Do these drivers show greater stability in their mileage than in their driving
experience if they would have driven an average of 12 years with a S.D of 3 years
5. Find the missing information from the following table
A B C Combined
Number: 50 - 90 200
S.D: 6 7 - 7.746
Mean: 113 - 115 116.
6. A purchasing agent obtained samples of lamps from two suppliers. He had the
samples tested in his own laboratory for length of life with the following results. Find
which company’s lamps should be preferred by the buyer & why
Length of life Samples from
Company A Company B
1700 and under 1900 10 3
1900 and under 2100 16 40
2100 and under 2300 26 12
2300 and under 2500 8 3
2500 and under 2700 6 2
7. The score of two golfers A and B in 10 rounds are given below. Determine which of
them is more consistent.
A 55 54 52 53 56 58 52 50 51 49
B 108 107 105 105 106 107 104 103 104 101
8. Find the standard deviation of the following distribution.
Age 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50
No of Persons 170 110 80 45 40 35
9. The following table shows that monthly expenditure of 80 students of a university on
morning breakfast. Calculate Arithmetic mean, standard deviation and coefficient of
variation of the below data.
Expenditure 78- 73- 68- 63- 58- 53- 48- 43- 38- 33-
82 77 72 67 62 57 52 47 42 37
No of 2 6 7 12 18 13 9 7 4 2
10. Goals scored by two teams in a football session were as follows:
No of Scored in a No of Football matches played
Football match Team A Team B
0 15 20
1 10 10
2 7 5
3 5 4
4 3 2
5 2 1
Total 42 42
Calculate the coefficient of variation and state which team is more consistent.
11. Find the missing information from the following table
A B C Combined
Number 50 - 90 200
SD 6 7 - 7.746
Mean 113 - 115 116
12. You are given the distribution of wages in two factories x and y
Wages (in Rs): 50-100 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-350
No of workers x: 2 9 29 54 11 5
No of workers y: 6 11 18 32 27 11
State in which factory the wages are more variable
13. The following Table gives the marks obtained by a group of 80 students in an
examination. Calculate SD
Marks: 0-14 14-18 18-22 22-26 26-30 30-34 34-38 38-42 42-46 46-50 50-54 54-58
No of students:2 4 4 8 12 16 10 8 4 6 2 4
14. Particulars regarding the income of 2 villagers are given below
Village X Village Y
No of People 600 500
Average Income 175 186
Variance 100 81
i) In which village is the variation in income is greater
ii) What is the combined SD of the village X & village Y put together
15. A factory produces two types of electric lamps. A and B in an experiment relating to
their life the following results were obtained
Length of line: 500-700 700-900 900-1100 1100-1300 1300-1500
No of Lamps A: 5 11 26 10 8
B: 4 30 12 8 6
16. The mean and standard deviation of a sample size 10 were found to be 9.5 and 2.5.
Later on an additional observation becomes available. This was 15 and was included
in the original sample. Find the mean and standard deviation of the 11 observations
17. Calculate the coefficient of variation for the following data
Weight: 13.5-140.5 140.5-150.5 150.5-160.5 160.5-170.5 170.5-180.5 180.5-190.5
No of : 10 20 30 20 10 10
1. Find Karl Pearson coefficient of correlation and interpret its value for the following data
Age: 20 30 32 35 40 46 52 55 58 62
Sick day: 1 2 0 3 4 6 5 7 8 9
2. Find Spearman’s correlation coefficient
Marks by judge 1: 86 58 64 74 48 70 94
Marks by judge 2: 90 45 72 64 59 60 80
3. Calculate coefficient of correlation between age and sum assured from the data given
below and comment on the value
Sum assured (Rs)
Age 5000 10000 15000 20000
20-30 2 3 4 6
30-40 - 2 3 5
40-50 - 2 2 3
50-60 5 8 3 2
4. Obtain Karl Pearson correlation coefficient between X & Y
X: 23 29 33 35 39 34 38
Y: 15 18 21 17 25 26 28
5. Calculate coefficient of correlation between price and sales from the following data
Price(Rs): 100 90 85 92 90 84 88 90
Sales: 500 610 700 630 670 800 800 750
6. Obtain the correlation coefficient between the heights of fathers(X) and of the sons(Y)
from the following data
X: 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 67
Y: 67 68 64 72 70 67 70 68
7. A survey regarding the incomes and savings of 100 school teachers in a certain city
provides the following data
Income in Rs 50 100 150 200
400 8 4 - -
600 - 12 24 6
800 - 9 7 2
1000 - - 10 5
1200 - - 9 4
Calculate Karl Pearson correlation coefficient.
8. Following data relates to production and export (in million tons) of certain material.
Calculate the coefficient of correlation and comment on the result.
Production 55 56 58 59 60 60 62
Export 35 38 38 39 44 43 44

9. Calculate Rank correlation between the heights of father and son of the following table.
(Heights in inches)
Height of Father 65 63 67 64 68 62 70 66 68 67 69 71
Height of Son 68 66 68 65 69 66 68 65 71 67 68 70
10. The coefficient of rank correlation of marks obtained by 10 students in English and
economics was found to be 5. It was later discovered that the difference in ranks in the
two subjects obtained by one of the students was wrongly taken as 3 instead of 7. Find
the correct coefficient of rank correlation.
11. Calculate Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation and its probable error between
ages 100 mothers and daughters.
Age of Mothers Age of Daughters

5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30

15-25 6 3 - - -
25-35 3 16 10 - -
35-45 - 10 15 7 -
45-55 - - 7 10 4
55-65 - - - 4 5
12. Calculate Spearman’s correlation coefficient from the following data relating to overhead
expenses and cost of production
Over heads in (crores) 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160
Cost in (crores) 15 15 16 19 17 18 16 18 19
13. Calculate Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation for the following data of prices and
demand (43, 105), (54, 98), (85, 53), (91,49),(59, 84) (95, 40), (68, 73), (29, 59), (73, 63),
(72, 52)
14. Calculate Spearman’s correlation coefficient correlation from the following data
Supply: 120 110 120 119 140 125 127 119 140 160
Demand: 240 250 260 266 232 245 255 267 268 239
15. Calculate Pearson’s coefficient of correlation from the following data using 44 and 26
respectively as the origin of X and Y
X: 43 44 46 40 44 42 45 42 38 40 42 57
Y: 29 31 19 18 19 27 27 29 41 30 26 10
1. Obtain the equation of 2 regression lines for the data given below
X: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Y: 17 20 25 30 33 32 39 40 42
2. Given the following results of the height & Weight of 1000 students the mean height is
170cm; the mean weight is 75Kg;the S.D of the height & weight are 6cm & 6Kg
respectively; r=0.60;Amit weight 50Kg, Summit is height 1.5m tall. Estimate the height
of Amit from his weight and weight of Summit from his height
3. You are supplied with the following data; Variance of X = 36;
12X – 85Y + 99 =0; 60X + 27Y = 321; Calculate
i) Average values of X & Y
ii) S.D of Y
iii) Correlation between X & Y
4. An analyst for a certain company was studying the relationship between trend expenses
in Rs (Y) for 102 sales trips and the duration in days(X) of these trips. He has found that
relationship between X & Y is linear. A summary of the data is given below
∑X = 510 ∑Y=7140 ∑XY = 54900 ∑X2=4150 ∑Y2= 740200
a. Estimate the two regression equations from the above data
b. A given trip has to take seven days how much money should a sales man be
allowed so that he will not run short of money
5. The two regression lines are 4x - 5y + 33 = 0 and 20x – 9y =107 and variance of x = 25.
Find (i) the means of x and y (ii) the value of r and (iii) σy
6. A company wants to assess the impact of R&D expenditure on annual profits. The
following table gives the information for years. Estimate the regression equation and
predict the annual profit for the year for an allocated sum of Rs15000 as R &D
Year 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
R&D Expenditure(‘000Rs) 9 7 5 10 4 5 3 2
Annual profit(‘000Rs) 45 42 41 60 30 34 25 20
7. The following data were recently reported by an economist who wanted to learn about the
relationship between a family’s income and the proportion of that income spent for food.
Each of the families consisted of a married couple with two teenage children
Income (in ‘000Rs):14 18 22 28 35 39 42
% spent on food: 35 33 32 29 23 19 17
Predict the amount of money spent on food by a family of size 4 that earns 31000
8. In the following table are reordered data showing the test scores made by salesmen as an
intelligence test and their weekly sales
Salesman 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Test Score 0 70 50 60 80 50 90 40 60 60
Sales (‘000Rs) 2.5 6 4.5 5 4.5 2.8 5.5 3 4.5 3
Calculate the regression line of sales on best scores and estimate the most probable
weekly sales volume if a salesman makes a score of 7. Also estimate the test score when
the sales is 5000Rs
9. In the estimation of regression equation of two variables X and Y the following results
were obtained X = 90, Y=70, n =10, ∑X 2=6330, ∑Y2 = 2860, ∑XY = 3900, Obtain the
regression equations.
10. Two lines of regression are given by x+2y-5 = 0 & 2x+3y-8 = 0 and σx2 =12 calculate
a. The mean values of X & Y
b. Variance of y
c. Coefficient of correlation between x & y
11. Given the following data
Arithmetic Mean 36 85
SD 11 8
Correlation coefficient 0.66
a. Find the two regression equations
b. Estimate value of X when y=75
12. Regression equation of two variables X & Y are as follows 3X+2Y-26 = 0 & 6X+Y-
31=0. Find
a. Mean of X & Y
b. Regression coefficient of X on Y
c. Correlation coefficient of A & Y
d. The most probable value of Y when X = 5
13. A panel of judges A & B graded the following 7 debaters and independently awarded the
following marks
Debaters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Marks A: 40 34 28 30 44 38 31
Marks B: 32 39 26 30 38 34 28
An eighth debater was awarded 36 marks by judge A while judge B was not present.
How many marks would you expect him to award the 8 th debater assuming that the same
degree of relationship exists in their judgment? Find also the correlation coefficient

Unit IV & V
1. Explain various measures of central tendencies
2. What are the types of correlation
3. What is Ogive curve? Explain
4. Distinguish between ungrouped data and grouped data. Give example
5. Distinguish between correlation and regression?
6. What are the measures of dispersion?
7. Describe the role of correlation and regression for the data given below.

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