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Saad Ghoummid

14, Ezzouhour Street, Agadir 12345,,

June 2, 2020
Sanjay Singh
ABC Shop.
111 Andy Road.
Agadir 12345

Dear Mr Singh
I am writing to you this e-mail to inform you that our shop needs some fresh changes.
The last two months our sells are dropping dramatically, in my opinion this happens because of the less
interest of our customers for our products.
I have a suggestion to you sir in order to remediate the situation.
I think we need to sell a new distinguished product which is more attractive and affordable to our clients.
In my opinion the Nike Air Force low sneakers would be a great item to sell in our shop.
The shoes are comfortable and light, weighs about 0.34 kg, they are made of leather, rubber and are sold
in 5 different styles, low, mid, super low, high and super high. In addition to that they are suitable with
various styles.
The standard product dimensions are 14 x 8 x 6 inches, they are available in five different colours which are
the black, the white, the red, the grey and the green.
Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

Yours sincerely.

Saâd Ghoummid

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