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Diocesi di Civita Castellana

Santuario Santa Maria del Sorbo

Strada del Sorbo N°25, Campagnano di Roma, Italia.


Parish Priest of St. Gabriel’s Church
120 Division St. New Rochelle, 10801.
New York - U.S.A.

Rome, March 3 - 2020

Dear Reverend Dessier Pedelus,

As the Local Superior, in Italy, of Contemplative Xavierian Missionary Ad gentes, religious

community from Colombia, I can declare that Fr. Edwin Hernán Lozada Castañeda, is a priest from
our religious community, actually he lives on Rome like student in social and institutional
communications at the Holy Cross University in Rome. He was consecrated a priest on November
22, 2013 in Colombia. A priest of good moral standing, in good mental and physical health, Fr.
Lozada has no criminal background as of this date. I have not received any protest to, or charges
against, his pastoral duties with children and youth.

I wish you every blessing in your apostolate.

Our Holy Mother, Immaculate Mary, protect you always.


Fr. José Humberto López
Local Superior

Che tutto quanto facciamo sia collaborare nel progetto di Dio Padre
Missionari Contemplativi Saveriani Ad Gentes. Tel. 3275864470, Il Sorbo – Campagnado di Roma

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